nevemil · 4 months
house + looking at wilson
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nevemil · 1 year
Crowley is genuinely so brave and beautiful at the end of s2. He says: I won’t lie about what we are anymore, I won’t give up who I am to be with you, I won’t turn back around because you said “I need you” (which up until this point has been the magic words from aziraphale that can make him do anything), I won’t run away and hide you’ll have to watch me while you throw away what we could have been. He’s so iconic to me
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nevemil · 1 year
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Aziraphale & Crowley + parallels
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nevemil · 1 year
I think I've seen this film before
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And I didn't like the ending
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nevemil · 1 year
He’s thought about kissing Crowley before
On the banks of the Euphrates. Under a juniper tree in the Hanging Gardens. Traipsing through some desert — Arabian, Gobi, Namibian, Kalahari — they all ran together. Beside a rice paddy in the Qinling Mountains. In coliseums and amphitheatres, then theatres and pubs. Over wine or tea or coffee, over too many meals to remember. At an airbase nearing the end of the world, and on the bus ride home after the world didn’t end after all. All of the nights thereafter.
Of course, he’s thought about it. Sometimes it feels as if he scarcely thinks of anything but. 
Quiet down, you, he’d plead in those moments. No use in any of that foolery. Angels simply can’t want like that, the ache of the want be damned. Even fallen angels; there’s an order to things, lines in the sand.
But still, he’s thought about it.
Alone, after those clandestine, ill-conceived meetings of old. Hours later back at the shop, paired wine glasses empty, nose in a book in some paltry attempt to divert his wandering attention. He prays — to God, to the author of whatever book fails to hold his gaze, to his own sense of propriety — but the prayer goes unanswered and so he thinks instead.
A staccato inhale, a press of lips, flush. Who would initiate it? Did it even matter? Lean fingers pull him close and Aziraphale follows as if he’s allowed to, as if he can follow any but the path that was set out before him. And Crowley would taste of the wine or spirits that they’d been drinking hours before this torrid, little fantasy began.
How would Crowley kiss him? Aziraphale had no experience in the matter, naturally. But he’s read enough books, watched cinema, observed the couples on Whickber as they dawdle down the way after an evening out, and he can imagine it. The certainty of it, the way Crowley owns an idea and then just rushes heedlessly forward, assured. No doubt, no hesitation, just momentum and an inner gravity that pulls Aziraphale in, attracted to a sort of confidence that Aziraphale can’t understand. And he’d kiss him like that, firm and heady, like if they could just get close enough to one another they might carve out some sort of safety separate from Heaven and Hell and the nature of the cosmos that prevents this very act from occurring in the first place. 
Fingers would thread through his hair, a sharp hip bone knocks into him as they slot together, and suddenly all is warm and wet and perhaps this is what drowning would feel like if drowning was equal parts terrifying and astounding. Wicked and miraculous. 
“We could have been…us.”
The words only just register as Crowley has him by the lapels, and the kiss is now and here and real, and not some weak midnight submission. 
There is no finesse, no craft, no delicacy. Crowley’s wile and strategy, gone. Just want. He wants in a way that Aziraphale has never permitted himself to. A sort of desperate, wild anguish, and Aziraphale can feel the implicit please please please through every shudder, every movement. No assurance, no givens, only a reckless beggar, and Aziraphale could almost recognize the need as his own, if he’d ever sat with the feeling long enough to comprehend it.
He wants to lean in, wants to wrench Crowley somehow closer, impossibly, like he would in an evening wondering. Forsake Heaven and with it his chance, their chance, at any sort of redemption. He wants to succumb, wants to give himself over with yes and finally and now, because the righteousness of it all seems more absolute than anything Aziraphale has felt.
But he knows better. He was made better. His hands dance over Crowley’s back, unsure, hesitant, fearful that if he touches him the rest of his body may follow, and he may fall right alongside him. 
It’s over before it’s begun, a human expression. And Crowley’s gone.
His shuddering hand lifts to his lips, sore and unnaturally hot, an almost pins-and-needles burn across his mouth. Is it hellfire or purely Crowley? How to disentangle them? Aziraphale tastes the acrid I forgive you as the heat cools and fades off his lips and from his fingertips, and with it the prospect of seeing Crowley again.
