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66 notes · View notes
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312 notes · View notes
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character Thomas when the sides get angry
318 notes · View notes
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*hands you these doodles* 
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[Image description: A picture of Maslow's hierarchy of needs - a pyramid with five tiers. The lower two tiers are labelled "basic needs", the next two tiers are labelled "psychological needs", and the highest tier is labelled "self-fulfillment needs". The interior of the pyramid has been scribbled over in purple. White writing on top of this reads, "Janus and Remus interacting". / End image description.]
381 notes · View notes
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She didn’t wanna make it messy
She really really didn’t
But the girl gone cray’
2K notes · View notes
its me, boy, its your deception, speaking to you from inside your brain! listen to me, boy, leave the wedding, we don't need it! come with me, play my games! we'll have superstar times in [checks notes] hollywood! doot doot doot yeah, you need me, boy, youre broke
"Doot doot doot yeah, you need me, boy, youre broke"
This has no right to be as funny as it is
13 notes · View notes
Janus: I wanted to apologize.
Roman: Good.
Janus: Let me finish. I wanted to, and then I realized you know what? I'm actually not sorry.
48 notes · View notes
@does-this-look-logicality-to-you on the dash 😳
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Trans deer trans deer🦌🏳️‍⚧️
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petition to call the inevitable ship of drlamp+orange "roygbiv"
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purble boy,,,, parble
click for better quality
reblogs > likes, please don’t like if you don’t rb
683 notes · View notes
💙 Day 5 💚
(Warning for minor talk about blood <3)
Patton's eyes slowly started to open as sun rays poured in through the window to their hotel room.
He moved and felt something slide against his stomach. His body jolted and he looked down, seeing Remus had slipped his hands underneath his pajama shirt.
Patton felt his face heat up and he went to move away but he couldn't. Not without waking Remus at least. He gulped and tried to take a steady breath. He then felt Remus nuzzle against his neck, his warm breath tickling his skin.
"I'm stuck..." Patton muttered, eyes roaming the expanse of the bed in front of him. He couldn't move, couldn't get away. But the important thing was... did he really want to get away?
He was comfortable. Comfort wasn't an issue. Sure it would be nice to get up and start moving. But...
Would it really hurt if he stayed in bed a little while longer? Would it really hurt if he snuggled just a bit closer?
Patton shut his eyes. He went to readjust his position, feeling his legs sliding against Remus'. Remus' grip also tightened around his waist, holding him still.
Yeah... a few more minutes wouldn't hurt anybody...
Remus' hands continued to travel further up Patton's chest. Of course, Remus had no idea what he was doing in his unconscious state.
Patton had woken once more. The red tint on his cheeks... the overwhelming body heat... Remus' hands on his body...
He couldn't take it anymore. His heart was screaming at him. It was pounding in his ears.
As carefully as he could manage he started to slip away from Remus. It wasn't easy. Every time Patton though he was getting close, Remus moved them right back to square one.
"That's it." Patton huffed. He forcefully started shoving his way out of Remus' arms. He didn't want to wake Remus yet, but this was getting to be tiresome.
He eventually got himself untangled and he sat up on the bed, letting out a heavy sigh. He grabbed his glasses from the bedside table, resting them on his face.
Patton turned to Remus, smiling at him softly.
"Good morning... Did I wake you?" Patton asked, brushing Remus' hair off his forehead. Remus leaned into the touch, frowning when Patton pulled his hand back into his lap.
"Kind of." Remus muttered, nestling against the mattress, eyes scanning over every inch of Patton that they could reach.
Remus bit his lower lip before flipping over, getting off the bed. Patton watched him before following suite, getting up off of the bed as well.
"I'm sorry..." Patton muttered, resting his head against Remus' back. He felt Remus straighten up a bit at the sudden contact. He turned his head, glancing at the man behind him.
He snickered, shifting his body and wrapping an arm around Patton's shoulders pulling him closer. Patton pushed his head against Remus' chest, his arms wrapping tightly around Remus' hips. He let out a happy sigh, shutting his eyes and enjoying the embrace.
