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The Fever Code is finished. Release date set to September 2016!
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Tag 10 people & answer these questions to get to know your followers better. I was tagged by @caritivereflection, thanks honey!! Xx Me:Mia Gender:Right now? Girl. Relationship Status:Nonexistent. Zodiac Sign:Piscesss Siblings: Lil bro. Pets:Mordred Wake up & sleepy times: Weekdays: Wake up at 6 and asleep by 22:22 Weekends: Who knows? Type of phone:Trashhhh Lemonade or Ice Tea:Lemonadee Love or Lust:Love Cats or dogs:CATS BUT ILY DOGGIES Coke or Pepsi:Neitherrr Met a celebrity:Noope Day or Night:Cliché Night Makeup or Natural:Personally I don’t like to wear makeup.( Irritates my eyes.) Eyes or smile:Eyes Light or dark hair: Hmmmm…. Short or Tall:I like tol people though I am jealous. Intelligence or attraction:Both tbh City or country: I like bith I guess? Last song I listened to: Fools by Troye Sivan (i.e. my current favourite song. ) Hehehe I tag: @bluebellgrove @hellocorall@newtella-is-good @hipsterpunk1 @piscescope @gladerintheglade @newtislifeyashank @scarlet-starshine @awkward-little-shipper @flaresintheair and anyone else who wants to do it just say I tagged you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I’ll like your stuff if you do.
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make me choose:  anonymous asked - mcargentski or mctatenski
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Glade Life-TMR AU
AU where Teresa comes up in the box but nothing changes, and she gets to be part of the Glade like the rest of the Gladers.
I like to think that if Teresa spent a longer time in the glade her and Newt would get along so well. maybe if not like each other in “that way” which of course they will okay  just besties, and I just feel like I need to write some cute Glade tewt, so yeah
Story: Glade Life!AU part 1, part 2 Characters: Newt, Teresa, Alby and Zart Ships: Tewt  Word count: 1,879 Title: The greenie tour
This one is dedicated for happytewtyear (love ya mel, happpy new year! or should I say happy tewt year, lmao)
Newt slowly made his way out of the homestead and towards the small hut they set for Teresa to sleep in.
It was time for the greenie tour.
Half the gladers were still asleep, but all the keepers were awake, despite it being very early in the morning. They needed to start their tour early, if they were to get around to seeing everything.
He stood by her door and softly knocked. He waited for a minute, while subconsciously combing his bed hair with his hands, trying to get it in shape.
He knocked again, louder this time. No answer.
“Miss Agnes, its time for your private tour” he said in mock politeness. Still no answer.
“Teresa?” Newt said putting his ears against the door and knocking three times “its about time you get up, if we're going to get done with that bloody tour today" 
Newt thought he heard something, was that moaning? "I will come in” he warned. He got no response.
Newt sighed and ran a hand through his hair in frustration, "umm I’m coming in alright?“ he said as he slowly pressed his frame against the door looking inside warily as it slid open revealing a very small room.
Keep reading
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Emma Watson and Helena Bonham Carter as a teenager
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mark watney: hey nasa i'm thinking of doing a thing
nasa: hoe don't do it
mark watney: *does the thing and is painfully sarcastic about the thing*
nasa: oh my god
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To help kids learn how to read, all children’s TV shows should be captioned
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Let me tell you about my panda mini-washer
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As an apartment dweller, this is a game changer. My current apartment doesn’t have a laundry facility and the closest Laundromat about a 30 min bus ride which is just not practical. The mini-washer is a life saver
The panda mini washer hooks up to the sink, is incredibly lightweight (about 28 pounds, so light even I can lift it) and easy to use. 
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It has a surprisingly large capacity. The basket from the first picture represents about one and a half loads. The jeans took up a whole load while the rest filled the bin only half way. 
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Here’s the inside. The left is the washer the right is the spin dryer. Yes, it even drys.
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Basically you shove your cloths into the washer, fill it up with water and let it go. I use my shower head to fill it up so it goes faster, the sink hook up took about five minutes to fill the whole tub, with the shower head is is down to a minute an a half. I do it in three wash cycles, a five minute rinse with baking soda, a five minute wash with soap and a three minute rinse with water. You have to drain and refill between each cycle so it’s a little more labor intensive than a traditional washer. 
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That’s the spin dryer. It’s about half the capacity of the washer so one wash takes about two loads to dry. The spinner is much more effective than I was expecting. A three minute spin gets my cloths about 90% dry. I hang them up to air dry for that last 10%. 
The machine cost me about 150$. When you factor in two dollars for the bus, five for the machines (per week), the mini-washer pays for its self after only about six months worth of laundry. 
I’m not great at expressing emotion, but I’m hoping you can tell how excited I am.  Let me just say that the panda mini-washer is great and I highly recommend it to anyone currently using a Laundromat.  
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Reblog if you're over 10 and you still have stuffed animals on your bed or in your room.
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You’ve heard of Carry On My Wayward Son now enjoy
Please Stop My Relentless Daughter
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anxiety: WHAT IF everyone actually hates you
me: chill
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i had forgotten that this exists, what a dork
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ok but why is ‘potato’ always used negatively in phrases? ‘couch potato’ and ‘he looks like a potato’……… what the hell have potatoes ever done to you? potatos are the mvps of the food world, the backbone of many dishes. they never let u down. potatoes are the real winners here and we should feel honoured to be described as one
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