neutralbutnot · 6 years
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
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fuckin gmail is a real friend not like u fake friends
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
the 7 y/o boy who lives next door doesn’t want to go in the house to bed and i just heard his dad use the old “you live under my roof, you live by my rules” and the kid just shouted back “im not under your roof im under the sky and thats god’s roof and he wants me to play out for longer!”
i can’t stop laughing.
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple “Thank You” will suffice. None of this “How did you get in my house” business. So rude
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
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the drum is filled with hot steam and then sprayed with cold water. the pressure on the outside of the drum is far more than inside. the pressures try to maintain and find balance taking the drum as a casualty.
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
If you’re ever having a bad day, just remember that Princess Diana once asked Freddie Mercury to dress her up like a man and sneak her into a gay club, and he did it.
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
There’s this unspoken dichotomy that exists in relationships for those of us who struggle with their own minds. And when I say dichotomy, I mean there’s absolutely no in-between no third option and no happy medium. When you find someone who loves you, and you love them equally as much, this person will fall into one of two categories: (because it can never be easy, why the hell would it be easy?) Category One - they’re mentally stable, and you’ll live in relative happiness, but you’ll never feel like they truly knew you. Or Category Two - They struggle just as much as you and you’ll always feel understood, but you’ll drag each other down slowly but surely. I don’t know which is worse - constantly living in fear of scaring them away, or learning to live in corresponding misery. All I know is, in the end, everyone leaves, so why wouldn’t you?
The Polarity of Dating (via ragazza-egoista)
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
It’s OK to be scared but you have to get out there, open up, make mistakes, learn, be stronger and start all over again.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
you have been strong for so long. cry if you need to. scream if it helps
whatever helps.
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
The Problem with Over-Thinking
1. It increases your anxiety, your worry, and your dread.
2. It makes you feel confused, so that it’s really hard to think.
3. It can blind you to “the obvious”, and what is best for you.
4. It can keep you feeling stuck so you wait too long to act.
5. It can interfere with hearing what your heart says you should do.
6. Thus, it can limit your success as you’re afraid to take that step!
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
You would rather have gone on feeling nothing, / emptiness and silence; the stagnant peace / of the deepest sea, which is easier / than the noise and flesh of the surface.
Margaret Atwood, from Selected Poems II: 1976 - 1986; “Eurydice,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
When I miss you I reread our old conversations, hoping that one day we can go back to what we were
(via somewhatsomelikepoetry)
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
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neutralbutnot · 7 years
its weird being 18, 19, 20 in 2016 because i remember going into kindergarten and seeing those chunky ass giant computers at the desk and then going through school while technology rapidly develops and graduate in a world where people can have the entire internet and more just in their pocket like idk its so strange to me
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