nerushimyy-blog · 9 years
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He didn’t waste any time in helping his son, getting together what he had and packing it quickly, knowing they needed to move fast or they wouldn’t get away in time. “Where are we going?”
“We have to get moving.  I had to shake off a tail on my way back from the grocery store - don’t know who it was but I don’t think we should stick around to find out.”  Shane said, packing up what they needed.
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nerushimyy-blog · 9 years
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“Да, Aleksander?”
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nerushimyy-blog · 9 years
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nerushimyy-blog · 9 years
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[he is completely naked, still wet from his shower, and dripping water everywhere.]
“-- Miss Grell?”
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
amazing. i didn’t think this many people would miss us.
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
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“No sir.” That much should be obvious by the fact that the man was still alive and here to ask him that question. But he doesn't comment on that part. Not when he feels likes he’s still on a very thin line after his previous attempts at giving his master advice. Not when his eyes were still on him, watching the living weapon.
With no further orders to go on, and his drive to speak freely gone,the only thing there was left for the soldier to do is stand there. As he had done since he had entered the room. Waiting patiently while his master looked over the maps.
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He takes in a breath and he can see how well programmed this soldier is, where parts of him have been taken and stretched until the point of breaking. He is sure that it’s useful, more than useful. After all it makes it so much easier for him to be able to get his jobs done without the light of day seeing Erik’s face for themselves. But he also knows how broken that it is, how wrong.
To be stretched so thin you’re no longer a person.
"I suppose it isn’t." He answers, holding the other’s features in his gaze before he steps back towards the maps and goes over them silently, wondering on what the soldier had just told him. 
"Did anyone ever tell you to come and kill me before you were brought into our fold?" He questions after a long moment. He wants to know if he’s still feared or if there’s a tired way that his name is spoken among the hidden community of gathered shadows that made so much that happened and broke even more.
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
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“No si- Clint.” It was strange, using the other man’s name instead of a title. Too informal for something of his status, but he had already been told that this wasn’t a formal meeting, and if he wanted to be called by name there was nothing the Soldier could do but follow his orders.
When he starts digging into his food the weapon starts on his too. Going for what he thought would be good first and working his way around one loaded fork full of food at a time.
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"DO I look like your Commanding Officer. If I do then you got one handsome CO" Clint chuckled. "Just call me Clint. No formalities or other stupid regulations, just a relaxing lunch. " He gave a smile. Within no time their food was placed before them. He gave a soft thanks to the waitress before going to town on the plate before him.
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
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“-- Alright.”
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                           Yeah. So, no need to apologize. 
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
did you jerks miss me.
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
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"You were?"
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                                Hey, no, you’re fine. I was jus’ jokin’.
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
You do not have the power to kill me.
Did this man think he was invincible? It wouldn't matter if the bullet came from his gun or hers, either way it would be enough of a power to kill anyone. It was just another curiosity about the stranger that confused and angered the soldier. If had been only himself here he would have shown the man just how deadly he could be.
As it was his czarina seemed to be the man's main focus, and since she had the situation under control he didn't shoot him. He let her continue to talk. Stress the fact that she was not this Grell woman, give him an order to leave and not try to follow them.
The gun is only lowered when she tells him it's time to go. A small nod following the statement as he takes a step back with her and puts the pistol back in it's holster, shifting closer to his czarina until they're almost touching.
( & ??? ; )
His scattered mind took a long moment to process that these two, a strange human and a reaper whose face appeared in more frames of his cinematic record than any other, were speaking Russian, of all things. He could only guess at what the words meant, but it didn’t matter.
Language barriers couldn’t keep him from understanding that something was tremendously wrong here. 
Useless breath passed between parted lips, shallow and uneven as though his lungs actually needed the oxygen. Reaper-green eyes darted over the assassin’s face, as though the emotionless set of her features held some sort of answer if he’d only look close enough. Trembling fingers at his sides clench into fists, lest he reach out to shake some sense into her. 
