neverwasnoyahere · 2 years
5 headcannons for shalnark Ryusei
1- He is very forgetful, almost as bad as shizuku. he misplaces everything, if the troupe goes out they mostly wait on him to find his dang phone.
2- he and chrollo were bestfriends when teenagers, (i mean they knew eachother before the phantom troupe)
3- He kinda stupid, he will understand most things, but be super oblivious to other things, and nobunga has to check him on some of the things he says.
4- he was a babysitter in his past, and probably babysitted shizuku, and forgot, he swears he hates kids or babies, but he really loves them!
5- He is some form of a nocturnal alcoholic ,I just know he sleeps alot (naps). He is always playing video games w/ Uvo , chrollo , shizuku, or nobunga!
Enjoy this dumb headcannons, i spelt nobunaga wrong this whole time, so forgot about that.
(Thanks for the likes, its my first post!)
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