nexxen24 · 1 month
The Sunwalker's Respite
Spawn Astarion X Female Tav
Chapter 3/6
Chapter 2: https://www.tumblr.com/nexxen24/746988878264778752/the-sunwalkers-respite?source=share
NOTE: Pg-13, no smut, only implied.
IMPORTANT: Please read the prologue and chapters 1 and 2 prior to this one. Thank you.
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Chapter Three
The Underdark, Six Months After the Absolute’s Demise
It had been months since I’d been to the Underdark and while it was beautiful, covered in glowing plants and mushrooms and had that air of mystery to it, it was also terribly dangerous and I was shaking as we followed Maleera down a path. The vampire spawn that we released took shelter in the Underdark since it never got sun, there was never really a daylight cycle down there, no need to hide during the day when it was just always night. They had taken up residence in a really old building that used to be an out building for the Arcane Tower but had long since been destroyed. The spawn fixed it up, made sure it was inhabitable and took it upon themselves to move in, creating almost like a mini city contained within a mansion and I nodded, impressed as we walked up to it.
“Wow, it looks beautiful,” Astarion admitted and Maleera nodded in thanks.
“Yeah, they did a good job. Frankly, anything would be better than those cells tho,” she said and Astarion frowned, holding back a bit, a look of guilt flashing across his face.
“Hey, are you okay?” I asked and placed a hand on his shoulder as he nodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just faced with the reality of my actions, I did this to them, they’re here because of me.”
“They’re also alive because of you,” I said and he nodded. “They’ll focus on that more, I’m sure.”
“I know
I just know that he’s in there and I don’t know what I’ll do when I see him.”
He was referring to a drow named Sebastian, the first of his victims that he ever fell in love with and tried to save but Cazador was one step ahead. We ran into Sebastian before defeating Cazador and he admitted to thinking that Astarion was genuine when they first met, that hearing his name whispered in the darkness of an alleyway in Baldur’s Gate made him feel safe, loved. Sure he was a bit upset that Astarion was lying to him, just doing it to get him to Cazador but Sebastian sent us a letter after we defeated the brain that thanked Astarion for saving him. He claimed that it felt good that we looked into his cell and didn’t see a monster but the young drow he was, the drow he could be again.
“Remember his letter?” I asked and Astarion nodded, having gotten emotional when he read it.
“I do, yes.”
“Well then you know that he’s not upset with you, he’s grateful you saved him, they all are.”
I turned to Maleera and she nodded, wandering back over and placing a hand on Astarion’s shoulder and giving it a squeeze.
“She’s right. Those spawn were grateful you let them live when you had the chance to kill them, they never expected to be given a second chance at life,” she assured and he smiled at her, pulling her into a hug. “Same with the others, they’ve missed you
minus one.”
no one has seen him since we made it down here,” she said and Astarion’s eyes widened.
“Who?” I asked and he swallowed hard.
“Killian was one of the spawn we ran into in Wyrm’s Crossing, the one I nearly burnt to death,” he admitted and my eyes widened, remembering the two spawn we came across in the Flophouse.
Two of the spawn, Killian and a female tiefling had taken up residence in the Flophouse in order to look for Astarion and we ran into them, looking for more information about Cazador and his whereabouts. Learned that the spawn assumed that the Rite of Profane Ascension included them and were eager to get Astarion back in order to gain the power they had been promised. It was Killian that didn’t believe us when we told them the truth and Astarion took some drastic measures to get the point across. He left Killian with some nasty scars and I frowned, hoping that he wouldn’t hold a grudge and would at least be grateful for the fact that we saved him, that in some way Astarion and I were right.
“Let’s hope he doesn’t hold grudges,” Maleera said and Astarion nodded, looking worried and I grabbed his hand for a bit of comfort.
He gave me a smile and squeezed my hand a bit harder as we walked up to the front door of the building the spawns had set up and I nodded, impressed with the set up and how far they’d gotten. Sure they were all basically stuck in the Underdark, known for its endless night, terrifying creatures and really not much of anything but at least they weren’t hiding, weren’t forced into cages or imprisoned. Here the spawns and the few we passed on our way through the house and to a large back room even looked happy and were standing around and joking, goblets in hand and smiles on their faces.
“The others minus Killian should be in here,” Maleera said and pulled open a large set of doors to reveal the other 4 spawn left, all crowded around a large table.
The group was varied in races and had a tielfing, a halfling, a human and another high elf who were all crowded around a large table, laughing and clinking glasses together. The closest to us, the tiefling, turned and her eyes widened when she caught Astarion and Maleera in the doorway. She jumped up and ran over, throwing her arms around Astarion and knocking my hand out of his as I raised a brow.
“Astarion!” she exclaimed and grinned at him. “Gods
it’s been so long. Where in the hells have you been?”
saving the world.”
“Oh yeah, we heard about that, very impressive.”
“How have you been?”
“I’ve been great, so has Violet and the others. We’ve all been great minus
“Killian,” Astarion concluded and she nodded. “I heard.”
“I can’t believe him, he was so grateful that you saved us from Cazador but as soon as we got down here he became determined to find some way of completing the ritual you didn’t. We tried to convince him that it wouldn't work but he wouldn’t believe us, just took a bunch of spawn and left in a rush.”
“If any of those spawn died getting down here the ritual can’t be completed,” Astarion added and she nodded.
“Exactly and they did,” she said and sighed before her eyes caught mine and they narrowed. “Who’s that?”
“Oh, this is Hanelly. She was there when we saved the realm and is just recently my wife,” Astarion said and pulled me forward. “Hanelly this is Aurelia and behind her is Violet, Youssen and Leon.”
“I can’t believe you actually settled down, Astarion, the playboy, the guy who claimed that he’d never fall in love.”
“I said those things because falling in love before almost got me killed,” Astarion snapped and Aurelia eyed him as he grabbed a goblet of what I assumed was wine and took a long sip.
I followed Astarion over and sniffed the goblet, determining it was wine and grabbed my own, joining him in downing it as Aurelia wandered over, looking ashamed.
I forget how long you stayed with him,” she muttered and I raised a brow.
“How long were you with Cazador?”
“Only 40 years. Still a long time but you forget how lucky you had it sometimes, besides, he was always the favourite.”
Astarion glared and took another sip before refilling the goblet and taking a seat as I sunk into one next to him, trying to ignore how tense the room had gotten.
“That I was,” Astarion agreed and stared at his cup, swirling the wine around.
“We don’t need to sit here and bicker about who had it worse,” Maleera said. “We need to focus on the fact that minus Killian, we’re finally all back together again and I think that’s pretty cool. I’ve missed this and even though Cazador tried to pit us against each other back then I always believed that in some way we could come together and now we have. This is a good thing.”
“Sure. We’re all so happy to be stuck down here,” the one human, Leon, muttered and my eyes caught Astarion’s.
Sure we were here for a ring that would allow Astarion to walk in the sun but that was what they all wanted and I was unaware if anyone else knew about it. If the nearly seven thousand spawn here knew that there was a ring that would let them finally return to the surface then it would be a bloodbath. We had to keep it a secret and the look that Maleera was giving me made it clear that she felt the same and the drow chuckled before placing a hand on Leon’s shoulder.
“It’s not too bad, this place is nice,” she said and he shrugged, taking a long sip of his wine.
“At least Killian isn’t here.”
“What did he do besides leave?” I asked and Leon tensed, hands curling around the stem of his goblet even tighter.
“Too many things.”
“Do you remember the spare room in the palace
where the book was for the door,” Astarion said and I nodded. “There was a woman in there, she was dead, turned into a necrotic bomb by Cazador. That woman was Leon’s daughter and Killian was the one who told, he thought it would make him the favourite. It didn’t.”
“I spent years trying to protect her
she was thirty when he found her and I hadn’t seen her in almost two decades and yet
it wasn’t enough,” Leon said and glared before he stood, downing the rest of his wine and slamming the goblet down onto the table. “You may think that we can be this big happy family of broken people but we can’t, Maleera. We’re better off alone.”
Leon sighed and wandered out of the room, the halfling named Youssen following behind him and I sighed, running a hand through my hair at how poorly this was all going.
“Maybe he’s right,” Aurelia said and grabbed the hand of the other high elf, Violet before heading towards the door. “Thank you for trying, Maleera.”
Maleers sighed and poured herself a second glass, downing the entire thing and pouring a second before taking a seat at the table with a very loud sigh. I could see where both sides were coming from, both the spawn that wanted to reconnect and the ones that could care less. They were all forced together because of terrible circumstances and forced into being demons that stalked the night, looking for prey for their master. So many years of that would make anyone bitter and I wasn’t about to hold that against Leon but I could tell that it was starting to get to Maleera.
“I tried at least,” she said and chuckled, dryly.
“You tried a lot, it’s admirable,” I said and she smiled in thanks.
“At least not all of them are alone. Aurelia and Violet managed to find love like the two of you,” Maleera said and Astarion smiled at the doorway, looking pleased that he wasn't the only one who managed to find a bit of peace.
“Everyone needs something, sometimes it's love, sometimes it's just connection,” I said and she nodded, smiling at me. “So
about what Leon said
we can't tell them about the ring.”
“No, you can't,” she agreed and I nodded, knowing that sounded best. “It would be a madhouse down here if anyone knew there was a chance at getting to walk in the sun again. It's what they all want. Keep it hidden.”
“What do we tell them? I mean
they all know Astarion escaped, we saved the realm and had from what they can tell, no reason to return here.”
“Leave it to me. I'll tell them I offered a tour, they trust me,” Maleera said.
“They also trust me,” Astarion shot back and she sighed.
“Maybe not as well as you think.”
“Great, we really shouldn't have come here,” he muttered and I placed a hand on his shoulder. “I spent so many years with them and you and even though Cazador spent so long telling me I was the favourite, I was better, I was still grateful that I wasn't alone. We saved them and we get no thanks
feels like a sick joke.”
“They are grateful,” Maleera assured and he scoffed. “They're also scared. They don't know what will happen down here and have had some close calls. The original seven, now six, are meant to lead, meant to be the ones that knew more than any of the other spawn. A lot of them don't want that, they don't want to be leaders, they just want to be free.”
“But the spawn, they need leaders or else this will all dissolve,” I said and she nodded with a sigh.
“It’s not all bad, there is someone here that would be very excited to see you,” Maleera informed and Astarion's eyes widened.
“He made it?”
“He did yes,” she said and my own eyes widened when I realised she was talking about Sebastian, the man that Astarion fell in love with all those years ago. “If you want to see him, he'll likely be in the library, it's on this floor and he'll also know where a diary that belonged to Evelina is.”
“You planned this,” Astarion accused and she shrugged.
“Sebastian being the one to look after the library was just a happy coincidence,” she said and smiled, brightly, before standing. “Now, I'm gonna attempt to make everyone like each other again. Meet me in the great room for a feast when you're done, I'm sure everyone will be willing to have some dinner together and this time it won't be rats.”
Astarion nodded and stood as well, wrapping her in a quick hug before she wandered off and he stood there a second, debating what to do. The last time we saw Sebastian he was standing in a cage, barely alive and shocked that Astarion had no idea he was still alive. Cazador kept Sebastian and so many other turned spawn alive for years, centuries even, just to be used in the Right of Profane Ascension but we never gave him the chance. Sebastian for the most part was now free and yet Astarion still looked hesitant, likely worried he'd act the same way as the other spawn. I had a feeling that he wouldn’t, that he’d be grateful we decided to open the doors, free the spawn rather than kill them but there was always that bit of worry in the back of both our heads.
“You can talk with him alone, I know you have a lot you want to say to him,” I said but Astarion shook his head.
“No, definitely not. I made a vow to you that we’d be together for life and I’m not about to leave you alone here. Many of the spawn are like Maleera and the others but there could be a few Killian’s here as well and I don’t want to risk it.”
“Really, you think that I couldn’t handle myself against a couple spawn?” I asked and Astarion frowned at me, likely remembering the handful of times I threatened him during our adventures and the leagues of people I killed inbetween.
“Don’t worry, I know you can. But we also don’t know how they’re not starving and if we find a prison full of defenceless Drow, I don’t want you to be their next victim.”
“I adore it when my husband says such romantic things as, ‘keeping you safe from a Drow prison’,” I said and Astarion frowned at me as I chuckled and gave him a long and deep kiss in assurance that I was going to be alright. “We haven’t had issues yet, I’m sure they discovered some way to keep themselves sane. Frankly, we don’t know anything about the other spawn, not even how many survived and Sebastian is a great place to start getting some answers.”
“If he'll even speak to me,” Astarion muttered and sighed as we began to make our way through the mansion.
Seeing it fully really put it into perspective as to why they chose it and the place was grand, full of fancy looking furniture and decorations. Bits of it were still covered in dust and I spotted a few abandoned puddles of dried blood, but the spawn had managed to clean it up quite nicely for the most part. The place was also huge, about three stories plus a basement with gods knows how many rooms lining the upper floors. The library Maleera pointed us towards was near the back and my eyes widened when we stepped inside as I stared, slack jawed. It was huge, two stories and lined with rows upon rows of books and scrolls, all very beautiful and very rare. I spotted a couple that Gale even had been dreaming about acquiring and reminded myself to ask Maleera if he'd be allowed down here one day. Sure the spawn all wanted to remain undetected and safe from any surface dweller that wanted them dead but Gale wasn't about to kill any of them. He'd be more interested in studying them and had been bugging me for weeks about getting Astarion to indulge him about the inner workings of a vampire spawn.
