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“He told Sakura-chan she fought like a girl,” Naruto volunteered. Sasuke wondered why everyone in his life (except for Juugo) was a traitor.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” Kakashi said, patiently, in the tone of voice that suggested he was contemplating, not for the first time, where exactly he had gone wrong with Team 7, “But the Godaime is a girl.”
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Altean broom closet
((CLAUSTRAPHOBIC LANCE fic under the cut with some Klangst and some cuddling))
He doesn’t remember what the fight is about, but he knows it’s petty. Something stupid that they both blew out of proportion.
“Do you ever just shut up!?” Keith yells, bringing a hand up to the bridge of his nose.
Lance folded his arms, “Do you ever stop saying stupid shit!?” he mocked, getting into Keith’s face with an angry step forward.
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his beauty, his grace
and now he’s running the space :)
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Who wants a bunch of screencaps of Marked!Lotor?
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mmm some tasty dose of glass right here
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“I’m not who you think I am. I’m… I’m not who I think I am.” “…I know.”
In which Lance had figured it out first
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Yeah, so Shiro’s body language speaks VOLUMES at the end of Collection & Extraction. I simply adore it and it’s what cemented Shallura for me. I need to gif it (since I’ve been meaning to), because it just really important, OKAY.
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K: “Where’s Allura?”
Look at his defeated walk. He trudges over, still shell shocked over what just happened. He immediately clutches onto the closest object to steady himself.
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L: “Shiro?”
He feels so guilty, he can’t even look at his teammates, even though they’re waiting for an answer. He’s still letting it all sink in. He’s mulling over how to break the news—how it’s his fault. (or at least he considers it his fault)
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“She sacrificed herself to save me.”
Very clearly upset and still can’t look at any of them. He is so distraught by the fact that Allura put herself in danger to save his life and he couldn’t do anything about it.  She loves you.
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P: “So, she’s still on that ship?”
H: “The ship that’s headed to Zarkon’s central command?”
K: “The place that’s way too dangerous for us to attack?”
*hand clench*
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“It doesn’t matter how dangerous it is. We can’t let Zarkon get Allura.”
He finally looks at them. He’s made up his mind about how he’s going to fix this.
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H: “But you said going there would be a huge mistake. You said for us to attack that place head-on would be the dumbest possible thing we could ever do.”
“I know. But now we don’t have a choice.”
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He’s ready to save his space princess, goddamn it.
/ugly crying
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i know Kuron’s not the real Shiro because there’s no way Real Shiro could go two full episodes without pulling a dorky confused face at least ONCE
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Acxa returning from her Weblum nightmare. I want to believe Lotor cares about his girls very much and their wellbeing. With her disappearing for lord knows how long the others might have even thought she was dead. 
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Unpopular Voltron opinion, with meta to back it up.
I don’t think the big Keith and Lance scene in episode 6 was meant to be seen as having gone well, or for things to be getting back on track in regards to Lance’s doubts. I’m actually pretty sure the conversation unintentionally made things with Lance even worse.
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Just because Keith and Lance shared a scene alone together, without any fighting or outward disagreements, does NOT mean it went well. I know everyone who is a Klance shipper wants that to be the case, but the whole “5 feet apart” jokes and logic with their ship shouldn’t suddenly change the emotional tone that is ACTUALLY present here.
Do not get me wrong, it is clear that both of them wanted this talk to go well without any confrontation, and to talk with a level head and with honesty. They have both grown as people to realize this. It doesn’t mean there wasn’t a major miscommunication here. 
Lets go through this moment by moment, shall we?
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few voltron sketches. (we have Lotoreal now we need Gliss Kuron)
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To the fandom, why?
Before I start, this is very different from what I normally do. If you get sad after this, try reading this(shameless self-promoting! Ok thats my last joke)
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“Why can’t I love Sakura-chan, fandom?”
When she trusted me when no one else would
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When she comforted me when I needed it
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When she supported my dream
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  When she never blamed me. 
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When she would worry over me, when no one else would 
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When she understands me better than anyone 
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When she saved my life 
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When she would do anything to keep me safe
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When she makes me smile 
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  “Fandom, why shouldn’t I love her?" 
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"Why must I love Sasuke-kun, fandom?”
He ignores me 
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He insults me
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He attacks me 
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 I don’t trust him 
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He breaks my heart 
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“Why can’t I love Naruto, fandom?" 
When he always supports me 
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When he always protects me
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When he always cheers me up 
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When he’s my motivation
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When he would sacrifice anything for my happiness
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When I’m hurt, he’s hurt
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When he’s my hope
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When he understands me the best. 
