phanweek · 8 years
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Yes, you have read correctly - we are recruiting new mods for the Phandom Big Bang! 
As this event grows from year to year, we always find ourselves needing more help, so if you’re interested in doing just that, here’s your chance!
This time around we are hoping to add between 2 and 6 mods to our team. Though that might change depending on how hard you make the decision for us. If you are considering applying, please be aware that being a mod is a major time commitment, so you need to be able to devote several hours of free time to this every week.
To give you a bit of an idea what the mod job includes, here’s a list of things you might be required to do:
planning and managing of the event at various stages in the process (e.g. promos, sign ups, claiming…)
managing multiple large spreadsheets
writing informational posts/answering questions
running a mod squad (this includes sending out reminders, completing check ins, encouragement and problem solving for 40+ people, among other duties)
But it’s not as hard as it may sound! There are certain perks too:
you will be working side by side with the current mods (and all of us are awesome) and surely gaining some friends
the knowledge that you helped organize one of the biggest events in the Phandom
meeting new people
you could totally put this on your resume (if you’re willing to admit to a potential boss that you organized a gay RPF event)
If you’re still reading and are now seriously thinking about applying, there’s some things you should know. 
Your age, number of followers, native language, blog, and the fact whether or not you write fanfiction yourself will not impact our decision.
What we will be considering is how much time you are able to invest in being a mod, your google skills (how much experience you have with google docs/sheets/forms) and your work ethic, attitude, and overall enthusiasm towards this event.
To apply, please fill out this form. The final deadline for your application is March 12th, but the sooner you can get it in, the better.
And should you have any questions, you can ask them here.
We can’t wait to get to know you and start working together!
- the mods
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phanweek · 8 years
Phan Week 2017
Hey guys, it’s been a minute! Sorry for the lack of Phan Week in 2016 - things got a bit hectic and we couldn’t find the time to run the event. Buuuut....
I am still working out the dates, but as I’m now running this by myself, I’m going to need some help! 
If you are interested in becoming a mod for Phan Week 2017, please click anywhere in this post to fill out the application! 
I want to get this sorted as quickly as possible so that we can get everything up and running and host Phan Week ASAP, so applications will be open until Friday, February 3rd! 
If you could reblog this to help get the word out, it’d be much appreciated! Thanks :D 
- Alexandra
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phanweek · 9 years
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~so you wanna play with magic~
Phan Week Day 8: Wildcard! (aka witch!Dan and familiar!Phil)
(More specifically: witch Dan doin’ some flowery magic with familiar Phil)
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phanweek · 9 years
does it make you feel alive?
summary: Phil’s glad Dan’s finally finished working for the night, because he’s been waiting to be fucked all day.
word count: ~2100
a/n: this is my fill for the final free day of phanweek, day 8, and i decided to go back and do top!Dan. i’ve really enjoyed writing this week, so just wanted to say a massive thank you to the runners of @phanweek!! that said, i now want to sleep for a month.
title is from alive by one direction
also available on AO3
‘Are you finally finished for the night?’ Phil asks, looking up from his book as Dan closes his laptop.
‘I think so,’ Dan sighs. ‘Got a little bit more to do tomorrow before we head out, but I should be able to upload tomorrow night.’
‘Good,’ Phil says simply.
‘Good?’ Dan asks, turning and smirking.
‘I’ve been waiting for you,’ Phil admits readily, putting his book aside. ‘Come here and fuck me, yeah?’
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phanweek · 9 years
Kiss Me Through The Camera
Rating: Explicit Pairing: Dan Howell / Phil Lester Words: ~2.5K Warnings: None Summary: “Phil wasn’t a stranger to seducing someone with just his words, so why was flirting with Dan the equivalent of digging to China with a teaspoon?” A/N: For Phan Week 2015! Day eight: Wildcard. PWP with some 2009!Phan fluff thrown in. First time cam sex, mutual masturbation, dirty talk.
Read on AO3!
