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let’s talk about heathers/danganronpa crossover
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Don’t worry, none of the prizes will include graphics lmfao
HEY SO 222 FOLLOWERS THAT’S? AMAZING?? Y’all must’ve gotten lost looking for actual good blogs lmfao, but really, thank you, all of you, for following me! If it wasn’t for all of you, I would’ve given up, and maybe even deleted this blog, long ago because of how insecure I’ve been on here. Your support and wonderful muses is what keeps me going.
                 SO HERE COMES AN ART GIVE AWAY!
·    You must be following me! This is after all a huge Thank You towards my followers.      Please do not just follow to get something from me, that would be, hah, really mean ;; ·    Reblogs and likes count as entries! ·    I can draw whatever as long as it’s not tasteless or insulting, or outside of my abilities as an artist. .     Winners will be picked by random!! 
1st place: Guess what your OTP/ship of choice is about to come true, cus that’s just what I’m going to draw for you! A full body sketch of the lucky couple, doing whatever you wish for them to do together!
2nd place: A full body sketch of a character of your choice! Muse or not, whoever you wish for will come to life from the tip of my pencil.
3rd place: A sketch of a bust of your character of choice, just like the picture above of our favourite wild child!
*throws kiss*
(edit: the give away will be up until the end of May!)
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I’m 51 followers away from 200!
[That’s crazy~ I wonder what I can do for it :0]
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             How could you EVEN ASK THAT, wanted to fly out of his mouth in a snap at first but he reminded himself who exactly he was speaking to. The words became a long exhale instead, he was way too tired to get into a one sided argument with him today, it was a waste of energy trying to ACTUALLY verbalize his view to Komaeda sometimes. 
            “Nothing.” He says which contradicts his true feelings for miles and miles because his TRUE answer would be EVERYTHING. He stared at the other from the side of course suddenly suspicious at Komaeda approaching him, “What so you want anyway…?”
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“....” He stared at his classmate for a moment before letting out a sigh. “ you know, Hinata-kun, you’re not very good liar...I’m just wondering how you are, it seemed like recent events have clouded your mind.”  He then smiled at the other placing a hand on his own hip in a care free manner “ But I do want you to one day understand, that all of it was necessary to invoke a profound hope waiting for us at the end of it all of this despair.” 
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How well do we know each other?: 
Do you have a pet name for me?: 
Do I have a pet name for you?: 
Are you attracted to me?: 
Why do you want to marry me?: 
Big wedding or Small wedding?: 
Do you see children in our future?: 
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                                             [ H o p e is a positive force
                                                               Everything created by it 
                                                                 Is an absolute good ]
                  Ultimate Lucky Student - Nagito Komaeda
                                                          RP - Ask - Headcanon Blog
★Indie Danganronpa RP
★AU, OC, M!A, Crossover, Multiship & Multiverse friendly
★Super approachable mun w/ many years of RP experience
★Come talk to Ko!
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I love the expressions when people fall in love.
So, I’ve studied a blushing face for a long time.
Someone want to see a happy one, so i made happy one better than others.
Enjoy the meme!
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I think I answered everyone?
[ngl, I’m not good at keeping track of rps and sometimes tumblr doesn’t say anything, so if I missed anyone please feel free to message me o uo/ ]
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Komaeda found himself talking to this man, first it started with him asking where the library was and then just going on about how Hopespeak is a dream come true. He was new and pretty excited about just being introduced to this amazing new academy. Lucky him, he managed to find someone kind enough to help him let his teen heart gush over it. 
What was even better was that it was an ultimate he was talking to, doing some research before hand he could see this was the ultimate high school level boxer, Sakakura Juzo! How nice. “ My I really don’t intend to waste your time with this, I’m really honored to meet you and be allowed into such a prestigious school. ”
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@neverendingrayofhope ♥’d to ask something
So here he was arms crossed, hearing out one of Yukizome’s students. At this point he wasn’t even certain how this conversation started or why he even bothered to come up and speak with him. It wasn’t really a conversation, mostly just Komaeda speaking and Sakakura listening.
