nicholasthompson · 4 years
One of the last things Gabrielle would’ve ever anticipated was to be in quarantine. Nothing had ever required her to really forcibly stay in one place for a long time. Except for that one time there was a torrential storm and she had to stay in a NYC library for a few hours, but that was nothing in comparison to this situation. At least it hadn’t been challenging for her to find something to do in the library. Or… someone, rather. Ha. And that someone just so happened to now be her husband. Astonishing how life works, huh? Gabby was grateful to be isolated with Nick. If it’d been anyone else (besides maybe her best friend), she’d probably lose her mind and wind up pulling her hair out after a couple of days. She couldn’t possibly imagine being quarantined with her siblings or her parents–regardless of the love she has for them. There are only certain people that can be dealt with for a long period of time. And well, she was already used to Nick, they saw each other on a day-to-day basis and lived together. Sure, there were those few things that grinded her gears every now and then, but she could confidently call him her favorite person in the world.
Gabrielle’s past battle with cancer had put her in a tough place. She was immunocompromised. It’s not something she liked talking about regularly, not even with Nick. That was her past, not her future, but the fact of the matter is that she had to be a little more vigilant than many. Her immune system was shot and catching anything could put her in danger. So, because of that, the pair fled from their home in Brooklyn to a less busy area in New York–Nick’s family cabin. Gabby had never been there before, but there was a first time for everything, and she was excited to see what the hype was all about. At first, Gabby didn’t think it was all too crucial to relocate, because it wouldn’t have been so hard to self-quarantine in their home, but Nick’s suggestion sounded inviting, and it was better to be safe than sorry. Perhaps the married couple could use this time to their advantage.
With all the commotion going on in the world, it was hard to tell when anyone would feel any sense of normalcy again. It was challenging for them both; Gabby having to close her cafe and Nick having to transition to online teaching only, with a few months left in the school year. It was a big adjustment, but it was attainable. This would give Gabby the opportunity to work on some writing, and maybe focus on some self-improvement simultaneously. Monetarily, she wasn’t concerned. Business had been thriving at the cafe before having to temporarily shut down, and Nick was wealthy. It’s not that she relied on Nick financially, and she never did for as long as she’s known him, seeing as how it was never something she focused on–however, they tended to have joint finances, and money never felt like an issue.
It’d been about three weeks since they’d formally started their quarantine adventure. This cabin was starting to feel like a third home (their home being #1, her cafe #2). It was beautiful, spacious, and cozy, which she considered idyllic. Though the two spent a lot of time together, they also spent some time on opposite sides of the same room or even in separate rooms in the cabin. Gabrielle very much so enjoyed seeing Nicholas in his element, speaking so fluently about history. He was so well-informed… and that was unquestionably sexy. Sometimes she’d sit on the couch and make faces at him whilst he was on Zoom, having to hold back her giggles so his students wouldn’t hear her. She couldn’t help herself; it was just the goofiness in her.
On a few occasions thus far, Gabby had thought that Nick’s knowledge and passion for his subject was tremendously hot, and when he was free from his teaching responsibilities, she’d have to take him all for herself and pull him away from his laptop for a little something… sometimes even midday. They had a very… healthy sex life. Now, even more so, since they had quite a bit more time with one another than they did before. On the couch, on the floor, in the kitchen, in the laundry room–needless to say, they always had a good time expanding their horizons.
“Babe,” Gabby cooed to her husband, a grin on her face upon hearing Nick end his Zoom session. “What would you like for dinner?” She said, glancing up from her laptop, which she then placed aside, on the arm of the couch. “Spicy basil chicken with rice and veggies, or homemade buffalo chicken pizza?” For a cafe owner and someone who adored cooking, these may not have sounded super extravagant, but her unique touch in the kitchen would greatly enhance these recipes. // @nicholasthompson​ 
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“Chicken,” Nick answered from the couch, macbook resting on his lap and his feet propped on the coffee table in front of him. The man looked completely comfortable - a nice pullover on and a pair of sweatpants with some cozy socks. Nick thoroughly enjoyed his new uniform, sometime so much he would forego the pants, but that was one of the only things he could say he enjoyed about having to work from the confines of the Thompson family cabin. He couldn’t believe it, but he actually missed his hormone and drama filled teenagers. Over just the past year and a half he’d grown to care for them immensely, forming a tight-knit bond with his little high school family.
“Yeah, babe, eating with a fork sounds pretty good tonight.” Funny how that was a deciding factor in meals now. Last week he’d preferred foods that could be specifically eaten out of bowls, and the week before it was anything fast and easy. Quarantine was just boring, making Nicholas think and function in new ways that had him beginning to question his sanity. “I don’t know about spice tonight either. I’m not mentally prepared for heartburn.”
