itsagentzero · 2 years
@taiinted gets a Chris starter
Vacation. The whole concept of it was so foreign to Chris. He had been an overachiever ever since he could remember, always on the move, always with something going on. It was, perhaps, the first time in his entire life that he actually took some time off for himself... And for Morgan too. He wouldn’t have kidnapped the hybrid on a long trip through Europe if he didn’t think this was something they both needed.
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“Alright, that’s it!” he muttered out of the blue, starting to take his jacket off. “I didn’t come all the way to Italy not to have a good time!”
They had been on the road for a week already, exploring places without any particular destination in mind. That’s how they came across that perfect looking lake in the woods, with nobody else in sight. Chris was usually the guy with a plan, at all times, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be spontaneous and mischievous.
“I’m going in. I highly suggest you join me. The water looks delicious.”
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lucent-luca · 3 years
who: @morgcnreyes​ when: evening. where: private beach.
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Luca was relatively accustomed to having Morgan around, though it was rare they found themselves without the company of their mutual friends. Still, there was so much they didn’t know about her, besides his best friend being smitten with her. Luca could see traces of Rich in Morgan, a softness and a kindness they somehow mastered that Luca was certain he was incapable of. It was obvious Rich loved her, and it was only in Luca’s nature to grow curious about the details his friend refused to share. Their group of friends slowly dwindled as the night continued, and then they had asked if she’d ever smoked a Backwood. Luca laid flat on his beach towel, the blunt at his lips as they focused on the stars above them. They passed the blunt to Morgan, their elbow barely grazing hers. “What does happiness look like to you?” Luca inquired in an almost teasing tone. His eyes fell on her, debating how honest her answer would be. “Would you consider yourself happy?” he asked, his tone more serious than before.
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wickedmilo · 3 years
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PLACE: Outside White Crest University TIMING: 10:05 PM SUMMARY: Milo approaches his old professor to ask her some suspiciously specific but definitely ‘hypothetical’ questions WRITING PARTNER: @mor-beck-more-problems CONTENT WARNINGS: Drug mentions, addiction mentions, mild references to PTSD
Milo felt a little ridiculous. It was beyond stupid to assume any professor had knowledge of the supernatural beyond what was taught on the curriculum, but he had been spending a lot of time around the university building due to his newfound friendship with Orion. And so many memories were resurfacing, memories of lectures on vampires, and discussions on werewolves. Presentations on witches, and how their representation in mainstream media was problematic. It was highly unlikely this focus meant anything more than Professor Beck had a secret love of Twilight. Honestly, absolutely nothing would surprise him at this point. But he had to try, he needed to try. Every day his control was growing stronger, albeit in incredibly small increments. But the work had to count for something, and settling into his new life was leaving him with far too much time to think. He still couldn’t remember very much of his death, and certainly no incriminating details that might lead him to discover the identity of his killer. But he did know the club had been crowded, he did know the nightlife was often frequented by students.  
It had been burning at the back of his mind, leaving him restless, and uncomfortable. With no culprit, with no sire to name, he couldn’t blame anybody but himself for his situation. Maybe if he could look into the eyes of the person who had taken his life, if he could ask them why they had decided to turn him, he could lift the weight from his shoulders, he could finally stop feeling responsible in some twisted, and soul destroying way. Sure, he had made a dumb, and reckless decision. His entire life had been composed of them for years. But that didn’t mean he deserved to die. That didn’t mean he deserved to be broken, and abandoned. Left to figure things out on his own. Night had only just fallen, and he didn’t trust himself to slip into the school building unnoticed when there were still so many people around. So he waited outside like some crazy stalker. He probably counted as one, who was he kidding? He had looked up the schedule for Beck’s classes online in the hope of catching her on her way to the parking lot. She had technically finished her final lecture but part of him was worried she might end up working overtime. Wasn’t that something professors liked to do? The last thing he wanted was to stand for hours, staring at the patch of grass where Dani had last attacked him.  
But for the first time in a long time, something seemed to go right. Dropping his cigarette to the floor, he recognised Beck as she hurried down the stone steps, and immediately began to make his way towards her. He wasn’t sure whether she would recognise him from her classes. He had graduated a year ago, and even then his attendance had been unreliable. When he did decide to make an appearance it was always smelling of pot, or coming down from the previous night’s substance of choice. “Professor Beck!” He called. “Uh, Morgan Beck?” Could he call her that? It felt weird, even though he was no longer one of her students. “Hey- I’m sorry, it’s- it’s Milo… Summers. You probably don’t remember me, but I was in your class a while back and I was wondering if I could maybe ask you some questions?”  