He hadn’t mentioned anything to irritate him yet so he simply remained quite, allowing the younger male to continue speaking.
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‘…thank god today’s been a slow day.’
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Starter for @ofdesperationis
This....Uneasy feeling inside him as he stared directly at this woman, the feeling sank all the way down to his feet. He admired but also hated this individual standing before him, even then he kept a straight emotionless demeanor,  facing her onward. The malice radiating off her was almost toxic. 
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“...” His mind drew a blank for a moment trying to think of what to say but nothing came to mind. She was a master of despair, anything he might say she could easily take those words and manipulate them and him. So he had to choose his words carefully. 
“ Hello Junko Enoshima”  Probably best to keep things short and simple, he could practically feel the gun in his pocket tingling. 
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Why do you hate reserve course students so much?
1/20 Questions
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“...Because they’re worthless nobodies who buy their way into the academy. The academy isn’t for regular no talent high schoolers. Honestly, they just go in with false hopes of getting an easier life using the schools reputation and nothing else. They aren’t trying to help the cause they’re just occupying space for REAL talent that DESERVES to be there and that could provide seeds of hope. To be frank, all of them are a waste of space. “ 
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Starter for @fcture
“Hey Hinata-kun” he spoke out to the other as he idly tapped his shoulder to get his attention. “How are you? You seem pretty out of it” he asked the other, Hinata looked completely lost in his own little world. He pale man walked into his field of vision just to get him to stop walking around like a mindless zombie. 
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“ What’s getting you so worked up?” showing his classmate a warm smile, Komaeda wondered what was cluttering the others mind. They always were a bit of a worry wart, hopefully he could ease some of that tension. 
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Name: Nagito Komaeda Birthday: April 28th Gender: Cis Male. Orientation: Pansexual and panromantic. Age: 17 to early twenties, depending on the verse. Favorite Pop: He likes any of them but prefers bitter drinks or just blue Ram works. Favorite Candy: Doesn’t really have much of a sweet tooth. Would settle for anything. Favorite Pizza: Probably plain cheese or pepperoni  Favorite Salad Dressing: blue cheese Favorite Meal: Probably omelets  Best Memory: Forgetting every other memory that came before the present.  Best Friend(s):  Friends is usually a pretty strong word, he knows others feel uncomfortable around him once he shows his true colors. But he strongly feels close to Hinata and Chiaki. Despite this he does like the rest of his class. But the previous two have given an effort to understand him better. Best Relative(s): Dead Best Pet: Dead
One Random Fact About Them: If it weren’t for his condition and insane beliefs, he’d be a pretty nice guy. He does show humanity and defend others when he’s not in a life or death situation and has a pretty good sense of humor. One Random Fact About Their Day: Running was never his strong suit so he relaxed and napped under a tree for a while. He was glad nothing bad happened when he woke up. One Random Fact About Their Job/School: The school is his dream school despite it not being what he thought it would be. One Random Fact About Their Favorite TV Show: when they use forensic and interrogations is the best part and it’s all believable and well thought out.  
tagged by: @hexapodboy
Tagging: Whoever wants a go at it 
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Starter for  @kyoukokiwigiri​ 
Komaeda found himself walking near one very interesting classmate. 
Kyoko Kirigiri the Ultimate Detective. 
Looked on to Kirigiri but then found himself idly walking next to her. The more he looked on the more he felt the need to say something. He had questions but he wasn’t sure what to ask and decided to just go with whatever pops up. It was better than just weirdly walking next to her. 
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“ Hello! Kirigiri! I’m sorry to bother you but can I ask you a few questions? I know we don’t normally talk but I feel as though you’re the only one that would know how to solve this predicament I’m in.” his said in a rather enthusiastic tone, just talking to an ultimate felt amazing. 
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