Gabby was the main perk of being in quarantine. It wasn’t as though they didn’t already see each other every day. They’d been living together for a while even before they were married. Nick thought it over, closing his laptop and setting it to the side. If this happened a little over 2 years ago he’d be stuck in his house alone - with the exception of his dog, Gus - and that would have been utterly miserable. So yes, Gabby was absolutely the main perk of being quarantined. He could spend as much time as he wanted with her, stay up with her, sleep in with her, cook, eat, shower, and a few other unmentionables with her.
Sex was easily their favorite passtime. Okay, they did do other activities. Nick was working on his green thumb and reviving a garden out back, Gabby was writing, he was grading of course, and they spent a lot of time outside. They were both grateful for the space outside of the cabin. It was the main reason Nick suggested they stay there instead of Brooklyn. They had more space for fresh air and to stretch their legs here. But the sex? Yeah, that was the most fun.
“How’s the writing coming along?” Nick asked from the couch, gazing over at his wife. Damn, was he lucky to be married to her. She was beautiful, talented, kind, everything good wrapped into one package. “How’d I get lucky enough to have a wife like you, huh?” He grinned and moved from his seat, traveling the space of the living room to nestle himself beside Gabby. He asked her that every day knowing he’d get the same adorable reaction out of her. “I’ll take you for dinner too, if that’s an option. You look pretty scrumptious.”
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lovers in quarantine // nick + gabby
33 notes · View notes
nicholasthompson · 5 years
           "I’m glad we can agree on that,” the dark-haired girl piped in, a grin taking over her mouth, especially once he made it so clear that touching ‘nasty, cold, leftover shower water’ would be way too gross for him. A playful roll of her eyes ensued and she had to laugh, nodding her head up and down slowly as if she understood where he was coming from. “You mean your nasty, cold, leftover shower water? Or my nasty, cold, leftover shower water? I never would’ve put it that way.” It was funny, but hey, it was a quirk or something, and like any other quirk of Nick’s, it was cute. Imagine anything involving Nicholas Jesse Thompson not being cute. Simply impossible. The woman had made substantial progress even within the last fifteen minutes, fitting things within her suitcase in a rather organized manner—her packing cubes, a couple of shoe bags, toiletry bags, flat iron and hair curler, etc. Her luggage was large, with more than enough room for all of the necessities. They each would have a checked bag and a carry-on, in addition to a personal item. With Gabrielle in charge, they needed all those bags… at least according to her extensive list.
           With an excited scrunch of her nose (a signature Gabby move or whatever), Gabby smiled wide at her fiancé. “I was hoping you’d say wedding planning, you know,” her tone matter-of-fact. How could they pass up such a wonderful opportunity? Hours to just sit down and set some details in stone, time they didn’t typically have very often at home unless worked into Gabrielle’s planner. Why, of course, she’s a planner person. In what world would she not be? Back in middle school, her first planner changed her world, and ever since, they’ve been a staple each year; a true game-changer. She even had cute stickers to use—even at the age of thirty. All for the visual, really. “Maybe I can even try to address some save-the-dates!!” The excitement was evident in her tone. That would mean packing the essentials for that task, but she was sure she’d have the room for some envelopes, a couple calligraphy pens, her little address book, some stamps, the save-the-dates themselves… because if they were being addressed, she could technically just send them from a post-office in New Orleans, right? Right. Knowing her, she’d get the job done with no problem. Maybe that was more of a late-night job. She’d figure it out, and she’d have the materials with her just in case. “We can look at potential cakes, schedule our cake tastings, schedule a time to look at flowers, begin planning our honeymoon, make sure we haven’t missed booking anything…” Some of the things they could do on the plane, anyway. With their busy schedules, it was hard to find time to do everything on the usual wedding planning schedule, but they were managing just fine.
           "You’ll have some pretty interesting stories to tell your students when you get back,“ Gabby noted aloud, fingertips subconsciously grazing over the back of Nick’s neck. She’d already been hanging onto every word he spoke (as per usual), but when he mentioned his parents, she made sure to listen extra hard. It was always a sensitive topic, though the tone of his voice was light, upbeat, and it made her happy to hear that. "I absolutely understand. You’re such a good son. I’m sure they would be incredibly happy you’re taking this trip. We’ll have to eat some more food and have a few extra drinks in their honor, yeah?” She said, teeth showing in a sweet grin. She, obviously, had never met his parents. But if they raised their son to be anything like them, well, they must’ve been some amazing people. And anything that ever meant so much to Nicholas, meant a lot to Gabrielle, one-hundred-percent.
