ngoctaotien · 5 years
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Onmyoji’s Tamamo no Mae story 
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
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( I’m finally not sick anymore!!! Which means I’ll be getting to replies + starters tonight and tomorrow and will hopefully be back in full swing this weekend!!! Thank you everyone for waiting! )
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
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Tamamo no Mae SP
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
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▌real name: Tamamo no Mae ▌single or taken: Widowed ▌abilities or powers: Shapeshifting; demonic powers ▌eye colour: Golden ▌hair colour: Black with deep blue hues ▌family members: Chiyo (wife, deceased), Yuto & Aika (children, deceased) ▌pets: None  ▌something they don’t like: Humans, foolish naïveté  ▌hobbies/activities: Painting, writing, flower arrangement  ▌ever hurt anyone before: Yes ▌ever killed anyone before: Yes ▌animal that represents them: Fox (Tamamo is a fox spirit, after all) ▌worst habits: Extremely wrathful and vengeful; deceptive; manipulative; spiteful; selfish ▌role models: Kuzunoha ▌sexual orientation: Demisexual ▌thoughts on marriage/kids: Was once married and had kids, but family was stolen from him ▌fears: Losing those he cherishes the most again ▌style preferences: Very ornate, intricate, and traditional - similar to high ranked courtesans; dresses in such a way that flaunts not only his beauty but his status ▌someone they love: Chiyo ▌approach to friendships: Finds interacting with others to be entertaining, but rarely makes genuine friendships. Often uses relationships as means to achieve his goals. Almost never allows anyone to get anywhere near close to him - to keep people at arm’s length is an understatement. However, fiercely loyal to those who manage to build a deep friendship with him. ▌thoughts on pie: Decent. Shows preference to more tart, fruit pies. Overall, prefers traditional Japanese desserts over pies. ▌favourite drink: Sake, plum wine ▌favourite place to spend time at: On the veranda of his residence; Yubaba’s bathhouse  ▌swim in the lake or in the ocean: Neither ▌their type: Clever, witty, mysterious, coy, passionate, ambitious ▌camping or indoors: Outdoors, but not camping ✨ TAGGED BY: @shackledsculs ✨ TAGGING: @arcanasjustice, @badasspsychic, @mysticaltunes, @kkotseo, @praywishing + anyone else who wants to do it!!
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
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‘You look familiar’
‘Never seen one like you before’
‘Can you help? I seem to be lost’
‘You look lost’
‘Have we met?’
‘Can I help you?’
‘You dropped this’
‘Are you new around here?’
‘Sorry! Didn’t mean to fall into you’
‘What book are you reading?’
‘Do you have the time?’
‘Hi, please pretend you’re talking to me’
‘Can you hold this?’
‘Think fast!’
‘Get to cover!’
‘Who’s there?’
‘Come out!’
‘I can see you’
‘Are you trying to hide behind me?’
‘Are you hiding from someone?’
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
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                                        EMBRACE THE SERENITY                            RENOUNCE THE HATRED THAT CONSUMES YOU
crossover // AU friendly // semi-canon divergent.
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
@badasspsychic (cont. from here)
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“I”M NOT! - I’m not crying!” He was crying. “..Eikichi is just… so cute in her little pink bow!” Kazuma aggressively rubs his face before turning a picture over to show his cat sitting with her feet tucked beneath her body and a cute frilly soft pink bow around her neck. “I just love her so much!”
» “If that’s what you’d like me to believe...” Tamamo tilted his head when the other brought up this “Eikichi” and raised his brows, a bit startled at how worked up Kazuma was. Two brief blinks then his face softened to a pleased smile.
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“She is quite adorable. That bow fits her perfectly. I’m safe to assume she’s your cat, correct? I never would’ve guessed you were the owner of such an adorable pet.”
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
Send me a ❣ and I'll gauge my character's attraction to yours at this point in time
✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Sexual Attraction ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Romantic Attraction ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Crushing ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Squishing ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Sensual Attraction ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Aesthetic Attraction
Low ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ High
Hover over the names for explanations.
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
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my one and only contribution to the onmyoji fandom
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
You’re either ON MY SIDE,    BY MY SIDE, or IN MY WAY
                              CHOOSE WISELY.
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
“A person who deserves my loyalty receives it.”
- Joyce Maynard ( Looking Back: A Chronicle of Growing Up Old in the Sixties )
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
Reblog if I'm allowed to send you in character asks even if we have never talked before.
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
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“Well, I can safely say…that I never expected to meet one such as yourself. Especially not out around these parts.”
Takane is at a loss, generally, she’s not used to meeting new people, given her habit of keeping to herself. She never expected someone to wander out to the part of the forest she made for herself, her paradise in the human realm so to speak. Still, was this an omen of some sorts? Because she could honestly do without more fights or battles outside of what she was doing in the situation she got caught up in with her brother.
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» “Isn’t this world wide enough for both of us to roam?” Always posing rhetorical questions and never getting straight to the answer. One could say that was Tamamo no Mae’s signature way of speech.
The great spirit looked around and took a deep breath in and out. A pleasant smile appeared on his beautiful face and he turned back to the kitsune in front of him. He could tell she was surprised. 
Tamamo brought his fan up and covered the lower part of his face as he spoke. “Don’t worry, I’m not looking to battle. I merely happened upon this place as I was wandering through the woods. What a lovely place you’ve picked out. It reminds me of my own home I had in the mountains near Kyoto.” 
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
“Underestimate me so I can embarrass you.”
— (via dope-fashion-style)
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
@ngoctaotien started following you
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“Oh wow! You look… really pretty.” That was a girl right? He supposed it didn’t matter, Kurama was a pretty man. “Is there something goin’ on that you’re dressed for?”
» “Hm?” Tamamo turned around to see who’d just spoken to him. With a nod of the head, he acknowledged the other’s compliment. “Why, thank you,” he replied.
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“And need I a special occassion to be dressed like this? I always like to look my best and my tastes just so happen to be traditional.” The great spirit looked the stranger up and down, then asked a lighthearted question. “What about yourself? Is there any reason for why you’re dressed as you are?”
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ngoctaotien · 5 years
—  @fiirstkinged​​ liked for a starter!
» Summer nights were always the most beautiful in Tamamo’s eyes. Though at times sweltering, the skies were always clear and the moon always in view. It was a lovely sight to behold, and tonight was no different. 
The great spirit watched as fireflies flitted around, their biolumenesence a contrast to the dark hues of the foreground. Along with the fireflies, he could sense another being.
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“Tell me, fairy. What do you think of this beautiful, moonlit night?”
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