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phanweek · 9 years
violets are blue
summary: There’s a boy who buys flowers from him. Dan’s a florist, so it makes sense. A lot of people buy flowers from him. But there’s not a lot who buy flowers as frequently as this boy does, and even less so that buy flowers for him.
wordcount: 1251
a/n: rip @phanweek i miss u already, u made me more productive than i thought i could ever b. day eight is wildcard so here, have a florist au, i’m sure thats a real surprise for everyone [ao3]
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phanweek · 9 years
A Different Morning
A Different a morning by @starry-phan-eyes Word Count: Warnings: shower secks.  Buttsecks.   Summary: shower sex, non boyfriends Notes: written for day - of phan week whoo.  Yes it’s late shh
Dan ran his hand through his hair, humming slightly.  In a way, he loved showers.  They always made him feel relaxed and calm.  It took him away from the real world for a few minutes and he could have time to himself to tend to any issues he might have.  He was pretty sure that Phil was out of the flat today, so he didn’t bother locking the door.  He just closed it.  
He was meant to be uploading a video soon.  Phil often thought about his video ideas in the shower, but they just came to Dan.  Whether he was lying face down on the carpet or not, ideas just seemed to pop into his head.  
He grabs his shower gel from the edge of the shower and squirts some into his hand, closing the lid again rubbing it into his chest, leaning back against the wall slightly.  Just as he’s running it over his shoulders, he hears the door open.
“Phil!  Jesus Christ!” Dan moves to cover his crotch with the bottle of shower gel but instead slips over, landing on his back.  He throws his hand over it instead and tries to roll over.
“Oh crap, sorry.”  Dan gets up, assuming that Phil’s left, but the older boy is still standing there.  
“Phil- oh.”  His best friend, Phil Lester, was hard at the sight of him naked.  They just kinda stand there, staring at each other.  For Dan, this was like a fantasy come true.  He had thought about this more than he cared to admit.  
Not breaking eye contact with Dan, Phil moves his hand down to his crotch and started rubbing in circles, breathing softly.  Dan feels himself pulse.  Oh shit, this was happening.
With a few steps, Dan is standing inches away from Phil, arms around his neck and breath mixing.  Then he connects their lips and they know that they’re gone when it feels so good, so right.  Dan moans into Phil’s mouth, tasting as much of it as he can.  He breaks away just long enough to pull the older boys shirt over his head, and then they’re kissing again.  
Dan brings his hand down to Phil’s pants, earning a moan from the older boy.  He reached the button and undoes it, pulling his jeans down around his legs as best as he can.  Phil responds by grabbing him and pushing him backwards into the shower, taking his shirt off as he goes.
“How far do you want to go?” Phil asked Dan breathlessly.  Dan bit his lip.
“I want you to fuck me.”  He pushes his crotch into Phil’s and moans.
“Mm, okay.”  Phil pulls off his boxers and throws them out and somewhat awkwardly starts kissing Dan again.  Water cascades off their heads but they don’t seem to notice, too lost in the moment.  Dan never thought that kissing his best friend would be this good, feel this right.  He was well and truly gone along with their platonic friendship.  
Phil breaks away and wets his fingers in the water, not breaking eye contact with the younger boy.  Dan spreads his legs slightly, leaning back against a wall.  Phil moves a finger down to his entrance and pushes in.
“I do this-fuck-sometimes.”  Dan gasps and tries to readjust Phil’s finger inside of him.  Without protest, another digit is added in.  Dan moans loudly.
“That’s so hot,” Phil whispers gravelly, crooning his fingers.  Dan lets out a shout.
“I’m good, I’m goo- just get inside of me!”
Phil nods and pushes Dan up against a wet wall, lifting his legs around his waist.  At a pull from Dan he pushes inside the other boy, feeling his legs shake and his body quaver.  Dan breathes out heavily, trying to ignore the pain of having no lube.  It felt so good.
“Phil, just move.”