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nevemil · 1 year
crowley introducing human food to aziraphale.. crowley introducing kissing to aziraphale.. if hed chosen any other time any other moment before metatron arrived aziraphale would have reacted the same way, he would have gone all out, thrown himself into it without any second thoughts, drenched himself in the indulgence of kissing crowley until he literally couldnt take any more he would have loved it he would have l o v e d it
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nevemil · 1 year
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I will never get over the inelegant way Vash "dies" in BLR
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nevemil · 1 year
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"Why don't YOU drive for once?! Ya idiot!"
"BECAAAAUUSE! I... can't.. drive these things!"
(I don’t like putting watermarks so, PLEASE, if you want to post these gifs somewhere GIVE CREDITS! Also, don’t use them in edits/videos. Thanks~)
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nevemil · 1 year
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hey netizens! i'm not sure how many people are aware, but youtube's been slowly rolling out a new anti-adblock policy that can't be bypassed with the usual software like uBlock Origin and Pi-Hole out of the gate
BUT, if you're a uBlock Origin user (or use an adblocker with a similar cosmetics modifier), you can add these commands in the uBlock dashboard (under My Filters) to get rid of it!
youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)
reblog to help keep the internet less annoying and to tell corporations that try shit like this to go fuck themselves <3
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nevemil · 1 year
my shirt that says “not a danger to myself and others” getting me asked a lot of questions already answered by my shirt
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nevemil · 1 year
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ATSV + twitter
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nevemil · 1 year
the summer is like well what if it was unbearable outside and you can't wear any cool jackets. and everyone's going to tell you that this is the best time of the year. and you're the crazy one
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nevemil · 1 year
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nevemil · 1 year
Sometimes it hurts when strangers are kinder and more caring than your parents because then you realize that's just how normal people act towards each other without much effort, and then you need to grieve for your unfortunate miserable childhood that shaped you and all the suffering you went through unnecessarily.
You wonder what person you could've been if you had healthy loving parents.
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nevemil · 2 years
officially decided that anyone who tries to divide the lgbt community is a fed. i dont care if you're not actually a fed, if you're causing infighting in a minority community then you're a fed who just isnt getting paid to be one. either apply for a job at the CIA or shut the fuck up
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nevemil · 2 years
Wolfwood and vash, My beloveds
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nevemil · 2 years
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[image description: a ten page comic starring saiki kusuo from the disastrous life of saiki k and anya forger from spy x family.
1: a shot of the both of them walking. They are talking with telepathy.
2: anya, telepathically: do all telepaths have pink hair?
saiki, telepathically: no
anya: oh… are you a spy?! (Next to this thought is a drawing of loid forger)
saiki: no.
anya: an assassin?! (next to this thought is a drawing of yor forger)
saiki: hey, aren’t these your parents?
anya hesitates to answer.
3: saiki: I… am a normal high school student.
anya: what?! how?! You have telepathy! your life has to be exciting!
saiki: I prefer when it’s not. I don’t like telling people that I’m an esper.
4: anya think about this for a moment, before going wide eyed.
anya: does that mean you have to kill me?!
saiki: what? no?
5: saiki: why would I have to kill you.
anya: because i know about your telepathy?
saiki: watch other cartoons
anya, looking shocked: How- it’s not from a cartoon. (She is thinking of a cartoon, where someone says “you found out my secret! Die!”)
saiki: you’re replaying the episode in your head right now.
6: saiki: it seems like a better show than cyborg ciderman no. 2 at least.
anya: cyborg ciderman?
saiki: don’t watch that either.
anya: if you don’t like telling people about it (his telepathy)… do some people already know?
7: saiki thinks of his mom, aiura, toritsuka, and akechi.
saiki: a couple classmates, my family. some found out on their own.
Anya: how did it go?
8: saiki: maybe a little too well. they never stop bugging me now.
anya: really?
saiki: really.
anya looks shocked, then says: I haven’t told anyone.
saiki: you don’t have to
anya: i know, but…
9: a shot of both of them walking, this time in silence.
10: saiki: hey, if you haven’t told anyone, did you make your psychic limiters yourself?
anya: what are psychic limiters?
saiki: the cones one your head?
anya: heh. ive fooled you. These are just hair pins!
saiki: why do they look like that.
anya: I don’t know
End ID]
psiprise encounter
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