nickadlcr · 5 years
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A Star Is Born (2018) dir. Bradley Cooper.
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nickadlcr · 5 years
“I don’t trust anyone, as a rule. It just causes problems. How are you, Nick? I assume your bar is suffering as usual from being my competition.” They really didn’t appeal to the same kind of crowd, so calling him her competition was a bit of a stretch, but one had to have one’s little joys in life, and engaging in competition with Nick Adler was one of hers. “Get me very drunk and I may even consider listening to whatever new movement jazz you have playing at that club of yours. It always sounds like a cat yowling. An out of tune cat, at that.”
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"Rude, my bar never suffers. One of my best customers happens to be your boss, actually,” he replied with a smirk, though that was a more friendly visit. Usually resulting in backroom poker and stupid, childish antics. “And, I’m very offended by your constant insults towards music enjoyed by a large population of people. I get it, you’re a heathen with no taste but no need to take it out on others Dora the Explorer.”
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nickadlcr · 5 years
It seemed that after the ball everyone was so somber she definitely didn’t question their motive and emotions but never in her life had she witnessed a mass group of people sharing similar if not the same emotions all at one period of time; “I would love one actually” speaking to the brunette as she hopped herself on a bar stool; “Coke no sugar please” her words forming a smile; “How are you today?”
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He didn’t even bother to say anything as she asked for something nonalcoholic, barely even rolling his eyes as he pushed himself off the bar and grabbed the soda valve so that he could pour her drink. “Oh peachy princess,” he replied, raising an eyebrow. “And yourself?”
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nickadlcr · 5 years
Her plan had been to spend as much time as possible as drunk as possible– not the easiest of feats but at this point she was waiving her, never buy your own drinks rule. Morgan settled in a barstool and paused for a moment at his question. “That doesn’t seem like the best way to make money.” She observed, though it didn’t stop her from taking advantage. “Whiskey and ginger ale, please.”
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"Actually, you’d be surprised. First drink, being free, makes people more amenable to spending money.” he replied, shrugging a little as he began to get her drink together. “More likely to actually buy another round, and then another. Besides, it’s not like I do it every night.”
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nickadlcr · 5 years
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“What about the first bottle?” Lukas took a seat at the bar, falling heavily into the chair. Regardless of what Nick’s answer was he fully planned on ordering an entire bottle of whatever top shelf scotch Nick felt like parting with and inviting the other man to join him. The quiet was something he was thankful for, for once.
He didn’t respond, merely grabbing one of the best bottles that he had without question. He knew that of all people, Lukas would need it and he intended to be there for the other man. Jonathan as well, he knew how hard both men had to be taking the loss at Blood Moon, and he had never felt more hopeless. Pouring Lukas a generous glass, he merely placed it down in front of him, leaning on the bar silently. 
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nickadlcr · 5 years
Val came in Nina’s and just sat down, wanting to forget everything that happened that night. He wanted to forget that he found out that Danielle was his progeny and that Val was her sire. He just wanted to..forget. “Johnny Walker, if you have it.” he said, thinking of the only drink he could have right now.
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He hadn’t seen much of the other vampire in recent weeks but given the man’s features, he wasn’t going to ask how he was doing. Valentin’s face said it all. “Coming right up.” he replied with a nod, as he glanced back at the man before pouring the drink he wanted. “Rough day?”
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nickadlcr · 5 years
Alex wasn’t really a drinker, but her head was swimming. Jack was dead, she had a sister she didn’t know about, and her father had been captured. It was a lot. Scout was spending some long overdue time with Briar and Alex had been out for a walk when she’d come across Nina’s. She hadn’t spoken to Delilah since everything and it was clear she had some kind of connection to Scout’s friend Nick so maybe she’d run into her. Taking a seat at the bar she nodded her head. “Uh yeah… um, something strong. I’m not really a drinker what would you recommend?” Alex asked him, toying with how to ask about Delilah. 
