neon-helmet · 9 years
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neon-helmet · 9 years
This is my new blog. Please follow me there!
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neon-helmet · 10 years
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sonia sanchez
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neon-helmet · 10 years
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8 poems by emmie rae, from the instagram squashedmochi. illustration by aldous massie
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neon-helmet · 10 years
Adventure Story
Mat Mat sat Sam Mat sat on Sam The sun was hot Sam had ten cats Come here said Sam In hand they went went to the end of the land went in wind went in sand went in sun had a rag Come back said Mat
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neon-helmet · 10 years
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Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
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neon-helmet · 10 years
hair goals
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neon-helmet · 10 years
List of Things My Phone Can't Do That Well Anymore
Make/ receive phone calls
Send/ receive texts
Take pictures 
Be not-cracked in many places
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neon-helmet · 10 years
I will have an undergraduate class, let’s say a young white male student, politically-correct, who will say: ‘I am only a bourgeois white male, I can’t speak.’ …I say to them: ‘Why not develop a certain degree of rage against the history that has written such an abject script for you that you are silenced?’ Then you begin to investigate what it is that silences you, rather than take this very determinist position - since my skin colour is this, since my sex is this, I cannot speak… From this position, then, I say you will of course not speak in the same way about the Third World material, but if you make it your task not only to learn what is going on there through language, through specific programmes of study, but also at the same time through a historical critique of your position as the investigating person, then you will have earned the right to criticize, you be heard. When you take the position of not doing your homework - ‘I will not criticize because of my accident of birth, the historical accident’ - that is the much more pernicious position.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (via silencedohood)
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neon-helmet · 10 years
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neon-helmet · 10 years
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neon-helmet · 10 years
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neon-helmet · 10 years
What We Should Name It
You watched a word sprout up through crud and worms and take a seat on your front lawn, cross-legged in the dark. Its pillowy skin, its bald head in the moonlight. When it pushed up through solid earth you wondered then if words, like waves, could pass through every tide and change of time. It cried and cried at a pitch too high out of range. Its shape was watery like an early memory. In this culture ears get sold by the pound. A pair gets tired, grows rusty, approaches obsolescence, and you need new ones then to gather sound.
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neon-helmet · 10 years
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neon-helmet · 10 years
Me and my friend
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neon-helmet · 10 years
happy birthday to me+you
edited by keith spencer. shot by me + keith spencer + allison crutchfield. 2015 BABY. more info coming real soon. 
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neon-helmet · 10 years
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