nezuko-group · 4 years
Individual Output (06)
Media Information and Literacy is an important subject now that media is adapting to our newest technologies that we have today. Before, people needed to put a lot of work just to do simple tasks. Now, everything can be done with just a single push of a button. Everything is easier to do with the help of new technologies and I’m sure that it will only get easier, but it is also easy for people to be irresponsible when handling media.
We should be responsible when handling any forms of media. People were excited when new media came to life because of various reasons, but mostly it’s because they were given the opportunity to express themselves a lot more. A lot of people like to express themselves by saying what they feel or think about a certain topic. So to do this, they post on various social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram or comment on someone else’s. Usually, they would post pictures or compliment other’s posts in the comment section, but sometimes people would post inappropriate things, and some people criticize others in the comment section to the point that it would affect that person psychologically. Usually, people would just shrug this problem off, but this kind of problem isn’t just a small one. Believe it or not, bullying people can lead to problems like depression and suicide. That is why we should never judge and criticize people just because of their size, color, and race even if it is in an online platform.  We also shouldn’t use other people’s work without citations or permission. Using other people’s information or research without consent or citations is an act of theft even if it is not a physical object.
I think that learning this subject is essential more so that we are currently stuck in our homes and the only entertainment and source of information we can seem to find is media. Media Information and Literacy does not only teach people how to properly use media, but it also helps people understand it. For me, this subject is as important than any other subject because how you treat other people will always come first than how you solved for the value of the variable x even in an online setting. This subject also teaches us how to look after ourselves in the online world. There are a lot of people who try to spread fake news for their own benefit and this subject also teaches us how to detect whether the information is fake or real.
Now that I am knowledgeable about media and the online world, I would like to apply all of the lessons that I’ve learnt in the past few months, especially the lesson about plagiarism. Before, I would always get information from other people’s work that were posted online for research. I remember that I always forgot to use citations and barely paraphrased the information I got. Now, I always paraphrase and use citations to avoid plagiarism and doing this brings me closer to my goal on being responsible when it comes to handling media.
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nezuko-group · 4 years
Review, Reflect, React (03)
Commercial 1:  청하(Chungha) 나이키(Nike) CF 2019 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDP1KgwRNWo
Commercial 2:  아웃백 x Just Jerk 댄스 풀버전 CF 2018 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uMsnfHl8Lc
Both of the commercials had dance as its main concept. There were things where it stood out maybe because I, myself, do dance or just the way that they made the commercials were really eye-catching. The two commercials are of different topics and had people from different fields do their commercials.
The Nike commercial had a K-pop singer named Chungha, who is known for her amazing dancing skills, do their commercial. They started by going eye-level with the camera and with a quote on the side that translates to “You can’t do what you want?” together with a slow music from the start. It now then proceeds to her dancing ambitiously together with the music getting more hyped and ends with a quote saying “I believe in the greatness within you.”
They wanted to deliver a message of hope, of motivation, and of inspiration to the viewers. You could clearly see it not only through the quotes and with her powerful dancing but with things such as the train running in full speed shows that chase for what you want with full speed and the moon that symbols our souls you if you put these two together it’ll mean that chase for what your soul want and chase it with full speed. They showed the undoubting gaze of Chungha, filled with passion all throughout the film and it feels like an unimaginable motivation was just transferred to you.  
The Outback Steakhouse commercial had a famous dance group named Just Jerk do their commercial. They dance their way to convey the message of “Come and eat at Outback Steakhouse.” The musicality of it was new and refreshing. Their dance was up to par with the up beating music and the concept of putting together dancing and cooking was a chef’s kiss itself. It then proceeds to them taking off their chef’s clothes and changed into civilian clothes. The way the danced showed that they are excited to arrive at the steakhouse and are having a hard time choosing their meal because all the options look so good.  After getting their meal, they had a blast hence them clustering together and throwing their arms up in the air. In the very end, the commercial showed us a freshly cooked, sizzling, medium rare steak that makes us water and wanting to have a bite of that tempting steak. Now these are the obvious things seen in the commercial but another thing that I saw was that there are times where they are not in sync when dancing like when the men were spinning while on the air or when the ladies were not on sync when whacking and in their ending pose when they threw their arm in the air.  
Outback Steakhouse wanted to show the viewers that their steakhouse is a great place to eat steak and you surely won’t regret it. Their message was clearly shown all through out the film and I could say with the exciting dance they gave and the tempting steak they showed, how could one not go and check out  their steakhouse?
