nerfmord · 3 months
Instagram is the most toxic social media
Many popular social media are not only known for communication, entertainment, news, and research, but they are also widely known for the widespread negativity and hate they can cause. However, the one social media platform that I believe has the most negative influence is Instagram, especially with its special video feature, reels, which is the Instagram version of TikTok. Most of the hate and negativity involved with Instagram content creators are women, children, LGBTQ, racial and ethnic minorities, and the disabled. But why is that? Why is there a constant rise in hate on Instagram reels? And why are the categories I mentioned above most targeted to be hated on?
Possible reasons:
The hateful comments are more popular and engaging due to the algorithm. They will keep making these types of comments to get increasing attention and increase Instagram's popularity to gain more money. They are basically used for rage bait to gain engagement.
Their monetization isn't strict enough. They can post hateful comments without punishment. I was surprised that the many comments I saw that are filled with racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, disability, and child hate weren't deleted and monetized.
They post these hateful comments because they have a grudge against a particular content creator based on the specific categories I mentioned above. They just don't like that particular content creator, which is why they post these types of comments to bully. Again. Because of the algorithm, they can post these comments without punishment, meaning they can express their hate online as much as they want.
They post hate comments to cope with their insecurities and sadness. They might be secretly hurt in life, so they post these comments to apply the same pain to others.
The most logical reason is that it depends on the user's algorithm. We will eventually have different algorithms, meaning it is more likely to find hateful comments or the opposite.
Regarding improvements, Instagram should improve its monetization to reduce the negativity spreading around reels. For those planning to become Instagram content creators in the future, the best advice I can give you is to limit or remove comments from your posts or reels to avoid getting cyberbullied.
Everything I just said is how I currently see social media, but I want your thoughts? Is Instagram really the most toxic social media platform? On second thought, I believe that Twitter might be a worse social media platform than Instagram. Is Instagram better off now, or should there be changes?
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