It was silent for a long moment. The two of them just relished in the nice feeling of being in another person's arms.
Then Remus spoke.
"Y'know it's funny." Remus said, the calming silence now broken by his voice.
"Hm? What is?" Patton asked, glancing up at Remus and loosening his grip a bit.
"At the beginning of the week you found it repulsive to even be in my presence. Now look at us." Remus spoke with a laugh. Patton flushed, hiding his face in Remus' chest and muttering something along the lines of;
"Well you're not as bad as you seem."
The Duke grinned, burying his face in Patton's messy hair.
"Thanks Patty. I really appreciate it." Remus said, pressing a light kiss against his scalp.
Patton flushed more, pulling away from Remus and pressing a hand to his cheek.
"You're welcome." Patton muttered, eyes fixed on the floor.
You could see the love in Remus' expression. In that moment he wasn't sure what it was about Patton, but he was just so beautiful... the sun hitting his skin, glinting off his glasses. His messy, sandy brown curls resting over his eyes...
He shook his head to clear his thoughts, grabbing his phone. The screen lit up as a new message passed through.
"Ooh fun!" Remus cheered, tapping away at the buttons on his phone. Patton tilted his head up, trying to peek at Remus' screen.
"What?" Patton asked. He couldn't see much.
"Lo said we're heading to the beach." Remus explained, clicking his phone off and setting it down.
Patton froze in place. The beach? That sounded great! Like a ton of fun!
There was one small problem though...
If they were going to the beach. To swim and play in the sun. That would mean... they'd all be shirtless right?
Patton felt his face flush as he imagined it. Watching Remus play beach volleyball or splashing around in the waves. Waving him over to build a sandcastle together or laying back to tan in the sun. He bit his finger, looking down.
Why did that sound so hot?
Patton smacked his cheeks, squeezing his eyes shut.
"No no no!" Patton scolded himself, shaking his head. Remus raised his eyebrow.
"No what?" Remus asked, leaning over and examining Patton's face.
"Nothing! Nothing!" Patton dropped to his knees, scrounging through his case and finding his swim trunks and a cover shirt before rushing into the bathroom, slamming the door.
Remus flinched and he pressed his hand to the door.
He opened his mouth to ask if Patton was alright, but he decided against it, clamping his jaw shut and turning away. He walked over to his bag, digging through until he found his clothes.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Patton stepped out into the bedroom, sputtering and slamming the door shut again.
Remus' head shot up and he frowned, walking over to the bathroom, knocking on the door.
"Everything okay in there sweet cheeks?" Remus asked, waiting for a response.
"Put a shirt on!" Patton shouted from the other side of the door. Remus looked down at himself before looking at the door again.
"You've accidentally seen me naked before and me being shirtless is bothering you?" Remus asked. Patton had tried so hard to push that thought out of his mind. Why did he have to bring it up again?
"Just... please." Patton muttered. He was already going to have to see it enough at the beach. He didn't want to go overkill.
Besides, he'd need a shirt on to get out of the hotel. Patton was doing him a favor!
He waited until he heard a soft knock on the bathroom door.
"Alright Patty-Cake. It's safe to come out." Remus said. Patton took in a few deep breaths. He slapped his cheeks and shook his head before grabbing the doorknob.
He faltered, feeling himself gradually getting more and more flustered.
"What is my deal..." Patton sighed, rubbing his eyes.
He turned the knob and opened the door, looking at Remus. He was in another tank top. It didn't do much. In fact it was basically like he still didn't have a shirt on. Patton hid his face in his hands, if only to hide the ever-growing blush on his cheeks.
This is his friend we're talking about here! This was wrong on so many levels...
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Patton watched out the car window, trying to look at absolutely anything but Remus.
Of course that had to be difficult too. Remus was constantly pestering him for his attention.
"Pattyyy..." Remus droned, gripping Patton's arm. Patton held as strong as he could, looking at the scenery beyond the glass panel.
"Remus leave the poor boy alone. People can only handle so much of you in a day." Janus chastised. Patton held his breath for a moment, waiting.