Considering the gun pointed at him, that wouldn’t be wise—fatal or not, the pain of a bullet wound was substantial. 
He managed to turn his attention to the human man, eyes narrowing in accusation. Was this his doing? Had this human somehow sequestered the divinity of a grim reaper? Torn her memory from her and chained her down to be the pawn of their pathetic human whims? 
Rage boiled in his stomach at the very thought. Grell Sutcliff was too great a power to be controlled even by her own kind, let alone these mortal insects. 
"Lower that useless gun, you do not have the power to kill me.” voice rough and low, his temper got the best of him, even has he turned his eyes back to his former colleague. “You do, though. And surely some part of you still knows that. You’re not of this world, you’re not some pawn for the humans to toy with. Whatever they have done to make you forget me, they cannot make you forget what you are. A harbinger of death, a medium between man and god. You’re above this, some part of you must know that. Grell—you must still be in there. You must.” 
          ≺ ❤ ≻           ❝ STAND BACK! ❞ THE words were clearly an order, gun raised once more at the stranger, finger darting to the trigger. his words were odd and she did not appreciate the tone of his voice when he addressed her czar.
          he was all she had, after all.
          ❝ i will repeat myself only once more — i am not the one you seek. ❞ something about his words, the certainty in his voice that he knew her and, perhaps more importantly, that she knew him, unsettled the redhead. she was trained to deal with witnesses, she knew what to do — but this was nothing they had ever prepared her for.
          ❝ leave. do not follow us. ❞ another order, and she took a step back to stand closer to her czar, turning her head towards him.
          ❝ пойдем. ❞
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
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The muscles in the soldier's already tense body tighten more when his master steps towards him. A reflex that has him fully prepared to feel the sharp sting of his punishment soon. The harsh sound of a hand hitting the side of his face hard enough to make his head snap to the side and his body sway with the force of it, or perhaps the biting pain of bruises forming as he's beat for his accusations.
"It's not my place to say, sir." He answers, his voice so quiet it's almost a mumble. His eyes once again respectfully kept down so he wouldn't be looking at him when he responded. The weapon wasn't the one that gave the orders, he was the one that carried out the orders without question. No matter what.
He had tread on the border of disobedience enough already. He would have to be careful about what he did and said from now on to keep from angering his owner, if he was not angry with him already.
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He’s almost ready to tell him that he’s wrong. Throw things off the table and let his temper flare in a way that he usually takes with his insubordinates. But there’s hardly that feeling that sinks straight inside of him. He actually mulls over the advice and idea and he curiously turns towards the table and glances at the maps, as well as the numbers that are set there with a bit of looking over, as if checking to see if the advice was rightly spoken.
To his surprise it was.
He had been thinking the same thing in his own mind for quite some time. Thinking of ways to bring more soldiers into his fold without raising too much alarm where the non-mutants were concerned as well as the X Men that seemed to always have an open eye on the operations that come from Erik’s brotherhood.
His eyes trace the coursing of the map before he finally turns to look towards the soldier with a rather curious look in his eyes and he nods simply towards him. Nods as if he’s still assessing the possibility that this man was a much more genius in the areas of war. Erik was all about smashing his way through defenses, ripping buildings from the very earth they stood on. 
Staying with smaller gestures was hardly a play he was good at working at.
Hands lock behind his back and he takes several steps towards the other as a studious look crosses his features, thoughtful features that culminate in the interest that flickers within his eyes as he looks at the other man.
"And how would you assume that I fix this….knot I’ve been snagged on?’ He questioned, brows lifting slightly. "Can’t have myself failing out there."
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
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With a silent nod of his head, the soldier's boot sinks into the snow under his feet as he takes his first step forward, then another, and another. Following the direction he had gestured to, as he walks along the path that had been assigned to them. 
Communicating wasn't needed between two weapons that shouldn't need to speak to get the job done. They could just as easily get this done without even looking at each other. Words were just a hindrance at this point. An easy way for them to be found out if someone just happened to be close enough to listen to them.
