neondistrxt · 1 year
Nobody: Eva: Deejay when the beats kick in: @codedred
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neondistrxt · 1 year
"Hell you doin' sneaking into my diary? Didn't know you were the kind of woman to snoop around for a guy's private thoughts." His tone exaggerated. But no more less amused by the exchange of it all. Ever since he had gotten some fun reactions that caught Mukuro off her guard. It was free reign to enjoy himself. Not like he didn't lie about what he put out there. "Well I'd say we'd hit the jackpot then if were share the same thought now do we?" Her mischievous grin is only matched with a devilishly one. It was there that he did his own pull to step away a few paces while he continued talking with her. "I mean, I wasn't lying when I did say it back then. The look on your face? That is a gift that kept on givin'." There is a faint hah that escapes him before turning his eyes back onto Mukuro. "So, Mukuro. What brings a cute girl like yourself round this parts? Business? Pleasure? Both? I ain't one to judge." He figured he poke his head and be curious as to what brought Mukuro down to see him. The shady environment he live in ain't exactly teeming with friendly faces he finds.
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「Read it in your diary actually~」 Mukuro playfully chimes out, her lips curling up into an equally playful smile, honestly she had just asked him that to see his reaction and honestly she wasn't upset about it. Besides, it wasn't extremely hard for her to tell that Dante thought of her that way given the reactions he'd try to egg out of her from time to time。
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「What I'd do~」 Mukuro repeats his question, her head tilting to the side, 「be flattered, I suppose, I'm not called cute often, but I'd also admit that I find you quite cute as well~」 Mukuro doesn't move when he steps closer to her, closing the distance between them, in fact, her own mischievous expression would mirror onto her face。
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neondistrxt · 1 year
@charlotte-liddel continued from [x]
"That's moving a little too fast to pop the band question right. Unless, you know, you want to I mean." There was Yosuke giving his best impression of a innocents doe eyed look to contrast against the Icey stare that Lottie seemed to only. Only mere moment before the tension was enough for them to both laugh at themselves.
It was through Lottie's excitement shining on her face did. Heck it was hard not to contain his own excitement that he had someone he knew that played the guitar. Yosuke shifted where he sat as he looked at her. Hands on the neck of his guitar. "Me? Oh definitely self taught! I'd like to think I am pretty decent! Least for someone who is learning along the way!" No shame in being a little be self assured with where he stood. He was someone still learning how to play the instrument on his own terms. Might take a bit longer than most but it was one of the few decisions of a hobby he had least had to himself among others that he didn't mind putting work towards. Just to share a little thing he practiced on. He played Lottie a riff that sounded that is very close to the jingle one would hear at Junes that was sharp as it was smooth. "Eh? Sounds kinda similar right?"
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neondistrxt · 1 year
"Good enough place to start getting some new threads.." Dante had nodded towards Nix as he took in parts of the town to get accustomed to. It was surreal to have to get more clothing. But since Nix had been generous enough to let him stay for an extended time. He might as well get some new clothes. "Can start moving away from wearing the same musty armor you always see me in." A jest at himself he motions Nix to come join him around since the company was welcome. "Huh. I don't know what else I might need. Sides the essentials. Living on my feet. Could do with little. Feels weird to have a chance to get more than I need y'know?" He turned his head towards Nix. No doubt she is getting used to the idea of having someone she invited stay longer than either expected.
@neondistrxt - Dante
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"Here we are! This part of town has good shops for buying clothes, you should have no problem finding things you like here. After that, we can look around for anything else you need at the house."
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neondistrxt · 1 year
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Just want to apologize in advance to those who are still waiting on replies. My musing this week has been kinda low this week. Only got enough brain power for a couple of muses at the moment. Replies will resume its normal pace once this funk passes. Thank you to those who are patient!
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neondistrxt · 1 year
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He often wondered about Orihime. More so what she had that he felt that he couldn't replicate that she had. He never saw the bubbly personality as something of a hinderance. To be so expressive as she is. Smiling as earnest as she could. With a pleasant demeanor to tie it together. Sado often spent his moments observing more than speaking. That would yield him the expression he is known for. The quietness most would know him. His size and look draw unwanted attention. That he can't control. But if he had what Orihime had, would things be different in the school environment? Hard to say. He figured that now wasn't the best time to remain idle in his thoughts since Orihime was eager enough to reach out and join him for a change. He nods having motioned his head so that she may follow in a steady space. "Classes? Well, classes have been well." He turned around the corner, Head slanting back so Orihime knew where to follow. "Apart from one class, I am doing fine." He responded. He should probably try to direct something towards Orihime to keep things going. He would only hope that he can manage it, without the conversation reaching to a silent halt. "How have you been?"
She'd never really been popular, but one thing Orihime always tried to be was welcoming and kind. She knew how it felt to sit alone half the time and have no one to talk to, knowing Sado hadn't mentioned anything about having anyone to have lunch with, she made the effort to talk to him at least. She knew he was quiet usually, but this time she didn't have to be alone or wait for Tatsuki. A small nod as red locks swayed and she smiled ear to ear. "I'd love to join you, Sado-kun. How are your classes by the way?"