           "Mm,“ she responded, eyebrows furrowing in response as she watched his face, cheeks flushing a tad bit. Leave it to Nicholas to get her going even whilst packing their luggage. Then again, he could surely get her going anywhere, at any time of any day. "Shame on you is right,” Gabby hissed, words nothing but playful seconds before he kissed her lips. One hand moved to his cheek as she returned the sweet little kiss. And when he walked away, she just had to watch him for a couple of seconds. How could one person make her so breathless, and without even doing all too much at that moment? Must’ve simply been his existence. The woman cleared her throat and turned around to continue the task at hand. “Oh yeah? I think I’m almost there too. We’ll be on the road in no time!” And by on the road, she meant everything completely packed, in the car, with a few hours to relax and sleep before they had to leave for the airport.
           "Boarding group C,“ reverberated through the large room, an excited Gabby shooting up from her seat. C, because both Gabrielle and Nicholas’ last names started with letters towards the end of the alphabet. Soon, however, her last name wouldn’t start with a W anymore—but they’d still be in the same boarding group. "You ready, babe?” She asked her handsome man, unable to hide her excitement. It’s not like she was jumping up and down in the terminal, but if people wouldn’t glare at her with judgmental expressions, she probably would. Not only did they deserve the fuck out of this trip, but doing this together, sharing some quality time, well, it was much, much needed. Less than ten minutes later, the pair had loaded their carry-on’s into the overhead, personal items at their feet. With a little nudge in the shoulder, Gabby looked at Nick, eyes gleaming, “It’s happening, we’re going to New Orleans,” she whispered, as she buckled herself in.
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Even though Nick hadn’t been in an airport in a while he was still a natural at them, and the man was perfectly comfortable in them as well. Surely enough, Gabby packed away their save the dates in her personal bag so they could both work on them while they sat at their gate, waiting for the plane that would take them away on their first official vacation together to arrive. He caught himself gazing at her while she focused on her perfect penmanship - yet another thing that astounded Nicholas when it came to Gabby. Did she have any flaws? No, didn’t look like it. He left the writing to her, and he became rather proficient at putting the cards into their rightful envelopes and sealing them shut to be mailed later on. How could would it be to mail them off from New Orleans? Just a special touch, he thought.
When their boarding group was called Nick stood up and stretched, a yawn leaving his mouth before he extended the handle of his carryon and started to roll it towards the way of the line. “Hell yeah I’m ready,” he laughed, reaching to give Gabby’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. It was fun, seeing her so excited, and seeing her carrying her things reminded him of just the year before when they’d made their road trip to her parents’ house in Virginia, the place he’d first told this woman he loved her. Her excitement was apparent all the way through the cabin of the plane, while she put her bag in the overhead compartment, and while Nick finally got the time to take his seat next to her. He was thankful they’d managed to find seats next to each other - he didn’t know if any stranger would be able to muster up the same excitement Gabby displayed for going on this trip.
“We’re going to New Orleans,” Nicholas repeated, then leaned in to kiss Gabby’s cheek. “You’ve gotta save some of that energy for when we’re there, you know? We’ve got stuff to do, things to see. Food to eat!” He was the most excited about that, and he’d insisted on only snacking at the airport instead of eating a full meal. He wanted to be able to stuff himself once he was there. “Just a couple more hours and then we’ll be worry free in the Big Easy.” Nick moved his arm over his arm rest, taking Gabby’s hand in his. Sure, she’d probably be back to filling out cards the rest of the flight, but just a few moments of closeness between them was enough to hold him over. 
The flight was a good one - long, seeing as it was non-stop, but good. Nick could feel his heart racing when the plane finally touched down, the different atmosphere of New Orleans swallowing them up as it rolled to its rightful gate. The couple let most of the plane exit before them, neither of them fond of fighting people over getting their belongings or having to wait too long for their checked bags once they got off the plane. “I’ve already got us an Uber,” Nick said, looking down at his phone once they stepped into the Louisiana humidity. “Definitely feels different here, doesn’t it? I knew it would be hot, but not like this.” He sighed then smirked, knowing he’d probably ditching any ounce of clothing while he slept at night. And being naked in bed every night with Gabby? That wasn’t something he could complain about. “Hotel Monteleone,” Nick said in his best French accent. “I can’t wait to see if it looks as good in person as it did online.”
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new orleans // summer 2019
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nicholasthompson · 5 years
One thing that the pair would be able to count on is the fact that they wouldn’t be short of anything on their trip. When it comes to packing… well, Gabby could be an over-packer. Not, like, a crazy over-packer, but she always wanted to make sure she thought of everything, even if they wouldn’t necessarily need to use it. Would they need a lint roller? Probably not. But that small chance was still a chance… so it was in the pile. Would they need three packs of gum for their plane ride? Hell no… but there it was. Would she need ten dresses plus twelve full outfits? More than likely, no. But she always tried to think of all the possibilities. What if she wanted to change into a dress once the sun set? What if she wanted to put on a pair of workout pants and a casual t-shirt to walkaround with her man? There was a method to her madness, whether it seemed that way or not.