★ ᴄ ʟ ᴏ s ᴇ ᴅ ━ ɴᴇʀᴜsʜɪᴍʏʏ
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          The air is biting, brutally cold as the rush of adrenaline from           the  drop  begins  to  wear  off. The  Asset  barely registers the           change,  though ; already  attempting  to orientate himself with           the  land. It’s steep, for  the  most  part.  Densely  packed  with           rocky  outcrops & thick  patches   of   tall   pines   that   should           provide  cover  from  the  air.  They’re  both  camouflaged,  his           metal limb is concealed.   They’d be all but invisible.   As they           should be.
          He casts an eye over to the other.  They both know what must           be done ; why communicate beyond what is necessary ??           Yet he can already feel  his lips  threatening  to  shape  words,           as  though  he’s compelledto  say  something - anything- &           the thought harrows him almost as much as the  memory  of           sweat-slick  leather &the   muffled   sound   of  his  screams.           Leaves him confused. It’s not an emotion he likes. Nor one he           wants.  He  bites  his  tongue  before anything can break free ;           flesh  fingers  rising,  gesturing  to  the  low  mountain peak to           their left.  That  is  their  assigned  path. No words are needed.           It’s a familiar feeling ; tugs at something buried deep in the           recesses of his mind.
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
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A lot of food had been brought to them. More than he could ever remember being allowed to eat at one time before. But he was right, the soldier could handle this challenge. Not a single crumb of this meal would be wasted as long as he had the room in his stomach to hold it. "Yes sir."
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"Well, you are a big guy so I’m sure you can handle what all I order. " When the waitress  came back he order the both of them Big Manhattan's  - 4 eggs scrambled, 2 pieces of toast, bacon, grits, hash browns, and a stack of pancakes- and handed back their menus.  ” Next time we come here, you order for you. Cool? Gotta start making decisions sometime. ”
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
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The only response he could give him is to shake his head. He couldn't tell him who he was. There was no name for him, nothing that could be used to identify him.
His hearing is sharp enough to pick up on a sound coming from outside, and with a frown he turns his head towards it. Could that be handlers? are they on their way to get him after he failed to report to them? They couldn't know that he had left someone alive, even if this archer hadn't originally been here when he had carried out his orders.
His pistol is slid into it's holster, and with steps that are too quiet and speeds that are too fast to be human, the soldier is suddenly standing beside the archer. Grabbing ahold of him and forcing him back until he's against the wall. Bashing his head against it with enough force to shatter a skull until the other man's body goes limp.
Then he leaves the body where it falls and makes his exit quietly out the door, footsteps hurried now as they move away to meet those that are most likely tired of waiting on him.
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He knows he should stop this. Let the guy go. The target’s dead already and there’s nothing more to be done. Maybe he could lie and say he did it. Or, more likely, it’d be back to the job market for him.
Still, this was odd. Incredibly odd. No boasting, no gloating, no confident wise-ass crack or smirk. This isn’t typical behavior.
(It’s hard admitting he’s actually been in this business long enough to know normal from not.)
It makes him all the more curious.
And angry.
He stops short of following the stranger, though his bow is ready. It’s been used as a melee weapon before and he’s not afraid to do it again. “Seriously, who the fuck are you? I know most of us and yet here you are…”
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
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"Кто сказал, что я держал назад?"
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“Что удерживает вас?"
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nerushimyy-blog · 10 years
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He looked over each of the items on the menu when it was handed to him. Studying the pictures and rereading the names and descriptions. It all looked and like something he would eat. But he didn't know what to choice, so he just shrugged his shoulders and mumbled "I'll have what you're having."
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"Over there looks good. It’s a dinner you just seat yourself. " Clint explained as he lead the way over to an unoccupied booth. A waitress came and handed them their menus along with take drink orders. " Order whatever you want buddy. it’s all on me today" Clint smiled at Him before turning to the waitress. " I’ll just have the normal" He gave her a playful wink.
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