“Gods, Gale would be in heaven,” I muttered and Astarion nodded in agreement just as the spawn we'd been waiting for stepped out from behind a bookshelf.
Sebastian looked loads better than what we'd seen in the cage and he was dressed in nice, simple clothes that were clean and not torn or bloodied. He still had the same scars from being a part of the ritual, something that would never leave him but his hair was now clean, pulled back into a bun and he looked happy. Without the grime it also became quite obvious that he’s a Drow, greying skin and all and was being accompanied by what looked like a Half-Elf. The two were each carrying large stacks of books and Sebastian almost dropped his when he caught sight of Astarion and I staring at him.
“Sebastian?” The Half-Elf asked, concern written across his face as Sebastian gingerly put down his stack.
“I'm fine, Leo, they're old friends. Put these back and I'll meet you upstairs in a bit.”
The Half-Elf, Leo, nodded and kissed him briefly before picking up a few extra books and turning the other way as I smiled. They looked happy, very happy and it made my heart ache that he looked way more alive than ever before. Maybe not as alive as before Astarion lured him to the Szarr palace but I hoped that in some way, he was back to being himself.
“Sebastian, it's great to see you,” Astarion muttered and stepped forward as I followed. “I'm sure you remember me and Hanelly. She's my wife now, actually, was only a partner back when we killed Cazador.”
“It's lovely to see you again,” I said and waved with a bright smile.
“You as well. Come in, sit,” he said and cleared off some couches, taking a seat as we followed suit.
The air was a bit awkward as we took our seats and I watched Astarion as he studied Sebastian, trying to see if he was still the broken man we left behind in Cazador's dungeon before we defeated him. He didn't look broken, he looked happy, in love and free like all the other spawn we had encountered. Frankly the only one that didn't sound happy was Killian and a part of me still wondered why he was so pissed off at the world in the first place. There had to be an explanation and I reminded myself to ask the others even more about him as Sebastian cleared his throat.
as you see, I'm doing pretty good,” he said and Astarion finally relaxed, giving the guy a smile as he went.
“That's good to hear. We left you in a bad spot,” he admitted and Sebastian nodded in agreement.
“But you saved us,” he said and smiled. “You unlocked the cages, let us go and I'll never be able to forgive you for that.”
“You not hating me for putting you there in the first place is more than enough.”
“I don't,” Sebastian admitted and I smiled at how relieved Astarion looked. “Before I came to Baldur's Gate I was stuck in the Underdark, avoiding my duties as a Lolth-Sworn Drow and wishing I was anywhere else. Sure being manipulated by you and trapped in that cage was terrible but it also freed me. I would've likely died at home, they don't tend to keep middle children or ones with little talents but through you, in some weird way, I was freed. And freed again when you chose to let the spawn escape.”
“About that,” I began and he glanced at me. “How many survived?”
“There are only 2800 living here right now. Most of the spawn died when we got down here and Killian took 1000 when he left. It was treacherous those first few days, it took about three weeks to find this place but the main spawn helped a lot, they kept us safe.”
“This place, what is it?” I asked and glanced around the massive library.
“It used to be a university, just on the outskirts of a Seladrine city called Halvera, but the city was destroyed and most of the Seladrine Drow living here were killed about 170 years ago. This place has been empty ever since and has more than enough space. Almost three floors of dorms, a massive library as you can see, dining halls, greenhouses, even a dungeon. Everything we could need, just sitting here and soaked in death like everywhere else in the Underdark.”
“What about blood?” Astarion asked and Sebastian smiled.
“That's actually a pretty cool story,” he said and pulled out a small satchel before reaching in and grabbing what looked like a mushroom. “This is called a bloodcap mushroom, here, eat it.”
Astarion grabbed the mushroom which was dark red in colour with a light red stem and stared at it before taking a bite. His eyes widened as he chewed the mushroom before swallowing the rest and sitting there for a solid minute.
“That was
interesting,” he said and Sebastian chuckled.
“They grow in puddles of blood. They're basically small little vessels of blood and can sustain a spawn for a whole day on just one. We have an entire greenhouse full of them outside, just need one corpse and suddenly you can feed up to 200 spawn. It was pretty touch and go until Violet figured out they were edible and then we found ourselves a food supply and this place had a cellar downstairs with enough wine for double the amount of spawn and then some. Sure mushrooms and wine feel like a weird food source but it's worked so far and it's better than starving.”
“That it is,” I said and chuckled, wondering what spawn was crazy enough to eat a mushroom that popped up in a puddle of blood. “In general how would you say the spawn are fairing?”
“I’d say pretty good,” Sebastian admitted and I caught the fact that Astarion visibly relaxed. “We’ve been through a lot but even living in an abandoned school in the Underdark is better than being stuck in Cazador’s prisons. Here we have freedom, we have food, we have peace and some of us even have love.”
“You would’ve had that and been able to walk in sunlight if I left you alone,” Astarion muttered and Sebastaian sighed before reaching forward and placing a hand on his.
“I know that you blame yourself for all of this, that so many spawn are here because of you but we’ve all heard the horror stories from your time with Cazador, you had no choice.”
“I tried to keep you safe,” Astarion admitted. “I tried to leave you be but he
” Astarion paused and sucked in a deep breath, his hands starting to shake as Sebastian held on tighter, trying to offer him some comfort. “I
I got caught. He locked me in a tomb for almost a year, no food
nothing. I thought you were safe because of that but he punished me regardless.”
“That was before,” Sebastian said. “You had the chance to get revenge on Cazador by completing the ritual yourself and reclaiming his greatest wish and you didn’t. You stopped a cycle of violence and when you saw us in that cage
You didn’t see monsters, you saw people. Everyone here is grateful for that, you’re their hero, not their captor.”
Sebastian stood and Astarion followed him, staring at him in mild concern as the guy stepped forward and wrapped in a tight hug, digging his face into the crook of his shoulder. Astarion stood there a second before he let out a sob and wrapped him in a tight hug, pulling the young Drow tight against his body as his shoulders drooped and he looked much more relaxed and free.
“Thank you,” Astarion muttered as Sebastian pulled back and smiled at him.
thank you,” he said and grabbed my hand before pulling me up, wrapping me in a tight hug as well. “You as well. I can tell that you were a pretty big influence on his choice to stop the ritual.”
“I assisted but it was all Astarion in the end,” I said and he smiled at me. “The cycle of violence and abuse that Cazador created needed to stop and I was grateful when Astarion chose to stop it. Freeing all of you was a bonus and something that needed to happen.”
“I agree. If I was stopping that ritual, then I was also freeing the lot of you. It felt like a bad choice at the time but now
not so much.”
“It’s been good so far,” Sebastian said and sighed. “I just hope it stays that way.”
“We’ll help in any way we can,” I said and Astarion nodded in agreement. “Though
I also have a favour to ask you. We’re looking for a book, a diary that belonged to Evelina. Maleera said that you’d be able to assist since the book was taken from the mansion and brought here. We were hoping to learn more about Cazador’s family, it was part of the reason we came down here.”
“Yeah, for sure, I’ve seen it before,” Sebastian said and glanced around the library’s expansive collection. “I’m sure I can find it eventually.”
“They’ll be able to give you some time while they join us for dinner.”
We all turned to find Maleera standing in the doorway, a smile on her face as she caught sight of how relaxed Astarion looked around Sebastian despite their history. She could've easily asked Sebastian about the journal or even gotten it herself but I knew that Maleera wanted them to make up, to realise what they've done for each other. As much as Astarion believed the spawn hated them he also gave them what they had always been looking for, freedom, much like I gave him. He did for the spawn what I did for him and it was wonderful to see the way it lit up his face when he realised it.
“We're joining you for dinner?” Astarion asked and Maleera nodded, a grin on her face.
“That you are. All the main spawn will be there.”
Astarion frowned at the fact that he had walked into a trap and a dinner was the perfect way for the spawn to reconnect. I had to hope that in doing this they would let bygones be bygones and actually help each other, even appreciate each other as a found family but only time could tell. The spawn had all been through a lot and I had no idea what they all really thought of the one that escaped. Astarion had been free for a lot longer than them and earlier didn't bode well that they were also grateful he freed them. But the group didn’t look that upset as we wandered into the dining room and took our seats among the other spawn who were already chatting and sipping from glasses full of wine. A plate of the blood mushrooms was sitting in front of them and I was pleasantly surprised to find some roast chicken and vegetables sitting next to Astarion’s plate.
“How did you?”
“I was and am still a cleric. Create food and water works even down here,” she said and I smiled in response, taking a bite and being pleasantly surprised.
The other spawn all ate their mushrooms and eyed me as I became very aware of the large collection of eyes on me and didn’t like the way I was being watched. Sure I was technically the only non-spawn in the building but they didn’t have to stare at me like I was some art piece to be studied.
We all know a lot about Astarion, were a bit trapped with him for longer than we’d like to admit but we know next to nothing about you,” Leon said and smiled as he sipped his wine. “What’s your story, before the Mind Flayer tadpole of course.”
“Uh yeah
I was born in a small elven village a few hours outside of Baldur’s Gate that was surrounded by these incredible forests but my dad wanted me to have a better life so he took my brother and I to a human village named Calder. We didn’t know this at the time but the leader of Calder stole a branch from the Mother Tree and made a bow which really pissed off the elves. I joined Calder’s army to fight back and by the time I realised I was fighting other elves it was too late. The battle cost the lives of my brother and father and I started to live with a group of Harper’s at the Moonhaven Inn shortly after.”
you’re a fighter,” Leon said and I nodded. “You’re one of three in this room. Youssen and I were also fighters.”
“A former Flaming Fist!” Youssen yelled and I wondered how many glasses of wine he’d consumed before the dinner.
they’re not doing well,” I muttered and rubbed a hand along my neck, thinking of the job that I rejected. “Duke Ravenguard is trying to make it better but the Absolute really ruined everything.”
“I heard they were in shambles, shame, back when I was a part of them they did great, best defence force in the city.”
“It all went downhill when you left, you’re the problem,” Leon said and Youssen nodded, pointing his glass towards him.
“You bet. Should get right back up there and whip them into shape!” He said and grinned as the table went quiet, the spawn very aware of why that wasn't possible.
“What are the rest of you?” I asked and tried to change the subject as I glanced over at Violet and Aurelia.
“We're both bards,” Aurelia said and grinned as Violet nodded. “I've been playing music since before I could walk. The violin is a personal favourite or a flute and Violet is amazing on a lute. We haven't been able to find any down here but I'm still looking.”
I made a mental note to grab the lute I had grabbed off a Drow named Minthara all those months ago. It felt like a lifetime ago that we betrayed her and killed her in our fight for the grove and Astarion managed to get the armour he never took off since then. The very set he was wearing at the moment, deep red and gold and made of swirling pieces of leather that fit him like a glove. I admired the armour and the way Astarion looked so comfortable in it after being so vocal against it for so long.
“I have a lute that I can bring you,” I said and Violet grinned.
“Thank you,” she said and I smiled at her tiny little voice, barely carrying over the table.
“I'm surprised Astarion hasn't been using the lute, he was a bard himself you know,” Aurelia said and my eyes widened as Astarion sent her a very angry glare.
“What? A bard?” I asked and eyed Astarion as Aurelia chuckled. “When I met him he said he was a rogue, he acted like a rogue. Are you not?”
“I might've told you what I wanted to be,” he muttered and my eyes widened further. “Before Cazador when I worked as a magistrate in the city I used my high charisma to get me places and performing was simply a perk.”
“All this time you could've been serenading me,” I said and Astarion grinned.
“Maybe when we go home I'll dust off a flute and see if I still got it.”
“Rogue makes sense, he always was sneaky,” Maleera said and Astarion put his hands up.
“Guilty as charged.”
“So bards and fighters
what about Killian?” I asked and the table went quiet once again, everyone going back to their mushrooms or wine, not meeting my gaze. “Sorry
I was just curious.”
“No, it's fine,” Maleera said and sighed. “Killian was a paladin. He kept it up for years after being turned, never wanting to break his oath. But it all came crashing down when during a dinner a lot like this one, which were rare, Cazador suggested a right hand spawn. He immediately turned to Astarion, the best at getting meals and the most charming and Killian exploded. He jumped him, bread knife in hand and almost killed him. I barely managed to heal him before he bled out. That broke the oath, the Oathbreaker Knight appeared a few hours later but Killian dismissed him, claiming he was done.”
I had grabbed onto Astarion’s hand part way through that story and glanced at him as he rubbed a spot on his left side with his free one, thinking back to that moment. Killian’s hatred of the other spawn seemed to stem from jealousy and the fact that Cazador very obviously picked favourites. Back in his mansion we discovered a lavish bedroom down one corridor that Astarion claimed was reserved for only the best spawn and that normally was himself, Violet, Leon and Maleera, the few that followed his every order, no matter the cost.