As she stood there with her clipboard, she felt this sense of satisfaction. Over the years, she had definitely grown as a leader, figuring out all the twists and turns of being in charge, and, well, kicking ass. And as weird as it may sound, she felt she was also kicking when it came to organizing their vacation essentials, too. “Toiletries are my least favorite part of packing,” she spoke aloud, making a face at the idea. “I used to pack travel sizes of everything and it was such a pain. Now I just opt for full sizes,” she said with a shrug, placing her clipboard down on the bed. “I realized over time that it’s so much easier that way. I wasted so much time…” Laughter bubbles up from the back of her throat at the thought, head shaking back and forth. Ya live and ya learn. She’d begun rolling some blouses to place in her packing cubes, tapping her foot subconsciously to the beat of the song playing. Who packed without music playing in the background? She couldn’t imagine. “You know,” she started to say, amusedly. “There is such a thing as drying off the shampoo bottle…”
When she noticed Nicholas coming to her side of the room, she stopped what she was doing to give him all of her attention, turning to look at him with a sweet smile. “And no one deserves this trip more than you, my love,” Gabby started to say. “I might deserve it a little bit too, but you, well—don’t even get me started on how hardworking you are. I feel so bad we couldn’t take a trip any earlier than this, but it’s finally here. Some much needed quality time…” She paused for a second as she watched his face. “I kinda wish we could too. You know, just transport there with the snap of a finger. But thank goodness we were able to find a nonstop flight. Once we’re on, we’ll be there in a little over three hours. But I can guarantee I won’t be able to fall asleep…"Gabby laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "I’m always too excited or too nervous to sleep on planes. Unless it’s a long ass flight, then maybe that’d be different, but for three hours? Maybe I can get some writing done… or maybe we could play some cards? Listen to some music? Or maybe watch a movie. Ooh ooh, we can wedding plan?” Then she realized she was going on and on, her smile turning slightly sheepish. ���Don’t mind me. I just can’t wait."Gabrielle laughed, her arms wrapping around Nicholas’ neck loosely.  
The excitement in Nick’s voice warmed Gabby’s heart as she watched his face, corners of her lips turning up yet again in her pretty smile. "So basically, everything,” she chimed in, nose scrunching in excitement of her own. “Oh, you’ll drink all that history stuff up. I look forward to seeing you in your element…” She wouldn’t mind hearing him talk about all the little historical things he liked about the area. Quite honestly, she could listen to him talk about anything and not be bored, even if it wasn’t something she, herself, was passionate about. Hearing someone whom she is totally in love with talk about anything he was passionate about was music to her ears. Hell, he could talk about combing his hair or about doing laundry and she’d sit there with her chin in the palm of her hand. Weird, right? Another wave of laughter escaped her upon his last comment, brows wiggling in response. “Moaning, huh? You have some plans for us?” The dark-haired girl winked in his direction, giving him a squeeze as she peppered his cheek with light kisses. “You know I’m up for it.”
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“Full sizes are where it’s at. You don’t have to buy containers that you lose the instant you get home,” Nick complained; he was organized, but travel containers were one of those things that always managed to slip out of his grasps. “You don’t have to waste the time, like you said. And,” he paused for dramatic effect. “You don’t end up running out of whatever you need and having to buy more.” His nose scrunched at her suggestion. "And touch nasty, cold, leftover shower water? No babe, just no.” If that was one pet peeve Nick had, it was the feeling of something cold and slimy - the same reason why dishes were always rinsed or washed completely the second they were ever put in his sink. Why let food get cold and disgusting only to have to touch it later? Maybe it was his own personal preference, maybe it was years of his mother training him to be neat in the kitchen when he was growing up. 
Nick smiled as he listened to Gabby ramble on and on. She had a habit of doing just that, the ability to talk about anything for as long as he would let her - and let her he would. Her voice was still as intoxicating to him as it was when he’d first caught feelings for her, and he could listen to her talk about anything until he fell asleep, from her book, their wedding, to what brand of toilet paper she preferred. If that wasn’t love he didn’t know what was. “I think I pick wedding planning,” Nick piped in, not that it would make their wedding date come any faster at all. It was simply enjoyable to think about. “I can take some of our planners in my bag to make sure you have room in yours. God knows that if you carried them all you’d have to check it too.” That organization, he thought to himself. Was it possible to write one too many memos to one’s self?