Eventually Remus' poking and prodding ceased and Patton let out a sigh.
'Thank goodness.' Patton thought to himself before he felt weight on his shoulder. He gulped before daring to take a glance in Remus' direction.
He looked... sad.
His eyes were downcast and his shoulders were tense. Patton didn't make him look like that, did he?
"Did I do something to make you mad at me? I'm sorry if I did..." Remus mumbled, a light crack in his soft voice. Patton's heart twisted in his chest and he wrapped his arm around Remus, pulling him in closer.
"Mad? Why would I be mad at you?" Patton asked, rubbing his hand against the skin of Remus' arm. He nuzzled against the touch.
"I'm just taking in the view. Don't worry." Patton explained. He let his head come to rest on top of Remus' and he shut his eyes.
"Thank god..." Remus uttered, his hand resting in Patton's lap, palm up.
"Could we-" Remus started, stopping when Patton immediately placed his hand in Remus'.
"Yes. We could." Patton whispered quietly to him. Remus grinned, tightening his grip. Patton squeezed back, nestling against Remus' side.
This was a good feeling...
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
The six sides piled out of the car, grabbing bags from the car and exchanging words with each other.
Patton basked in the sunlight, a light breeze blowing past that ruffled his hair.
"Pat could you help us carry stuff? Janus is convinced he can carry all the chairs by himself and his legs could collapse at any second." Roman called from in front of the car. Patton glanced to the princely figure before looking at Janus.
Sure enough, he was trying to carry all the chairs by himself, hissing at anyone who got close.
"I can handle myself, piss off emo!" Janus seethed, eyes in slits, glaring daggers in Virgil's direction.
Virgil stepped back, hands up.
"Lets see you walk then." Virgil smirked, crossing his arms. Janus looked down at his feet and started sliding them across the ground, arms shakily holding up the six chairs. Virgil raised an eyebrow skeptically, watching him.
"Don't worry, I can get this!" Janus said, inching his way along at a snail's pace.
"At this rate it'll already be night when you actually get to the beach." Virgil said with an eye roll. Janus scoffed, picking up his pace a bit. He visibly got shakier.
"Yeah right! I'll show you!" Janus sneered, readjusting his grip every five seconds to avoid dropping them. He grumbled to himself as he trudged along. Virgil watched, clearly amused.
Patton shook his head, walking up to Janus and resting a hand on his shoulder.
"Jan just let someone help you. You're going to drop them." Patton explained, retracting his hand as Janus bit at him.
"I can handle myself. Leave me be." Janus said, swiftly turning his head up.
He took a few more steps before his arms gave out and the chairs tumbled to the ground. He sulked in defeat as Virgil laughed at him.
Patton knelt down next to the chairs, gathering two into his arms and standing, looking at Janus. He had his face buried in his hands.
"I'm a failure." Janus cried, moving his hands to hold his chest. Virgil shook his head as he walked up behind Janus, grabbing two chairs from the ground as well.
"Please. You're a very small guy. It's okay if your noodle arms couldn't handle the weight of six big boy chairs." Virgil said, dodging as Janus swatted at him.
"I am average height!" Janus yelled, running after Virgil, abandoning the last two chairs on the ground in favor of trying to rip the emo to shreds.
Patton sighed and leaned down, carefully picking up the other two chairs.
This was two less than what Janus was carrying before, so it was a lighter load, but it was probably still too much for just one person.
Nonetheless, Patton started his descent to the beach, careful not to drop the chairs again.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Remus stuck a large umbrella in the sand next to their beach chairs. Patton had wanted to set his chair up next to Remus' but he figured it was safer a little further away from him.
Taking into consideration all the weird tummy feelings Patton had been feeling around Remus, he decided it was best to minimize how much he saw him today.
Patton near jumped out of his skin when a volleyball was dropped at his feet. He looked up, seeing Remus standing there.
So much for avoiding him...
"Wanna come play? We need four players for teams to be even and Logan and Janus skimped out on us." Remus said. Patton gulped, running a hand through his hair and looking away, biting his thumb nail.