“I’m good now, no harm done,” Astarion assured and kissed the hand, giving me a smile before we listened to the other spawn tell us stories that weren’t as horrible.
A favourite among the group came from Aurelia who once got locked in a tomb for six months after she used vicious mockery on Cazador in front of a large gathering of nobles. At the time I assumed the prospect of getting revenge was terrifying but now she just laughed it off and claimed the months of starvation were worth it just to see his face when it actually worked. The others detailed the nights they spent in the quarters, altogether and trying to ignore their horrid circumstances by sharing their own stories of what life was like before. Youssen would entertain them with tall tales about his work with the Flaming Fist and Aurelia and Violet would whistle or very quietly play a small flute they found on their outings for Cazador.
It was nice to hear that after all the stuff they had been through and despite their initial hesitation at agreeing to actually be somewhat of a family, in the end they had been one. Getting stuffed together and forced to endure that man for so many years in some way brought them closer and the spawn were the only ones who truly understood what the others were going through. I even caught Astarion smiling at some of the stories and adding his own, even some they forgot to mention like Aurelia pranking Killian or Violet stealing butter buns and hiding them under her bed even though she couldn’t eat them. I was grateful that not everything was horrible and was just about to add in some stories from our time saving Baldur’s Gate when Sebastian entered, journal in hand and a very worried look on his face.
“Sebastian,” I said and stood, wandering over as he held out the journal.
“I found it and read through it
it’s not what you expect.”
“How so?”
“Evelina wasn’t kidnapped,” he said and he pulled open the journal before flicking through to one of its last entries. “See for yourself.”
I read through the entry as my eyes slowly started to widen at the words she had written and what they implied. Maleera was certain that Evelina was taken by Kathrac and dragged down here against her will as a debt that she was forced to pay for something her brother did years before. But the words that she had written didn’t describe some weird debt but a plan to prevent Cazador from ever finding her.
“She wasn’t kidnapped,” Maleera said and I nodded.
“She wasn’t.”
“Then why the hell would she agree to come down here?” Astarion asked as he walked over and I handed him the journal.
“Evelina wasn’t kidnapped by Kathrac
she was betrothed to him,” I said and all their eyes widened as I began to realise that getting that ring was about to be a whole lot harder.
If Evelina wasn’t kidnapped and frozen in time somewhere deep in the Underdark then she was still alive, living with a very powerful Lolth-Sworn Drow leader and the ring could be long gone. Our entire plan was starting to sound like it had been doomed to fail since the very beginning.
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nexxen24 · 3 months
The Sunwalker's Respite
Spawn Astarion X Female Tav
Chapter 2/6-8
Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/nexxen24/746439650196013056/the-sunwalkers-respite?source=share
NOTE: Pg-13, there will be no smut, only implied.
IMPORTANT: Please read the prologue and chapter one on my profile prior to this one as to not be confused, thank you.
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Chapter Two
Cazador's Mansion, Baldur's Gate, 6 Months After the Absolute’s Demise
I awoke with a slight start and it got even worse when I realised that Astarion didn't have his arm wrapped around me and he was standing in direct sunlight. I let out a scream and ran over, pulling him back into darkness before looking him over for any spots that got burnt or affected by the sun. But he looked fine and chuckled before pulling out the small vial of elixir that was now empty, a very large grin plastered across his face. I glared and punched him in the shoulder, Astarion letting out a yelp and jumping back as I frowned at him.
“Ow!” He protested but I just frowned at him.
“That's what you get! You scared me half to death,” I shot back and he sighed before wrapping me in a hug.
“I wanted to surprise you, I'm sorry,” he muttered and kissed the top of my head. “It's just amazing, I can feel it warming my skin and not in a bad way.”
He grabbed my hand and slowly led me over to the beam of sunlight, stepping into it and grinning when he still didn't start sizzling. It had been six months since Astarion was able to walk in sunlight and I had forgotten what bright light did to his eyes. Usually they were just red, the kind of red that you'd see in wine, dark and somewhat shiny, nothing spectacular. But when the sun hit them you could see that his eyes were lighter, red like raspberries and looking so bright and sparkly against his pale skin. The light also hit his hair, shining against it and showcasing the small bits of silver within the white that I had been resisting the urge to bug him about. He couldn't see himself in mirrors so there was no need to point out the small grey hairs and besides, they looked beautiful anyways. In sunlight he looked like a completely different person and it just added to my desire to get that ring, to be able to wake up to this all the time, to see him in the light permanently.
“How are you feeling?”
“The others will want to see you, they haven't since the brain,” I said and he nodded, giving me a smile.
“Can we start with Shadowheart? I need to ask her a favour,” he said and I raised a brow.
“What favour?”
“Just something that I have planned for later, at sunset and I need to guarantee that she's available.”
“Sure, her home is right near here. Shadowheart settled in the House of Grief, she's managed to change it, turn it into a house of healing and doesn't support any God, but appreciates them all with an affinity for SelunĂ©.”
“Of course, I'm glad that she's happy.”
“Her and her girlfriend have turned it into something beautiful,” I added and smiled at the thought of Shadowheart and her newfound happiness.
When I met Shadowheart she was a devotee of Shar and stuck in a pod on the Nautiloid, begging me to rescue her. I did and brought her along, got to know her and together we discovered that her entire life was a lie. She wasn't a chosen of Shar, but was forced to live by her rules and halfway through our adventures she quit, gained her own freedom. Sure it cost her the lives of her parents after just getting them back but Shadowheart was happy, she was more carefree and eager to turn her place of torture into a place of love. She bought the House of Grief right after the brain was defeated and it took nearly three months to refurbish it into a refuge for those displaced by both the brain and the Absolute Cult’s reign of terror.
Her girlfriend, a fellow Half-High-Elf named Maisie that was one of the first refugees Shadowheart opened her doors to. They hit it off almost instantly and Maisie assists any animals while Shadowheart handles the humanoids. They make an excellent pair and the few times I've been by have been amazing and it's humbling to see how far she's come. From a devout worshipper of Shar, eager to do her bidding and willing to kill for her cause to a shy, timid woman who would put her life on the line for any creature. Much like Astarion, being wrapped up in all this gave her a chance to be free, to be happy.
I was smiling to myself at the thought of them both being happy as I reached up a hand to knock on the front door of the House of Grief. Astarion was behind me, standing directly in a sunbeam and smiling, his eyes sparkling whenever they met mine. I rolled my eyes at just how happy he looked and was about to call him out on it when the door swung open and I was greeted by Maisie.
“Hello, Maisie.”
“Hanelly, what are you doing here?” she asked and wrapped me in a tight hug, the squirrel perched on her shoulder squeaking in protest.
“I’m looking for Shadowheart, I have a development to show her,” I said and pointed at Astarion as Maisie’s eyes widened.
She’s this way.”
I nodded in thanks and called to Astarion before we followed Maisie inside and behind the receptionist counter where Shadowheart had discovered a small door that led to a staircase and an upper floor. There was an entire apartment above the main floor, decked out as if one of Viconia’s minions had once called it home. She and Maisie had since refurbished it and gave it their own personal touches, turning the apartment into a home they could be proud of. It was weird to see Shadowheart as someone with a home and a partner, a normal life but it was a simplistic existence that she deserved and the woman was brewing a pot of tea when we walked in.
“Hanelly, I heard you downstairs,” she greeted and wandered over before wrapping me in a hug. “I also heard you, Astarion, how are you here?”
“That’s a long story,” he assured and hesitated, unsure if he should hug her or not but Shadowheart didn’t let him debate and stepped forward, wrapping her arms around him.
“I’d love to hear it and it’s amazing to see you both. Tea?”
“I’d love some,” I said and took a seat at her table as she poured me a mug. “Now, you both must be wondering why Astarion is out in the sun.”
“I was curious, assumed that he secretly went back and completed that ritual.”
“Never, never in a million years, this is better than that, much better,” Astarion muttered and took a sip of the tea, glaring at Shadowheart as he went.
“He’s right. Gale had been looking for a cure for his affliction and while he didn’t find it, he found something to help with the sunlight part of it. A ring, the Sunwalker’s Gift that was given to Evalina Szarr, Cazador’s sister, about 360 years ago, right before she went missing. The person that told us about all this is a drow named Maleera, one of the seven spawn and she gifted Astarion a twenty-four hour Sunwalker elixir so he could be here, see it one last time in case it doesn’t work out.”
Saying that felt like having a weight lifted off my shoulders since it was what both Astarion and I had been thinking since we discovered the ring was somewhere in the Underdark. There was always that chance that Evelina didn’t get kidnapped with the ring or that this Kathrac person saw it and took it, destroyed it. Maybe one of the 7000 spawn that had fled down there had the same idea and were wandering around up here, free from the power of the sun. Neither of us had been strong enough to say it out loud and I caught the look on Astarion’s face when I finally mentioned the possibility of failure.
“Speaking of, Shadowheart, could I grab you for a second?”
“Of course.”
“Just a quick second,” he assured and stood, giving my forehead a kiss before moving to another room with Shadowheart trailing behind him.
“Wonder what that’s about,” Maisie said and smiled as I shrugged.
“Could be anything, he mentioned wanting to do something later, maybe it’s about that,” I said and Maisie shrugged, grinning as they walked back in, not looking all that suspicious.
“You’re predisposed later Maisie, don’t make any plans for late this afternoon,” Astarion said and grinned as Shadowheart chuckled, my eyes narrowing at the two of them.
“Is there something I should know?”
“No, just that you also have plans for later this afternoon,” he said and grinned as I eyed him.
“Okay then
I’m going to choose to not find that statement suspicious.”
“Good. Shall we move on?”
I guess I’ll see you later Shadowheart,” I said and she nodded, pulling me into another tight hug before I chugged the rest of my tea and followed Astarion outside.
who’s next?”
“Might as well go and visit the wizard that made all of this possible,” Astarion suggested and wrapped an arm in mine as I gave him a nod.
“You’re planning something,” I muttered as we trekked our way past a group of people arguing with a guy selling some type of potion.
“Why do you say that?”
“I don’t know
the off to the side moment with Shadowheart and now you desperately want to visit the companion you hated for the entire time we were fighting back against the brain.”
“I just want to thank Gale for making all of this possible, is that so wrong?”
“I guess not, but I’m just curious as to what you’re planning.”
“Don’t make any plans for later this afternoon and you’ll find out,” Astarion said and grinned as we stepped into Sorcerer Sundries where Gale was standing behind the counter.
He glanced up from his book and smiled at the two of us, his eyes widening a bit when he noticed both myself and Astarion had walked in. “Oh! Did it work? Did you get the ring that quickly?”
“No, this was a gift from one of Cazador’s other spawn, we decided to take a day before looking for the ring,” Astarion explained and Gale's eyes widened.
so that means
“Yes, your advice was good, we managed to find one in Cazador's palace,” I said and Gale grinned, his ego growing with every compliment.
“Oh that's great, I'm glad that I could help. I knew that you'd both find what you were looking for and hopefully the Underdark will prove useful as well. I may have some
Gale trailed off and I followed his dumbstruck look towards the front door where a Half-Elf had just wandered in, a crate of flowers and potions clutched in her arms. I raised a brow as she bypassed a couple people before squeezing in between Astarion and I and placing the crate on the counter. She was very pretty with pale skin and long dark brown hair that was braided, dressed in loose fitting trousers, a linen shirt covered in dirt and boots. Gale looked absolutely smitten and kept staring, his jaw still a bit lack until she finally cleared her throat and snapped him out of it.
Good to see you Alina,” Gale greeted and she nodded in agreement.
“You as well, Gale, I have all the ingredients you asked for minus the carrow flowers since they're still blooming. But I did manage to make some extra lemon and herb tea as a gift to say sorry for missing it.”
“Oh that's perfect, you can come by when they're ready and I do love that tea.”
“I'm fully aware, most of my business comes from you ordering it,” she said and I nodded in understanding, finally getting what was being put down between the two of them.
It would only be more obvious if Gale's eyes turned into hearts as she unloaded the crate and placed jar after jar on the counter. He was smitten and was doing a very bad job of hiding the lovestruck look on his face. Gale had never been the best with social interactions in the time I'd known him and had even fumbled a few conversations we had early on. He kept claiming that the time we spent together was changing his entire outlook on life when I had barely known him a day. When I finally called Gale out he got all embarrassed and fumbled his words, something that he was doing with her as well.
you grow flowers?” I observed and she turned to me.
“I mainly grow potion ingredients and since Gale took over for Sorcerer Sundries, I've never been better. He keeps me in business. Also
you must be Hanelly and Astarion, two of the people that stopped the brain along with Gale.”
“We did, yes.”
“Thank you again, it meant a lot, mainly because I live in Baldur's Gate and feared for my life.”
it was Gale who really stepped up,” I assured and chuckled when he blushed. “He got the final blow on the brain, a fireball that ended the fight and saved us. I didn't know how much longer we had before that. Gale is the reason you still have your shop for more than just his business.”
