neoneona-blog · 7 years
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pastel palettes ❤
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
How to show expression with the mouth!
This was a request and at first I wasn’t sure if I had anything to provide with, but as it turn out it got a little longer than I expected because there were actually things I had to say!! Wow!! 
Anyway, this is some guidelines I follow when I try to make the face expressfull, more specifically the mouth! It is often neglected, since it’s actually pretty hard, I’ll admit. But I’m here to help (hopefully…)! A mouth expression tutorial as per request. Enjoy and hopefully it will help some a little. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Draw the teeth at the right angle. 
This is super important. The upper jaw follows the angle of the head, and the lower jaw will depend on how open it is. Make sure you have a rough estimate of where the teeth are, and how much of them you’re going to see!
The lips will VERY roughly follow the same angle as the teeth. It really depends on the character, but it gives you a sense at least. 
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If you DON’T do this, you’re going to lose so much volume and the mouth is going to end up looking unrelatable. I showed this example in this tutorial:
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It’s not just the lips! 
The cheeks, chin, and tongue play a role too! 
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Try look at your own mouth or references! I have a very pliable and large mouth, so that’s one reason why my characters have it too lmao.
ASYMMETRYYYYY (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
I cannot emphasize how important asymmetry is when drawing expressions. It applies not only to the eyebrows to achieve the Dreamwork Face™, but also the mouth. Seriously if you draw a symmetric mouth I will deliver myself to your mailbox and then shout at you until you fix it. 
Look at the difference between these two for example: which one has more “life”? 
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I think you get the idea.
Push and squish - give it flow
Here’s an old drawing I have but it illustrates how I think when I squish the mouth, and use folding and wrinkles to my advantage.
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Look at your own face and see where skin bundles up, where it creases the most and when bumps appear on your chin. Subtle details makes all the difference! 
One VERY effective detail is illustrated in the first sketch, where I pull upwards on one side, and downwards on the other. That’s a good detail to use when the character is making a skewed expression, or is extremely frustrated. I encourage you to play around with that concept bc it’s ~super effective~!
Happy: Your entire mouth is pushed upwards, not just the corners of your mouth!
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I tend to draw a :3 mouth bc I’ve been drawing Lance too much….. You don’t have to but it’s basically imprinted in my motor memory by now. 
Pouting/frowning: corners are pushed down, middle pushed slightly up. Sometimes, there’s a slight dip in the middle too. It can give a sense that the character is biting their lips.
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Showing frustration/intimidating/is intimidated: basically showing a lot of teeth. The corners are as open as possible and the middle sorta more squished. An extremely important detail here is showing some of the gums, and open space between the cheeks and teeth. That way it looks like the mouth it open to it’s full potential. Here is also where you basically MUST add folds and bumps, or else it’s not going to look relatable. 
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(Here I am again with the pulling upwards on one side and downwards on the other, as illustrated on the last sketch)
And then again, here’s just another doodle showing how important it is to show the gums. It’s the same face twice, but the second one looks slightly more frustrated doesn’t it?
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(from my other tutorial on how to draw facial expressions)
As you can see, this last one is very versatile and I draw it a lot. Play around with the basic shape and see how much subtle details makes a lot of difference! 
That’s it! 
I hope that cleared some things up and was somewhat helpful! Enjoy drawing ✨
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
Gather ‘round Neotag, here’s some Slushie Slinger Tips for you this Altador Cup Season
Ok, so here’s the stupid worst game ever
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But follow a few tips and you’ll get to 600+ points
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At first, you want to get the right slushies to the right customers and collect the cups too, pace yourself steadily and you’ll do fine.
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However, at Level 5, start switching your game up, GIVE THEM THE WRONG SLUSHIE! They will not get mad, you may get less points, but it buys you valuable time collecting up those cups flying back at you
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Heck, there may even be times where you get from the right machine and give it to the right customer, this I find happens at least 50-65% of the time that you guess a slushie and they want said one, which works out nicely.