Morgan didn’t like to stay late on campus anymore. She thanked the mother of earth for longer days, but time still got away from her now and then. When Morgan noticed the darkening sky this time, she thought she heard the hunter child stepping out of a room, knife raised. Quickly, she threw her things into her bag and started hurrying out the building. She couldn’t figure out if she would be safer going down the service stairs or trying to chase some straggler students to walk with for safety and so zig zagged through each. As she came out on the main floor, she saw a group of boys outside the big lecture hall. They looked like they were about to leave, and maybe she could walk close enough behind them but it would only be safe if they really were just students. Hunters didn’t go in packs on campus, did they? If she found any like that, would she even stand a chance? How far would she get before they pinned her down? How loud would she have to scream for anyone to come running? Morgan tripped on the stone steps out the building as she rushed past them.  
She was moving so fast she didn’t see the other boy loitering nearby and when he called her name she screamed, backing away. But she knew this face. “M-milo,” she wheezed, trying to force air back into her lungs. “You startled me. I’m sorry.” She winced. “It’s good to see you again. I thought you graduated, though?” That wasn’t relevant. Morgan waved away the rest with her hand. “What is it that I can help you with, exactly? I’m heading home right now, to my family. They’re already expecting me. So, we can walk and talk, huh?” She looked briefly at the walkways that cut through the arts quad and set her sights on the one crowded with the most people. Not closest to the parking lot, but she could worry about that part later. “Scenic route sound good?” 
Milo flinched, almost stumbling backwards at the sheer force of the sound. Morgan’s scream seemed to echo in his ears and for a moment he took the time to curse his new heightened senses. “Fuck-” He breathed, staring at his old professor with a look of shock of his face. If he still needed oxygen he knew he would be catching his breath right about now. He shouldn’t judge really, there could be any number of reasons she was so easily scared. But it was the last reaction he had been expecting from her, and therefore the last reaction he had been prepared for. “No shit, I startled you.” He laughed, calming down after such a jarring response to his presence. In a way, it almost worked out. The distraction was making it far too easy not to dwell on why he was here, on what he was about to ask. “Yeah, last year.” He agreed, weirdly flattered that she remembered him although he doubted she didn’t have fond memories.  
At the mention of her family, he felt an unexpected pang of guilt. Maybe it wasn’t fair to approach her after work. If there had been any other way to do this, he liked to think he would have made the effort to find it. “I’m sorry,” he insisted. “We can walk and talk, it won’t take long.” He wasn’t sure why he was promising that when he couldn’t possibly know, but it felt like the right thing to say. “Uh…” A frown creased his brow as he eyed the route she was choosing to the parking lot. Something was definitely bothering her, but it wasn’t exactly his place to try and figure out what. “Sure?” He said, unable to hide the fact that he was a little confused by her behaviour. Brushing off any concern, he pushed down every part of himself not entirely convinced this was a good idea. He needed to find who had done this to him. Letting it go simply wasn’t an option, and Morgan Beck was his first lead. “I have some questions about- well, about the supernatural.”  
Morgan tried to cover her fright with a knowing laugh. This is fine! I’m definitely not freshly traumatized! The important thing was that Milo had agreed to walk with her along a nice, busy, public route with lots of witnesses. She made a point of waving to a faculty member as they walked. She didn’t know the woman, but she waved back awkwardly, trying to place Morgan in her head, and would therefore maybe remember her and who she was last seen with. She was so busy looking for someone else to spot her, someone she actually knew who might care a little bit, she almost missed Milo’s question. “The--supernatural? Like, um, one of the texts we studied? Or a project you’re doing on your own? Or--” Or the real thing. Including who and what she was. “Maybe if you could, uh, be more specific, I’ll know if I can help.” 
Unable to tear his gaze away from Morgan, her odd behaviour was becoming increasingly obvious to Milo. But he wasn’t sure pushing her to explain what was wrong would help either of them. If anything, it would probably result in her running from him, and he was so desperate for answers to his questions he couldn’t bring himself to risk it. If she continued to look so genuinely frightened, he would ask her before he left. Until then, he decided he would do his best to ignore the waves, the long routes, and the stumbling over her words. “Uh, no… not really.” He admitted, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “More like… whether you believe in it?” He mentally prepared himself for any number of reactions, namely laughter, or claims of his insanity. If there was a more subtle way of asking, one that didn’t make him sound like a conspiracy theorist, he would jump on it. But as far as he could tell, this was the only real way of being direct. “Look, I know it sounds…” Crazy, ridiculous, insane, like a terrible fucking joke. “I know it does- I’m only curious. You focused on it a lot in your lectures, you know?” 
He didn’t sound like he was goading her, Morgan had to admit. If he was a hunter, he sounded a lot more nervous than he had any reason to be. At last she slowed and turned to look at him beside her. She had killed too many people to believe she could tell what a murderer looked like. But he didn’t look like he was cutting her open in his mind. He looked sad, maybe even desperate. 