Phil obliges, letting out a moan as he thrusts inside Dan again, trying to manoeuvre himself so he wouldn’t drop him.  The water makes every thrust seem louder, skin on skin.  He pulls out almost all of the way again and then slams forward, making Dan scream.  
“Fuck, there!”
“I don’t know…” Phil gasps.  “I don’t know how long I can hold you…”
Dan moans loudly as Phil keeps thrusting into him, unevenly now.  He feels Phil shake and then he’s being lifted down so he’s straddling him and basically riding him on the bottom of the bath tub.  Dan flips them around so Phil can still lead and wraps his arms around him, digging his fingernails into his back and scratching down.
“Phil, I’m gonna-”
Dan comes with a shout as pleasure courses through him at an alarming rate, leaving him breathless.  Phil isn’t far behind and comes deep inside the younger boy, riding out his orgasm softly before pulling out.  Dan winces.
The two boys just stare at each other for a minute.
“Well that happened,” Dan murmurs.  Phil laughs.  He didn’t know where they’d go from here, but that was the best he’d ever felt in his life and he didn’t want it to end.  Ever.
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phanweek · 9 years
Summary: 2012 was a failing long-distance relationship.
Word Count: 455
Genre: angst
Warnings: alcohol mention
A/N: Hi guys! Here is my fic for Phan Week Day 7: 2012!Phan (I know I’m a bit late but oh well). This is unbetaed so it’s probably pretty crap, but I wanted to post it ASAP since it’s already late. As always feedback, both positive and negative, is welcomed and appreciated.
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phanweek · 9 years
I Wanna Hold Hands With You
Summary: The Amazing Tour is Not on Fire is over and all Dan wants to do is be reminded of why this all started in the first place.
Genre: fluff, slight angst
Author’s Note: Here’s my fic for day 8 of @phanweek. There was no prompt today and it was just a wildcard day, meaning we could write anything. This fic is sfw so there’s no smut at all. Thanks to @chocolatesaucelester for the amazing feedback and encouragement!
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phanweek · 9 years
Hold on
So .. my dear friend @danissnotonfiree tagged me in a challenge. And while I’m a lazy idiot who won’t tag other people I do have decided to make you a little gift. Also it’s phanweek! so here we go. I take no responsibility for this, it’s a jumbled mess, not beta’ed or anything.
Pairing: Dan/Phil Warnings: none really, except a hint of Angst? Length: 1,122
Phil reflects on some of the 2012 times. (belated phanweek Day 7)
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phanweek · 9 years
The Opposite Team
Angst/Fluff/Smut/Other Warnings: technically none except a bit of sadness and references to bruises in my questionable metaphors. Words: ~2280 Summary: “They’re fine, really, or he hopes they are. It’s just sometimes a little hard knowing that ‘fine’ is all they are at the moment because they used to be deliriously happy.”  A/N: written for day 7 of Phan Week 2015 for the SFW prompt - “2012” set directly after dan’s ‘slightly intoxicated younow’ which is actually generally a lovely show so I don’t know why I made these choices. once again this is very late because life got Dramatic. i was originally planning something every different for today and for the wildcard day and by ‘different’ i mean porn but i just wasn’t feeling it after The Dramas of life so I abruptly changed course. On the brightside, the two smut fics will still be coming your way soon. ao3/read more below
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phanweek · 9 years
Phan Week Day Seven
Title: I’ve always been here
Summary: 2012, Dan is sad and stubborn and doesn’t admit to wanting Phil back. After many tries, Phil finally gets through to him, through to the Dan that shows emotion, through to the Dan who loves him. Phan Week Day 7: 2012
Genre: angst, like a sentence of fluff.
Word Count: 557
Warnings: um like crying, mentions of self hate.
I knew I was being rude, I knew it was me. I was hurting Phil and I knew it. I knew that there was probably another way to deal with this, i knew if i actually reached out to Phil he would help. But i was too stubborn to go back, to stubborn to go and say sorry, to stubborn to go and get help. I was prepared for none of this, I thought youtube was just a little fun hobby- not something that would make people dive into my private life. My mum had warned me about this, and I was too stubborn to admit to she was right. My thoughts of self hatred surrounded me and I felt sorry for myself, none of this was really my fault. I just wasn’t prepared. Phil should have told me about this. No, this wasn’t my fault, it was Phil’s.