No no no. We said we were minimizing Remus time today. This goes against that. Say no, say no...
"Sure." Patton said, despite his thoughts. Remus took Patton's hand and pulled him up from his chair and he grabbed the volleyball. Remus pulled Patton over to Roman and Virgil, who were setting up the volleyball net.
"I found our fourth player." Remus spoke with a large cheeky grin.
"Perfect. Prepare to lose." Roman chirped confidently. Virgil rolled his eyes and moved to get in position so they could start playing.
Remus did a couple practice hits before actually serving the ball. It soared over the net.
"Wow..." Patton muttered, watching as it flew past Roman and hit the ground beside Virgil.
"Why didn't you hit it?" Roman questioned, somewhat scolding Virgil in the process. Virgil shrugged before smirking.
"Didn't feel like it."
Roman grumbled and picked up the ball, tossing it back over to Remus.
"I believe that's a point for us. You're already losing." Remus teased, laughing at the angered expression on Roman's face.
"Just you wait." Roman growled, getting into position.
Oh boy... this was going to be one hell of a game.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Patton wasn't sure what happened but mid game he caught himself staring at Remus. Just watching him. He wasn't paying much attention to the game anymore.
He watched as Remus dropped the volleyball and he tugged at his shirt, eventually pulling it off fully.
Patton let out a quiet gasp and he swore he could see stars. He was shining...
He ruffled his hair and stretched his arms. Patton bit his lower lip, flushing beyond belief. The world seemingly slowed down.
He was so... so handsome.
This had to be illegal.
He watched as Remus leaned down again, picking up the volleyball and serving it to the other side.
He then glanced in Patton's direction causing his heart to flutter. His eyes held a fierce determination behind them and his hair landed perfectly against his forehead. And oh don't even get Patton started on his chest...
Patton couldn't tear his eyes away. Not like he really wanted to.
He was in lala land.
But that daze was broken when the volleyball slammed into his face, knocking him to the ground.
Patton heard feet rushing through the sand. His head was spinning. He felt so dizzy.
He carefully tried to lift himself up when he heard someone plop down beside him in the sand. He felt hands on his arms, slowly helping him sit up.
Something dripped down over his mouth. Patton reached up.
His fingers were red when he pulled them back. Oh.
His nose was bleeding.
"Patty are you okay?" Remus asked, thumb wiping away the blood dripping down his face.
"Why are so nice to me..." Patton muttered, gripping Remus' wrist.
"Well. I don't want to be an asshole to you. You're my friend. And it'd... itd be assholish of me to be mean to you." Remus said. Patton watched with blurred vision as Remus held up a piece of fabric, holding his nose.
Patton sniffled and his eyes watered. Remus was so sweet. He didn't deserve him. This wasn't fair to Remus.
"You don't have to help me." Patton said, voice cracking. He felt a hand on his cheek and he looked up, eyes locking with Remus'.
"Maybe not. But I want to help you." Remus explained, wiping away a tear that fell down Patton's cheek.
"Oh my god Patton I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you." Came Virgil's voice. He watched him drop into the sand beside him.
"Shit... are you okay?" Virgil asked, pulling away the fabric that Remus had been holding against Patton's nose.
It was still decently bloody.
"Man... We should get something better to clean this up than Remus' shirt." Virgil muttered, pulling himself up on his feet and rushing over to Janus and Logan.
Patton glanced at the fabric clutched in Remus' fist.
It was the tank top he had been wearing.
He glanced back up at Remus, who was giving him the most worried look Patton had ever seen on anyone in his life.
And it made him feel so guilty...
"Remus you didn't have to do any of this for me." Patton muttered, looking away. He felt Remus' thumb brush his cheek, flinching slightly at the contact before leaning into Remus' palm.
"I shouldn't need a reason to help my friend. Stop talking like that." Remus said, wiping the blood away with his shirt.
Patton choked back a sob, eyes fixing to the sand beneath him.
Just as Remus opened his mouth to say something, Virgil returned, turning Patton's head up and wiping away the blood with a wet cloth. He then handed him some dry tissues.