Being in his element...it was interesting how in his element Nick had come to be in teaching history. Granted, part of the reason why he’d taken that job specifically was for the coaching position that came along with it, fitting him into the category of social studies teachers who also coach sports. He was good at both, though, and passionate about his students whether they were in the classroom or on the field. Teaching brought a new joy to him that he’d never really felt before, the ability to shape a young person’s life quickly becoming one of the most fulfilling things Nick had ever experienced. “It’s going to be great. My parents and I talked about going there sometime. They would have enjoyed it, I’m sure. Mom would have loved the food. Hell, I’m talking like I’ve already been. I just want to make sure I can do everything they would have wanted to do, you know?” It wasn’t his responsibility by any means to check off things on his parents’ bucket lists, but somehow Nick felt closer to him by attempting to fill their shoes. “The first thing I want to do is get beignets at Cafe du Monde.” He could taste them already, or what he could imagine they tasted like by the beignets he’d tried in the past. He knew they’d be better, though.
“Maybe I have some plans for us, maybe I don’t.” The look on his face and the grip around her waist said otherwise, a familiar glimmer in his eyes when he thought of getting into their hotel bed. “Shame on me,” Nick whispered, then pressed a soft kiss to Gabby’s lips. “Don’t want to distract you with dirty thoughts while you’re packing.” One more kiss was followed by a smirk and Nick walked away, grabbing his completely dried shampoos and other bottles to pack away, zipping them into a plastic pouch just in case they leaked. “I think I might have everything I need,” Nick thought aloud, glancing at the razor by his sink and deciding that not shaving a couple of days would be easier than packing yet another thing. 
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new orleans // summer 2019
24 notes · View notes
nicholasthompson · 5 years
           It was still new to her. The idea of being engaged, that is. Which, in a way, is kinda crazy. It’d been almost eight months since Nick proposed to Gabby. Shouldn’t that be enough time to come down from such a high? One would think. But every time she looked down at her hand and saw that beautiful ring, every time she so much as looked in his direction, every time she would get lost in her thoughts—she remembered that she was engaged to the best man she ever could’ve possibly scored. It wasn’t the kind of thing where she got so excited she had to scream it from the rooftops whenever it came to mind (because that’d get annoying real quick), but it was on her mind quite frequently. Often times she just couldn’t wrap her mind around how she got so lucky. 
           And well, this was her first vacation as an engaged woman. Gabby usually tried to take a few trips throughout the year, but even since shortly after meeting Nick, her life had gotten a lot busier. With the cafe picking up and Nick getting a teaching slash coaching job, trips weren’t their first priority. Technically, this was their first official vacation as a couple, besides the few trips they’d taken to her visit her family. They were going to New Orleans—the home of delicious cuisine, beautiful music, and wonderful culture. Neither of them had ever been there, so it seemed fitting, different. Everything at the cafe was covered, and Nick had been working diligently to get ready for the upcoming school year. And they were more than looking forward to this two-week vacation.
           It’s no surprise that Gabrielle is a planner and an organized one at that. She’d created a packing checklist for them to go by, consisting of everything they’d need from undergarments and toothbrushes to IDs and plane tickets. A clipboard in hand and a pen tapping away at it, eyes scanned down the list, taking note of the checkmarks along the way. “Socks, underwear, dresses, swimsuits, vitamins, chargers…” She mumbled under her breath, taking a little glance over at their bed, which was filled with countless items. Her stuff on one side, Nick’s on the other, just so it was easier to make sure they had what they needed. “Babe, how you doing over there?” Gabby asked, brows raised with a cute grin. “12 hours ‘til our flight, 10 ‘til we get to the airport.” She reminded excitedly, as she’d been doing throughout the day, just to keep a countdown. ////////// @nicholasthompson
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Gabby Welch could never cease to amaze Nick, the man walking into their shared bedroom in his Brooklyn home to find what he could only assume what was everything they could possibly need - maybe even more - spread on the bed and waiting to be packed away into luggage that they’d see again when they arrived in New Orleans. Nick always wanted to go there but never quite found the time while he was in control of the Thompson family marketing firm. The constant phone calls, conferences, and office hours kept him tied down to New York, and even though he’d slowly been letting go of his key responsibilities over the company for the past few years he’d always felt too unhappy to get himself to get on a plain and travel somewhere new. He didn’t deserve it, he thought to himself time and time again. Work was his life, a punishment for whatever he’d done to the universe to make it hate him.
All that changed with Gabby, with a little help from his new job as a teacher too. Nick was still the reigning president of his father’s company; he could never fully let it go, and he would always be the last in line for vital decision making. Still, since he got engaged he managed to loosen the reigns and give some of his most trusted team members more freedom to in turn give himself the same thing. That, and his new teaching job left summers wide open to take time to relax and enjoy time off. A lot of it, too. The end of his first summer vacation since college was drawing near, but he and his fiancee had been planning on ending it with a big bang. New Orleans was the biggest bang they could come up with. 
