neverlostyetfound · 3 years
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@themonchiquita-blog @giservilheire-blog @sayoko-says @omfgpalmtrees @abroerman @emancarrillo-blog @not-a-lie-honestly @kurosua @meid2go 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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neverlostyetfound · 3 years
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@themonchiquita-blog @giservilheire-blog @wvdogpound @sayoko-says @omfgpalmtrees @abroerman @emancarrillo-blog @not-a-lie-honestly @kurosua @meid2go 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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neverlostyetfound · 13 years
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neverlostyetfound · 13 years
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
Pick pockets
in Istanbul are really freaking good. The cash in my money clip in my front right pocket had disappeared some how and I couldn’t find my wallet to boot. Fml. How could they even do that with my wallet tucked away in the awkward travel pouch under my shirt? Not to mention Aaron and I are now on the far side of the bosphorous in some random fast food chain place. Commence freak out.
5 infinite minutes later I find my wallet in the weirdest location, in my back pocket where I always keep it filled with the money that had escaped my money clip.
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
It's been a while
So I have a proportionally good story for how long I've made you wait to hear about me being forgetful.
So Mei and Morgen showed up last Friday to hang out for the weekend. They went with Anouk and I to a local bar where we met up with some of our German friends; Max, Claus and Thomas. Drinks, hanging out, reminiscing on Age of Empires II, whatever.
Then we're about to leave and I'm like "Wait a minute, I wore my hat here..." So I start checking in all the nooks on and around the couches we were sitting on kind of like a squirrel looking for some acorns; nothing. So then everyone else starts to try and help out, nothing. Oh well whatever, I got the thing from some hippies on campus Freshman year. I can get a replacement. 
We head home.
We're at home: oh shit, I can't get in. Where the hell are my keys!? Awesome, hat and keys lost in one night. So Max was nice enough to back-track with me to the bar to get the keys. We're checking in little spots along the way and have no luck. When we get there we still have no luck, just some grumpy guy who can't be inconvenienced to move off the couch for a few seconds while we check under a cushion. Damn it. Now what am I going to do? The apartment office isn't open so I can't easily get a spare, my USB key was on it too (along with my bottle opener) AND the sleeping bag and inflatable mattress for Morgen and Mei are in MY ROOM. Fail.
Walking home from the bar I remember "oh yah, we had a snowball fight," and "oh yah, I fell on my ass." Hmmmmm, where did I fall on my ass? somewhere around... hey look a tiny itty bitty shiny thing sticking out ever so slightly from the snow! Cha-ching, MY KEYS! I little frozen but whatever. Thankfully no one decided to park there while I was off forgetting things.
So we get back safe and sound and everyone heads to bed, yay!
And then the next morning I found my hat, it was on my chair in my room. I never wore it to the bar.
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
I am currently trapped in my room. The only way to lock the door, even from the inside, is with a key. I have a habit of locking it and leaving the key in the keyhole on the inside of the door. They key is not there right now. I need to go do laundry but I can't get out. I guess I'll clean my room instead.
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
Left my bank card at the Grocery store. After being kind of confused and talking repeatedly very slowly I got it back.
The End
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
Power charger
Woohoo! Thanksgiving and Aaron's birthday in Berlin this weekend followed by a visit to Prague. Pretty good week. Now if only I could charge my camera batteries. Hmmmmm, I must've left my U.S. to Euro plug adapter at Aaron's place in Berlin. I guess I'll use Anouk's in the mean time. Oh heeeey! I also packed my mini adapter, yay problem solved. Except I still need that bigger one to plug in my computer. Maybe I can pick it up from Aaron when I stop into Berlin en route to Wuppertal? Hm, he can't find it.
Well surprise surprise, I found it on my DESK back in WUPPERTAL. Wooo! I also found my microfiber cloths which I thought I had packed but never really thought I had forgotten.
Now there's definitely some more things from this weekend but I'll save them for a little later. Maybe after Mei and Aaron tell me what they were.
