phillisdiaries · 9 years
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I feel so broken lately and I just want to get drugged up then slit my wrists and fall asleep so I can go in peace and not feel pain. Life is just a fucking bitch and I seriously don't know if I did something to deserve this, or maybe I don't deserve it but it just found me, but no matter what it's so annoying I honestly wanna punch a few people but then I wanna fix broken things with people and I'm just so confused with life~ Phillip
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
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2M notes · View notes
phillisdiaries · 9 years
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39K notes · View notes
phillisdiaries · 9 years
Lovely fucking mom
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537K notes · View notes
phillisdiaries · 9 years
I died
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I’m in a pool of my own tears
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
this is one of the best visual representations of classical music i’ve ever seen
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
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When you finally submit an assignment you’ve been working all night on 
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
Child? This is now my child.
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The Pope meets Baby Pope
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
hello. im bored, and procrastinating so much right now but you know thats just life. anyyywayyys its been a while but i think that im (idk about phillis) gonna reboot the blog and kinda just try to post atleast 4 times a week to give you updates on my life. anyways hows your life? i mean i dont know but yeah. hope you are doing okay and your life isnt shitty. honestly, i was having higher expectations for this blog than the state its in right now. that may be due to i had a blog wayyy before this with near 20000 followers that got deactivated but im not gonna release who i am because i guess its a fresh start. (.-.)
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
Burn the bitch
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Miley Cyrus, lgbtqia+ icon
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
aspiretostudy FUCKING PRECH
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Have everyone seen this picture of the Danish cop playing games with a little Syrian refrugee on her way to Sweden?
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
Them - Phillip
When you get depression, You'll get much more. Tears. Cuts. Blood. Ropes. Pills. Drugs. Crazed. It's sad that these are usually the first to come to mind But, out of all this hell darkness silent pain, you get blessed. You get the best friend, the one that is basically your new brother or sister. The one that you will protect with all. The one that you know all about. The one that you cherish more then they cherish you. You'll form a trust, the only real trust. It's the person you'll both try to always Be with each other, No matter if there is school or family Rain or snow, You will try. As you get worse, they find better New people that they like more And you notice the falling, Hoping it's not your fault. You think it's happening from The unknown You're stupid You're worthless They can see the cuts You're insecure You're sad You're tired.... You then remember, You never told them about your war, The depression inside you Heating like a popcorn kernel, About to pop, waiting to pop, Heated by society. Yet there's a reason why you never told, And it's almost similar for many.... You cared to much to place that burden, Now that has stemmed to everyone. But when you finally can tell it's a falling When you can see they have change, where they don't help you keep the balloon in the air, they just watch you. Watch you repair all or try. But it's too late, the balloon has crashed. You spend hours and days, Sitting in the basket, You don't want to give up. So you start to scrap what you can Memories, Laughs, Personal stories, Secrets, True friendship. You start to plan out, Writing about your pain Whenever you feel like shit You write, Sometimes with your tears Or other with your blood. You write about how much pain Yet only yours Because only you feel pain. And you wrote and wrote, Having to take breaks cause you can't, You can't handle to think of everything All the good times. The ones you're losing. The ones that helped you most. The ones that you can't let go, The ones you can't let go, Cause if you do that, You're as gone as the memories. You can't let go as If you let go there is no one like them. So you fight, And fight. Fight, fight as much as you can take. Just to get them back... It may take awhile, But you do. After all the joy and happiness fades, Fades like a rainbow For an incoming storm, You notice, You got them back But you never got them back. You have the body, Not the soul You start to ponder what happened What replaced them? You ask everyone else Have they seem what you see Are you crazy Are you the one that's gone It pains you Like a goat head in between toes And it let darkness leak from your soul It takes over You cry Scream Cut Bleed Rebel Disobey Get angry Hungry Hurtful Careless You gain the courage The courage to ask them And you do Then you fight And fight And you think "I've found comfort" But now you sit reading this emotional Near tears as you remember this This being you And you now realize You don't even have the body You only have memories The fakes one. Now you only have scars
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phillisdiaries · 9 years
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Do people even follow this blog¿ anyways me, Phillip, just resurrected himself cause why not and decided to post on this blog. Also I decided I'll post more often (when I can) anyways idk I felt this was kinda necessary. Bye
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