What I do when I'm bored.
•Go to the fridge, check what's inside, go back to room •Scroll through shitposts •Go to Instagram •Go back to the fucking fridge, check again what's inside, walk back down the fucking stairs and into my room •Listen to music •Day dream about cute things to do with my crush even though I know it will never happen and damn it Mathew can't you take a fucking hint I like you like me back you fucking butter cake •Sleep. •Still sleeping •Go the fuck away I'm trying to sleep
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If this ain't me...
Things I Do Instead Of Writing
Daydream about my story
Daydream about writing
Read posts about how to write well
Make an incorrect quotes blog for my story and post stuff to it
Try to plot and then get distracted
Try to worldbuild and then get distracted
Stare at a blank page
Think about AUs for my story
Tell my friends about scenes that are cute or funny or intense and not actually write them
Draw maps for the fantasy land
Take notes on characters
Take notes on setting
Try to organize said notes 
Daydream about becoming a bestselling author
Who should I cast in the movie
Should I even let Hollywood make a movie or will they screw it up
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What if we're all just living on the back of a fucking turtle shell. Just going on in our lame ass lives while a turtle strolls along in the fuckin ocean land stuff. And then one day GLUB GLYB GLUB BITCHES and we get eaten by a shark with the smol lil turtle and then we just don't
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This is pre cute...
beautiful things that exist in this world
-summer wild flowers -the ocean -the moon -warm grass underneath your feet -poems -you
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