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He’d been glad when Scout’s humanity had come back, and that they hadn’t had to resort to using Briar to force him to turn it back on, but in hindsight, it had been the least of their worries. He felt a small twist of guilt in his chest as he watched her walk towards him, knowing that she’d found out about Delilah and her connection, and how hard it must be to process. He’d been watching Delilah go through the motions since she’d found out, and the aftermath of the revelation to Alex. It was a miracle he was even here without dragging her along so that he knew where she was at all times. “Something strong it is.” he replied, pouring out a drink for her before placing it down, “Rum and coke, strong but has the coke to balance it out.”
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nickadlcr · 5 years
Cat sat down at the bar and smiled at the man behind the bar. “Thanks so much.” She replied. She pulled out a bill and placed it in the tip jar and nodded. “Can I get a whiskey please?” Cat asked him. 
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"Neat?” he asked automatically, grabbing a glass from the rack to prep the drink. “Quiet night?”
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nickadlcr · 5 years
Having been safe inside her and Ryan’s home, the chaos of the Blood Moon hadn’t quite had its full effect on them. Whether it was lucky or not that they’d chosen to “retire” earlier than everyone else, Allison couldn’t say. Part of her was glad no harm had come to either of them, but… part of her had wanted to be out there and help people. Help in any way she could to prevent the tragedies that had befallen. She might not have been able to do that, but she was still able to be there for people in the aftermath. “Your finest non-alcoholic beverage, please,” Allison said by way of greeting, knowing it was otherwise superfluous information – at least to Nick. It was with a friendly albeit gentle smile that she took her seat, arms folded in under herself as she leaned onto the bar. “I just came to see how you were doing.”
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He had been expecting she wouldn’t want alcohol, having watched enough of the people in town to notice who came in for alcohol and who didn’t. Yet, where he would once tease or make some joke about being a bore he merely nodded in response and began to get Allison  his ‘finest’ non-alcoholic beverage, silently deciding to put a bit of Nick flair in it. “Fine.” he commented, though ‘fine’ wasn’t how he felt. On one hand, he had Scout back to normal and coming to terms with what he’d done whilst his emotions had been switched off. But on the other, there was the devastation that had occurred after. Madge, Jonathan’s loss stinging for the mere fact he could do nothing to help his friend. Then, there was the gut-wrenching moment he’d realized Delilah was missing and finding her after near Jack’s body... being helpless was a feeling he wasn’t used to and he was struggling to come to terms with it.  “You?” he asked in returned, as he placed a Shirley Temple on the bar with a flourish, and an umbrella added for extraness that no one asked for. 
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nickadlcr · 5 years
“I never thought I’d see the day you gave me a free drink.” She replied with a half-hearted smirk as she walked into the bar. Everything was out of whack for her at the moment, so she’d come to Nina’s for a sense of familiarity, and Nick’s generosity was throwing her a little. “But I won’t complain.” 
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"Don’t get too excited trouble, it’s just a drink. One drink.” he clarified though he was glad to see she’d made it through the ball in one piece. “Well, the offer has an expiration date, love. What’ll it be?”
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nickadlcr · 5 years
Bar hopping, thats what Elena was doing today. The loss of her brother hitting her harder than any other loss she had ever experienced. She needed more–needed to feel something. So she found her way to Nina’s  and took a seat. “Shit–really?” she asked, her voice cracking on the second word. “Thanks, seriously.” She said as she crossed her legs and leaned on the bar. 
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"Ye-- why does that keep surprising everyone?” the man replied in genuine confusion, the man wasn’t exactly known for generosity but he wasn’t exactly that much of a dick. As she sat down, he waited patiently for her order. “Well... what’ll it be?”
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nickadlcr · 5 years
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“Actually, I was going to ask for some of those peanuts you guys normally keep out on the counter but, shit– if it’s free?” Thomas casually slid his bum onto the stool and patted the polished surface in front of himself. “I’ll take the strongest stuff you got in this place.” Might as well go all out and get his freebie’s worth, right? 
