nerdprincess73 · 7 months
Today I was talking with my mom about why seeing an alligator is fundamental to my mental health. At first she laughed but I got her to listen and she gets it now. My psychiatrist and I call this the alligator litmus test, and it works really well for making decisions about my treatment. I bring this up because perhaps there is something in your life that you can use in a similar fashion.
I have severe major depressive disorder, and I treat this depression with medication. I've been on meds for about... seven years now, and sometimes we have to mess with them. But sometimes the emotional part of the depression is just super bad and there's something underneath that needs to be addressed. When we are figuring this out, my psychiatrist says to take one alligator and call her in the morning.
See, no matter how bad I'm feeling, seeing an alligator almost always cheers me up in the moment. (This works with other large crocodilians, too- they gotta be big, it doesn't work with caimans. I don't know why.) I can't look at their goofy toofers and beautiful eyes and bumpy hides and not be a little wowed by them. Millions of years of evolution have led to this amazing creature and they are completely unbothered by me. Almost all of the time, they make me feel happy. Or maybe I'll feel sad for some unspecified reason. Maybe I'll get worried about the ecosystem or something- but invariably, I will FEEL.
Unless, of course, it's my brain chemistry. If I can experience an alligator and not feel anything- not happy, not sad, just numb- there's something wrong and we should talk about adjusting my meds. Usually with a little tweaking I'm back to my very functional medicated baseline in quick order- instead of wasting time with coping skills and such alone when what I really need is brain chemicals, it's a much quicker way to communicate what's going on with me. At the same time, it also helps me know when the coping skills ARE likely to work without changing up my meds, or when there's something I need to work through with some help.
It's a pretty solid test. Might not work for anyone else on the planet, but it works great for me!
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nerdprincess73 · 7 months
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So a free tool called GLAZE has been developed that allows artists to cloak their artwork so it can't be mimicked by AI art tools.
AI art bros are big mad about it.
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nerdprincess73 · 7 months
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nerdprincess73 · 7 months
My cats have this meow that means "please come with me to fix this" after which they'll lead me to the problem in question, usually a empty (or 'empty') food bowl or a closed door they want open. They look at the 'problem', they look back at me, clear message.
What fascinates me is how this illustrates what they percieve as being in the realm of my 'power.' I control the food, I control the door, sure, but my cats love to sit on the balcony in the sun, and it has happened plenty of times that on a rainy day they come get me, go to the balcony and show me... the rain. "Please fix this" they say. "Please get rid of the wet"
"Silly kitty," I say, "I can't control the rain." I then walk into the shower and turn on the rain.
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nerdprincess73 · 7 months
Demons and monsters that torture people because they feed on human suffering are so dumb. People are suffering everywhere my guy go literally any place and take a deep whiff.
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nerdprincess73 · 8 months
Why do people think it's less special if you have to tell your partner?
If my partner gives love with quality time and words of affirmation, but I best receive love with gifts and acts of service, we might be feeling out of sync. But if I tell them, 'hey, I really appreciate when you take care of certain things when there's a lot on my plate" or "I like flowers because it reminds me that you're thinking of me" and they take the time to learn those things, that's incredibly caring.
We all give and receive love in different ways, and someone accepting and making the effort to adopt the ways that you receive love best is really really really wonderful.
btw one of the key components of actually being in a healthy relationship is just asking for things that you want. i keep seeing posts on this website saying 'i really want to do/receive [X] but my partner has never done it'. just ask. 'nobody exchanges love letters anymore' ask. 'i want to have my partner's hair in a locket like the victorians' just ask. 'i want to be bought flowers regularly :((' literally just ask. your partner doesn't know they're being held to these expectations and that you're unhappy unless you tell them. it's so unfair to expect your partner to read your mind. 'it's less special if you have to ask :((' grow up and stop pretending you're the lead in a romcom. when people say communication is crucial they mean it !! just ask !!