Then why was I crying?
Dan cried a lot these days, he blamed on the fame and everyone poking him around, trying to get him and Phil together. And at first, all he did was try and separate him and Phil, show everyone that weren’t one human being but that spiralled out of control He started acting like that outside of the internet. He never even talked to Phil. Phil was just the weird roommate he had. That would all be fine if Phil wasn’t dying to hold Dan in his arms. Dying to kiss him goodnight and hold him as he slept. Phil had tried, each time Dan would ask what he was doing.
I’m being your boyfriend, that’s what I’m doing.
One night as Dan slept alone, cold and motionless, someone came into the room. Only Dan had been in his room since Dan had said what he thought about his and Phil’s relationship directly to him. Dan was awake again, as he woke multiple times each night, checking if maybe, just maybe, Phil had snuck into his room because he wanted cuddles or something… Maybe.
“Dan?” Phil called, looking at the motionless lump under the covers. “Hello?” Phil called again. Dan squeezed his eyes shut prayed that he went away. No matter how hard Dan closed his eyes his eyes would still water and he would still cry. Tears slipped past his eyelids and onto his cheeks. Phil couldn’t see them, but he felt like Phil was looking at his tears, thinking him weak, making the tears burn as they ran down onto his cheek and onto the bed sheets. Even though the tears were out, there was still the lump in his throat that was killing him. It was rising and soon he would burst into sobs and Phil would definitely know. Dan was holding his breath and as soon as he lot go he would burst into tears and he couldn’t do that but—he was running out of breath.
Dan let his breath out and the lump in his throat go. Fuck. Dan’s shoulders started shaking and he let out a cry. He quickly wiped away his tears, trying so hard to keep himself together in front of Phil.
“Dan, shh, it’s okay.” Phil reassured him and crawled onto the bed beside Dan, putting an arm around his covered torso. Dan didn’t have enough energy this time to bat Phil away. “I’m here, I always have been.”
AN: im so fucking done with phan week that was a lot im never doing that again. maybe. okay i will but im glad its over.
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phanweek · 9 years
ok i’ve been a lazy butt and havent done any of the prompts for phanweek. BUT I WAS INSPIRED. and since today is wildcard day, have some engagement/coming out headcanons! (you can add yours if you want, i love reading them <3)
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phanweek · 9 years
Summary: In which Dan and Phil have rough sex with a butt plug.
Genre: Smut/PWP
Word Cunt: 718
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phanweek · 9 years
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“Are you seriously on Twitter right now??”
“Like you weren’t about to take a Starbucks break.” 
Phan Week Day 7: 2012
(My favorite part of “The Wardrobe” is that they’re building furniture for Dan’s room, but Phil seems to be doing most of the work.) 
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phanweek · 9 years
Angst/Fluff/Smut/Other Warnings: is there a technical name for thigh fucking idk but this is porn you have been warned Words: ~2720 Summary: “We really don’t have time to get up to anything.” “Wanna test that theory?” (a.k.a morning quickies in the shower) A/N: written for day 6 of Phan Week 2015 for the NSFW prompt - “shower” i have fallen a bit behind and this is late because I had to Do Ren Things in my Ren Life but that doesn’t mean I’ve admitted defeat I AM GOING TO DO EVERY DAY OKAY I AM DETERMINED. ao3/read more below
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phanweek · 9 years
everyone is hungry, even the birds
summary:  “And at this point in the story so many things have gone wrong, so many bad decisions made, that it’s a wonder anyone would want to continue reading.” ― Richard Siken
wordcount: 273
a/n: for @phanweek day seven (aka everyone’s fav aka 2012) this is a poem?? i dont know either, but all my 2012 stuff is in phil’s pov and this is no exception [ao3]
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