“I did, yeah,” she admitted quietly. “I believe in a lot of things most people don’t. Including a lot of the things I talked about in class. Not in the way, exactly, they’re portrayed in books. But those...ideas, those figures, those people…” She looked sidelong at Milo again. “I know of a lot more resources than novels written by humans. What is it that you’re afraid of telling me, Milo?”
Slowing to Morgan’s pace, Milo continued to watch her, almost analysing her to determine what was causing her so much stress. It was impossible to know, not without her telling him, but this town had thrown an impossible amount of shit his way, and he was beginning to realise he wasn’t the only person to fall victim to the Weird of White Crest. Was Morgan Beck stressed? Or had she seen something? Maybe something she wasn’t supposed to see? Surprised by her sudden shift in demeanour, her voice was quiet when she spoke again, and it forced him to focus. The panic of before seemed to fade away, replaced by a genuine softness that he remembered from her lectures. He hadn’t been expecting an immediate yes, and he couldn’t hide the fact that it had taken him by surprise, but he was immensely relieved to realise they might be on the same page... sort of. “Wait- you do?” He echoed, as though he needed confirmation before being able to accept what he was hearing. “You believe in the supernatural? You’re not fucking with me?” If he had been unsure of this meeting before, he was finally convinced he had approached the right person. She clearly wasn’t going to judge him, and she was willing to answer him honestly. That was good.
People. The word was emphasised in a way that only furthered his suspicion. It almost sounded as though she had argued with others in the past, debated whether supernatural creatures counted as people, or whether they should be written off as monsters. Nearly getting lost in thought, it took him a few seconds to register Morgan’s own question, and he came to a sudden halt, eyes wide as he was hit by the implications of what she was asking him. How did she know there was more to this conversation? How did she know there was more to who he was now? Reaching absentmindedly to rub at the base of his neck, the scars there were incredibly faint, barely noticeable to anybody who wouldn’t be able to recognise them for what they were. They were evidence of his struggle, of his change, a reminder of everything he had lost. Feeling them beneath his fingertips encouraged him to stay. If he left then he wasn’t going to learn anything, and he would be no closer to finding the person responsible for taking his life. “Nothing.” He insisted, a breathless laugh escaping him as he did everything he could to sound casual. “I mean- I just wanted to ask, you know? It doesn’t- it doesn’t mean anything. I don’t have anything to hide- I mean, I’m not hiding anything. This is all… strictly hypothetical.” 
Morgan didn’t miss the way Milo changed as soon as he heard her answer. She winced with guilt, remembering how upset Bex had been when she’d tried to deny the whole zombie regeneration thing. “I...do. Yes. I’m not fucking with you.” In a fairer world, this wouldn’t have to be such a fraught conversation, or a secret one. She wouldn’t have to wonder if one of her students was about to hurt her, or if she was walking into some sort of normie joke, or something else equally dangerous and stupid. 
Milo must have been making the same calculations in his head, because no sooner did she do that than did he backpedal away from her follow up questions. 
“I appreciate the whole ‘hypothetical’ thing, Milo, I do. But if you know something or saw something, if something happened to you…” She let out a long, stiff breath. “I’m not going to give you any shit if it happens to be something I’ve never heard of before. But I’ve had a year into the weird side of this town, so I’m pretty hard to surprise. Actually, you know what, I dare you to surprise me, hypothetically or not.”
Milo fell silent, too curious to know what his old professor wanted to say, but also too anxious to trust himself to speak without taking any time to filter his thoughts. It was uncomfortable, navigating such a strange conversation. He felt a little like he was walking on a tightrope. If he fell too far one way, he might never get the answer he was looking for. If he fell too far the other way, he might out himself as a vampire and potentially put himself in danger. A smile tugging at his lips, despite everything, he couldn’t help feeling amused by hearing a member of staff swear so openly. The humour very rapidly faded though, when he was reminded of why they were talking. If something happened to you… He wanted to ask whether something had happened to her, but he couldn’t seem to form the words. That wasn’t why he was here. He didn’t want to talk about what he was, he didn’t want to be asked about what he was. “Nothing happened to me.” He insisted, sounding more confident in the statement than he previously had, but answering too quickly to be convincing. “I told you, it’s hypothetical.” 
He wasn’t sure his company was going to believe him, but so long as he didn’t prove anything, so long as he didn’t outright admit anything to Morgan, then he was safe, right? She would write him off as weird, or overly curious, and nothing more. At least, that’s what he told himself in order to force out what he really wanted to discuss. “Okay… hypothetically,” he started, his voice slow as he attempted to gauge her reaction to his words. “Do you think there might be vampires at this college, and hypothetically, do you think these vampires maybe sometimes go to the bars and clubs downtown?”
