What I was actually coming here to blog about…
I was reading my witch book on break at work, and it told me to keep black obsidian with me to absorb negativity.
And I laughed because I literally have a small potato in my pocket right now for exactly that.
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Not mine, unsourced from Instagram
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The crystal ball never lies 🔮✨
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Rose McDowall
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Some people always get super salty when they come asking for help with a “ghost haunting” and the first thing i ask them is “have you checked your living space for carbon monoxide”.
Like maybe you thought coming to a witch you’d get some neat spell or some shit, but a big part of being a (good) witch is also looking at what is in front of you and ruling out some basic things first, and a lot of the things people describe to me when it comes to ghost hauntings also sound a helluva lot like carbon monoxide poisoning. So like sorry for giving a shit over whether or not you’re actually about to die or not I guess *shrug emoji*
Like I know we joke about my house being haunted (and maybe it is) but when the lights flicker in my house I don’t do a cleansing spell, I call an electrician. You gotta do the physical world things first before you jump to the metaphysical. That’s just how it is.
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cinemagraph artist on instagram
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Young girls are naturally inclined to witchcraft. You cant leave a young girl alone in the backyard for 5 minutes without her trying to make “soup” from some flower petals and sticks.
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Some of my witch-y inktober sketches so far!
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New sigil! ✨ I’ve been really busy with my first job and my new way of life so this is why I’m not able to draw and post here as much as I would like >w< I was also extremely unlucky lately, in a lot of aspects/situations, and this is the reason why I created this Sigil! To bring luck to us all! 🍀
I’m sending all of you lots of positive vibes ♥
Reblog appreciated ♥ Please don’t repost!
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Definition of magic in Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary.
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Starry Nights ✨
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What people think witchcraft is like: ah yees, a heart of a wherewolf with a severe pollen allergy, a hoof clipping of a wild boar with a crescent moon marking, and what else… Ah, yees. Can’t forget the nostril hairs of a cocaine-addicted politician. Perrrrfect *rubs hands together menacingly*
What it’s really like: *covers penny in dirt lovingly, then stands up and stares down for awhile before ultimately getting frustrated that it isn’t turning into a money tree* … GROW BITCH, I’M BROKE
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time to get spooky ✨
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New sigil! This is the beginning of a new school year for a lot of people (and also the beginning of my post-studies life) and I think we all need some motivation to work on what we want to accomplish! Whether it is for work or for some personal projects, a little reminder to not procrastinate and to do it as soon as possible is always positive! Don’t force yourself but don’t forget only you can do what you want to do! ♥ 
I’m sending all of you lots of support in everything you want to accomplish ♥
Reblog appreciated ♥ Please don’t repost!
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Something I’ve noticed is that some people who have no knowledge of witchcraft whatsoever have their own small rituals (whether consciously or not) and I’m so in love with it.
- A young boy I know tells me he wears a necklace to help him run faster, and whenever he looks at it he gets a boost of self-assurance and luck. And I couldn’t help but smile when he told me this - it’s his self-created talisman, whether he knows it or not.
- A woman I met recently told me that writing a letter to someone and then burning it is extremely cathartic. It reminds me of spells performed to release negative emotions.
- My mother has a cup of tea around the same time daily, using her favourite mug and sitting in her favourite chair as a way to reduce stress. A calming self-care ritual.
- Even before I discovered witchcraft, I did things as a child like projecting my anger and negative emotions into a stone and throwing it into a body of water so it would leave me alone. I felt better after that, even without knowing it was basically a spell.
I see it everywhere, all kinds of people doing relatively mundane things to achieve better outcomes for themselves: strength, calmness, healing and more. They have their own, personally-developed rituals and magicks - not necessarily of huge proportion or complexity, but effective nonetheless - and I find it so beautiful.
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