neuroticfigtree-blog 7 years
response to docsparklegodiva007
<p>Docsparklegodiva007</p><p>Actresses go through a lot from gossip to unnessary drama to people taking advantage of them. There have been several people who have taken their life due to the hardships that they faced as well. From depression to anxiety to having to deal with paparazzi and the tabloids. Several people critiquing their every move and publicizing every aspect of their life. Hopefully their is a way for these public figures to help them deal with these difficulties
> peanutbutterpie: I agree that the life of actresses is difficult. They have to go through quite a lot and their lives are always public. Everything they do is reported on social media or the news. Actresses have to fit a certain image of beauty to be successful. I think this is terrible, not everyone looks the same. It is unfair to set these impossible standards.
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neuroticfigtree-blog 7 years
stream of consciousness #2
peanutbutterpie: Even though The Bell Jar is based in the 1950's, I believe that it could represent today's society. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in people ages 10-24. I also think that the causes of suicide today are a bit similar to those from The Bell Jar. Today's society tells kids that they have to act and think a certain way or they are considered weird or an outcast. Social media has also created a whole different type of bullying. People can leave mean comments and threats anonymously. Even though the character Esther did not comment suicide, the author who experienced relatively similar events did end up committing suicide.
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neuroticfigtree-blog 7 years
stream of consciousness
peanutbutterpie: The Bell Jar reminds me of a show that I watched called 13 Reasons Why. The show represents how bullying and just the smallest remarks can make a person feel worthless enough to kill themselves. Something that is only a simple comment or meant to be a joke to you can be a huge deal to someone else. You never know how your actions affect others. Just because a person acts like something did not affect them, you never know what is really going on in their head. While parts of the show do not relate to The Bell Jar, the main character is similar to Esther. They both feel lonely and defeated. However the character from 13 Reasons Why did end up committing suicide and Esther did not.
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neuroticfigtree-blog 7 years
Esther and Sylvia
The idea that Esther is based on Sylvia Plath鈥檚 own life raises a lot of interesting and sad questions. Did any of Plath鈥檚 family and friends realize that she was writing about herself, and if so did they do anything about it? I wonder if the general public understood what Esther represented before Plath鈥檚 tragic death. It also raises the question as to whether all of the Bell Jar was a cry for help my Plath. It's possible that if more people had accepted and read The Bell Jar, they might have understood what tragedy was about to happen and stopped it.聽
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neuroticfigtree-blog 7 years
Life of Actresses
Actresses go through a lot from gossip to unnessary drama to people taking advantage of them. There have been several people who have taken their life due to the hardships that they faced as well. From depression to anxiety to having to deal with paparazzi and the tabloids. Several people critiquing their every move and publicizing every aspect of their life. Hopefully their is a way for these public figures to help them deal with these difficulties
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neuroticfigtree-blog 7 years
As a
peanutbutterpie: As a reader I enjoy finding a quiet place to read. I only like to read a book when its something I choose. However I sometimes enjoy the books assigned in a class. As a writer I love to write. I enjoy creating a story but not writing essays. Some types of writing are more difficult for me than others. Once again, if I get to choose what I am writing about then I am more interested. As a student I have learned a lot. From not knowing how to spell certain words or correctly write an essay I have learned many different things. My past teachers have taught me a few new things, but I have learned the most about writing better essays this year.
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neuroticfigtree-blog 7 years
As a...
As a writer, I think being able to write and put my ideas to paper is a very useful skill. However, I very rarely enjoy writing in school although this may be because I dont have the chance to write about something I care about.
As a reader, I greatly enjoy sitting down down with a book and reading, but unfiortunately I am very picky about the books that I choose. This makes it difficult for me to keep reading continuously. I also hate being forced to read books that I do not enjoy.聽
As a student, I try to be as responsible as possible and I make good grades. Unfortunately I also have a terrible problem with procrastination, which I hope i will be able to fix by next year. I also hope that next year I can challenge myself by taking hard, yet difficult classes.聽
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neuroticfigtree-blog 7 years
As a...
As a reader, i am open minded and willing to explore any realm of themes and ideas. My most favorite adventures to dwell in are romantic-comedies, suspense, scientific fiction, historical-dramas, and royal families.聽
As a writer, I love free writies to let my creativity flow and I love to write dramatic pieces along with poetry
As a student, I love math, social studies, along with literature cause it gives me a chance to let my creative side flow and is stress relieving and fun at the same time. I like to take rigorous classes to challenge myself. I will continue to pursue medicine with a minor in business and the arts.聽
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