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When I don’t know what I would do without him
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When he means the world to me
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"Fandom, why shouldn’t I mature?”
“Why can’t we be together, fandom?" 
Because our relationship started so negatively?
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Because we became closer than ever?
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Because we made mistakes? 
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"Why can’t you realize, fandom?”
I never wanted this
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I don’t want this anymore
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But we both do want this.  
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I find it interesting that black lion responds to the Shiro, but wouldn’t allow him to rule her over, which is really strange. We all know that Shiro has the strongest bond with his lion. No one in team have the same maybe except Pidge (I speak about episode in season 2 when she understands how alien technologies work). So, we can explain that Keith, Lance and Allura have the problems with the lions because their bond is weak and their have many internal problems that cause it. Hunk and Pidge are the most stable paladins, while others are not. So, I think lions have this switch because of weak bonds and lessons that paladins should learn. I think this wouldn’t happened if all team has strong bonds. That also leads us to the fact that black lion doesn’t respond to Shiro. To the most qualified natural-be-born leader, who really cares about his team and have years of experience. They come through Zarkon’s attack and form the best connection ever and lion doesn’t respond. No offends, but Keith sucks to be a leader, he is the best fighter but never a leader. So, if Shiro returns, the lion would stand with him, no matter what. He is not Shiro. Maybe Blacky saved him because he has something which is connected with Shiro. Maybe if he die, real Shiro also will die or maybe lion know that they need to save this Shiro to find other. I don’t know. But this Shiro is not our space daddy. P.S. Am I the one who think that black lion doesn’t choose Keith because he suits this role the most, but because Takashi wants it and asks Blacky? It is really sweet than ))
But for real, so many things in support of S3 Shiro being a clone:
1. Leaked screencap of S4 with Shiro’s original hair 2. Obviously seeing a second Shiro during the clone?‘s escape 3. Black not letting him pilot 4. Shiro has no scars on his arms.  I know that this is fanon, not canon, but scarred Shiro makes sense.  Especially at the join in the arm. 5. I have prosopagnosia, so I can’t exactly see it, but I’ve heard a lot of talk about how Shiro’s face is drawn slightly differently 6. Surviving in the cruiser for seven days without any water (hinting at possibly some kind of superhuman abilities) 7. Headache???  No one “randomly” has a headache in animation. EDIT: 8. Apparently “Kuron” is “Clone” in Japanese.
anyway feel free to add more.  I’ve got my red string out and I’ll see y’all in October.
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I just finished watching season 3 and I have a theory: The Shiro that showed up is not our Shiro. Well, not completely. Maybe a clone, a programed one designed to infiltrate. I’m considering that on different factors:
1. The loss of memory of what happened when he teleported, and the factor that out of all places the lion would teleport him to a Galra Base???? Maybe it’s like Keith said and Zarkon had influence on it but I still find it…odd.
2. The black lion rejected him. Maybe it’s also that the black lion has simply gotten cozy with Keith and all that but I think it’s a red flag that it’s not responding to him. I think the lion knows something is up once it sensed him up close like “you…aren’t my Shiro”.
3. The Galra dialogue of the entire episode of him. Specifically their mention of “Operation Kuron”. How it went to it’s third phase once Shiro was meant to crash into the ice planet. What the hell is that? What does it mean? Is it a coincidence that Kuron is just one word off from the fanon given name to the Galra Shiro, Kuro? Why would they just frieking allow him to escape? What was the point? If they wanted him dead they could have done it long before.
My overall thinking is; this might not be the original Shiro. He is similar and has all of his memories, but it isn’t our Shiro and the black lion knows it. And he might not know it either. My opinion is that Shiro is somewhere else. Maybe even with Matt. Teleported somewhere safe, and in the absence the Galra took advantage of his absence to infiltrate with the one thing that they seemed desperate to gain; Shiro.
It’s just my opinion. It’s 5 am and haven’t slept after all so I could be wrong, but I’d like to hear your thoughts as well
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Hell Yeah!
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Because i’ve had it with Kishimoto’s shit. 
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I draw her because she is incredible. I’d love to see such a great character in anime and she doesn’t have love interest! Omg, bless the creators!
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For all the voltron fans that couldn’t make it to the Wondercon 17’ panel I recorded this for you. WATCH IT ALL THE WAY, IT’S GOOD I PROMISE! I apologize for the laughing and screaming ^_^
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Reason to live up to Semptember
Voltron Season 3 Trailer 
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