“Oh wow,” Alina exclaimed and smiled as Gale's face turned even redder. “Gale, you never mentioned that. You claimed that Hanelly and Astarion did all the heavy lifting.”
“What a crazy thing to say, a weak High-Elf like myself is nothing compared to a wizard with his talents,” Astarion added and Gale stared at him in mild shock from the compliment.
I'm just very good at what I do
it's nothing really,” Gale muttered, fumbling over his words as his face turned so red it rivalled the colour of Karlach's skin.
“So modest, it's just one of his many incredible traits,” I added and Gale glared daggers at me.
“You know, Alina,” Astarion began and leaned closer to her, a devilish smirk on his face. “I have a little thing planned for late this afternoon and you should come. Bring Gale along with you.”
“What is it?”
“I can't say it out in the open but I can tell you that it'll be amazing and well worth your time.”
“I was going to reorganise the shop but I guess I can wait. What do you say, Gale?”
of course.”
“Great. What time?”
“Pick him up at 5, that should be more than enough time. It'll be on the balcony that overlooks the water underneath Sharesses Caress. Do you know it?”
“I do, I'll be there,” Alina said and Astarion grinned before giving her hand a kiss.
“Excellent. Don't forget Gale.”
“I could never,” she said and gave him a smile before grabbing her empty crate and heading out of the store.
Once Alina was gone, Gale took one look at us before he collapsed to the floor behind the desk. My eyes widened and I ran over to make sure he was okay, raising a brow at the lovestruck look on the guy's face.
you good?” I asked and he nodded.
“Just perfect.”
I'm assuming you like her,” I said and Gale sat up, letting out a sigh before giving me a nod.
“It's obvious isn't it?”
“No, you're very subtle, I couldn't tell,” Astraion joked and Gale sent him a glare. “Regardless, I like her, and she seems to really like you.”
“You only fawn over a wizard shooting fireballs at things when you really like them. Besides, she agreed to bring you with her, almost like a date,” Astarion added and Gale's cheeks flushed.
“Oh Gods
you're right. I hope she didn't see it as a date,” he muttered and stood, running a hand through his hair and suddenly looking more nervous than lovestruck.
“You'll be fine. Just be yourself,” I suggested and was quick to shove Astarion who looked eager to disagree with me.
“Why not? It can't hurt,” I said and he sighed with a nod.
“I guess you're right. I'll see you both later today, I need to prepare, make sure I look presentable.”
Gale grabbed a couple books off a shelf near the desk before bolting up the stairs and through the portal to his main office. I rolled my eyes, knowing that he was likely going to find some way to screw it up and hoped that Alina would find it endearing. Gale isn't the best at smooth talking anybody and had fumbled quite a few of our conversations but he was also a sweetheart. When I met Gale he was afflicted with an orb of pure magic that needed to feed on arcane energy in order to not kill him. Gale consumed quite a few boots before he got it fixed and was given an ultimatum by the Goddess he previously served. Gale was told to use his orb to kill the brain, thereby levelling an entire section of the city and also killing himself.
When it came time to meet the Absolute and end the cult for good he offered up his services, offered up his life to keep us safe. I refused and made sure that Gale knew that his life meant more to me than him proving himself to Mystra. Gale got the chance to live free, to be a teacher and fall in love with a woman like Alina and he did that by proving he was more than just a wizard who knew too much. If Alina could get past the mildly annoying exterior and ego, she would find a man eager to love again underneath and one that would do anything for the person willing enough to do the same for him.
I thought of another person who defied someone by proving they're better as Astarion and I went looking for Wyll. When I met Wyll Ravenguard, the Blade of Frontiers, he was a man on a mission to kill a devil that turned out to be Karlach. When Wyll refused, he was turned into one himself and through proving that he was better than the devil he had a pact with became more than his birthright. He became the Blade of Avernus and went from hating Karlach to being the main reason she was still alive. Astarion requested that we visit Wyll first and the man was usually down by the docks, keeping an eye on the shadier inhabitants of Baldur's Gate. He was sitting on a crate looking out at the water when we walked down a set of steps and turned when I cleared my throat.
“Hanelly!” Wyll exclaimed and ran over before wrapping me in a hug.
“Good to see you, Wyll,” I said and hugged him back since it had been a minute since I'd seen him.
After the brain was defeated, Karlach finally agreed to revisit Avernus but on one condition, that Wyll went with her. He agreed and together they both battled the remainder of the imps and devil's working for Zariel and found a cure for Karlach's condition. She and Wyll had just gotten back from a forge owned by Zariel herself and according to Karlach's letter had managed to stabilise the infernal engine she had in place of a heart. With all the freedom in the world, Karlach was now working as a barback and a bouncer at a tavern in the Lower City, not far from the docks and Wyll was still trying to figure out where he belonged. His dad offered him a job as the new Duke, a chance to change the city for the better but he hadn’t taken it and was still looking to do something for him.
“How have you been?” I asked and Wyll shrugged, catching sight of Astarion, his eyes widening.
is that?”
“We went looking for a ring that could allow this to happen all the time, ran into a spawn and she gave him a potion. He also has something to ask I’m assuming.”
“I do yes,” Astarion said and smiled at me. “Wyll, would you like to join us at the balcony under Sharess’ Caress late this afternoon, around maybe 5:30. I can’t say why in front of her but I can say that it would mean a lot if you could join.”
“Of course, I’ll always take any excuse I can get to hang out with all of you. It’s been too long,” Wyll said and I nodded in agreement.
“It has.”
“Are we near the Hook Minder?” Astarion asked and Wyll nodded, pointing to a rickety looking building that was made partly out of a sunken ship and sitting precariously on a cliff that overlooked the water. “Perfect. I’ll be right back. Catch up.”
I raised a brow when he wandered over, kissed the top of my head and then bolted up the stairs before I could even think to wonder why he needed to visit a pub. Sure it was the pub that Karlach worked at but I was under the assumption that was our next stop and frowned in slight annoyance before taking a seat on a crate, Wyll following suit. Leaving me alone with Wyll was actually a bad thing and not because I didn’t trust him or didn’t like hanging out with him but he had asked me a very loaded question a couple months back and I had yet to give him an answer.
I’m assuming you’re annoyed we’re alone,” Wyll observed and I chuckled.
“I still wish that you’d give me an answer, both myself and my father believe that you’re perfect for the job, why the hesitation?”
The job in question was training an entirely new group to take over the discarded Steel Watch and Flaming Fist that had both been abandoned when the cult began to take over Baldur’s Gate. The Steel Watch were giant automatons created by a real asshole named Gortash who was not only one of the main three who wanted to control the brain but also the man that sold Karlach to Zariel in the first place. His Steel Watch was corrupt from the start and we managed to destroy them before going after him, rendering his defence force useless and also losing a vital means of protection in the city. Sure keeping the brain from killing everyone placated people for quite a while but with the main threat gone they were starting to go back to their ways and that was bad, especially with little defences.
When Wyll approached me a couple months back with an idea that thanks to my background I would be the ideal Elf to train an entirely new guard that could keep this whole new Baldur’s Gate safe. I had denied the job offer initially, worrying that if I spent my days training a lot of soldiers there wouldn’t be any opportunity to be with Astarion. Having no job may sound like a bad idea but I at least got to spend every moment I could with him which made it worth it and made me so damn grateful that I hadn’t staked him in the heart all those months ago.
“It’s still a no,” I muttered and Wyll sighed. “I can’t leave him behind.”
if this ring doesn’t work out
what are you going to do?”
“It’s going to work out,” I said and Wyll frowned. “Maleera, the spawn that gave him the potion, told me not to lose myself looking for it but we both know that I can’t let him go on without it, he deserves to return to the light. Cazador got what he deserved, the man is dead, but Astarion didn’t. He deserves a chance.”
There was a part of me that assumed Wyll would simply never understand, that it took a certain kind of love to want to throw everything on the line just for them to be happy. Seeing Astarion become his own person after so many years of not having the chance was my favourite part of our journey to stop the brain and the part that made it all worth it. When people you love get the chance to be happy, it makes you happy and I wiped at a tear, not even realising the thought of never getting that chance was making me emotional.
“I get it. I do,” Wyll assured and wrapped me in a side hug just as Astarion returned, Karlach trailing behind him.
I grinned broader than I had the entire day and jumped up, running over to Karlach and wrapping her in the biggest hug that I could possibly manage, grateful that I even could. With her fixed heart she was nearly cool to the touch, still fiery red but luckily not on fire and I had been itching to hug her for months. Karlach laughed and picked me up, spinning the two of us around and causing Astarion to duck to avoid a leg. She eventually dropped me back to the ground and smiled, looking more alive than she had in months and itching to do it again.
“Gods it’s good to see you!” Karlach exclaimed and I nodded in agreement before rummaging through the bag I was carrying for her gift.
“Same here and I have someone that’s been waiting to see you,” I said and pulled out a small stuffed bear that Karlach had kept with her for years and had sadly gotten a bit burnt.
“Oh my Gods! Clive!” she shouted and grabbed the bear, giving it a tight hug before admiring the stitching courtesy of Astarion and the strips of fabric he used to cover up the holes and scorch marks. “You fixed him, he looks great.”
“That was all Astarion, he’s quite the master with a sewing needle,” I said and bumped his shoulder as Karlach grinned and wandered over, wrapping him in a hug as he squeaked in protest.
“Hey now, not too tight,” Astarion said and groaned as Karlach laughed and put him down. “Gods
I’m not invincible you know.”
you’re tougher than that,” she shot back and elbowed him in the ribs, Astarion letting out an oof and having to catch himself.
I am not,” he choked out and I chuckled, rubbing a hand along his back to make sure he was alright. “Now
Karlach, you remember what I told you on the way here.”
“Of course, Hanelly, we have a whole day planned!” she exclaimed and I raised a brow. “We have some errands to run for a couple hours before meeting these guys at Sharess’ Caress.”
Astarion pulled me aside as I frowned at him, now really curious as to what he was planning and what errands he could possibly want Karlach and I to run.
“Hang out with Karlach and I’ll meet you this afternoon,” he said and I eyed him.
“I can’t tell you,” he said and grinned as I frowned at him.
“You’re being sneakier than usual.”
“Trust me, if I ruin this, you’re gonna hate me.”
“I could never hate you,” I assured and took a step closer, wrapping my arms around his neck.
“Good so go with Karlach,” he said and I frowned before letting out a sigh and giving him a kiss.
“If this is some dumb joke I will punch you,” I shot back and pulled away as he chuckled.
“Trust me. It’s not,” he said and I eyed him before heading over to Karlach and following her up the steps and back into the Lower City, my mind swirling with possibilities and my stomach alight with nerves.
The errands that Astarion had us run were slowly starting to reveal what all he had planned and I became even more nervous as Karlach and I stood in the empty room at the Flophouse across from Sharess’ Caress he had rented. The only real errand was a trip to the Facemaker’s boutique, a clothing shop near the entrance to the upper city where Karlach said some sort of order was waiting for me. The order just so happened to be a white dress and Figaro, the shop’s owner who normally hated me, looked very pleased when I entered looking for it. He claimed that the garment was made for me and said that it was made to my exact specifications with some additions suggested by Astarion. How or when he got my ‘exact specifications’ I had no clue but the dress was absolutely gorgeous and I was admiring myself in a mirror, practically slack jawed.
The dress was white first and foremost which was already a good indication as to what was going on later but was also so much more than that on so many levels. The top was fitted in a way that wasn’t too revealing and a thin belt made entirely of silver hugged my waist and kept it in place. The part that really made me get emotional was the detailing, mainly the red detailing in the thin ruby coloured threads that created almost a waterfall of colour, starting from the waist and ending just above the bottom of the skirt. It made the dress feel a bit less formal but added so much to a collection of fabric that was previously so stark and perfect and I definitely wasn’t perfect. It had character and the red was a clear nod to the man that ordered it and I was very pleased that he seemed to be just as good with words as he was with fabric choices.
I need you to answer a question,” I said and she glanced up from staring lovingly at Clive. “Is this a wedding?”
“I can’t answer that,” she said and I frowned, knowing that that confirmed it, it had to be.
My stomach immediately dropped at the thought and everything suddenly felt more real, like all this was happening too fast even though I had been thinking about it for months. Sure I knew that he was it, he was the last time I was ever going to fall in love and when an elf says that it means a lot, we live long lives but I never knew how to say it. Astarion spent so long believing that love only existed in the darkest places, that the only love he was allowed to express was fake, and was a tool used to lure people back to Cazador. When he felt real love for a drow named Sebastian, when he tried to allow himself to embrace it, he was tossed into a cell and forced to spend a year clawing at darkness to make up for it. This was the first time he had allowed himself to feel something real, be allowed to feel it and the thought that Astarion was the one that put all of this together was only making my nerves worse.
“Karlach, you’re not helping,” I chided and she chuckled.
“Come on man, it’s supposed to be a happy day, we’re all together again,” she said and I nodded, knowing she was right.
“I know
It’s just
nerve wracking.”
“I don’t know, probably because you normally have more time to prepare.”
