newyearsdayjob · 10 months
Barbie: Who put a picture of a ghost on my desk?
Gloria: That’s the sonogram of our baby!
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newyearsdayjob · 11 months
Sasha: How are you a lesbian with no girlfriend?
Barbie: Can you just leave me alone?
Sasha: Really putting the L in LGBT.
Barbie: STOP IT.
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newyearsdayjob · 1 year
Barbie, hitting on Gloria: Would you like to blur the lines between friendship and lesbianism tonight?
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newyearsdayjob · 1 year
They did it again
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newyearsdayjob · 1 year
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some observations on color coding eyewear in ficton and their meanings
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newyearsdayjob · 1 year
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newyearsdayjob · 1 year
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newyearsdayjob · 1 year
People who caught it put in the tags what year it was and how bad it was and if you had any side effects
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newyearsdayjob · 2 years
we were all forced to read “classics” in school so reblog and put the one you actually ended up liking a lot and the one you can’t fucking stand in the tags
my fave is Lord of the Flies and I ironically enough want to burn every copy of Fahrenheit 451. trash
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newyearsdayjob · 2 years
if streaming services don’t want people to skip the intro they need to start prioritizing intros that people like watch
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newyearsdayjob · 2 years
Nearly everyone on this website seems to love the cold for some unclear reason so I'm gonna put this to the test once and for all! Please reblog to spread this as far as possible!
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newyearsdayjob · 2 years
the next question?
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newyearsdayjob · 2 years
I hope people reblog to give us a wide sample size, also I hope people put in the tags explaining in greater detail, or mention any category I might not have thought of
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newyearsdayjob · 2 years
pls tell me how u voted and what country u live in in the tags! I’m curious
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newyearsdayjob · 2 years
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newyearsdayjob · 2 years
On the one hand I would prefer a functional government, but on the other, the sheer comedy and Schadenfreude of the House Republicans descending into petty, humiliating chaos while the Dem folks are showing up with literal popcorn and chanting for their own Speaker nominee like this is a high school sports game is filling me with manic glee.
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newyearsdayjob · 2 years
I had a Terry's Chocolate Orange once in an airport 10 years ago (they’re very hard to come by in the US, I’ve never seen them sold anywhere else) and I think about it everyday.
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