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neondistrxt · 1 year
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Alright gonna need a thread tracker. Hopefully I can find a website for that cause I can't imagine when it gets bigger later. Afternoon everyone! Just gonna take a moment to drop the interest tracker since new people came. People can like this post if I owe you a reply! Gonna organize right now before getting things going.
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neondistrxt · 1 year
❛ . . . sorry to call you out here like this , dee , but I think we need to talk. there. . . has been something on my mind. ❜ / BECAUSE I WANT ANGST APPARENTLY. - @codedred Dee Jay was no stranger to sensing the vibes of a situation. He had a knack for when things seemed off. As much as Dee Jay projected himself to be a cheerful guy, even Dee Jay had his moments to recognize when things would get a serious. Judging from the conflicted look on Evageline's face. It looks like something is hanging over like a dark cloud. Hard not to be when these two have had history... History that had a fair amount of hurt attached to each other. "It's not a problem at all! But looking at you, Eva, I got the feeling something bad is bothering ya." The concern had been etched on his own face as he closes the distance at arms length so he could better face Eva at eye level. "Never known ya to hide what you're feeling. You can tell me what's biting ya?" Deejay never was adept at handling more serious situations. Since he would like to be a more positive figure and move away from those troubling times. He still likes to think he is still making his own amends for what wrongs he did throw at Eva. Even when he wasn't his own man in control, in his heart he felt that he wronged her. He didn't stop trying to make things up for her cause that is how Dee Jay payed back those who needed a friend.
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neondistrxt · 1 year
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"Rain that doesn't let up huh? Well I ain't looking to catch something. So I got time to kill hanging back." Perhaps a bit of an annoyance to be at one place but it ain't like he really was gonna pass up a moment to park himself. Maybe get something vague going with his current company. "So tell me a little bit about yourself. A local around these part, ....?" Leaving it open ended to get a name for the woman in question.
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"Its only ever rain here now, we're lucky if we get a shred of sunlight. I wouldn't go out without an umbrella if I were you, unless you're looking to get soaked."
✖ @neondistrxt ❤'d for a teeny tiny starter.
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neondistrxt · 1 year
「   ASK MEME :   HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL?   」  * send anonymously or not. feedback is appreciated!
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neondistrxt · 1 year
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Like this post if you want a starter! Please mention muse you want. Otherwise no starter!
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neondistrxt · 1 year
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Alright gonna need a thread tracker. Hopefully I can find a website for that cause I can't imagine when it gets bigger later. Afternoon everyone! Just gonna take a moment to drop the interest tracker since new people came. People can like this post if I owe you a reply! Gonna organize right now before getting things going.
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neondistrxt · 1 year
@whiskeysmulti surprise starter cause Orihime wants friend time
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"Do you want to come along?" Sado could only gather as much. He had been generally staying in his own lane as he usually did in class. Once class was adjourned for lunch did he see Orihime make her way to chat with him. It was a little strange to be on the receiving end of conversation from her. Then again, these past several weeks haven't been what he could have imagined happening. Still he had no ill will against Orihime open to chat for a bit. Which prompted Sado to ask her, so they can get to talking while they ate. Though part of him wonder if he could even hold his own in a conversation. Part of him wonders how Orihime could do it with her bubbly demeanor. Small talk was never his biggest strong suit. There is a motioning of his body to make way should Orihime accept to follow him to his usual spot.
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neondistrxt · 1 year
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I am doing my rounds online. I will be reaching out to mutuals to get stuff going. Responding to RPs here and on Discord. Just a reminder, I got an interest tracker to fill out. Makes talking about muses you want to write with go much more smoothly. Hope everyone is doing tight.
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neondistrxt · 1 year
⋆ ⁺ ₊ ⋆ ☀︎ showing affection.
add [ reverse ] to change sender and receiver's roles.
[ arm ] sender links arms with receiver.
[ back ] sender pats receiver on the back.
[ blanket ] sender wraps a blanket around receiver.
[ cheek ] sender kisses receiver's cheek.
[ chore ] sender does a chore they know receiver hates doing.
[ cook ] sender cooks for receiver.
[ feed ] sender feeds receiver a bite of their food.
[ flowers ] sender gives receiver some flowers.
[ forehead ] sender kisses receiver's forehead.
[ gift ] sender gives receiver a gift. specify what.
[ hair ] sender brushes receiver's hair.
[ hand ] sender kisses the back of receiver's hand.
[ picnic ] sender takes receiver out for a picnic.
[ ruffle ] sender ruffles receiver's hair.
[ take ] sender takes receiver's hand.
[ takeout ] sender shows up to receiver's place with dinner.
[ tea ] sender makes receiver a hot drink.
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neondistrxt · 1 year
Send 👌 if you would like to explore a PLATONIC relationship between our muses!
Send 😎 if you would like to explore a FAMILIAL relationship between our muses!
Send ❤️ if you would like to explore a ROMANTIC relationship between our muses!
Send 💋 if you would like to explore a SEXUAL relationship between our muses!
Send 💥 if you would like to explore a ANTAGONISTIC relationship between our muses!
Send ❓ for a different dynamic - and tell me more about it!
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neondistrxt · 1 year
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I am doing my rounds online. I will be reaching out to mutuals to get stuff going. Responding to RPs here and on Discord. Just a reminder, I got an interest tracker to fill out. Makes talking about muses you want to write with go much more smoothly. Hope everyone is doing tight.
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