newyorkben · 2 years
message ✉️ ben & khalil.
khalil: Thank YOU, man.
khalil: Yeah, I don't doubt that. People go hard when it comes to superheroes. I don't blame them. I'm not a big comic book guy, but those movies are a good time.
khalil: Yeah, why not. I could use something to pass the time when I'm just chilling at home.
khalil: Nah, it's just a solid burger. You gotta make multiple visits though. Nothing there will disappoint.
ben: you're gonna give me a big head.
ben: i'm not one to talk, but people get really attached to comic book characters. there should be a study on it. if their fav character is not written exactly how they want them in books/shows/movies, all hell breaks loose.
ben: this is a pretty solid article for whenever you're bored. https://comenian.org/7747/arts-entertainment/the-problem-with-marvel-vs-dc/
ben: you don't have to tell me twice to get a burger. even if it's shit, it's still fuel.
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newyorkben · 2 years
message  ✉ logan & ben.
logan: No, but I specifically enjoy them from you.
logan: I'd like to, yes. Dinner, drinks, a trip to a museum, or we can skip all that and you can just come over to my place for the evening.
ben: i'll have to keep calling you hot, then. more than happy to.
ben: hell, i'm all about being wined and dined but your second option sounds right up by ally. where's your place?
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newyorkben · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & ben.
Liv: I'm 26, so I guess I'll be joining you in the retirement home. If it makes you feel better, I don't think Morgan Freeman got big until his 40s and look at him now.
Liv: Always. Breaking some perv's hand is totally worth getting fired over.
Ben: we would definitely be the hottest ones there, so we have that going for us. yeah, you got a point. it's possible i guess, but really unlikely. i might try again some day, but right now i don't mind just drawing on the side for a bit.
Ben: i kinda want to videotape that. put me on speed dial.
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newyorkben · 4 years
message  ✉ logan & ben.
logan: I appreciate the constant reminders.
logan: Absolutely the latter. I didn't download this app just to spend all of my time on my phone.
logan: Well in that case, I don't work this Friday evening.
ben: no problem. i doubt you have any trouble in getting reminders from other people, though.
ben: i can get down with that.
ben: got any plans that involve me?
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newyorkben · 4 years
message ✉️ ben & khalil.
khalil: Kind of? You literally save people's lives every time you clock in. You're a hero, man. I've never met anyone who doesn't have mad respect for what you do.
khalil: I'm sure there was, but I haven't watched many as an adult so I'm going with Spiderverse ad Lion King.
khalil: Damn. If you ever put together a Sparknotes version, let me know.
khalil: Will do. I might even check out one of those subscriptions you were talking about.
khalil: Gramercy Tavern. You seriously can't go wrong with anything on the menu, but I recommend the burger if it's your first time trying it.
ben: all i have to say to that is, thanks. sincerely.
ben: solid choices at least, i'll give you that.
ben: i'll have to make you one sometime, or just find you one because there has to be one out there, somewhere. people have a lot of time on their hands when it comes to comics.
ben: shit, really? wow, i converted you quick. you seriously won't regret it.
ben: oh, yeah, i've been there before. there's a lot of things on that menu i wanna try, but the burger will go on the top of my list. is there anything special about it?
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newyorkben · 4 years
message  ✉ logan & ben.
logan: Please feel free to do so whenever you feel the need.
logan: Definitely not. I just think you're someone who I'd appreciate much more in person.
logan: I'm not sure you coming to see me at work would be appropriate. I prefer not to be distracted and you seem like someone I'd find incredibly distracting.
ben: i'll keep that in mind. hey, you're really hot.
ben: can't tell if that's a slide to my texting abilities or a come on. i hope it's the latter cause i wouldn't mind meeting you in person sometime.
ben: not planning on just holding my hand? not interested in keeping it pg? that, i am more than okay with.
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newyorkben · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & ben.
Liv: What are you, like 25? How are your dreams already dead?
Liv: Not yet, but there's always tomorrow.
Ben: 26, so I'm an old man. lol. but seriously, I've always wanted to draw for major comic books but it's been hard getting my foot in the door so i just do it on the side right now.
Ben: sounds like you're always prepared.
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newyorkben · 4 years
message ✉️ ben & khalil.
khalil: Makes sense. You're like a real life superhero now.
khalil: Seriously. Into the Spiderverse was the best animated movie to come out since The Lion King.
khalil: Both are cool. I never got the whole competition thing. Heroes are heroes.
khalil: Got it. I'll have to check it out.
khalil: Yeah, you and over half the city, which I have no complaints about. It keeps my job safe.
ben: yeah, i guess you're kind of right about that. nice way of putting it.
ben: that movie was awesome, but are you really saying within 25 years there wasn't an animation that you loved as much as The Lion King?
ben: i could tell you about it, but it would take a couple of days and also expose the fucking nerd in me too much.
ben: let me know what you think whenever you get around to reading it, or when you get your hands on it.
ben: you're welcome for keeping restaurants in business. what's the place you work at? i'll make sure to order from it next time i'm too tired or lazy to cook something.