"Here. Plug your nose with these and keep your head tilted up. It should stop the bleeding. And... you can totally sit out for the time being. If you feel up to joining again then you can. Just... make sure your nose is dealt with first, okay?" Virgil rushed, eyes looking over Patton.
Patton took the tissues, stuffing them into his nose and leaning his head back, holding back his tears.
He can't cry. Not in front of them all.
He was okay. He was okay.
It was his fault he was in this predicament anyway. Stupid Remus... what was even so distracting about him?
Patton glanced in Remus' direction and flushed, immediately remembering.
Right... shirtless... pretty man... of course he'd be distracting.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Patton was sat in his beach chair, eyes locked on the clouds in the sky. He let out a sigh.
Remus was sat down beside him. Why? Patton wasn't sure, but it bothered him.
Not because he was bothered by Remus' presence. Not in the slightest! It just made Patton upset that Remus was fussing over him instead of enjoying his vacation.
"Remus go have fun. You don't need to stay with me." Patton muttered, pulling his knees to his chest and resting his head against them.
"It's hard to have fun without you Patty-Cake." Remus responded, digging a shell out of the sand. Patton paused for a moment. He processed the words for a little while.
"What do you mean?" Patton asked eventually, cocking his head to the side. Remus shifted up, his head turning and eyes meeting Patton's.
"What's the fun in having fun if I don't have someone to have fun with?" Remus asked, resting his head on the chair as he watched Patton's expression.
"I'm not the only person you can have fun with." Patton muttered, placing his hand on Remus' head and fluffing his hair.
Remus chuckled and his eyes got a bit sad.
"You'd be surprised Patty." Remus said, brushing his hand against Patton's wrist.
Patton's shoulders dropped and he frowned. He slowly shifted himself out of his chair, sitting down next to Remus and leaning onto his shoulder.
"There's really no one else? We're your friends, Remus. There has to be someone." Patton said, his heart clenching. Remus shrugged, resting his head on top of Patton's.
"To be honest I don't think that's true. I'm only here because you're all friends with my brother. Janus is the only other person here that I'm really close with. But it's because of him and Roman that I'm even here. I shouldn't be on this trip." Remus explained, a lump rising in his throat.
"That's not true!" Patton shouted, wrapping his arms around Remus' waist and hugging him tight.
"You're here because we all wanted you here. You're our friend and you're so nice and thoughtful and... and... you deserve to be here just as much as any one of us." Patton spoke, throat choked up. He felt Remus' arm wrap around his side, pulling him closer.
"Thank you Patty..." Remus muttered. He sniffled and rubbed his eyes, pulling Patton fully into his lap and hugging him tight.
Patton rested his cheek against Remus' bare chest, taking in a deep breath, being bombarded with the familiar musk.
He let a grin slip onto his face.
"Would you like to go build a sand castle?" Remus asked, twirling a tuft of Patton's hair around his finger. Patton grinned much wider, looking up at Remus.
"I'd love to."
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Patton ran his fingers over the wet sand that the two of them were compacting into a castle shape. He dug his thumb into the side of one of the towers, making a window. He smiled to himself, doing it a couple more times.
"Oh cute!" Remus chirped, trying to copy Patton's windows on his own tower.
The window shapes were a bit more mutilated than Patton's were, but they would serve their purpose.
They continued to work on it, looking up when they saw Janus standing beside the castle.
"Hey Jan." Patton said with a smile, looking back at his tower. Janus sat down in the sand, examining the castle.
"Hey guys. Having fun over here by yourselves?" He asked, poking one of the castle tops.
"Having the time of our lives!" Remus cheered, sticking his tongue out as he pushed up another mound of wet sand.
Patton watched with a certain fondness on his face. He looked so determined. So focused on getting this mound into the perfect tower shape.
Janus laughed, leaning back and just watching the two of them as they continued to mold the ever-growing kingdom together.
At some point Remus got up and left. To do what, Patton wasn't sure, but he was certain it would make sense when Remus eventually came back.
"So Pat. How're things with Remus going? Scored big yet?" Janus joked, cackling when Patton shoved him onto his back in the sand.