“I’m uh...you know, I think you’re handling it all pretty well.” Nick had already dropped Gus off with a close friend of the couple to keep him for the days to come, and had just walked through the door before making his way back to the bedroom where Gabby was packing. “I just have to pack my toiletries. You know how much I hate packing a wet shampoo bottle.” He stuck his tongue out and went into the bathroom where he’d left his shower essentials to dry overnight. He’d throw them in a checked bag rather than a carry on. Who wanted to waste time dumping soaps and gels into travel bottles when there was so much else to be done?
“I wish we could fast forward having to wait. I’m beyond ready for this trip.” He’d barely slept the night before, staring at the ceiling the majority of the night while he listened to Gabby sleeping next to him. Anxious jitters, he’d thought to himself. A good anxious, of course. “I wouldn’t mind fast forwarding through the flight too, but we can’t have everything we want, can we?” He gravitated to Gabby’s side of the room, sliding his arms around her waist once the gap between them was closed. “I’m ready for beignets,” He started, giving her a small squeeze. “I’m ready for the night life.” Another squeeze, then a kiss on the cheek. “The history!” That certainly excited him, getting to tour the historic buildings of the French Quarter. “Convincing our hotel neighbors that their rooms are haunted when they hear moaning coming from next door...” His smile morphed into a devious smirk, laughter residing in his throat. 
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new orleans // summer 2019
24 notes · View notes
nicholasthompson · 6 years
Yes. A million times yes.
Nick hadn’t realized he was holding his breath until he heard those words move past Gabrielle’s lips. For months he’d been planning this engagement, which was bizarre to say knowing that he and Gabby had only been dating for five officially - six by the time New Year’s would come around. He’d known so soon that he and Gabby would be forever, that he wanted to marry her, to welcome a child into their lives in any way they could, though even if they couldn’t he’d still be happy as hell to spend every waking day with the love of his life. 
He almost didn’t know what to do after she’d said those fateful words, the man still down on one knee, diamond ring still in his hands, all while he did his best to process the fact that what he’d been dreaming of was really happening, that he’d finally be able to marry the true love of his life. They weren’t going through the motions, they weren’t getting married simply because it was the next step, this was it. She’d said yes, and this was it.
“You...you will?” Nick finally stuttered, standing slowly from the position he’d held on his knee for what felt like an eternity now. “You want to marry me?” It was silly to ask but he just couldn’t seem to help himself. “You want to be my wife?” Gently, Nick outstretched his hands and cupped Gabby’s face, thumbing away the tears that stained her cheeks no matter how happy they were. It was strange to think, unbelievable even, that only months ago Nicholas had been in the darkest part of his life. Growing older could be hard on anyone, and as he reached his late thirties Nick couldn’t help but wonder if being alone was something he’d have to be used to in his older years, if he’d ever find someone that really loved him and wouldn’t leave. He’d been so ready to give up when this angel of a woman came into his life and saved him from the hopeless stance he’d taken on life, and now she’d agreed to be his forever.
“J-Jesus, Gabby,” The man whimpered, tears beginning to fall from his own honey-brown eyes. His hands shakily moved from Gabby’s face to clasp her left hand and finally put the sparkling engagement ring on the appropriate finger, the dainty piece of jewelry sliding on and fitting perfectly on its new home. “It’s perfect,” Nick said, his gaze lingering on the jewels before locking eyes with his girlfriend - his fiancée.
It was his own heartbeat echoing in his ears that pulled Nick out of the daze that he was in, the man suddenly feeling the hot rush of emotions that he’d expected to come along with getting engaged to Gabby. A smile spread wide across his lips, his pearly whites gleaming in delight. 
“We’re getting married,” he said. “We’re getting fucking married, baby!” In a swift gesture Nick wrapped his arms around Gabby and scooped her up, holding her against him in the same way he’d done when they’d first expressed their love for each other, then spun excitedly with her in his arms. Laughter from both of them filled the air, Nicholas Thompson hardly able to control himself. “Gabby....Gabby Thomspon,” he panted out when they finally came to a halt. “Mrs. Thompson. Gabby, I promise I’m going to be the best husband to you...better than you’ve ever imagined. I won’t disappoint you. I don’t think I could live with myself if I did. I love you so much. I’ll always love you this much.” A tender smile on his face and every feeling that rushed through him finally settling down, Nick pulled his love closer and pressed a long, loving kiss to her lips. 
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nicholasthompson · 6 years
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@nicholasthompson UPLOADED A PHOTO:
→ Taking this picture almost half a year ago I never would have imagined being so deeply in love with every single aspect of you. You're everything I've ever wanted and needed packed into the most beautiful woman to walk this planet, and I'm happy (and a little dazed) to know I get to have forever with you. Thank you so much to my wonderful, perfect, future Mrs. Thompson. I love you. @gabby-welch
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nicholasthompson · 6 years
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nicholasthompson · 6 years
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Car Camping in the Eastern Sierras.