Both films had different topics, different messages, and had different ways of conveying their messages. It was done amazingly as the messages were said and people received it. Such innovative commercials are fun to watch as you can crack the meaning behind it and you can even make your own meaning behind it.
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nezuko-group · 4 years
Review, Reflect, React (05)
Metlife commercial: My Dad's Story: Dream for My Child https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O15dxrBNuAQ
Sunsilk commercial: เจ้าหญิงหวีแก้ว ตอน เคล็ดลับมัดใจเจ้าชายของมิน พีชญา https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z1IGiLe9yQ
Representation of advertisements can vary based on their genres and their message. Sometimes, small details such as camera angle, background music, or body language can change the mood of an advertisement. Advertisements aim to catch people’s attention and make them buy their product that is why they need to make a unique concept that can catch people’s attention. In the case of the advertisements I chose, Sunsilk used comedy to show the effectiveness of their product while Metlife used a touching story of a dad to show that getting an insurance plan can make your life better. During the first few scenes in the first commercial, we can hear that the background music had a jolly and full of life vibe, this signifies that what the father was reading was still the positive side of the note, but when the father saw the line “but…he lies”, the background music started to change into a sad music because later on, the ad will show his real struggles. Even though the father tried to portray himself as someone who has a well-paying job by dressing in a suit, we can still see his difference from other fathers shown in the ad because he looks less tidy than the others. The quote “A child’s future is worth every sacrifice” is encouraging the people that no matter what hardship you go through, you should apply for an insurance because it is for your child’s future.
As for the second commercial, from the starting of the video, we can already tell that it is a shampoo commercial because the main girl has a silky smooth hair. When the main girl was already going to leave the party, her glass comb slid from her hair which signifies that she must be applying a good product on her hair because her hair is silky smooth. When the prince was hopeful that he is going to find the class comb hair, the director used the low angle shot to signify that he must be feeling hopeful. When all the girls lined up to use the comb, we can see that none of them was able to achieve an untangled hair while the glass comb girl was able to achieve an untangled hair, the commercial was sending a message to the viewers that people should use their product to have a silky smooth hair. There was also a scene where the glass comb girl is teaching the other girl how to use a conditioner, this scene is used to tell the audience that their product is easy and fast to use because it only takes one minute to use it. Also, the glass comb girl is always wearing an orange dress to represent the product she is using.
I think that these commercials are really interesting and effective because they made me remember them even though I have watched them a long time ago. The Sunsilk commercial was able to capture my attention because of its comedic scenes and its plot twist, while the Metlife commercial was able to capture my attention by touching my heart. The Metlife commercial knows how to capture their target audiences’ attention, in this case, their target audiences are the parents and they wanted to let these parents know that they need to get an insurance plan for their children to secure their future.
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nezuko-group · 4 years
Review, Reflect, React (06)
RC Cola Commercial 2020: https://youtu.be/hXWj5BK7evM
Jollibee Commercial 2020, Sarap Kasama ang Pamilya: https://youtu.be/v-kdKPPCjfk
We can’t judge a book by its cover. Same goes to advertisements. There are many unique advertisements or commercial videos out there. Some may be appealing and others not so much, but there will always be advertisements that catches the attention of people. It may be because it is an emotional or cute advertisement or simply because a hot guy or a beautiful lady is endorsing it, but what usually catches the attention of the people are the creepy or mysterious advertisements.
The first commercial was shot in a lot of different angles, but most of them were close-up shots to focus on the expressions of the actors. The second commercial was composed of medium shots which also showed what the characters were feeling and doing in those tough times. There weren’t a lot of written codes for both commercials. At the end of the first commercial, we would see the company’s slogan “Basta RC Cola Masarap.” On the other hand, at the end of the second commercial , we would see the words “Kahit iba ang Pasko ngayon, pinkamagandang regalo pa rin makasama ang ating pamilya,” which encourages other people amidst the pandemic.
For the audio code of the first commercial, we would hear melancholic or dramatic background music, which implies that something serious or something dramatic is going to happen. As for the second commercial, we would hear a more joyful music and the child singing. This implies that the commercial would be more cheerful compared to the first one.
There are a lot of symbolic codes both commercials, especially the first one. According to Charls Sevilla Vlogs, the first commercial had a lot of symbolic codes that we didn’t notice at first. In his vlog, he pointed out that when the boy took his shirt off, it meant that the boy was asking his mom for the “naked truth”. The empty glasses show the emptiness the boy feels of not knowing the truth. The scene wherein the mother was crying and was taking her scarf off shows that the mother was preparing to tell her son the secret that she had been hiding. Before the mother poured the cola into the empty glasses, she put ice cubes first which shows that no problem would be solved with anger. That is why when she put the ice cubes in the empty glasses, the expression of the boy became more relaxed. The scene wherein the mother poured the cola into the glasses shows that the mother is telling him everything that she had been hiding. Finally, the last scene wherein the whole family was drinking the cola shows that despite of the differences of their appearances, they accept each other as a family because there were no more secrets left untold. Thus, they grew closer as a family.