“If it is a wedding
what are you going to do? Would you say yes?”
“Of course,” I said and Karlach grinned.
Then there’s nothing to be nervous about, if you’re already willing to say yes and you don’t even know that’s a pretty good sign you’re ready for this.”
For the vast majority of our time together Karlach was always the muscle, mainly because she could punch anyone to death if given enough time but she’s also pretty damn well spoken. She was also right, I was ready and I let out a sigh before fixing my hair, making sure that my trademark twin braids looked perfect and let out a sigh before nodding that I was ready. It was basically time anyways and I followed Karlach out the door and down the steps, crossing the street and finding the group, including a spectral projection of Lae’zel, spread out on the balcony that overlooked the bay, arguably home to the best view in all of Wyrm’s Crossing.
Astarion was in the middle of them, laughing at something Shadowheart or Gale said as the sun that was just beginning to set caught his eyes in a way that made them shimmer. He turned and they widened when he saw me, grinning and stepping forward to assist me in walking down the handful of steps to the balcony.
“You suck you know,” I said and he frowned at me.
Excuse me?”
“You do. You planned all of this, planned what is supposed to be the best day of my life and just assumed that keeping it a surprise was the best idea. How’d you even know I’d say yes?”
“Why did you assume that’s what this is?” he shot back and my face fell. “It could just be a gathering of old friends.”
is it?”
“It is,” he said and I was about to smack him but he stopped me. “A group of old friends that gathered for a wedding. So
Do you?”
I stared at Astarion for the longest moment, just to see if he was going to start laughing and say this whole thing was one big joke but he looked serious, looked so serious that it was making me almost emotional.
“Of course, I will always say yes to that,” I assured and he grinned before leading me over to the edge of the balcony.
now you know why it was very important that Shadowheart was available since the main thing you need to get married is a cleric and she’s the best I know,” Astarion said and she eyed him. “Also the only one.”
“I was eager to join once he told me what he was planning,” she said and smiled at the two of us. “I also collected all the needed supplies, some harder to find than others.”
I raised a brow and Shadowheart stepped aside to reveal a small table full of various items but mainly two rings and a branch which may sound odd for a wedding but not one between two elves. A very old, very outdated Wood Elf tradition was to plant a tree whenever a child was born that was said to grow with them, signalling their life and their connection to the forest they called home. I had a tree somewhere in the forests surrounding Venia and always figured that when I ever got married I’d return, grab a branch and use it to bless the ceremony, a symbol of carrying your heritage with you as you go. When I decided never to return home I always assumed I had lost my shot at grabbing it but apparently Astarion had managed to find it.
“You found the tree,” I said, practically speechless and he nodded.
“You’d be shocked how far a locate object spell can get you.”
“Were the other two still there?” I asked, talking about the trees planted for my brother and father, my mother’s having died when she did.
“No, just this one. It was growing well though, and had red flowers on it according to Shadowheart,” he said and I smiled since the trees always tended to reflect what their person was getting up to and the flowers had to be a reference to him.
“I figured they’d be gone but mine is thriving and for good reason,” I said and he nodded in agreement before we got into position across from each other, Shadowheart standing behind us.
“Alrighty, I did have to research elf weddings so if I get anything wrong, I’m sorry,” she began and I chuckled. “Now we gather here on this balcony in the company of not only good friends, but family in order to bless and welcome the union between Astarion Ancunin and Hanelly Calista. As tradition in the laws of Wood Elves, a branch of Hanelly’s root tree has been cut to signal a new chapter, a new branch being added that when planted where this couple chooses to reside will signal a new life being built together. Hanelly
please place a hand on one end.” I did as told before Shadowheart told Astarion to do the same. “May the branches, the roots, the leaves and the flowers built from this one continue to grow and thrive for as long as the two of you do.”
The branch began to glow and I smiled before Shadowheart took it back and pulled out the rings, handing over the respective ones.
“I hope you like them, they were last minute,” Astarion whispered and I rolled my eyes.
wonder who’s fault that is,” I shot back and he frowned at me.
“Astarion, please place this ring upon her finger and solidify a bond to last the test of time, through good times and bad, hope and heartache, life and death. Do you take Hanelly to be your lawfully wedded, in the eyes of Selune, wife?”
“I do,” he said and slipped the silver ring onto my finger, a small blood red stone shining up at me.
“Hanelly, please place this ring upon his finger and solidify a bond to last the test of time, through good times and bad, hope and heartache, life and death. Do you take Astarion to be your lawfully wedded, in the eyes of Selune, husband?”
“I do,” I said and slipped the simple silver band onto his finger, solidifying the bond forever.
By the power invested in me by Selune, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss.”
Astarion gently placed a hand on my cheek and leaned forward just as the sun began to set, basking the two of us in a brilliant orange glow as I closed my eyes and closed the gap. The others all began to clap as I stood there for a second, in mild shock that it was now official.
“Well then, I have a wife,” Astarion with a wide grin and I nodded in agreement.
“That you do.”
I kissed him again before we turned to the others who all looked very pleased, even Lae’zel who I was certain never liked me. I smiled and wandered over, not pulling her into a hug since she’d kill me and the astral form was preventing any real contact. Lae’zel left the group shortly after the brain was killed to get revenge on the gythyanki that still sided with their lying queen. It was likely Gale that told her about the event and I was actually quite shocked she was there since Lae’zel was never really a lovey dovey type of person.
“Shocked to see you here,” I muttered and she nodded.
“Gale sent a message about this ceremony and your plans to find the ring, I thought I’d come by and say congrats and good luck.”
“Thank you.”
“Also that it’s stupid,” she added and my smile faded. “The Underdark holds more dangers than what we saw in our small trip to it, dangers that would kill for a ring like that one. Sure I believe you're more than capable but if you die then I will be saying, ‘I told you so’ to your corpse.”
Lae’zel walked over to Wyll as I stood there a second, mind swirling with all the implications of that sentence and the fact that even though she was ultimately messing with me, she was also correct. But I couldn’t worry about the Underdark on a day like this, it was supposed to be happy and I was thrilled.
Did you enjoy the surprise?” Astarion asked after handing me a glass of wine.
“I did, yes.”
“They say the wedding night is always the best part,” he said and smirked.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” I shot back and his smirk grew. “So
why here, why sunset?”
“You look the best at sunset and if this is my last one, I want it to be special,” he said and kissed me, deep before taking a sip.
I smiled at the gesture but it was hard to ignore the dread piling up at the bottom of my stomach and the fear that this was going to be his last sunset, that this was all we were ever gonna have in the sun if this failed. Sure it was incredible, I wouldn’t change that for the world and the ring shining in the last few rays was a symbol that he meant the world to me and I to him but it wasn’t enough. I don’t care if I’m being selfish, irrational but I wanted more, I wanted more sunsets, more walks along the water, more warming myself in the early morning rays, more chances to watch his eyes light up when they caught it at just the right angle. Tomorrow evening we were headed down into the Underdark with Maleera, tomorrow everything changed and it was either going to get a lot better or a lot worse.
“It won’t be your last,” I whispered as I pressed myself against him, swaying slightly to the music being played by a bard he hired.
“I hope not,” he muttered as I wrapped my arms tighter around his middle, locking my hands together and not planning on letting go anytime soon.
I had two options in that moment, either sit back and see what happens or fight my absolute hardest to guarantee this wasn’t the last sunset and as the night began to creep along the horizon, once again plunging Astarion back into darkness as he shimmered from the elixir wearing off, I made my choice. That I was either coming back from the Underdark with that ring on his finger or not coming back at all.
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nexxen24 · 3 months
The Sunwalker's Respite
Spawn Astarion X Female Tav
Chapter: 1/6-8
Prologue: https://www.tumblr.com/nexxen24/746439104140607488/the-sunwalkers-respite?source=share
NOTE: PG-13, no smut, only implied.
IMPORTANT: Please read the prologue first.
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Chapter One
Rivington, 6 Months After the Absolute’s Demise
Six months after the brain was defeated, I had made quite a home for myself on the outskirts of Rivington, a small suburb that was situated just outside the giant city known as Baldur’s Gate. I had a small home that overlooked the river, nothing too impressive and far enough away from any big civilizations that no one questioned why the lights were only on at night. The nocturnal lifestyle was thanks to a vampire spawn that I shared my home and my heart with for what felt like way longer than just a meagre seven months.
An overly full of himself High Elf by the name of Astarion was that said spawn and we met back when he tried to kill me after I had just barely escaped a Mind Flayer ship with my life. Safe to say it was love at first sight and over the course of our time together trying to defeat the Absolutist Cult and save Faerun he stole my heart and maybe a few dozen gold pieces when I wasn’t looking but that was still up for debate. It wasn’t his good looks that made me fall for him, though being good looking was definitely something he didn’t lack, but the fact that he always seemed to be hiding something and I quickly realised there was so much more than just charm behind his smiles.
I quickly made it my life goal to figure out what he was hiding and had always assumed Astarion found it annoying that I was so pushy but he would later admit to being enthralled by the attention. At first he assumed I was an easy form of protection, someone that was keeping him around only because he proved useful and nothing more, tried and succeeded in manipulating me into falling for his charms only to fall in love himself. A bit ago I stopped Astarion from being used by a Drow in a horrid spot called Moonrise Towers and allowed him for the very first time to get the chance to choose. He chose to not bite her and when she pushed for it, I stood up for him and assured her that Astarion would no longer be at the mercy of others, that he was forevermore his own person.
Right after that moment I got the confession and Astarion admitted that even though the relationship was built on a lie, he had done the unthinkable and fallen for me. It was teary eyed, made me cry, and I assured him that in the grand scheme of things I had done the same. He was more than just a rude and unruly High Elf I had stumbled upon, more than a man willing to cheat his way through life but a broken individual who had finally found something to live for. After that we were inseparable and defeating his former master elicited the three words I had been waiting for. There, seated upon the grave of the man he had once been, the man who fought and almost died to gain the freedom this one had gotten, Astarion said it, I love you. Of course I returned it, I felt like I had to and it felt right. Stopping the brain allowed the two of us to fully embrace this newfound relationship and I let out a content sigh, revelling in the feeling of strong arms still wrapped around me. Elves didn’t need to sleep but Astarion was a cuddler and insisted on snuggling after our trance. Figuring out that you could trance while snuggling really changed the game and we had been doing it ever since.
“Good morning,” I murmured and slowly slipped out of his grasp as he moaned in protest. “I'll be back.”
Astarion lazily reached up and grabbed the back of my neck before pulling me down for a kiss, almost missing my mouth entirely. I smiled against the embrace and he pulled away, flopping back down onto the bed as I rolled my eyes and moved into the kitchen. I passed by the study, a room basically just full of books and paused on a series of paintings above the set of couches. Only a few weeks after buying the house I hired a painter to create a portrait for Astarion, one that he did while invisible so the man wouldn't notice and it turned out incredible. The end result was Astarion lounging on one of the kitchen chairs, a glass of wine(vampires can drink alcohol quite well by the way) in hand and smiling like the happiest man on the planet. He loved it, even eagerly commissioned one of me and then of the both of us and they were all hanging together.
Paintings were the only way he could see how beautiful he is and a reflection was one of many things he was robbed off as a vampire. Walking in sunlight was the biggest thing and I had been searching for weeks on something that could help, something that could allow him the chance to walk in the sun again so we could open that planned tavern and live our lives. But nothing had come up and I had pretty much given up on looking for anything. Astarion was content with being in the shadows and consistently claimed he was content wherever I was but I wanted more. I had been asking Gale to research cures for vampirism since he had some time on his hands after taking over Sorcerer Sundries and so far, the search had been pretty much useless.
“Hello Ms. Calista.”
“What the
I jumped, nearly knocking over the impressively large jar of blood on the counter as a familiar face smiled at me, yellow eyes shining up at me from a face covered in thick grey fur. The creature currently sitting half inside my kitchen window was Tara, a cat-like creature with wings called a Tressym that belonged to Gale. Well
Belonged might’ve been the wrong word since Tara had slowly evolved into more of a companion, a best friend of Gale’s and didn’t even consider herself as much of a cat.
“Sorry for the fright, Ms, as you’re probably aware, I can’t knock on doors.”
“Yes, of course,” I muttered and put the lid on the blood jar before taking a seat at the table, Tara following and perching on top of it. “So
what brings you here? And without Gale.”
“I actually have a letter from Mr. Dekarios, he told me to bring it to you and to insist that you read it in private.”
“Astarion can’t look at it?”
“Mr. Dekarios said with absolute certainty to not let the vampire read the letter. I think it might be about him and his condition,” Tara said and my eyes widened as I grabbed the letter that was folded up nicely with a small wax seal with a fancy looking ‘G’ in the middle of it.
“This is amazing, thank you Tara,” I said and she gave me a small bow.
“Of course, Ms. Calista.”
“Tara,” I said and she stopped leaving and turned to me. “How is Gale doing?”
“Mr. Dekarios is doing well, he seems to enjoy running the shop and is excited to return to Waterdeep after the summer to teach some young magic students. Overall, I think he’s doing fine.”