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Now brace yourself at level 10, this is where things get slippy, basically just hold out as long as you can, and once you’re all out of mistakes, collect your points and start again.
Good luck slinging this Altador Cup Season, Neotag
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
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shrump shaker
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
neopets purity test
add up ur score to see how bad of an egg u have been on neopets.com
had a pet’s hunger be at dying: 500 np
dated someone through the site: 500 np
had your neopets date on the site: 500 np
sneaked in an offsite link in a neomail or on the boards: 500 np
fed your pet a “cannibalistic” food (ex. blumaroo steak): 2000 np
fed your pet a draik egg: 6666 np
abandoned a pet: 1000 np
abandoned more than 10 pets: 4000 np
abandoned a lutari: 2000 np
had your pet fight a battledome challenger knowing they’d lose: 700 np
GUP’d a pet: 1000 np
GUP’d a draik: 1200 np
GUP’d a UC: 7000 np
named a pet something bad: 900 np
had your account frozen: 3000 np
had your account frozen more than once: 8000 np
had your account silenced: 700 np
had your account silenced more than 10 times: 3000 np
had your account permasilenced: 3500 np
been given a warning: 600 np
been given more than 10 warnings: 1500 np
posted nsfw content on the boards: 2000 np
posted nsfw content on a petpage: 1500 np
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
So if i have a neopets account from when i was a kid, and i know the username but no idea what email was used, or the password. Is there a way i can gain access to it, is it even worth it?
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
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ahhh, he’s a cutie.  Ruki has always been a lowkey dream pet, but i would never know how to customize them or really what to paint them. 
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
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i doodled a lil green bean baby, she’s a cutie. i really wish you could like dual paint baby neopets. green baby aishas  👌 👌 👌 first time ever really drawing digitally ahahahah, feel free to give me some pointers if you wanna.
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
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oh my god you drama queen calm down.
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
OOO! Hooded Faellie Baby Blanket, Adorable Freckles, Petpet Plushie Garland. I don’t have any boxes sadly, congrats on getting unfrozen though!( ◞・౪・)
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IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING. My account was unfrozen, and I’ve finally decided to clear out all the NC items I’ve hoarded (but never use). Above you will see precisely 180 items, all of which are up for grabs!
You don’t have to be following me (this isn’t a neoblog, but now that I’m back on the site I will hopefully be posting more about neo)
Reblog and add to the post (not in the tags) the top 3 items you would like if you win
Please only reblog to one account, to keep the system balanced
Additionally, all of the items here are up for trade for any Gift Box Mystery Capsule. If you’d like to guarantee that you’ll get a certain item, please send me an ask or message here on Tumblr with your GBC offer (I’m willing to go very low)! The more Gift Boxes I get, the more people will be able to win, so any trades are appreciated! (Current Gift Box count: 14)
The winners will be chosen via random name drawing. The first name drawn will receive all three items on their wishlist! The second and third will each get two items of their choice, and each runner-up will have one.
Giveaway ends on Midnight NST, July 1st. Good luck to everyone! <3
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
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WELP I’m not using my Neopoints, and I think there are some people who follow me who could put them to good use.
Anyone with a Neopets account is eligible.
1,500,000 NP
1,000,000 NP
500,000 NP
Reblog this post and tag it as “*enter*”.  If it doesn’t have that tag, your reblog is merely a signal boost.  However, you can add anything else to the post.  “Likes” do not count as extra entries.  One entry per person.
I will be picking winners on Sunday, May 14 between noon and 4pm, Pacific Standard Time.  Winners will have until Tuesday, May 16, at 6pm PST to respond to my messages.  Good luck!
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
Should I buy the lab ray? Is it worth it?
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
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Any one want to adopt a Glowing Gelert? He has a nice name, Five letters, Capital first letter (Z) .
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
The struggle
buy more books or keep saving for the secret lab ray
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
No idea how some people have read 3000+ books to their neopets ahaha, i’m struggling with just 212
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neoneona-blog · 7 years
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