newtechforteachers · 5 years
My book is out now!
My new book is out now! Tech-Know Parenting: a parent's guide to kids online. Paperback, ebook or PDF - all now available.
I’m so excited to finish a major project today.! It’s been in a couple of years in the making and now it’s online ready for you to read!
It’s available in a few formats: paperback, ebook and PDF.
Its 104 pages of ideas, information and strategies to make sense of the world for you and your kids!
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Buy it online now!
Have a look at a few pages from the book below!
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The is yourguide…
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newtechforteachers · 5 years
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newtechforteachers · 6 years
Help your child read with interactive iPad books
Help your child read with interactive iPad books
I’m sure, like me, you love reading books to your kids at night! It’s just good fun and, of course, helps them develop important reading skills.
Did you know that some iPad apps offer a way for our kids to interact with books?
Using these apps, our kids can read a story, then re-write it, add their own images or write new stories with the same characters…
Using these interactive reading apps can…
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newtechforteachers · 6 years
Getting your kids organised
Getting your kids organised
As our kids get older we want to help them begin to manage their own lives. They might sports commitments, play on teams, have to bring a plate to share to the next after school rehearsal. They will likely have homework to complete – with a range of due dates.
One way to help them learn to manage these commitments is to set up a functional to-do list. Our kids are used to their phones being…
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newtechforteachers · 6 years
3 ideas for getting control of your email
3 ideas for getting control of your email
Email is life, right? Maybe it is for you – but should it be?
I was excited to read the other day that the French government had introduced a new law to ban work emails being sent or received after 6 pm. Sounds amazing to me! The law argues that we all have the right to ‘disconnect’ and to finish working at a reasonable time.
In Australia, we don’t have this law (although it would be great!), so…
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newtechforteachers · 7 years
Three great apps for road trips
Yes, it’s still summer holidays here in Australia!
Australia is a really big place – as big as the USA! – so when we travel around it takes a long time, often with not much to look at on the way. We pretty much all live around the edges of the country, taking advantage of those amazing beaches, so we are all used to long road trips.
  Source: bit.ly/2EJvEL3
These three apps, below, might help you…
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newtechforteachers · 7 years
Tech on holiday
What technology do you take on holiday with you? Where do you use that technology? How will be safe online while on holiday?
These three questions keep coming up in conversations lately – because here in Australia we are in the middle of school holidays!
Let’s look at these questions briefly, to give you some ideas to think about!
What technology do you take on holiday with you? Whatever you think…
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newtechforteachers · 7 years
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newtechforteachers · 7 years
Classrooms of the future?
Classrooms of the future?
A quick post today to share this great infographic about technology in classrooms right now!
If this data represents the average classroom now, imagine what schools might look like when our grandchildren are learning in schools!
  Find more education infographics on e-Learning Infographics
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newtechforteachers · 7 years
What do parents think about technology?
What do parents think about technology?
I read an interesting article about parents and technology – and thought I’d share it. It’s based on a research study out of the US that asked parents how they see technology used by their children, what they thought the benefits of tech use were, and also what they worried about.
It’s interesting to see that the themes raised by parents in this study are the same as the concerns and patterns…
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newtechforteachers · 7 years
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newtechforteachers · 7 years
Do Something! Getting our kids engaged and active
Do Something! Getting our kids engaged and active
This week I want to share with you a great website that your kids can use to take action and feel connected to big-picture problems.
I have worked with some kids that are chomping at the bit to DO SOMETHING! – whether it’s to support the environment, end animal cruelty, support those without homes or address bullying at school. While they are passionate, excited and inspired it’s great to be…
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newtechforteachers · 7 years
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Why aren’t more women working in STEM industries? This week I had the opportunity to chat to Kulja and Dylan at RRR radio here in Melbourne.
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newtechforteachers · 7 years
Women in Technology Careers
Women in Technology Careers
I published an article on our university website yesterday about women in tech careers. You know, our fastest growing industry? :0) Well, the challenge we are facing is that we don’t have enough people to meet the demands of industry.
There was a recent study, carried out in Silicon Valley – the tech centre of the world. Over 200 women were asked about their experiences as a woman in the…
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newtechforteachers · 7 years
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newtechforteachers · 7 years
Schools and Creativity - a quick video for your day!
Schools and Creativity – a quick video for your day!
I’ve been overseas recently and heard some fantastic speakers. All of them about edcuation, and all of them focusing on the changes we need to see in the classroom. The way people talk about learning today is changing, it’s no longer about reciting textbook facts and it’s definitely more than searching facts online.
I think that Sir Ken Robinson sums it up, so I wanted to share this with you. His…
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newtechforteachers · 7 years
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Answers to FAQs about computers in primary school… I thought I’d share this infographic I made for a school. I often get asked the same questions about students using computers at school. The five questions in the infographic might answer some of yours! Find the infographic here
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