As for the second commercial,  almost every scene was shot inside the house which shows the new normal amidst the pandemic. At first, the boy was a little sad because of the worldwide pandemic, but he lightened up when he remembered that he is with his family for the whole day every day. This shows that we can find happiness amidst this pandemic, and that it is only at arm’s length. Lastly, we can see that the boy was carrying the Jollibee toy in almost every scene. This implies that Jollibee is a part of the family and it will always be there even in rough times.
Personally, I think that both of these commercials are very meaningful. In one glace, the RC commercial may be creepy and weird because we don’t see that kind of advertising every day. In the end, RC’s commercial really did a good job because it became popular and it became the talk of the people here and there once more. The Jollibee commercial was really encouraging to watch. A lot of people are struggling amidst the pandemic and just by showing a very short commercial, it encourages people to enjoy the holidays with the whole family. I personally picked these commercials because both commercials encourage family members to be closer to each other to support one another in rough times.
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nezuko-group · 4 years
Review, Reflect, React (04)
Commercial #1: KFC Hot and Cheesy Chicken
Commercial #2: Kwentong Jollibee Valentine’s Series 2017: Vow
The first commercial was shot using an eye-level angle. This shot is commonly used in making food commercials, since it depicts as an inviting or welcoming feeling, which makes the audience develop a sense of temptation. The second commercial was also shot using an eye-level angle, which made the audience more engaged in the story. Some scenes were taken using close-up shots, which helped the viewers understand more about how the actors feel. Technical code was also seen when the best friend saw the bride for the first time and the whole scene became much brighter.
There were not much written code seen in the first commercial except for the last scene where the name of the meal is shown. It was also seen when the delivery hotline, link, and caption of KFC, “It’s finger lickin’ good,” was seen and heard at the end of the commercial. On the other hand, the tag line, “Celebrate the joy of love,” and the text at the end of the second commercial were identified as written codes since they convey messages of the advertisement.
The producers in the KFC commercial did a great job at choosing the background music of the commercial. With the amorous music and the crunch of the chicken, together brought an alluring sensation to the audience which lured them to consume the product. Throughout the Jollibee advertisement, we can hear a wedding song in the background. However, there was a transition in the audio where the background music later on ended as the signature tune of Jollibee. There was also the voice-over of the best friend which narrated the whole story according to his point of view.
There are a lot of symbolic codes shown in both of the video commercial. During the first commercial, the setting tells the audience that it was a rainy evening. The objects such as the cellphone ringing shows a significant part of the advertisement. Lastly, how the customer moves conveyed a lot of meaning. Similarly, the location where the actors first met, the clothes that the actors wore in the wedding ceremony, and the body languages shown by the actors all had a deeper meaning in the second commercial.
The first commercial took place in KFC one rainy evening where a female customer was waiting for a person to come. When she received her order, she was distracted by how delicious her meal was, forgetting that she was waiting someone. When her cellphone rang, she just shrug her shoulders and continued to eat. I think that the commercial wants the audience to know that their new meal is extremely delicious that you can disregard and don’t need to worry about your problems. I think that the KFC commercial was same as any other basic commercial out there. Producers just promote their product by making a commercial where an actor exaggerates how amazing the product is.
The second commercial showcased a wedding ceremony as the first scene. The story continued by reminiscing the past, explaining how the relationship of the bride and her best friend developed. The story then took a plot twist near the end of the commercial, indicating that the narrator was only the best man, not the groom. I think what the commercial wants to point out is that there are people who remains and continue to love without asking for compensation that needs to deserve love. Much thought was put into the making of the commercial, which made me like it better than the first commercial. I like the originality and uniqueness of the advertisement. I also like how creative the producers are to make a story to present their products to the consumers which is why they are able to gain people’s emotions.
It can be seen that both commercials that I picked are fast food advertisements. For me, both commercials showcased their brand very well. The reason that I picked these two commercials is because I think that these commercials displayed two very different ways on promoting products. I think that how the producers advertise their products can make a huge impact on how the audiences like me view the products separately. This is why it is important for the producers to be creative on how to advertise products.