"For the record this whole roommate thing has brought Remus and I closer, but not that close." Patton shuddered, gripping his upper arms.
"At least I don't think we're that close yet. I don't know. It's confusing. But I know we're definitely better friends now." Patton explained with a small nod. Janus quirked up an eyebrow, sitting back up and examining the look on Patton's face.
"You like him, don't you?" Janus purred, walking his fingers up Patton's leg and lightly poking his stomach.
"Like him? Well sure, I like spending time with him but I don't like him like that!" Patton squeaked, hiding his cheeks when he felt them warming up.
"Do I?"
Patton's questioning was interrupted when Remus returned, dropping a large cluster of seashells next to the sandy towers.
"What're those for?" Janus asked, picking one up and looking it over. Remus took the shell from Janus and nestled it into the compact sand, grinning.
"For decoration! What else?" Remus asked, rolling his eyes and laughing when Janus nudged him with his elbow.
"Knowing you, it could be anything." Janus responded.
Patton smiled at their interaction, picking up a shell that was tinted green. It almost looked heart-shaped. Patton sucked in his breath and placed it on the tallest tower, pushing it into the sand. He left his hand by it to catch it in case it fell. He then smiled to himself as he pulled his hand back after it stayed in place.
"Ohh that one's cool! I don't even remember picking that one up." Remus said, eyes scanning over the shell. Patton smiled a tad, the corners of his mouth pointing up.
"It is pretty cool." Patton muttered.
"Hey look. There's one in the pile almost exactly like it. It's just a different color." Janus pointed out, lifting the shell, showing it off to Patton and Remus.
Sure enough, Janus was right. It was tinted light blue and was in a shape very close to the one Patton had just stuck into their castle.
Remus shifted his position and grabbed the shell from Janus' palm then removed the shell from the tower.
"Hey, Remus-" Patton started, but he was up and out of there before Patton could say anything else.
Patton held his breath and hugged his knees to his chest, looking at the indent left behind from the shell.
Many minutes later he jumped at sudden contact on his shoulder and he went to turn his head but a hand on his cheek kept his gaze in front of himself.
The hand then quickly pulled away. A quiet apology was muttered.
"Hold still..."
Then Patton saw a string go in front of his field of vision. He felt it being rested against his neck and he waited in stunned silence.
He then saw Remus move in front of him. He had a string tied around his neck with the light blue shell dangling from it.
Patton's hand shot up to his chest and he felt a shell hanging from a string. He ran his fingers over the grooves of the shell and he felt his heart swelling in his chest.
"Oh..." Patton breathed out, gripping the shell in his fingers. He ran the pad of his thumb over the smooth inner side. He shifted closer to Remus, looking up at him in awe.
"They're like friendship necklaces!" Remus chirped, laughing a bit before letting out a noise of surprise as he was pulled into Patton's arms.
The moral side smiled widely and shut his eyes, burying his face in Remus' neck and smiling beyond belief.
"I love them."
The Duke laughed happily, hugging Patton as tight as he could manage without harming him. He tried his best to stand up but he just ended up falling backwards with Patton in his arms.
And they fell right on top of their sand castle.
"Down goes the kingdom! And along with, down go its Kings." Janus yelled, standing and brushing the sand off of himself. He rolled his eyes at the giggling mess in the heap of sand and made his way back over to his beach chair, a smile on his face.
Remus and Patton laughed and laughed before collecting themselves and sitting back up, looking at what used to be their sand castle.
"At least it looked cool when it was standing." Remus said, nodding. Patton let out a laugh before agreeing with Remus.
"Yea. Shame it was destroyed." Patton muttered.
The two of them leaned against each other, saying quiet goodbyes to their sandy kingdom.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Patton rested his head against the wet skin of Remus' shoulder. Before they all left they had splashed around in the salty waves of the ocean. Patton took in a deep breath, shutting his eyes. Who knew having fun at the beach could make a guy so...
So warm. And fuzzy. And tired, of course. He felt an arm around his shoulder that made his heart flutter, and he smiled, nuzzling against the man beside him.
