I like how a lot of people say "SUPERWHOLOCK", but the real ones know it's "SUPERWHOLOCK + MERLIN".
Tell me I'm wrong.
(please don't @ me, I'm fragile and have the confidence levels of a dog at the vet)
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I just want my Para to hug me forever.
some of y'all lucid dream??? HOW
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I don't have alters or anything, but I feel like my MaDD makes me feel like a blurred combination of multiple people. I can't really describe it in any other way. I'm not sure if I'm actually plural, but my paras just feel so,,,real? Like, they are a part of me, but they aren't? They have their own opinions and everything, but they are still technically a part of me. Idk I saw other people talking about this feeling, so I'm assuming it's not that uncommon in the MaDD community.
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Do you ever just. Get hit so hard by the feelings you have for your paras. Like you’re going about your day, doing whatever, and all of the sudden you just. Feel like a truck just hit you. And ran you over 5 times. And your chest hurts. And your stomach hurts. But not even in a bad way. It’s just wanting to be with them. Wanting to be near them. Talk to them. And you start tearing up because you just. Love them so much. In such a deep way that no one could ever understand.
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