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newyorkben · 4 years
message  ✉ logan & ben.
logan: I didn't really mean either. I just wanted to see how you'd answer and it didn't disappoint.
logan: You come across as very unapologetically yourself. You have nice eyes and good hair.
logan: You also seem like the type of man who's much more attractive in person, so that's also a plus.
logan: Not weird. I would say a majority of people avoid museums unfortunately. It's a shame the city doesn't have a comic book museum for you.
ben: i mostly just wanted a chance to tell you how hot i think you are.
ben: not really a fan of beating around the bush, so i'm glad you like it. and, thanks. i don't do much with my hair, so i'm just lucky it doesn't fuck with me.
ben: damn, are you telling me my photo on here is ugly?
ben: they're not really on my list of fun things to do, but i'm not going to say no to going to the one you work at sometime. that one i would go to, in a heartbeat. even without you there.
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newyorkben · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & ben.
Liv: You too, cutie.
Liv: Definitely not. I'm not against breaking a hand if I have to.
Ben: aw, thanks. pretty sure my dreams are dead but i think i'm living the next best thing.
Ben: has that ever happened before? i kinda of want to see that.
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newyorkben · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & ben.
Liv: Not yet, but fingers crossed.
Liv: My boss is pretty good with that. Anyone gets too gross or handsy and they’re out.
Ben: hoping the best for you. make your dreams come true and all of that.
Ben: that's good. you don't seem like the kind of person to work at a place that's cool with that stuff.
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newyorkben · 4 years
mssg || noah & ben.
Noah: Besides the health benefits? You just need someone to show you the good stuff. It's not like you eat lettuce all the time.
Noah: I feel ya, man.
Ben: i don't know, i kind of rather test my luck with take out food. don't think i could ever give up meat.
Ben: what about your pieces of candy?
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newyorkben · 4 years
message ✉️ ben & scarlett.
Scarlett: my brother is a big fan of comics, so let me ask him and I'll get back to you
Scarlett: it saves you a lot of time. I mean, I like reading, but work is sometimes a bitch and when you're home, the last thing I can read when my feet hurt. I miss the times where I could actually sit with a book in my hands and a glass of wine next to me
Scarlett: what do you do, besides reading comics?
Ben: yeah, do that. i would ask the cliche, "is he hot," question but don't worry, i realize it's weird.
Ben: reading is a lot of work all of the time. i'm not against reading all together but just a bunch of text on a page is too fucking boring for me to be interested.
Ben: that's it.
Ben: nah, just kidding. i'm a firefighter and i also work at a flower shop.
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newyorkben · 4 years
message ✉️ ben & elliott.
Elliott: That's fair. I only know the movies and even then I think I've only seen half of them and I only care about a few of the characters, so. I mostly watch them on dates so I don't pay a lot of attention.
Elliott: So is Robin just like, the cover name? Like Batman, or Superman? Are all the little Robin's different Clark Kent's and Bruce Wayne's?
Ben: that's how pretty much everyone is about them. some of the heroes and villains are nothing like in the comics but sometimes that's a good thing. but also, usually bad. which one is your favorite that you've seen?
Ben: yeah, none of their names are actually robin. that would be kinda cool to introduce, though. there's dick, jason, tim, stephanie, damian and then also duke and carrie. half of them go off and do their own thing eventually but there's always a robin to batman.
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newyorkben · 4 years
message  ✉ logan & ben.
logan: What else do you like?
logan: No, most people don't. What kind of art do you like?
ben: about you or in general?
ben: i'll answer both. about you, your facial hair and how you seem confident. it's hot. in general, i like comics, video games, eating out, having days off. what about you? for both.
ben: mostly comic art. might sound weird but i've never been to a museum. besides when i was a kid for school.
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newyorkben · 4 years
mssg || noah & ben.
Noah: 🤷‍♂️ not being bothered to cook is exactly why applesauce and candy happen some nights.
Noah: Dude yes! Plant based is the best.
Noah: That's not being irresponsible though. Do your thing.
Ben: i would be so hungry after that mess.
Ben: not gonna lie, that sounds so fucking boring. what's so great about it?
Ben: yeah, i'm not really irresponsible but don't want to be considered responsible, you feel me?
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newyorkben · 4 years
message  ✉ liv & ben.
Liv: Does that mean you haven’t had any luck on here yet?
Liv: Depends what parts you hope aren’t true. We get treated way better than movies will let you think. Oh, we do. The tips pay my delivery addiction on their own.
Ben: not yet, nah. how about you? find that sugar daddy yet?
Ben: men just straight up being gross to you. damn, that's the dream.
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