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nerdprincess73 · 8 months
No no actually it's hilarious that Izzy went from "my captain (Ed) and his shitty live-in bf (Stede)" to "my captain (Stede) and his shitty live-in bf (Ed)"
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nerdprincess73 · 8 months
So Anne Bonny is unironically right about Stede being a heartbreaker, like just look at how he interacts with Hellcat Maggie, Anne herself, Ed. This man just goes around dropping utterly cheesy lines without even a hint of awareness that he's flirting. I know there's some random saleswoman in the republic of pirates who fell madly in love with him because he was the first man to ever treat her like a lady and then she saw him and Ed on a date and now she's sobbing to her friends like "I can't believe he was gay the whole time"
Stede "why are all the good ones gay" Bonnet. Stede "the first man to bother to treat Blackbeard like a gentleman" Bonnet. Stede "got taught how to treat a lady of good breeding in etiquette class when he was 15 and autistically applied it to every woman he ever met regardless of social class for the rest of his life" Bonnet
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nerdprincess73 · 8 months
I wanna take a minute to talk about the Looks of the entire cast of OFMD S2.
I think we're all pretty familiar with the male gaze. Lots of skin, tits and ass, that sort of thing.
The female gaze has been debated, but it looks something like a sexy college professor or himbo househusband.
What OFMD S2 absolutely nails is the queer gaze.
Look at this man.
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An absolutely beautiful man. Who wears crop tops and leather pants. Long hair up in a messy bun. He's wearing eyeliner. And pearls.
And here.
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Drawn on facial hair. Spaulders. Bracers. Fishnet sleeves. A MOTHERFUCKING MULLET.
These badasses.
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The teeth and chains. SO MUCH MAKEUP. Big fancy coat with nothing underneath. Glam met goth and fucked out these looks.
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Cropped jacket. Ponytail. Asymmetrical button fly. Decorative chains (again).
All of this screams queer. If I saw any of these people in a bar I'd be like "Yep, one of us." The gender fuckery of it all. The feminine and the masculine all thrown in together in perfect combinations. Decoration for its own sake. Jewelry and flashy adornment and gorgeous peacockery.
And we love it. The fandom is going absolutely feral over these looks, these actors, as we very well should. There is not a single member of this cast who has not had beautiful art lovingly made depicting them.
Fuck the male gaze, fuck the female gaze. Give me the queer gaze. Give me queer creators making queer media for queer audiences and absolutely nailing it. These people are not at all what Hollywood usually thinks sexy looks like, yet we want to devour every one of them. This is what queer beauty looks like. What queer sex appeal looks like. What queer desire looks like.
Fuck yes. It's about time.
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nerdprincess73 · 8 months
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stede bunnet
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nerdprincess73 · 8 months
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our flag means death + onion headlines (part 3)
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nerdprincess73 · 8 months
The popularity of ships like Aziraphael/Crowley and Ed/Stede makes so much sense because it’s the classic good boy meets bad boy except this time the bad boy is also a good boy, the good boy is insane actually, and both boys are middle aged men
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nerdprincess73 · 8 months
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TAIKA WAITITI as Blackbeard in OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH (2022— ) Episodes 2.06 + 2.07
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nerdprincess73 · 8 months
ed and stede as innkeepers though would be so funny. because they're both insane. so imagine you show up to the inn and ed answers the door in a kiss the cook apron and tells you all about how he's an innkeeper and not a pirate and sometimes a fisherman and an accountant. and that dinner is at 8 and he hopes you like fish because he's cooking fish for dinner ('again' stede adds curtly). and stede shows you to your room and tells you about all the furniture and art in the place and how 'none of it is stolen, if you were wondering'. and there's a lot of erotic merman art in the gift shop. and the place is quaint but you can't sleep because the owners are having fucking buck wild sex downstairs so it makes it hard to make eye contact with them at breakfast.
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nerdprincess73 · 8 months
watching a group of mutuals reblog the same post like they’re passing the salt down the table for everyone to season their food with
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nerdprincess73 · 8 months
The popularity of ships like Aziraphael/Crowley and Ed/Stede makes so much sense because it’s the classic good boy meets bad boy except this time the bad boy is also a good boy, the good boy is insane actually, and both boys are middle aged men
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nerdprincess73 · 8 months
i keep thinking about how when it comes to most of the big shows on tv today, their writers are out here trying sooooo hard to shock the audience or surprise the audience or prove that they're smarter than the audience. then there's our flag, which is above all else a love letter to the queer community. david jenkins & the rest of the team aren't trying to outsmart us or pull off some big plot twist that no one saw coming. with every single episode, it really feels like they're trying to let us know that they see us, and they love us.
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