neverthedark · 9 months
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neverthedark · 2 years
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@usergif back to cool event: challenge 5 - growth
— Fire Emblem: Awakening remake of my original set which is found here
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neverthedark · 2 years
xoxo 😘
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neverthedark · 2 years
Friendly reminder that this blog is pro-choice and if you don’t think everyone should have full control of their own body, then kindly unfollow me right now and go to hell
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neverthedark · 2 years
In light of fuckery ongoing on the highest levels of the law in the USA: if you find yourself in need of an abortion or contraception no matter where you live, connect to Women on Web.
Women on Web is an international online abortion service, providing access to safe abortion services. Contact them: [email protected]
Founded in 2005 by Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, Women on Web is a team of medical doctors, researchers, activists, and help desk members. Women on Web advocates for and facilitates access to contraception and safe abortion services to protect women's health and lives.
The mission of Women on Web is to provide safe, accessible and affordable online abortion care to women and people around the world. We work to catalyze procedural and legal change in abortion access through telemedicine, research, community outreach, and advocacy. We strive for a world where safe abortion care is accessible for all women and pregnant people, with respect and dignity. 
People who need safe abortion or contraception can make an online consultation at Women on Web website. After being reviewed by medical doctors, medical abortion pills or contraceptives are provided via mail. Our help desk team accompanies women and pregnant people during all stages of the process and responds to any questions that may arise within 24 hours. Supervised by medical doctors, our help desk operates in 16 languages, including Arabic, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish. 
Women on Web is available to all people who need help with preventing and ending unwanted pregnancies. We are committed to ensuring that everyone, including trans, non-binary, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming people can safely access abortion and contraception without discrimination or alienation.
The WHO classifies safe abortion as  accessing "the pills through a telemedicine service such as Women on Web which gives them information and support." (Guardian, 2017)
The Women on Web website is a source of reliable information and collects personal abortion experiences to allow and encourage women and pregnant people to openly explore and discuss their reproductive choices. Our online consultation is translated in 22 languages and we work to ensure that all women and pregnant people have access to scientific and evidence-based information on safe abortion and contraception.  
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neverthedark · 2 years
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you really love the boy. like he’s your own.    he is my own
personal blogs and non-mutuals, DO NOT REBLOG
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neverthedark · 2 years
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neverthedark · 2 years
watching sta.r wa.rs with me irl is always a terrible idea because any time i see vad.er / ana.kin on screen, i’m always comment something stupid like ‘ hI DAD, WHATCHA UP TO? ’ 
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neverthedark · 2 years
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THE YOUNG MAN STANDS  on the edge of his porch, the days were short and the father was gone. There was no one in the town and no one in the field. This dusty barren land had given all it could yield. I’ve been kicked off my land at the age of sixteen, and I have no idea where else my heart could have been.
𝙽𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙳𝙰𝚁𝙺: an independent luke skywalker  of star wars, private and canon divergent, mostly following the OT, legends canon, and other bits of sw media. est. march 2015, written by lumiya!
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neverthedark · 2 years
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OBI-WAN KENOBI, part IV ⪢ THE MANDALORIAN, the rescue ⪢ ROGUE ONE (2016) —  #hallway fight scene MY BELOVED #also pictured:
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neverthedark · 2 years
☀   @krayat​​ asked:     "you cannot run from your destiny forever, and your destiny lies with me."
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        His body stiffens at the sudden noise amidst the silence, head shooting up to look around rapidly. A cold chill runs down the boy’s man’s spine regardless of the heat radiating from the midday sun. This -- this is the voice that haunts him both in waking and in sleep. Ever since that fateful day on Bespin. He feels it again; his presence. His father’s voice keeps growing louder and louder as time and distance grow between them. Distant as the voice may be through their connection with the Force, it’s enough to make him  fearful  for the days to come.
         Father... it shouldn’t be true, it can’t be true! Yet... it is. Why didn’t Ben or Master Yoda tell him about this? Why keep it a secret? And now, it’s only a matter of time until they have to meet again! In his heart, Luke knows that the only way forward is to confront him. It has to be. Their paths are connected now and their end is  shrouded in darkness. His gaze turns down to the open palm of his cybernetic hand, conflicted by the thoughts and feelings ailing him in this moment.
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                    ❝   Father...   ❞  
        Luke closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, treading carefully... but ends up lowering his head. He isn’t strong enough to challenge Vader -- not yet, anyways. Just a little more time, a little more training...  and he’ll be ready.
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neverthedark · 2 years
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You’re an idealistic person who is not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. You’ve got strong opinions and you are fully prepared to back up those opinions with your fists, if necessary. Sometimes you might come on a bit strong, but you always have good intentions. You’re very determined and you don’t back down easily. You have a protective side and, ultimately, you’re just trying to make the world a better place.
Oath of Redemption
Paladins who dedicate themselves to this oath believe that any person can be redeemed and that the path of benevolence and justice is one that anyone can walk. These paladins face evil creatures in the hope of turning them to the light, and the paladins slay them only when such a deed will clearly save other lives. Paladins who follow this path are known as redeemers. You’re a peaceful person and you try to avoid confrontation unless absolutely necessary. Some may see you as soft or too nice, but you know that forgiveness is more powerful than anger. You’re a patient person who is willing to give others the time and space they need when they need to work things through, though you know that some people are not worth your energy. You’re very aware of the harsh realities of the world but you’re an optimist at heart who likes to hope that one day people and things can change for the better.
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neverthedark · 2 years
fuck it!!  reblog this and say one (1) (or more if you want to) nice thing about the person you reblogged this from.  it can literally be about anything– just spread some positivity and make this hellsite just a little more bearable!
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neverthedark · 2 years
fuck it!!  reblog this and say one (1) (or more if you want to) nice thing about the person you reblogged this from.  it can literally be about anything– just spread some positivity and make this hellsite just a little more bearable!
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neverthedark · 2 years
fuck it!!  reblog this and say one (1) (or more if you want to) nice thing about the person you reblogged this from.  it can literally be about anything– just spread some positivity and make this hellsite just a little more bearable!
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neverthedark · 2 years
i’ve been watching some sw videos on youtube and it’s making me think about some things. the idea of fate / destiny in sw ( looking at anakin and luke’s stories ) follows the same pattern in stories of ancient times. look at achilles, heracles, perseus, and other mythological heroes. meeting your destiny means meeting your doom. anakin started on the path towards his destiny and fell to the dark side. over the course of the OT, luke is slowly marching to meet his. regardless of how many people intervene to try to prevent it and the efforts he himself goes to try to stop it, it’s where he’s going. he’s going to kill his father and in doing so, he follows in anakin’s footsteps
and it’s only in that last moment on the death star, with vader at his feet and a lightsaber held above him... that luke tosses that destiny aside. in tossing his lightsaber aside, he chooses to reject his destiny. luke’s power as a hero comes from the idea of rejecting one’s fate to take control of their own life -- and in doing so, helping his father fulfill his destiny as the chosen one
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neverthedark · 2 years
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