“That’s good, I’m glad,” I said and Tara smiled before spreading her wings and flying out of the window, leaving me with nothing but a bunch of questions and a letter that could change everything. “Please, Gale, I’m trusting you.”
I picked off the seal before opening up the letter, a scroll of Dimension Door falling out along with it and smiled at the eloquent scrawl that was Gale’s handwriting.
I hope that you heed Tara’s warning and not let Astarion read the contents of this letter since the theory that I have concocted might not be true and I would hate to get his hopes up for nothing. From my research on the dealings of Cazador during his years as a vampire lord in Baldur’s Gate I discovered the mentions of a second Szarr, one who was only a spawn that Cazador gifted a ring that allowed them to walk in direct sunlight unaffected. The Sunwalker’s Ring went missing almost 260 years ago but I believe that through more research and a bit of luck, the two of you can find it.
Come to Sorcerer Sundries using the scroll of dimension door contained within the letter at your earliest convenience and I will share everything I know on the subject and the book that I got it from. Again, please do so without Astarion knowing and I know you two share everything but this is important and I would hate to see what he would do without the proper information just to get that ring. I hope that this turns out to be legit, a true way to get him what he wants and the answers to all your questions.
Your humble wizarding friend,
Gale Dekarios.
I could feel my hands shaking and I quickly folded up the letter and stuffed it in a pocket in my leather pants just as Astarion entered the kitchen, a confused look on his face. I smiled at him and stood, going back to the jar of blood before grabbing a scroll of Firebolt and shooting into the fireplace in the corner so the pot of water would boil. I opened the jar and poured a glass of it, frowning at the thick red liquid and the fact that even though Astarion assured me it was sourced in a way that was humane, I still didn’t want to go anywhere near it. He apparently knew people in the underbelly of the city that dealt in the collection of blood for spawn and had been working for Cazador’s main seven since the first one. So a request for a jar of blood wasn’t that odd and I tried to remind myself of that as I handed over the blood and he took a long sip, smiling in content.
“Thank you, love,” Astarion said and took a seat as I grabbed a ladle and a mug, grabbing some of the boiled water and then using it to put out the fire.
“Anytime,” I said and smiled, making myself a cup of tea and sitting across from him, smiling at the sun that was just about to set.
“Did you get scared by something earlier? I heard what sounded like a shout, didn’t bother running in to assist, you hit harder than me.”
“Glad to know you’ll always look out for me,” I said and smiled, lovingly as Astarion nodded.
“I need to head into Baldur’s Gate proper, I’ve been waiting for a book from Sorcerer Sundries and Gale finally found it,” I said and pointed to the scroll of Dimension Door.
“Oh! That’s good, you know I was planning on staying in but a nice little road trip would be fun.”
“I was also going to talk with Gale, likely about the book, it’s the History and Foundations of Modern Wood Elf Society, I’ve been looking for it for years and he was eager to learn more about it.”
you, Gale, a dusty old book and likely hours of talking about nonsense,” Astarion surmised and I nodded. “Wow
you really know how to make someone uninterested.”
“I’m glad I have that effect on you,” I shot back and took a sip of the tea as he chuckled.
“Darling, don’t worry, most of the time it’s easy to get me on, book reading is just not one of those things. But anything else however
” He trailed off and I could feel a foot trail it’s way up my leg as I shifted away from him and frowned.
“Hey, time and place.”
“Come on, Gale can wait a small bit.”
“No, no he can’t,” I shot back and Astarion nodded, letting out a sigh. “I’ll be back before morning, trust me.”
I polished off the tea and stood, leaning down to give him a kiss before grabbing the scroll of Dimension Door off the table and getting ready to cast it. Astarion stopped me before I could and stood, wrapping his arms around me and snuggling his chin into my neck as I rolled my eyes, used to this as a distraction tactic. It had managed to work a few times but if Gale really did discover something that could help him, it wasn’t about to work this time.
“Come on,” he pleaded but I just stood my ground until he got bored and moved to the side. “Fine, go bore Gale. But don’t expect to do anything all that interesting when you get back, I have plans.”
“I look forward to indulging in them,” I said and smiled, giving him one last kiss before activating the scroll and appearing almost instantly outside Sorcerer Sundries.
It felt great to see the shop which looked way different than what it had when Lorroakan was the main wizard in charge and Gale had taken to teaching a couple classes in between running it. He was in fact teaching when I walked in and showing a young elf how to shoot a fireball and ducked when she missed the target by a mile, a water elemental quickly putting out the pile of papers that had caught fire. I cringed as Gale told the elf to take a break before adding on some water of his own and smiling once the fire was fully put out and everything seemed to be alright. He also noticed that I had appeared and smiled brightly before running over, pulling me into a hug as I grinned, always grateful to get the chance to see him.
Gale at first was nothing but a wizard who was quite full of himself and had a nasty habit of eating magical artefacts that I didn’t really want to spend a lot of time with. Over the course of our time saving the realm from the Absolute he slowly started to become an invaluable ally and even delivered the final blow, a fireball, against the Netherbrain when the rest of us were already all out. Seeing him in the shop, finally happy and not having to worry about a giant bomb in his chest or a Goddess that wanted to kill him all the time, he looked almost younger, free.
“Hello there Gale, how are you?” I asked and he smiled.
“I’m wonderful, come on, I want to show you what’s new.”
I rolled my eyes and followed him deeper into the store, smiling at all the people milling about, trying out scrolls and discussing the various books lining the shelves. Gale stopped in front of a Steel Watcher and I paused, still a bit sour about having to destroy their entire warehouse, but Gale gave me a nod of encouragement and I stepped closer, watching it place some books on a high shelf.
“Refurbishing these has been very helpful, they can reach the high shelves, make good targets and are quite the cleaners, my office has never looked better.”
“Very glad they’re no longer sitting around,” I said and he nodded. “This place looks incredible, so much different than what it did before, worlds different.”
“It took a lot of work, I’m glad that it’s paid off and the same can be said for your vampire spawn,” he agreed and my eyes widened since I had nearly forgotten why we were even here.
“Oh right! You found something that could help him?”
“I did, the book is in my office,” Gale said and I followed him up the stairs and through a portal to Lorroakan’s old office at the top of the tower that was pretty much unchanged. It still had loads of fancy furniture and books aplenty, as well as Tara who was laying on a small pile of blankets, wings stretched out around her and looking very pleased. Gale gave her head a small scratch and moved over to a bookshelf before grabbing something that looked more like a journal than a book and moved to a desk as I followed.
“While looking through a collection of books that got stuffed in the basement I uncovered this one that was written by someone named Lady Incognita a couple hundred years back. This one was a collection of three volumes in one and through some digging I’ve discovered that her real name is Amanita Szarr, Cazador’s niece.”
“He had family?”
“He did, yes, a sister, it sounds like she had Amanita and was turned into a spawn. Amanita was as well but she refused to perform the duties of one and was locked in the attic,” he said and flicked through the book. “She spent her time writing and sending off the manuscripts to be published and thanks to that I discovered that her mother, Evelina, was given a ring that, “got rid of the burden of the sunlight” but she went missing almost three hundred years ago. Luckily spawns can live forever but I’m under the assumption that if you find Evelina, you can find that ring.”
“Do you have any idea where she went?”
“None,” Gale admitted and I sighed. “Might I suggest asking the other spawn. When we freed Astarion that night in Cazador's dungeon, he wasn't the only spawn, there were six others and one of them might know more.”
“We have been meaning to return to his mansion, actually loot it and see what he's hiding, this could be a good opportunity.”
“Even better, get all the stuff and hopefully find answers, it sounds like a win-win.”
I had to agree with Gale that it did sound promising and was a chance for Astarion to finally get the closure that he needed. Killing Cazador and then the brain all happened so fast, he barely got a chance to process his trauma and had been working through it ever since. Going back to the mansion and ransacking it, getting the info we needed to find that ring and actually getting it would be the cherry on top. He would finally be able to walk in the sunlight, we could finally exist outside the shadows and nighttime and start to think about our future. But there was a part of me that was worried that Astarion wouldn't want to go after the ring, that he'd find it too dangerous and claim that he didn't need it. Sure if he wanted to stay in the shadows I wasn't going to stop him, I wanted to make his own choices but without that ring he didn't have a choice. I needed a way to guarantee that if things went south and Astarion said no, I would still be able to get that ring.
“Gale,” I began and he glanced up at me. “Are you able to brew a high quality sleeping potion quickly?”
“Are you? You'd probably need two, it would be for someone who's quite impressive and can tank a lot of hits. Something that could make them sleep for at least a few days and they wouldn't be able to tell it was ever there.”
you're not thinking
“If Astarion doesn't want me to go after the ring I need to guarantee that I can after it regardless. Having him asleep would be that guarantee but I don't have the skills to brew potions, you do.”
“He would kill me,” Gale protested and I shrugged.
“Guarantee that he won't wake up before I'm back and he won't,” I said and he nodded, swallowing hard.
“Alright. When would you need it?”
“I'll send word tomorrow morning if he says no and you can drop off the potions tomorrow night. It shouldn't take long to find the ring and then Astarion will finally get to choose what he wants, not be forced into the shadows against his will. It's what he deserves.”
“You really love him, don't you?”
“Can I tell you something?” I asked and took a seat as Gale nodded. “I've been trying to find the perfect opportunity and the perfect ring to guarantee that we'll stay together forever, no matter what. I know that he'd say yes, I just want to do it with this ring, make it mean something.”
“You want to propose,” Gale said and grinned. “Hanelly, that's wonderful. Between you and me I always wondered why you didn't right after the brain, he would've said yes then.”
“We needed time and now that we've gotten it, I feel like I have to, that I need to tell him I want to be with him forever. That he's more than just Astarion the vampire spawn, that I want him to be Astarion, my husband.”
“I love that for you both, it’s what we all want I feel like, in some way we all want to be loved.”
“Have you ever found love after
you know
Mystra,” I muttered and he chuckled.
“I have actually, but she didn’t feel the same,” Gale admitted and my eyes widened when I quickly realised that he was talking about me.
“Yeah, isn’t it obvious?”
“Hanelly, everyone fell in love with you. We were all somewhat disappointed when you picked the vampire spawn,” Gale said and chuckled as my face flushed.
I never knew that
I mean I always kinda figured that Karlach really liked me, she wasn’t obvious and maybe Wyll, but you too?”
“Yep. You showed all of us what it means to be our own person, Astarion broke free from Cazador, I got away from Mystra, Karlach and Wyll both learned to trust each other and Shadowheart managed to get back her whole existence by the end. You brought out the best in us.”
“What made you realise it wouldn’t work out?”
“There was a fight in the Creche, one that was really difficult, so difficult in fact that you died and I had to bring you back with a scroll of Revivify, first time I ever did that and the look on Astarion’s face as he waited for you to return said it all. I had never seen him look so worried and the hug he wrapped you in, that you eagerly returned told us all we needed to know, that it was over, he was your choice.”
I remembered that fight like it was yesterday and it was the first and last time I had ever died and had to be brought back during our campaign to save the realm. One of the githyanki in the Creche had a very impressive sword that did a lot more damage than I expected and I got right in the middle of a critical hit, the blade slamming into the back of my head so hard I blacked and only woke up after Gale had revived me. Astarion was quick to wrap me in a hug, practically smother me in one and exclaim that he thought I was gone for good and was grateful I wasn’t. It was the first time that he had ever expressed worry so openly and it was truly the catalyst of our entire relationship and what turned off Gale. I never meant to hurt him, didn't even know that he felt that way but the man didn't look mad, he just looked happy.
“You're not upset?”
“Hanelly, you found the love of your life, why would I ever be upset about that,” Gale said and I smiled at him, trying to ignore the tears forming in the corner of my eyes. “Now, go and tell him about all of this and if you need them, the sleeping potions will be ready for you.”
“Thank you. It means a lot.”
“If Astarion wakes up before you're back and kills me then there will be hell to pay, but until then, I'm happy to assist.”
“I'm grateful for it.”
“Of course you are.”
Gale chuckled and stood as I did the same, wrapping him in a tight hug and relishing in the fact that he smelt like paper and jasmine tea. Gale was also quite warmer, warmer than a literal vampire so hugging him was incredible and I snuggled a bit closer to relish in the warmth. I hoped that he'd find someone who'd love him as much as I loved Astarion, he deserved it after what happened with Mystra. Gale needed a real lover, someone who wasn't looking to use him and I made a mental note to start playing matchmaker for him after I found the ring.
“Good luck.”
“Thank you. You can send me back now,” I said and grabbed Amanita’s book off his desk, giving him a wink before he cast a high level dimension door and in seconds I was home.
Astarion was still sitting on a chair in the kitchen, goblet of blood in front of him and ironically enough he was reading something, looking very intently at it, his brows creasing. He glanced up when I popped up and smiled, closing the book and stuffing it on the table before standing and wrapping me in a hug.
“Hello, darling, how are you?”
“Good, Gale was great, he said hello.”
“Does he?”
“He probably meant to,” I said and Astarion frowned at me.
“God I hate that wizard, he’s good in a fight but other than that, no,” he said and frowned as I rolled my eyes and gave him a kiss.