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nezuko-group · 4 years
Review, Reflect, React (01)
Ad #1: Galaxy x BTS: Say Yes To Galaxy Buds | Samsung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtJEX4sgRkY   
 Ad #2: BTS(방탄소년단) ‘FILA ON THE STREET’ - Main https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcZTnkvT988     
 Ads are very diverse. It can be divided into a lot of genres even if companies use the same models (or artists) for the same product. Although the ads that I chose do not advertise the same product, they both use the same models which I think will be a great representation of how diverse the world of advertising is.   
To start off, the technical codes of these two ads are already very different. The first one is just a simple eye-level standard half-body angle shot throughout the whole video. The second one, however; has a lot of different angle shots throughout the whole advertisement. The audio codes are also very different, one used a song with touching lyrics and the other used music with no words but has a “swag” feel to it. The second ad also had a simple saying of the title of the collection of the clothing line and the brand of the clothing line. The written code is something these two ads have in common. Both have somewhat simple written codes. The first one had a message saying “Warm their heart with Galaxy gifts” and the second one also had a simple “Fila on the Street” written at the very start of the video. The symbolic codes of these two ads are very different from each other. The first ad seemed like a proposal, romantic and heart-warming. On the second ad, the models were “outside.” The set made it seem like they were on the street by using closed steel doors and motor bikes.   
The first ad is trying to get people to give their products as gifts to friends, family, and loved ones; hence, making it look like a proposal. Proposals are meant to be romantic and heart-warming, so they used a song with equally romantic and heart-warming lyrics to match with the ad. The second ad advertises their clothing line as being fashionable for street wear. The ad is saying that they have everything, from jackets to shoes, to make you look fashionable while feeling comfortable that can be used as everyday clothing.   
 I personally think that these two ads are made very creatively. I don’t think I have ever seen an ad that used the concept of proposing using ear buds and I think that it is really creative that they thought of this. After watching the ad, I also felt like Galaxy buds would be a good choice to give to my loved ones and “warm their hearts.” The second ad showed the variety of products that Fila had and the diverse way to mix and match these products. Their message of being stylish while not having to feel uncomfortable really showed in the ad, which, I personally think, is enough for them to get customers to buy their products. In truth, the models these companies get play a huge role in advertising their products, but I also do believe that the creativity to capture the customer’s heart and mind into buying the product also plays a role big time.
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nezuko-group · 4 years
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traditional media word cloud (CN05)
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nezuko-group · 4 years
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new media word cloud (CN05)
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nezuko-group · 4 years
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Traditional vs New (06)
New Media word cloud
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nezuko-group · 4 years
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Traditional vs New (06)
Traditional Media word cloud
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nezuko-group · 4 years
Traditional vs New (06)
Media has come a long way in the past few years. From traditional media, to new media. From hard copy, to digital ones. Some media transformed from traditional to new media. Some, although only a few, retained their old form. Surprisingly, the majority of the media today retained their old form, but also became a part of new media. This is called media convergence. Current technologies really helped in media convergence. By having these new technologies and new ways to communicate, it gave light to the new opportunities to share or pass information to other people, be it educational information or an advertisement.
Media started from traditional media, wherein information was written in papers or walls, even. It was then upgraded when the printing presses were invented. It wasn’t that much of a difference. It was the same old ink on paper. The only difference was that people didn’t have to write the information by hand anymore. People used the printing press for the production of books, newspapers, posters, and flyers back then. Traditional media improved even more when the telephone, television, film, and radio were invented.
Later on, traditional media transformed into new media wherein the technologies and the devices we know today were invented or improved. Almost all the technologies today have their differences, but one thing is and will be common no matter what and that is the dependent trait of technologies to the Internet. Almost all of the technologies today can be connected to the Internet. Usually, if one wants to know or share information, he or she needs to be connected to the Internet. Since the Internet was invented, it gave the media a new way to express itself. A way wherein the media will be recognized more, and at the same time convenient to use.
Knowing the transformation of traditional media to new media, I feel fortunate to have been born in this convenient time. Compared to the media back then where the Internet didn’t exist, almost every type of media today is conveniently accessible by a touch of a finger. Everything is much easier now that almost everything is on the Internet. New media such as Facebook gave light to a new way for people to express themselves easily. Unfortunately, a part of this so-called New Media saddens me because of how people get very irresponsible when using it. Some people get addicted to it, while others do cyber bullying. It also saddens me to think that us human beings are the ones who make smarter devices or technologies every year, and yet it is the same beings that get more ignorant as time passes. Due to the new media stealing the spotlight from the traditional media, we tend to forget the beauty of traditional media, wherein barriers such as LED screens don’t exist. New media and the invention of futuristic technologies sounds exciting, but we should never forget its predecessor and what traditional media taught us.