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
Lemme help you with that
So Mei and I are trying to visit Aaron for his birthday next weekend and I am not helping things by helping. I was trying to help out Mei by configuring some sort of train route which wouldn't put her in Berlin at some odd hour in the morning and maybe one where we can take the same train. Luckily I found one! Actually I found a few, which was weird considering Mei is not stupid (contrary to what I often tell her) and only found train rides at absurd hours that take far too long. Oh wait, haha, I put in the wrong DATE! duuuuh! Luckily all the times are the same for Friday as they are for Monday, phew. They're even the same Monday and Friday morning as they are Monday and Friday evening which I soon realized was the next thing I had forgotten to check. I had been looking at morning trains, not evening trains. Europe is really into what we call military time so I would put in "5:00" meaning pm but I really needed to put in "17:00." So now we are left with no really good connections that I can find for Mei and I am too tired of these time tables to check my own train routes right now. Don't worry Aaron, I'll be in Berlin some how. Though I can't stay for all of Sunday I will hopefully be there for all of Saturday. Also today I was carrying two grocery bags with me to the grocery store (because in Europe they do that, reuse bikes and such) and by the time I got there I only had one. Weird. However the girls walking in front of me going to the Hauptbahnhof dropped an ugly plastic bedazzled belt thing when they realized they might be late for their train and booked it. I managed to grab it, take the shortcut to the station and show up on time to hand them the belt as they were scurrying down the stairs.
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
lens cap
is now replaced with shiny new over-priced lens cap.
I know I've had things to post on here for the last two days but, once again, cannot remember. When I find what I found I'll let you know.
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
are real confusing sometimes. For instance, there are two "Departure" timetables at all of the train stations in Germany (as far as I can tell). One, has occasional red text, the other is in all black text. As far as I can tell that's the only difference. After missing one train and then the next not arriving at the designated time (as shown on the all-black timetable) I looked at the one with some red text. This makes me think that red/black text timetable is for weekends and all-black is for weekdays. Yah? Maybe?
Also today, I found my SD card reader again. It was in my messenger bag still. Also also something else I can't remember.
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
is.... is this...... matt?
No, this is Darth Vader, his father.
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
Everything is connected.
So remember that time in my last post where I left my keys in the back of a Mac and had to go get them? Well, when I went to Lieze's to use her phone I left my umbrella there, had to go get that today. I also swear that I put a certain letter with certain health insurance information on it in my bag before we went to the bank this morning, my bag must have digested it already. Damn, I was really planning on using that to find out how to pay for health insurance. Good thing Martin and Anouk have brains and figured it out.
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
Keys please
Today was great, the lack of finding things was almost eerie. It was as if my brain was operating today. Went to class, had lunch, group work time, get pizza, more group work, go home, whatever. Wait, where are my keys? Oh they're in the back of the Mac I was working on all the way back up the hill on the top of campus.  Hmm, only Stefan has the key to the room. I can just get it tomorrow though, I'll call Anouk to just let me in.  Wait, that still doesn't let me into my room AND I have now discovered my phone is out of minutes. Shit. Walk across the street to use the payphone, it talks to me in German, give up. Um well, I guess I go to Lieze's and see if I can use her phone. 10 minutes of walking. Get to Lieze's, ring door bell obnoxiously, Lieze answers, apologize, call Stefan, no answer, call Martin, Martin says he'll call Stefan, get called back by Stefan, get picked up by Stefan, get let in to building "I" (which is supposed to be locked down at night) with Stefan's magic key, get in, get keys, party, home, tumblr, sleep.
I should save a Euro/dollar every day I screw up and on the day I don't have to find something I will use that money to buy myself something nice (and then I will post about having to find it again).
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
I almost remembered
what the first thing was that I had to find today was but I don't so just assume that it's funny.
Secondly, when working with my research team for school, I had plugged my logitech mouse into the Mac I was using because apple mice SUCK. I was then reminded right before leaving that my logitech mouse was in fact mine and not the computer lab's. Thanks Stefan.
Lastly I went to go get a new lens cap for my new(ish) camera, because I lost that this weekend. Whilst in the process of ordering a new lens to be shipped into Wuppertal's camera shop I realized that I didn't have the pin for my Deutsche bank account memorized. No worries though, I wrote it down somewhere safe in my wallet or my phone in some cryptic way. Now was it my wallet or phone? And how did I encode it? Uuuuuuuh, I don't know. I guess I'll order it tomorrow with cash.
Oh! and I just remembered, this morning it was deodorant. I looked in the bag that I had packed it in for this weekend... not there. Search around the room for a few minutes. Check the bag again, found!
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neverlostyetfound · 14 years
!at this moment, i have no question to ask.solely, i want to express my overwhelming excitement that this very opportunity exists should i have a question.which is to say, essentially, i am so happy that you have joined the world of tumblr.hopefully, you are happy, too.
hahaha, thanks Bridget. Is it just me or has tumblr changed some of the interface since a year or so ago? I don't hate it anymore! So either something is wrong with me, or something is different with tumblr. And I'll be happy when, and if, tumblr somehow cures me of my tendency to lose things all the time.
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