nghtspckl · 16 days
Ivypool’s heart spoilers without context
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nghtspckl · 7 months
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when when you want to see content but you are the only one who can create it
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nghtspckl · 8 months
Oh my gosh no worries, I'm pretty sure the problem was on my end...I usually use tumblr on mobile and sometimes instead of sending asks/replies the page just freezes because my phone is so laggy :')
Anyways I'm definitely in your boat re: the Bristlefrost/Rootspring confession. I remember reading the Bristle/Root conversation the first time (or listening to it, might have been an audiobook) and don't quote me on this but I think even Rootspring himself is surprised by the fact that Bristlefrost likes him back. Because she never shows it before that moment. And he's like, "You like me back? :0" and Bristlefrost's like "How could I not?" as if her returning his affections is like, a given, because...idk? He's such a good guy and all good guys are entitled to that???? IDK. Maybe I'm misremembering. They were super super sweet in the following books though so I give them a pass lol.
(Also YES!!!! re: Hawk+Moth, I love their weird....mutually dependent yet mutually destructive relationship. The best bits of Mothwing's novella are about her relationship with him, IMO. Mothwing literally describes Hawkfrost as "the cat who'd belonged to her, and the one she'd belonged to, the only one", LIKE???? It is so toxic yet heartbreaking!!! Love themmmm)
(Also your kitties are SO CUTE!!!!!!!! I love Cloudbelly's belly but I have a soft spot for solid grays so Stormleap is my fave haha)
>For some reason it’s not letting me send an ask but: 💢🌈 🐾 ☯️!
Sorry the ask isn't working! I checked my settings, but it says that mine should be open, so I'm not sure what's going on! Thanks for sending in a comment anyway, @nghtspckl :)
💢 : what scene made you the most irrationally angry upon first reading
I think for this one I’ll say at the end of Veil of Shadows when Bristlefrost confesses that she loves Rootspring. It’s not that I hate the Bristle/Root ship or anything (I actually think they were pretty cute together in the books following this.) But, I just remember thinking “When??!!” once Bristlefrost said that. I was just shocked and a little frustrated since I didn’t remember her ever thinking of him romantically up until that moment.
🌈 : what's the most 2010s wcforum era esque fandom opinion you still hold onto and will fight people over (things like scourges collar color, dovewings eye color, etc)
My answer for this one is a little boring since I was never really in the trenches about these sorts of things! I guess I’ll say I will always see Scourge’s collar as red, since that was what I pictured when I first read the series (before Rise of Scourge with his purple collar even came out.) But, I will acknowledge that according to canon, his collar is purple (it’s just not to me lol.) 
🐾 : have you ever named a cat after a warriors character OR given a cat a warriors styled name? if so, tell us the story
I’ve never given a cat a warriors name as their real name, but I have of course assigned what names my cats would have if they were Warriors, as any good Warrior fan does haha. Meet “Cloudbelly” and “Stormleap!”
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The reason that her warrior name is Cloudbelly should be obvious haha. But, I cannot actually picture her wanting to be anything but a kittypet. She is too timid and loves comfort far too much to live in the wild. I think she would look at warriors extremely disdainfully and think they are stupid for not living with humans (“Why would I ever fend for myself when I can just make these twolegs do it all for me?!”)
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And, I named him Stormleap for his fur color and his energy! He is a lot more bold and adventurous, so I think would do much better as a warrior. I think he would want to be in SkyClan or ThunderClan. (He’s a naturally big and strong cat, loves to climb, and can jump really high!)
☯️ : what dynamic between two cats has got you up at night pacing for hours? (romantic, platonic, familial, etc)
Ooo yes, so I’m definitely going to say Hawkfrost and Mothwing! I have TNP on the brain often because of my TNP rewrite, Shaken Roots, and there is just so much to dig into with Hawkfrost and Mothwing’s relationship that was overlooked in canon. I love a good tragedy, and that’s exactly how I view the two of them. How they went from sad, (essentially) orphaned little kits with an attitude of “No one else in the world matters but you. You are all I have. You are all that’s truly important to me,” to transforming into complete strangers to each other; all that devotion worn away by betrayal and manipulation, but for the source of that manipulation to still be a misguided attempt at love— Hawkfrost’s desperation to help Mothwing, or just to not lose her??? Ugh it’s so good.
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nghtspckl · 9 months
Queen giving birth in warriors: ahhh oooh ouch it hurts so bad
Medicine cat:
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nghtspckl · 10 months
I’m all for an occasional Warriors vent session because, lord knows, this series has flaws. But some people in this fandom talk with such frequency and vitriol towards these books and characters, I just want to give them a little shake like, “why are you still here?!” Aren’t you exhausted by all the constant negativity? I’m exhausted
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nghtspckl · 1 year
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this is the ideal sunbeam/nightheart dynamic btw
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