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You mark my words.Small town boy, small town lifeā€¦ It wonā€™t be enough for you. -Klaus
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Klaroline AU Meme-Klaus is trying to get Caroline to admit her feelings for him. She isnā€™t sure what she feels and is beginning to remind Klaus a lot of Elena.
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love is like a war.
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The sound of his voice made her choke. This was impossible, he was dead, Tyler was dead-- this was a dream. The shock of leaving the house must be too hard on her. She must have dozed off at the table while she was waiting for her food. Choosing to ignore the man in front of her, she let her eyes wonder around the grill, looking for the waitress that would be bringing her food.
At no sign of the woman, she sunk back into the booth, fingers tapping against the wooden top as she looked in the other direction. Ignore him and he'll eventually go away. Oh, one could only hope that would be enough to make the man beside her vanish on the spot. Out of curiosity, the blond reached down and gave her arm a bit of a pinch. Ow. Nope, she was awake, much to her dismay.
When she finally spotted her waitress, thankfully carrying her food, "Oh good! Thank you." a smile lit up the blonds face as the shake and the burger was placed before her. "Is he joining you?" ... "Wh-- No. No. No way. He is not joining me..." her gaze finally fell on the hybrid and she shot him a glare.
A night out \\ Klaus
The Mikaelson manor was quiet, it was unnerving. Klaus knew his siblings werenā€™tā€¦happy with his actions as of late. Seeing as he had been alive inĀ Tylerā€™sĀ body, and notĀ alertedĀ them. Although, he had been touched that they had mourned his ā€˜passingā€™ as it was. He understood theirā€¦ emotional reaction, to what he had done, but he didnā€™t have the choice. If he had wanted to stay alive, they couldnā€™t have known.Ā 
Niklaus left the house to itā€™s stony silence, as he made his way into town. It felt wonderful to be back in his true body again. Being in his hybrid had beenā€¦less than satisfactory.Ā 
Walking into the grill he headed to the bar, ordering a drink as he looked around the building, hoping to see aĀ familiarĀ face, someone to stun with his return. When he saw his favorite blonde vampire. Caroline. A grin plastered itself to his face and he took his drink, walking to her table.
ā€œCarolineā€ he spoke in greeting, as he glanced at her.Ā 
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Chocolate Bacon Cupcakes with Maple Frosting
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A night out \\ Klaus
Caroline's fingers combed through her blond hair as she moved her way through the crowded grill. It had been weeks since she'd ventured out of her home, having remained in bed or on the couch, watching cheesy romance flicks and devouring an obscene amount of ice cream and cookies. Now, she craved human interaction and burgers... with fries, lots of fries. Once she'd managed to break through the crowd and find an empty table, she nearly collapsed, throwing open the menu as she let her eyes scan over the selections.
After battling over what to choose, she managed to order a burger, fries and a shake. She'd more than likely order some dessert after. The pros to being a vampire-- no weight gain and she could eat whatever she wanted. As she waited, she began to drift off, mind on other places and other things. A drink being set before her pulled her out of her small trance, nodding at the waitress before her eyes fell back to the glass, a discontented sigh escaping her lips as she took a sip.
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Eugh... Just-- don't call me darling... or look at me like that... Don't do that it's creepy. I just-- the anons made me do it. -leaning up on the tips of her toes, her hand moving up to cup the side of his neck, she pressed her lips against his for a few seconds before she pulled back, eyes widened slightly.; As I-- as I said, the anons made me do it... so... I'm gonna go, yeah? kay, Adios.
Klaus... come here, please.
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Yes, darling?
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Klaus... come here, please.
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I ship you with Klaus.
Why would you-- This is ridiculous!
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Care's fine! Nicknames are always fun. I wasn't doing much... there really isn't much to do around Mystic Falls, ya know? Small town, kinda lame.
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rippingbitchxx started following you
-shrugs- If you only see the bad. -smiles- A long time it is. Too long some would say. I say a blessing. Anyways Carolineā€¦Iā€™m going to call you Care. Whatā€™re you doing this evening?
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