neveahthatch-blog · 8 years
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Nevaeh Thatch
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
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MASQUERADE! by brebrenn featuring crystal jewelry
FairOnly red prom dress / TaylorSays bright red pumps / Long necklace, $64 / Swarovski crystal jewelry, $97 / Shamballa Jewels red jewelry, $37 / Accessorize bead bracelet / Beaded jewelry, $12 / MAC Cosmetics lipstick / Eos lip treatment / Nail care / Phantom Black Laser Cut Venetian Masquerade Mask with Red Rhinestones...
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
I think I broke Sarah...
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
Free private chat service - create your own chat room and invite people by email. No installation or registration required.
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
But nervous as well. I mean my exams went as a breeze and I think that I got a great grade. But I have about an hour and a half until I have to go meet up my friends for our project so I'll be here until then, WHAT DO YOU NEED ME TO DO CAUSE I'M STEALING A COMPUTER?!
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
Anyone miss me?
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
this is super cute, leave names in my inbox and i'll answer them ic and ooc so ya'll can get to know the full package?
Aurora: Story of your first kiss
Rapunzel: 5 things from your bucket list
Dory: Something someone has told you that you can't forget (two good things and one bad)
Pocahontas: Something new you taught someone.
Mulan: Do you trust your gut feeling? What happened.
Jasmine: The story of when you had to really trust someone. Was it easy?
Belle: Is there someone you are close who no one else likes? What's the story?
Ariel: Where do you think you belong, and why?
Flounder: Something that surprised you and frightened you.
Eric: Have you ever helped a stranger? What happened.
Aladdin: A sacrifice you made for someone.
Tiana: A time you tried the hardest for something.
Boo: A childhood hero.
Cruella: Something you really want but you aren't allowed to have.
Seven Dwarfs: 7 things you like in the people around you.
Kronk: What you are best at in the kitchen?
Simba: Something a parent has taught you.
Cinderella: "A dream is a wish your heart makes" What's that for you?
Nemo: Your bravest moment.
Terk: Are you a big brother/sister figure to anyone?
Buzz: Your favourite fantasy world (aka Harry Potter, Star Wars), if any.
Alice: Done drugs?
Peter Pan: Something from your childhood that you still love.
Elsa: Who have you shut out of your life and why?
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
I'm fINE! It's the beginning of spirit week for me. (Cute selfies from BRE week.)
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
Guess who's home from her Student council meeting
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
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reply to the test
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
Nev's Bio.
Meet NEVEATH THATCH; a SIXTEEN year old who resembles VICTORIA JUSTICE. She hails from ATLANTIS and lived with her parents, KIDAGAKASH & MILO THATCH. Unfortunately, she is UNAVAILABLE.
'Cause the world keeps spinning 'round and 'round,  and my heart’s keeping time to the speed of sound.
Some describe her as —
+ energetic, determined, and caring
- stubborn, overanalyzing, and naive
Her story goes like this —
Nev is very much like her parents, she is energetic, resourceful and caring, like her mother, and determined, smart and friendly, like her father. She gets along with everybody, and is always trying to get people to go on adventures with her. She enjoys seeing how people act in certain situations, and she is always there to help them if they get in trouble. She’s a very independent young lady, as when she was at home in Atlantis, she would go and find her friends in neighboring Kingdoms regularly. She has always been a keen singer, writing songs all the time, and making up new lyrics that fitted her adventure. Though she is only 16, she has a lot of stories to tell, and she usually delivers them by song, as she isn’t much of an author. She would much prefer to do some scientific research when she’s not on an adventure. She is a princess warrior, and is also trying to forget the fact that one day she’ll be queen, as she quite enjoys being a free spirit. 
Her parents decided to send her to Walt Disney Academy not only to get her “princess” lessons, but also to calm her free spirit. Though for the most part, it didn’t work. If anything, she’s become a bit more free-spirited, and found a bit more of herself in the hallowed halls of WDA. She loves WDA, and has already created a long list of friends here. She’s already created a line of happy memories that include a best friend turned boyfriend, and a couple new close friends.  She loves her life here and couldn’t have thought of a better high school experience. She’s even involved in countless activities around the school She’s used her love for music to get into musical theatre, and start dancing, and her odd love of sports to play soccer. Honestly, she couldn’t think of a better place to be, and she  looks forward to every moment she spends with her new friends. 
Be careful around her, power is —
LIGHT MANIPULATION → The ability to control light.
INSECT PHYSIOLOGY→the ability to become or mimic the abilities and attributes of an insect. 
You could see her around with —
RAVIV “RICKY” ABABWA→ They’ve been best friends for years, and it wasn’t long that their best friendship became a relationship. Even though they took a short break, Nev and Ricky have both put the past behind them and now they’re back together and Nev couldn’t be happier. 
JACK STOPPABLE→ Even though both of them have known each other for only a short time, it only took a movie and a couple of untimely experiences for the two to grow extremely close. Now Nev can call him one of her best friends, and an older brother that she never had. 
EUDORA “DEE” RANA→ Nev looks up to Dee, admires her sass and her attitude. she’s awed about how quick-witted and hard-working she actually is. She has admired the Maldoinian girl for a long time and they’ve been really close friends. She has recently went under the girls wing, being trained on ‘princessly’ duties such as keeping her cool in arguments and helping others with their problems.
JOLIE “JO” BIESTE  Neveah and the older girl has been friends from the first day they met, being they’re roommates and all. Whenever one of the girls need advice or that they both just need to let off steam, they’re there for each other. They both look out for one another but Jolie watches over Nev as more of an older sister and Nev admires her as a role model to follow after besides Dee.
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neveahthatch-blog · 10 years
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made for each other; a kentoria mix [listen here]
made; the wanted | nothing feels like you; little mix | somebody’s heartbreak; hunter hayes | could this be love; the wanted | be mine tonight (groove me); brad kavanagh | featuring you; big time rush | beethoven; union j | perfect harmony; keke palmer & max schneider | bad boys; victoria justice | love somebody; backstreet boys | sliding doors; olly murs
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