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nicholasthompson · 6 years
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By damienaweidner
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nicholasthompson · 6 years
“I guess that would help! Frankly, I think I’m still a bit like a teenager that way myself. I’m far too easily bribed with food– and you had better not use that against me, now that I know about your shady candy dealings,” Rachel joked, pointing a mock-threatening finger at him. “Wow, student council then, and a teacher now? You must really love school, man.”
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“If you ever saw the food that I can eat you would know I could never shame anyone for what they snack on. It’s a good thing the rest of my diet is pretty good and I get to the gym enough that I don’t look like I’m a candy disposal,” Nick insisted, grinning. “I did a few extracurriculars in high school, but it’s only my first year teaching at the moment. Kind of a pre-mid-life crisis, I guess. I had the impulse to try it so I am.”
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nicholasthompson · 6 years
“Wow, you’ve got great vision to already be thinking ahead to Valentine’s Day. Either way, I’m rearing to go for that clearance candy–the true bargain hunter always shops the day after the holidays. I’m still living off of all that discounted Halloween candy I got. Frankly, I still might even have some Valentine’s Day candy from last year floating around, I bought so many of those stupid candy hearts. You know the ones that say ‘be mine’ and ‘hug me’ that taste like a mixture of chalk and childhood dreams? I don’t know what I was thinking with that one, honestly.”
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“Maybe it helps that I’m in a relationship for the first time in years to be thinking about it. Also helps that I now teach teenagers with big appetites that will do almost anything for you if you toss a couple pieces of candy their way.” Nick almost felt guilty admitting that....almost. Hell, if a little bribery worked from time to time then bribery there would be. “I hate those things - maybe because I got stuck delivering them all Valentine’s Day long while I was in school thanks to student council fundraisers. That and the hint of chalk.”
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nicholasthompson · 6 years
“Ya know, that id definitely the first bet i’ve ever encountered based solely on the retail trends in candy.” Ollie mused, chuckling. Is that what teachers placed bets on these days? He guessed it was more appropriate or whatever than what students were hooking up or whether or not a kid would sleep through a lecture. “But if I had to guess i’d say the first or second week of January? Like, solidly around the 7th or 8th day mark.  I don’t know why but I feel like some places like to let christmas fade out a bit versus the post thanksgiving slam into christmas.”
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“Some of our students were going on about it so naturally we’ve heard it enough that we’ve picked up on it. There’s that and the fact that one of our coworkers had a wreath hung on her door days before we were even out of school for Thanksgiving. I feel like we all need time to calm down between holidays before moving on to the next.”
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nicholasthompson · 6 years
Magnolia tried her best to look interested but the guy lost her the moment he started talking about Valentine’s Day. Would it be too rude if she just yawned? Probably. She pressed her lips together before parting her lips to speak, “Do you seriously eat that much candy?” Magnolia asked, raising her brow. “If you were nine, I would understand but you do seem a tad old to be this obsessed with candy canes.”
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“You seem a tad young to be so bored,” Nick fired back, head cocking sideways while he tried to figure the woman out. “I think what I choose to consume is up to me, being my age. Besides, I think anyone should be more concerned over how early marketing begins for particular holidays and how much they’re pushed on consumers to buy more and buy earlier. More money for big business while the rest of the world goes broke the longer they have to spend, spend, spend.”
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nicholasthompson · 6 years
where we should be . n&g
       ✕          date: december 24, 2018
The thought of a merry Christmas used to be an idea that Nicholas Thompson scoffed at. It had been years since he’d experienced just that, the last time being the Christmas just before his parents both tragically passed away. He’d separated from his fiancee soon after that, ultimately losing any type of family that he could spend the holiday season with. Some would argue with that, seeing as his father had family in the states, not to far off from Nick himself, but the young man couldn’t stand the thought of being near any of them anymore after their lack of empathy for him, how he turned into a stranger to them without Robert and Camilla to give reason to come around and visit. They didn’t deserve to see him anymore, Nick told himself, always making a weak attempt to try to feel better about feeling so alone.
He did it to himself for years after that, not bothering to make many new friends or appear at parties he was invited to. There was a fear there, that if he got to close to anyone they might be taken from him too, no matter how little sense that truly made. The extent of it all reached as far as the firm’s Christmas party, playing Dirty Santa after a few drinks before dragging himself home again to sit and be sad. Gus made things easier, Nick finding him toys and treats to give him, the little dachshund being the replacement for family. No, he didn’t hold conversations and he didn’t give gifts back, but Nick could care for him for a while that would hold him over.
More recent years gave way for cravings to want to be with a family again, sadness seeping through the cracks in the walls Nick had built once more. He started to feel how alone he was, watching families visiting each other in his neighborhood, bringing home trees that lit up their windows with a warm glow, hearing the joyful laughter from kids playing with their new toys on Christmas day. 