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nezuko-group · 4 years
Traditional vs New (CN05)
Every form of media was once a new media, but what is the difference of the media nowadays compared to the older and traditional media? Well, the first thing that came into my mind is that the new media is more convenient compared to the older medias, but as the time goes by, things around us evolves, for instance, in the olden times, people needed to physically meet and talk to each other to be able to communicate and deliver their messages, but as the time goes by letters and telephones were invented, and now in the electronic age, the social media was invented which made communication and interaction easier for us.
The new media has obviously made our lives easier and more convenient, for instance, instant calls and messaging where we can talk to anyone anytime and anywhere and because of the new media, we are able to communicate with each other via internet and we are able to get news and information through the television and internet during this pandemic. People like me heavily rely on the use of the new media nowadays because it’s fast, instant, and almost every information that you will need is there.  But what are the disadvantages? Although the new media has a lot of advantages, there are still disadvantages in it. Humans are created to be physically active so that they would be able to hunt for food and survive, well this was the case millions and thousands of years ago. But as the time passes by, things have become more convenient, for instance, in the electronic age where internet, telephones and instant messaging exists, instead of physically meeting up with the person, we just call or message them via phone or the internet which requires less physical work. To summarize this paragraph, although the new media has made our lives convenient, the convenience of the new media can result to health problems because of the lack of physical activities in our daily lives.
Although people think that the traditional media has a lot of disadvantages because it feels old, ancient, archaic, and less convenient, I personally think that there are still advantages in it. For instance, we are sure that the news we get from the dying traditional medias like the newspaper and radio are reliable because we know that the newspaper and radio companies we are checking pieces of information from are credible sources because not everyone can produce news from radios and newspapers easily, unlike in the new media where internet exists, everyone can post everything they want in just one click. Aside from the news credibility, I think that these older medias can help the less fortunate people get news and pieces of information as they are more affordable. Tribes and ethnic groups who do not use the modern technology can also get news and information through these older form of medias. And lastly, without the traditional media, the new media would not exist, the traditional media paved the way for the new media we know and use today.
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nezuko-group · 4 years
traditional media word cloud
Traditional vs New (CN 04)
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nezuko-group · 4 years
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Traditional vs New (03)
word cloud for new media
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nezuko-group · 4 years
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Traditional vs New (03)
word cloud for traditional media
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nezuko-group · 4 years
Traditional vs New (03)
The media that we know of now is very different from the media in the past. It shows that media also evolves alongside the humans. But if we were to go back in time when the first ever known media started, it would be from the Pre-Industrial Age, the period from 3.3 million years ago when people discovered and used stones tools and other materials they had to make cave paintings, clay tablets, papyrus, and many more.  While it is believed that the invention of writing systems appeared 5300 years ago, the Industrial Age (1700s-1930s) is the period where people started to use steam developed into power-driven machines such as typewriter and the printing press for the manufacturing of products like newspapers and books.
We now move onto the Electronic Age (1930s-1980s). This is the period where the invention of the transistor came. People made use of the power of the transistor and this came next the invention such as radio, electronic circuits, television, the early computer and many more. Long distance here became more efficient. The Electronic Age may already look fancy as it seems but a bigger and much better innovation came and that is the Digital Age. The Digital Age is around 1900s to 2000s and it is where the internet came and paved the way for faster communication and the creation of what we now know of the social media. Here, people invented the personal computers, mobile devices, and wearable technologies moreover things around us are starting to get digitalized. And with this, we are currently living in the Digital Age.
Living in the Digital Age is truly overwhelming. The fact that I am able to live in this time is such a great honor as I get to live in such comfort with the internet to help me pass time especially currently with all the time I am given and also be able to know what is happening around the world in real-time. Those are not only the things that the internet could offer, it also provides us with all the information we need, being able to communicate with each other with communication applications and platforms to satisfy our entertainment needs. Given all these good sides of the Digital Age, there are also downfalls of it.
Living in the Digital Age means that we currently are very dependent on the internet for news, for popularity, and for entertainment. We all became a victim of fake news, victim of cyber bulling, victim of identity theft, and victim from unwanted entertainment. People nowadays are always in their own world in the internet that we are now human interaction.
Yes, the current world we have is amazing can’t wait to see how it evolves but at the same time it is sad to see on how the internet has changed mankind. As someone who lives the Digital Age, I am blessed to be here but I would rather live in the past, where everyone interacts and is carefree.  
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nezuko-group · 4 years
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Traditional vs New (CN 01)
New Media Word Cloud
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