“Well, the conversation was very exciting and I learned something, something important,” I muttered and he raised a brow before taking a seat again. “I didn’t go there for a book on Wood Elves, I’m still interested in finding it but that wasn’t the purpose of my trip. I actually went because Gale managed to find a clue to a ring that would allow you to walk in the sun.”
Astarion went quite, his eyes widening a tad bit as I handed him the book and he looked through it, eyes narrowing at the contents and who it was written by.
“It was written by a woman named Amanita Szarr, the daughter of Evelina, Cazador’s sister who was also a vampire spawn but never wanted to be a full vampire like her brother. So according to the actual account of her daughter, she was given a ring that kept her safe from the sun but disappeared almost three hundred years ago. That was all the information that Gale could find but if we can figure out what happened to her and where she is, maybe we can also find the ring. She must be alive, she is a vampire spawn after all and a High Elf on top of that.”
I stood there for a long moment after I finished, wringing my hands together and wondering why he wasn’t saying anything, why he was being so quiet when this was such a big moment, one that we had been waiting so long for. I really didn’t want to send a message to Gale for the sleeping potions but he didn’t look like he wanted to go after the ring, he looked apprehensive, even annoyed that I had gone looking for the ring without telling him.
“You were looking for something to help me?” he asked and I nodded.
“I want you to be able to live the life of freedom the others got, their ability to be able to live their lives is something I want for you. This ring can give you that.”
“It could,” he muttered. “You would really be willing to go looking for this, it could be a risk.”
I’d go looking for anything for you, no matter if it’s lost to the deepest darkest pit of hell or the highest mountain top in Faerun. We’re in this together and I want to go looking for this, to head back to Cazador’s mansion, figure out what happened to Evelina and get you your freedom.”
Astarion sat there a second before he stood and wandered over to me, placing a hand on each cheek and kissing me deeper than he had before. There was more to that kiss, more than love or the admiration that he had expressed before, more than the relief at being able to free himself from Cazador, more than any other moment before that one.
“This is amazing, this is more than I ever could’ve asked, more than so many things before. Doing this for me
I can’t even begin to express how thankful I am for this.”
“I think you can express it in some way,” I muttered and grinned as he did the same. “We can head back to Cazador’s in a few hours, no need to rush.”
in that case
I’ll be sure to draw out the experience as long as possible,” he whispered and trailed a hand down the side of my face before kissing me again, deepening it even further and losing ourselves in a combination of love and lust.
Cazador’s mansion was sat in the far corner of the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate near the gate that led to the main portion and basically built into the giant wall that separated the two sections of the city. It was easy to return to, the door was already open and anyone loyal to Cazador had been killed in the battle against him so many months ago. There was also still a bunch of stuff littered around and books upon books upon books for the two of us to comb though, trying to find some sort of mention of Evelina or even the ring itself. I reached up to grab one that looked a little bit fancier than the rest but stopped mid-reach when I heard something, something not good from behind me. I dropped my hand down and slowly turned, coming face to face with a Drow that had an angry look on her face and a dagger pointed towards me.
“Step away,” she ordered and I nodded, moving away from the shelf and putting my hands up, Astarion wandering in as I did so and the drow turned. “You as well, next to her.” He followed her orders and wandered over, stopping beside me and stuffing his hands up, his eyes widening in what looked like recognition and dropped his hands as the drow glared. “Hey! Put them up!!”
“Come on now, Maleera, that’s no way to treat an old friend,” he said and she stopped and faltered, returning the dagger to her belt.
“It’s me Maleera, I’m here and I’m okay.”
The drow, Maleera, let out a sob and ran forward before throwing her arms around Astarion as I stepped back and dropped my hands, grabbing my bow on instinct just in case something went wrong. But she didn’t look that malicious and Astarion had tears in his eyes as he pressed her against his chest, running a hand along her back and assuring her once more that he was alright. They eventually pulled back and she placed her hands on his cheeks, dark red eyes scanning his face just to make sure that he was actually legit and not fooling her.
“Oh my Gods
I can’t believe you’re alive.”
“You were here when Cazador was defeated weren’t you?”
“Barely. I was out of it, barely conscious, if you were the one that defeated him then I didn’t even notice,” she admitted and sighed before turning to me. “Sorry for pointing a dagger at you, I’m always on edge in this house, looking after it hasn’t been the best time.”
“It’s alright. You’re one of the seven spawn,” I observed and she nodded.
“I am yes, Maleera, I was the first,” she said and my eyes widened. “Who are you?”
“That is Hanelly, my partner,” Astarion said and wandered over to me, giving my cheek a kiss.
Someone actually made you settle down, I’m very impressed.”
“She has that effect on people,” he shot back and I shrugged.
“It was all him,” I admitted and Maleera chuckled.
“Oh I bet, I’m glad though, we all thought you died when you disappeared,” she admitted and Astarion sighed. “I’m glad you survived and it’s now becoming clearer as to why the Baldur’s Mouth Gazette mentioned a very pale High Elf was among the group that stopped the Netherbrain. Astarion
realm saver
it’s hard to believe.”
“I’m a different man,” he admitted and I smiled when he grabbed my hand.
“I can tell. What brings you here?”
“We’re looking for information about Evelina Szarr, she was in possession of something we currently need when she disappeared,” I said and she nodded in understanding.
“Of course
the Sunwalker’s Gift. I can grab Cazador’s journal, it mentions her and how she disappeared but first I want to hear everything that you’ve been up to these past few months. I have a bottle of wine collecting dust and an impressive lounge, what do you say?”
Astarion turned to me, a look of eager anticipation on his face and I sighed before giving her a nod. “Of course, we all know how much vampire spawn love wine.”
“That we do,” she said and smiled, wrapping him in another hug before heading over to the lounge as Astarion grabbed my arm, moving me to the side.
“Maleera, she’s one of the seven spawn.”
“That she is, I can’t believe she’s here, I never thought I’d see her again.”
“Were you close with the seven main spawn?”
“Some were closer than others. Maleera looked after me, I was only thirty-nine when Cazador turned me, that’s practically a baby for an elf, she made sure I was okay. I’d be way worse off without her, she saved my life the first time,” he admitted and smiled wistfully as he watched her grab a couple wine glasses and wipe them clean. “You saved it the second time. Maleera taught me how to keep myself safe but you taught me how to keep myself sane.”
“I know, I’m not jealous,” I shot back even though there was that small bit of doubt in the back of my mind.
“You so are. Maleera was never a lover, she was more like my sister and was never a fan of love to begin with.”
“You’re making me sound like a jerk,” I muttered and he chuckled before pulling me in for another kiss.
“I love you Hanelly, I always have and I always will, you’re the only one for me.”
“And you for me,” I said and he grinned, grabbing my hand and walking into the lounge, grabbing a glass of wine and handing it to me before we took our seats. “So
How did you come to be with Cazador, if you don’t mind me asking that is.”
“I don’t mind,” she said and sipped her wine before letting out a sigh. “Seladrine Drow are different than our Lolth counterparts, we’re not focused on war or revenge but wish to find peace. My mother and I moved to Baldur’s Gate looking for a chance to escape and when I went looking for work, I ran into a man that claimed I could get everything I ever wanted. He never did mention the price and I woke up in a room here, turned and scared. That was over 400 years ago and when you managed to stop Cazador and free the spawn, I stayed back to look after this place, try to convince myself that everything was fine.”
My eyes widened in shock as I tried to process what that all meant and it didn’t sound that great, Maleera was with Cazador for double the amount of time Astarion was like forced to endure just as much torture as him as well.
“Did he treat you the same way he treated Astarion?” I asked and felt him grab my hand.
“No. For some reason Astarion got the worst of it, probably because he was the youngest, I was eighty when I turned and the others were all over 100.”
“What number spawn were you?” I asked Astarion who wouldn’t meet my gaze.
“We all got pushed around by him, attacked and beaten, forced to feed on rats and lure victims back here but none of us ever had enough courage to stop him. None of us but you,” Maleera said and smiled.
“The only good thing to come out of those tadpoles besides Hanelly was being freed from that man and getting enough courage to finally stop him. When I killed him, it felt like I had lifted this looming dread that had been weighing me down, I felt lighter, happier and when Hanelly stopped me from becoming him, I felt free.”
Astarion grabbed my hand and I held on tight, equally as grateful that he got the chance to be free and he saw the potential consequences of ascension. Completing the ritual might've granted him abilities beyond even Cazador’s comprehension but it also would've killed every spawn, Maleera included. He was thinking about it, thinking about doing it until we ran into a young man named Sebastian who was trapped in Cazador's prison. Astarion told me one night after a bad dream that Sebastian was one of the few victims he actually fell in love with and he attempted to run away with him only to be found by Cazador. Astarion and Sebastian woke up together and Cazador promised them both that nothing bad would come to them, he just wanted to keep them safe. He gifted Astarion and Sebastian both a glass of wine and they drank, quickly falling unconscious and when Astarion awoke, Sebastian was gone and Godey was before him. Godey, a skeleton that worked for Cazador who's only job was to torture the main seven until they complied. He did just that, keeping Astarion locked in a cellar for a very long time and nearly killing. He didn't even know what became of Sebastian until we ran into him and I had a sneaking suspicion that knowing he could free him, added to his want to not ascend when the time came. Nothing was worth losing so many lives and it was also the reason we decided together to free the spawn after Cazador was dead, even though they’re vampires and running free they at least deserved a chance.
“I'm glad. You deserve it. I always knew that you'd be more than just his spawn, even back then you were determined and unlike the others, weren't so easily fooled. They all wanted to please him, but not you, you always wanted more,” Maleera said and smiled at Astarion. “Now
I've heard of Evelina, I even met her and was there when she was kidnapped by a man named Kathrac who lives in the Underdark. I don't know what Cazador but he arrived, a Lolth Sworn Drow, claimed that the debt was due and took her. She's somewhere in there, I don't know where but I think I know people who might know.”
“The other spawn,” she said and my eyes widened. “When you freed them they escaped to the Underdark and built an impressive base near the Arcane Tower. They might know and it'll give you a chance to see the others, they were all very curious as to where you ran off to.”
“I don't know
they never liked me,” Astarion muttered and I chuckled.
“I didn't like you at first, now look at us,” I told him and he glared at me.
“Neither did I,” Maleera agreed and I laughed out loud before giving her a high-five.
I have a very boisterous personality, it takes a lot of willpower to deal with me.”
“Sure it does, you sure you're not just mean?” I asked and he frowned as I chuckled and gave him a kiss.
“You still love me.”
“That I do,” I agreed and kissed him again as Maleera smiled at the two of us.
“One more thing, we'll go there tomorrow night because I have a gift for you,” she said and stood before wandering over to a shelf and grabbing a small vial. “This is the only bottle in existence of the Elixir of the Sunwalker, a potion that gives you the same effects as the ring for twenty-four hours. In case this whole thing doesn't work out and Evelina was killed and the ring destroyed, you deserve one last day in the sun.”
Astarion grabbed the small vial of red liquid and stared at it, eyes wide before he quickly glanced over at me and shoved it in his pocket. He stood and wrapped Maleera in a tight hug, the woman quickly reciprocating it and patting his back.
“Thank you.”
“Anytime. Make the most of it,” she said and he nodded.
“Thank you again, Maleera. We’ll see you tomorrow night,” I said and stood before she wrapped me in a hug as well, pulling me out of earshot of Astarion.
“If it comes down to him or you or that ring, pick yourselves. It's not worth it,” she whispered but I just shook my head.
“He'll always be worth it.”
“There's more than just Kathrac in the Underdark, there's a man that wants him dead, another spawn and he'll know we're there. If you need to, get out, get both of you out,” she said and stared at me until I gave her a nod. “Good. Now enjoy the day.”
I nodded and wandered back over to Astarion, wrapping a hand in his and wondering what she meant by a spawn that wanted to kill him.
“Can we sleep here? Be all rested and ready for tomorrow.”
“Of course. There's a guest bedroom upstairs.”
“Thank you,” Astarion said and she nodded, giving him a smile before he led me over to a large staircase and the aforementioned guest bedroom.
I sat on the edge of the bed as Astarion sighed and pulled off his armour, still the same gold and black set he wore through the entire adventure; my mind going a million miles a minute. One of the seven spawn, the main seven wanted to kill Astarion for whatever reason and he was waiting in the Underdark for his return. I was leading him straight into a trap, straight to a man that wanted him dead and could very well get his wish. Sure I had faith that we'd make it, actually find and he'd finally get the chance to embrace his newfound freedom but there was also the other half of all this. If we lost our chance then that was it, a life of shadows was the only other option. Sure I loved spending time with him but I always assumed it was going to end one day, that he'd eventually find a way to return to the light. Hearing about the possibility that we could fail was making me question everything and in that moment as he pulled me against himself before starting his trance I made a promise with myself. I promised myself that I wasn't going to listen to Maleera and if it came down to myself or that ring, I was going to pick the ring. For Astarion deserved to be free of the shadows that surrounded him and I was determined to guarantee that he got that chance, no matter what happened to me.