"There’s always one that gets greedy,” he replied, rolling his eyes and grabbing a bag of said peanuts from beneath the counter to fill a pot just for him. Without saying a word he turned around poured the strongest, cheapest, one he had and placed it down on the counter. 
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nickadlcr · 5 years
“Great,” Darby said in a tone that indicated things were decidedly not great. “Can I get a bottle of your cheapest booze?” He’d been unable to locate a liquor store, so had resorted to walking into the nearest establishment that sold it. It was a risk, considering he wasn’t allowed in any place that sold alcohol for the next seven years, but he was banking on the fact that his parole officer was lazier than a sack of dirt.
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"Bold of you to assume I have cheap booze.” the man replied, though he pushed himself off the bar and began to have a quick glance over the bottles that he did have. With a sigh he grabbed the cheapest whiskey he had, “You can’t actually enjoy it though, given that it’s literally the cheapest shit ever that it can’t even possibly taste good.”
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nickadlcr · 5 years
A Jazz bar; the sight made her smile, she’d loved that period and given she’d finally finished moving in why not treat herself a little? Stepping inside her stiletto heels clicked against the floor as she walked over to the bar and (at the barkeep’s behest) took a seat, “My, this town is certainly welcoming. A gin on the rocks with a twist, please.” she requested with a smile, “I take it the lack of clientele is due to the recent tragic events here; I count myself somewhat lucky for arriving the day after they occurred.”
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A dry chuckle parted the man’s lips in response, “One way to put it.” he responded, he’d never been called welcoming in his entire life. At least, not in an innocent situation such as this. He gave a nod at her drink order and began to prepare the woman’s drink. “Mostly,” he admitted, it wasn’t like people were keen to go out partying so soon after so much death. “It’ll fill up a bit later.” he listened to what she had to say and shrugged, “Lucky... or just stupid. Why stick around after so much just happened?”
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nickadlcr · 5 years
@nickadlcr @emsawycr @pippawilde
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nickadlcr · 5 years
In a way, Astrid found herself craving to leave the town. The night had been a disaster; she almost killed Noah. Failed to kill Joslyn. The only good leverage was the fact that she knew something about Joslyn she could use in the long run, but even then, she wasn’t sure how long she could drag it out for. It wasn’t enough for her to stay around the Originals without knowing they would make her life a living hell. So she scheduled a meeting with her lawyers, going through the bits and pieces when it came to possibly selling the Yacht Club once more- or even managing it from a distance- yet the meeting didn’t prove itself to be productive at all. She was just making it out of their office, looking far more annoyed than she usually did when a voice called out to her, turning back around to face the other. “Yes?”
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He took a couple of steps to close the gap between him and the other vampire as she turned around, “You in a rush? I can come back later.” he replied, glancing over his shoulder before returning his gaze to hers. “Just saw you ahead and figured I’d catch you whilst I can.”
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nickadlcr · 5 years
Since the ball, Dora hadn’t really been able to devote herself to Purgatory with the same level of gusto that she normally possessed. If she was being honest, she just didn’t care that much. She should, it was her job, and Lukas trusted her to run the place well, which she obviously did. But the place just reeked of violence, desperation, and Malibu for some reason, and no matter how often she had the place cleaned, it maintained its ambience. She’d clearly done her job too well. Seeking refuge at Hair of the Dog, which she never willingly entered, since at least no one there was bleeding, she was trying to make new wardrobe decisions, but was finding herself distracted. “I need significantly more drinks. If I beat everyone at pool, does that win me some sort of award that can be exchanged for alcohol?”
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Since his altercation there a few months after his arrival in town, he’d not really made Hair of the Dog a place he frequented, especially when he had his own booze to keep him happy. But, he needed to see if Delilah was there, and so for her, he’d made an exception. Deciding to order a drink, he leaned against the bar and glanced around. An amused smile tugged at his lips as he heard the blonde speak, “No, if that was the case little Emma Sawyer would be rolling in them. Don’t trust her. You can trust me on that one.”
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