He hadn’t expected an answer to his wishes to come so suddenly, in a cabin tucked in the mountains of the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, just outside of Seattle and Bellevue, surrounded by a family that had so graciously taken him in. Maybe that wouldn’t have been so if it hadn’t been for the fact that he was head over heels in love with Gabrielle and made that clear to her parents and siblings, and Nick thanked every power he could think of for the fact that he was in her life, and consequently in the lives of the rest of the Welch family. 
Nick and Gabby had planned Christmas months before, knowing they wanted to do something special for the family since the Welch home in California would be playing host to Thanksgiving celebrations. This would be their turn to make everyone else comfortable, to take charge of the tree, the food, the activities they’d all have fun with together. The couple was thrilled, but there was a real chance that there was no one nearly as excited as Nicholas to be there, everyone present, warm thoughts of Christmas spirit wrapping him in a cozy embrace.
The morning of Christmas Eve was a busy one, Nick rising early to get to the kitchen before the rush of brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews could crowd around. There was work to be done, food to be prepared for the massive dinner they would come together at the table for later in the day, as well as gifts to be put out for the adults to exchange with one another so the children could have the spotlight to themselves on Christmas morning. But first came coffee, hot and dark, warming Nicholas from the inside out. Leaning against the kitchen counter, he debated on where to begin, what task to check off his list. Desserts could wait, Nick would ruin them if he tried his hand at baking of any kind. Gabby’s older brother and his wife had volunteered their time today to making the side dishes of their meal, even going as far as to offer their children to mixing and plating. Teach them young, they said, to be helpers, and Nick agreed. What kind of a cook would he be now if his mother hadn’t made him help her at a young age?
He’d been so deep in thought that he’d hardly noticed Gabby joining him in the kitchen, socked feet padding quietly across the hardwood floors to join him in sipping on a cup of coffee. “Good morning, Sunshine,” Nick whispered, leaning into her to press a soft kiss to her temple. “I’m glad you’re awake so you can tell me to stop overthinking Christmas dinner. Please?” He offered her a minuscule smirk before taking another long sip from his mug, inching his way in her direction of the countertop so their sides could be nudged against each other. “I’m excited for tonight. I think I did a pretty good job at playing Santa for you this year. But...don’t repeat that. Can’t have the kids catching wind. I think tonight’s going to be a good night. It even looks like Christmas outside.” Turning to the kitchen window, one could see a bright, white, snowy day unfolding before them, the twinkling lights that lined the wrap-around porch the perfect touch on a picturesque holiday landscape. “Feels kind of like something magical might happen tonight.” He knew very well what kind of magic he had up his own sleeve, or in his pocket to be specific, in store for the night, but Gabby would have to find out about that later. “You wanna help me make a little magic tonight, baby?” Dark eyes sparkled like the morning sun on the snow outside as he closed the gap between them even further, pressing a caffeine kiss on Gabrielle’s lips. 
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nicholasthompson · 6 years
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nicholasthompson · 6 years
Nathan couldn’t help but grin in amusement at the other male’s brief rant about vaping and gave a nod in agreement. “I know, right? You can’t tell me that shit’s healthier because god knows all this pina colada, passion fruit flavored crap is good for you. Only time will tell and I may be biased but I’d rather have the scent of my cigarettes around than all those sweet clouds of pretentious kids huffing out their smoke if you wanna call it that,” he chimed in, letting out a chuckle as he shook his head in disbelief. He truly didn’t understand most trends but that one? It was one he really couldn’t get into. “It sucks, honestly,” Nathan told him with a shrug. “Got into it when I was a teen, never really stopped,” he shared. “I think it’s a pretty unfortunate mix of mental and physical addiction with this,” Nathan held up his cigarette before putting it back into his pocket, sighing. “The question should be what haven’t I tried though,” he said with a smile, shaking his head. “To be fair, I probably haven’t tried hard enough in hindsight. I tried nicotine patches, gum, going cold turkey…which was probably the worst idea ever but you know - change doesn’t come easy.”
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“Pretentious! That’s the perfect word for it all. They really act like they’re high and mighty when they’re puffin’ that shit around. You know, I think I’d take the smell of cigarettes myself instead of all of that, and cigarettes smell disgusting...no offense,” he said, “I tried it, it gagged me. Guess it’s a good thing, though. Drinking was my vice, always has been, but I’ve been better about it in recent years. Seems easier to numb yourself to cope than to actually deal with the shit in your life, you know?” Nick nodded in agreement. He was doing his best to try and change his own habits, to get mental help from other people rather than bottling up every last thing that ailed his mind, but no matter how much effort he put forth his demons would win, shutting him up time and time again to suffer in silence. “Ever try hypnotism?”
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nicholasthompson · 6 years
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