"I had a lot of fun today." Patton muttered, catching the Duke's attention.
"Me too." Remus mumbled in response. Patton felt a hand playing with his hair and he grinned, letting the quiet hum of the car and the comforting feeling of the warm body next to his own lull him to sleep.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
"You guys head in, I'll get Patty!" Remus called.
Patton's eyes flitted open and he glanced tiredly in Remus' direction. He carefully sat himself up, stretching and yawning.
"Oh! You're up just in time! We're heading in now." Remus explained, his head poking in through the open car door.
The moral side shifted from his seat after undoing the buckle and as he moved to place his feet on the ground Remus scooped him up in his arms.
"I- Remus I can walk myself." Patton muttered, his hands wrapping around the Duke's neck.
"I know. But I want to carry you." Remus explained, shutting the car door and walking into the hotel. Patton shut his mouth and just nestled against Remus, allowing him to carry him back to their room.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Patton towel dried his hair as he stared into the mirror, taking in a deep breath. Remus had used the shower before him, so he was keeping him waiting.
His eyes shifted to the candle burning on the counter.
"Sugared Orange & Vanilla"
"Where do you keep coming from..." Patton muttered, his thought bubble bursting when there was a knock on the door.
"Patty? You almost done in there? It's getting pretty late and I- I mean." Remus paused for a moment before speaking again.
"Your buddy Cookie needs Patty for sleepy time right now." Remus spoke. Patton let out a laugh, drying his hair a bit more before hanging up the towel. He tugged his shirt on over his head and grabbed his shell necklace from the counter before opening the bathroom door.
Remus grinned, and his arms flew around Patton's waist, hoisting him up into the air. Patton let out an alarmed laugh, giggling as Remus swung them around in circles.
They flopped over onto the bed, laughing and gasping and wheezing as they tried to catch their breath.
Patton shifted up in Remus' arms and rested his necklace on the table next to Remus'. He then removed his glasses and adjusted himself comfortably on his back, his head sinking into the pillow.
Remus crawled up beside Patton, spooning his side. Patton snuggled close, burying his face in Remus' curls.
"Where's Cookie at?" Patton mumbled tiredly, shutting his eyes and wrapping his arms around the Duke.
"You gonna grab him?" Remus asked, half-lidded eyes glancing up at Patton.
"Floor." Remus answered, voice muffled against Patton's skin. The moral side let out a noise of affirmation, moving himself even closer to Remus.
Patton readjusted himself a bit, turning on his side to get a better hold on Remus.
"Mmm no..." Patton mumbled, voice already dripping with sleepiness. Remus snorted, pressing a light kiss to Patton's throat.
The moral side flushed, hands wrapping around the Duke's neck and fingers playing with small clumps of his soft hair.
"Why not? Cookie needs you." Remus said, a yawn escaping him as he shut his eyes, relishing in the warmth.
"He can wait. You're Cookie tonight. You're getting the cuddles." Patton uttered, barely above a whisper.
Remus grinned, hugging Patton closer.
"Whatever makes you happy Patty-Cake." Remus replied.
"Goodnight Remus." Patton said, planting a soft kiss to the top of his head before drifting to sleep.
Taglist: @nalidice , @sunflowersand-butterflies , @lost-in-thought-20 , @regalredrose , @pan-rainbows-are-me , @never-quite-logistical , @morality-the-hufflepuff , @thecrowslullaby , @justablah56 , @warcats-cat , @its-the-cat-queen , @artist-hope
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Hey guys, would you be interested in Logicality week? 👀👀
(Pls reblog this post so more people can see it)
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chew, chew, swallow your anger (version without lenses is available under read more. edit: added a glasses-less version)
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damn look at those pretty orange eyes
(glasses-less version doesn't include the semi-glitchy effect that the glasses versions do)
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I'm feeling generous so have a sneak peek at Day 5 of the Intruality fic
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You probably thought I was lying didn't you
Thought this was an April's fools joke?
I'm not that mean ;]
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For @its-the-cat-queen
Virgil with your kitties 💖
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