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nexxen24 · 3 months
The Sunwalker's Respite
Spawn Astarion X Female Tav
Tav: Hanelly Calista, Wood Elf, Fighter, Eldritch Knight. Age 180, born just outside the human city of Calder.
Romanced: Astarion(succeeded the perception check to keep him as a spawn)
Synopsis: 6 months after defeating the brain and saving Faerun, Hanelly Calista is happy, she has everything she could ever want in the form of Astarion, the sarcastic and sassy Vampire spawn that stole her heart. But there's still something missing, Astarion gave up his place in the light in order to keep his soul and Hanelly knows that there has to be a way to get it back. When wizard extraordinaire, Gale Dekarios, finds a clue to a ring, it'll lead Hanelly and Astarion deep into the Underdark as they discover the beginnings of a deadly plot, one that could destroy the city they nearly died protecting. The quest will lead them to Astarion's found family, the six other vampire spawn and show them just how far one can go to protect the people they love.
Chapter: Prologue/6-8
NOTES: This story will stay strictly PG-13, some language throughout cause that's fun but nothing explicit. All of it will only ever be implied since I don't like writing smut. If you don't like the fade to black, stop right where it ends and find an 18+ fic to fill the void. The intention is to have this more character driven than just a small oneshot, hence the multiple chapters. Enjoy!
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Baldur's Gate, Undercity, 54 Years Before the Absolute’s Demise
The Undercity of Baldur’s Gate was dark and damp, covered in rats and questionable substances and not the spot that you’d want to spend a lot of time in but it was the perfect spot for a vampire spawn looking to catch his breath. Astarion was crawling around in the Undercity, trying to avoid his own task of looking for new victims for his master, a man named Cazador that resided in a mansion in the Lower City. Astarion knew that if he came back with nothing there would be a problem but the young vampire spawn was also tired of following the rules, he wanted a break.
A tavern would be the ideal spot and a drink could steel his nerves but it was almost sunrise and sunshine and spawns didn’t tend to mix. So Astarion found himself in the Undercity, crouching near a river and blowing on his hands in an effort to warm them up. Baldur’s Gate wasn’t known for having warm winters and that one was particularly chilly and Astarion was dressed to lure unsuspecting upperclassmen, not for warmth.
“Try a fire.”
Astarion jumped up and pulled the dagger from his belt, holding it out in front of him in defence only to glare at the woman who spooked him since he recognized her.
“Maleera, why are you here?” he hissed and she shrugged, taking a seat next to him as he calmed his nerves.
“You didn’t come back, I managed to convince Cazador that I could find you. Do I need to remind you about what happened last time?”
Astarion shook his head, eyes shut tightly as he tried to ignore the flashes of darkness and chains and blood from the year he spent buried alive under Cazador’s mansion. If he didn’t return in time for his master to feed, another year of that was likely in his future and Astarion curled his hand into a tight fist, trying to calm down his nerves. Maleera let out a sigh, feeling for the young spawn and pulled out a small bottle of Baldurian whiskey she had been holding onto.
“Are you sure?”
“You need it more than me,” she said and he nodded in thanks before taking a long sip, feeling the whiskey warm him, satiating the memories at least for the moment.
“Thank you.”
“Of course, so
why didn’t you follow his rules?”
“I needed a break, there was this nobleman in a bar and he was perfect, visiting from out of town and drinking too much but he started mentioning his family, a fiance and I just couldn’t. I came down here for a break, thought I’d sulk back there tonight, maybe come up with some excuse or grab two.”
“You know it doesn’t work that way, Cazador would still retaliate,” Maleera said and Astarion nodded with a sigh, knowing that she was right.
“I know, I just wish that it was different,” he said and Maleera frowned at him. “I just wish that I could run as far as I can for the whole night and never have to see that damn vampire again
I can't. I'm trapped, we're trapped.”
“You know you can’t change it, not right now, Cazador’s hold on us is too strong, too great. If you leave then he’ll hunt you down and you won’t spend a year locked up with Godey, you’ll spend a lifetime.”
Astarion knew that Maleera wasn’t trying to crush his spirit, to convince him that all hope was lost, she was simply being realistic and had been with Cazador for over 300 years, almost double the amount of time that he had. She had spent longer than just her time with Cazador stuck in the dark since being born a Drow, stuck in the Underdark and fighting a generations long war was supposed to be her future, her destiny. According to Maleera, Cazador went to the Underdark looking for something and after he didn’t find it he came out with a new spawn, a 60 yr old Drow who assumed that life was about to get better. But it never did.
“I know,” he said and sighed, running a hand through his hair, white from either stress or just time he had no idea. “I’m not looking to escape, I just wanted a break. Just wanted a moment to myself.”
“Of course, I get that, it gets suffocating sometimes,” Maleera said and grabbed a discarded barrel so she could take a seat next to him. “Big cities were never my thing. Drow, especially Seldarine like my people, tended to stay pretty far away, kept to ourselves. This was a pretty big adjustment.”
“Has it gotten better?” Astarion asked and the Drow chuckled, formally purple now red eyes catching the dim light shining through an open sewer grate above them.
“Yeah, same for me and I was practically raised here,” Astarion said and grinned but frowned when he caught sight of the grime and the darkness. “Well
not here
up there.”
“I could figure out that much,” she said and smiled at him. “Well
we should be heading back.”
I will later today, there’s a tunnel that connects to the Palace, I can probably grab a wanderer on the way, someone no one will miss.”
“Don’t be too long,” Maleera warned and Astarion nodded, giving her a mocking salute as she went. “Keep that pretty head up, it’ll all work out in the end.”
“I hope you’re right,” Astarion muttered and watched as she returned to the shadows and once again left him alone.
He didn’t get up and start heading back right away but positioned himself in such a way that he could peer through a hole in the ceiling of the tunnel and stare at the moon. The sun wasn’t a big fan of spawn, it hurt to be around, was practically deadly but the moon was a welcome respite, a friend. The moon meant safety, the cover of darkness and a chance to see some actual natural light, the only natural light that didn’t hate him. Astarion was also fully aware of the fact that there were a lot of people currently staring at the moon and maybe one of them could assist him in one day, could change his fate and rid the world of Cazador forever. That also sounded like a daydream, like some trick that his psyche used in order to not let him get so hopeless after so many years of being stuck, trapped with that man.
But for the moment, for the smallest, most miniscule little moment he didn’t care and Astarion was at peace and tipped his head back. He felt the moonlight on his face, felt that he wasn’t alone and sucked in a deep breath, wishing he could stay that way forever.
The Moonhaven Inn, Outer Baldur’s Gate, 54 Years Before the Absolute’s Demise
Whenever I got stressed I found myself searching for the highest point I could possibly get and in the case of Moonhaven, that spot was the top deck, the highest spot they bothered to build in the tree and my safe haven. The deck was perched just under a collection of branches and since Moonhaven just so happened to be the biggest tree in all of Faerun, its branches shielded the deck from the weather but were just far enough away to let in some moonlight. I loved moonlight, loved sitting under it and contemplating life and was doing just that, memories of how I got to Moonhaven threatening to ruin the day and I needed some way to hold them off.
I was born in a small village about three hours from the giant tree called Venia that was populated by Wood Elves who protected the forests surrounding a large human city called Baldur’s Gate. Myself, a Wood Elf, was destined to follow in my father’s footsteps and protect the trees, become one with nature and eventually take my place as a Tree Guardian, keeping the forest as perfect as it deserves to be. But when Venia was overrun by the very forest we swore to protect, we fled along with my brother to a nearby human town called Calder. It was different and strange, they liked trees less than us and when I turned 100(barely 18 for humans) the forest decided to fight back.
All at once I was forced to choose between the home I had found and the place that I assumed was made to protect me, that I had been taught to protect since before I could walk. But the human’s of Calder didn’t give me much of a choice and I was clenching my hands into fists as I tried to block out memories of accidentally shooting my brother with a poison tipped arrow, of watching my father fall in front of me before I could even do anything, of watching all I had gained, all I had kept close crumble to dust in mere moments.
I turned to find Stephan standing behind me, the current High Harper for Moonhaven, and moved a bit so I wasn’t curled into such a ball as he climbed up onto the deck.
“Stephan, hello, sorry, I just needed some time to myself.”
The moment that it all came crashing down was only thirty years ago but it felt longer even though three decades was barely a weekend compared to the lifespan of an elf. I had over 600 years left to live and back when I arrived Stephan was barely five years old and now he was a grown-up, running the place, ageing faster than I could ever dream of.
“No need to apologise,” Stephan assured and took a seat next to me, his large frame taking up a lot more of the deck than I anticipated.
“The memories, they come back to me sometimes and it hurts, I just wish that I could’ve done something.”
“You had no idea that they stole from the Mother Tree, no one could have predicted that,” Stephan pointed out and I sighed knowing that he was correct.
The whole reason behind why the fighting started was thanks to Harold Clive, leader of Calder who stole a branch off the Mother Tree to create the two limbs of his bow. The Mother Tree, the biggest tree in the land that was birthed out of a grand sacrifice and said to keep its people safe if they protected it, retaliated and every Wood Elf for almost a hundred miles made it their goal to kill Harold. My family got swept up in the human side of the fighting and I became a fighter, trained myself how to use weapons and was forced into the fight for the opposing side. If someone would’ve picked out that the bow contained stolen wood then the whole thing could’ve been avoided, the tree satiated and my family would still be alive.
Instead, I left right after the fighting stopped, wounded, practically on death’s door and stumbled upon Moonhaven where Simon Carver, Stephan’s father, took me in and brought me back from the dead. I always held onto the soldier background, that pack mentality but knew that starting from the moment I realised I was safe I was gonna fight for what I believed in, not the masses.
“At least I don’t have to fight for what I don’t believe in anymore,” I muttered and Stephan smiled in agreement, wrapping me in a side hug.
“No you don’t, the people of Moonhaven will keep you safe for as long as you wish, I can assure you of that. We’re in this together, Hanelly.”
“I want to start assisting the Harpers, I feel like I offer a lot that can be beneficial, especially when dealing with elves.”
“Being a Harper is a lifelong commitment, a lifelong pact to protect people, are you sure that you can uphold that?”
I knew that Stephan was looking out for me, making sure that I wasn’t making a rash decision and locking myself into something I was going to regret years down the line but I took some offence that he didn’t think I could do it. Most people at Moonhaven expected me to return to Venia since it had grown in the years following the attack, was back from the dead practically and elves tended to stick with other elves. But I didn’t want that life, I no longer felt connected to the woods around the tree or felt the same way that other Wood Elves did in nature regardless of my heritage. I was less elf after that battle, less connected and felt like I was some weird in between of a human and my former self, trying to figure out what side I belonged to more. Sure the Harpers had always been a little disorganised and no one ever really knew what they stood for but they felt like family, felt like a group of people that I could trust.
“I can do it, I can keep the oath,” I assured and Stephan smiled at me.
“Alright then, how about we discuss your role among the Harpers in the morning?” he asked and I nodded, wanting to spend some more time outside.
“Sounds good,” I assured and smiled, “thank you.”
“Anytime, thank you,” he said and patted my head before getting to his feet and walking off, heading down the ladder and leaving me to my thoughts once again.
I hate to spoil the happy ending but I didn’t manage to join the Harpers that next day since Stephan was killed by an assassination attempt during the night and I spent the next ten years trying to figure out who did it. It kind of soured my need to be near anybody and when I got back after killing a Bhaal Cultist that thought killing him was good fun, I locked myself in the room at the top of the tree and ignored everyone for a good decade. It was Stephan’s wife at his time of death, Clara, that convinced me to be something totally different from a Harper or a Wood Elf, to be just me. To take all that I had learned from being a soldier, from finding his killer and focus on protecting people that needed it, keeping them safe like I wasn’t able to do for him.
I spent twenty years being a protector and enjoyed it. It felt freeing and I was just making plans to teach more people how to join me when I walked down the wrong alleyway in Baldur’s Gate and found myself kidnapped, stuffed onto a ship full of Mind Flayers and everything changed. For nearly two months I worked with a reluctant party to fix the tadpole placed in my skull and free the realm from the biggest threat it had ever faced. I found peace in doing so, found a chance to do right by the world and guarantee that all who called the realm home could call it home for many more years to come.
I also found love, probably the most shocking turn of events when the High Elf that stuffed a dagger against my throat within five seconds of meeting me stole my entire heart and then some. Keeping him safe, making sure that he could also call the realm home was one of the hardest things I ever had to do but it worked out in the end, I took all I had learned and fought harder than I ever had before and he made it, he survived. He broke free and became his own person and learned that sometimes it’s freeing to let love back into your heart, sometimes it’s what you need.
But of course all of that is years away and for the moment I was sitting on the balcony, drenched in moonlight and smiling since it all felt perfect, all felt peaceful. I was decades away from meeting that said High Elf and had no idea that when I looked up at the moon and smiled, somewhere out there in a dark, musty sewer he was doing the same. We were a long while from being connected in the physical sense but still had managed to both believe in the exact same thing, that for the smallest moment when you find yourself staring up at the moon, you’re in turn no longer alone.
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