Whatever lingering fears Morgan had about Milo being a hunter or hunter-adjacent fell away as he stumbled through his question. When he finally came out with it, she had to stop herself from smirking with how banal it turned out to be. “Hypothetically, yes,” she said. “Easily. I would be more surprised if there weren’t any, with how reckless and vulnerable undergrads are. And, hypothetically, vampires would just be people with an unfortunately limited appetite and sunlight aversion, so of course they’d do all the normal things people do. Maybe even be a part of night life even more. I mean, unless, you know, they hypothetically popped out of the grave as grr-argh spawn-y times. Because that’s, you know...possibly a thing.” Stars above, she hated this. 
At last Morgan stopped and turned to face Milo head on. “Milo, are you trying to say you maybe met a vampire at a club? Because if you met a vampire at a club and you like them and want to keep talking to them, there’s nothing wrong with that, you just need to have really clear communication and honesty to make you’re being careful with each other.”
The sense of satisfaction Milo felt when Morgan said yes was short lived. He had somebody who was telling him it was very possible the vampire who attacked him was attending the uni, or otherwise, might be an alumni. But he had been so focused on this step, he wasn’t sure how to move forward. What did he do with this now? Where did he go from here? Spawn-y. Huh. It wasn’t a term he had stumbled across and he was itching to ask what she meant, but sounding too eager would be counterproductive. He made a mental note to ask Harsh instead, adding it to the list already forming in his head. He really should start writing down his questions. No doubt the older vampire wouldn’t mind taking the time to answer them. Glancing up at the stars too, he frowned, unable to help himself. ‘Normal people’ because he was no longer normal. Because being supernatural wasn’t normal. 
It was only when she spoke again that he was pulled back out of his thoughts, and he turned to look at Morgan with outright disbelief. She was being so casual, she didn’t seem worried about sounding insane, or obsessed like some desperate Twilight fangirl. She was talking about vampires like she knew they existed, like they were unquestionably real, a part of every day life, and it was just that simple. She seemed to be relaxing somewhat, which was why he allowed a laugh to escape him. Jeez, how much easier would his life be right now if she was right? If his biggest problem was knowing a vampire... “Why do you talk like that?” He asked finally, unable to help himself. “Like you’re so sure it all exists? I haven’t met a vampire, because they aren’t real… right? Like, nobody has met a vampire.” She wasn’t going to agree with him after so readily admitting she believed in their existence, but he was trying to avoid any further suspicion. “I’m just… I just wanted to know what you thought. So, hypothetically… and not for- not for like, malicious reasons, if somebody wanted to find a vampire, do you know how would they go about doing that?” 
Morgan looked at Milo, unimpressed with his two steps forward, one step back pace. “You asked me what I thought and I told you I believe in a lot of weird shit. Why are you so surprised when I follow up with the truth? And I know it’s a struggle, working through your pride and your fear on one side and how much you want this information on the other side. Because people are rude and awful and having what you know about the world turned upside down is one heck of a process. But I don’t like talking about this stuff in detail until I know what it’s for. Or if, you know, hypothetically, it’s someone’s elaborate attempt to get something for their Tiktok feed. But, hypothetically, continuing from the premise that vampires are like people but dead and with blood and sun problems, finding one would probably depend on the vampire, wouldn’t it?” She looked at him archly, daring him to come clean.
Milo frowned, realising his bullshit was apparently transparent. He had never been a terrible liar, usually his lack of sobriety depended on being able to lie. But maybe things were different now, maybe too much was riding on this particular conversation. “I don’t have any pride.” He countered. “Or fear.” He added hurriedly, not wanting Morgan to assume he might be afraid. He wasn’t afraid, he refused to be afraid. As far as he was concerned, the person he was trying to find had already done their worst. Setting his jaw, he listened to her assurances, too frustrated by the fact that she was onto him to really appreciate her words. 
“Why would you care what it’s for?” He asked, wondering whether she knew more than he had first assumed. For a while, he had been under the impression she had seen something. Something to make her suspect, something to make her believe. Nothing more than that. But what if it was more than that? What if she knew someone? Or what if she wasn’t human herself? He had so many burning questions, but he knew it would be stupid to ask them. “Can we hypothetically say it’s for a book I’m writing?”
Morgan’s eyes narrowed. “Because the right information in the wrong hands can get people killed,” she replied evenly. “And no, a book isn’t good enough. I’m sorry. I get that you’re not ready to trust me. You weren’t exactly up in my office hours all the time. But I can’t talk about something like this in detail on a hypothetical that vague and tired. I’ve even used that one before.” She came close and squeezed his shoulder gently, softening again. “When you’re ready to talk, know I’m going to probably believe you, or at least listen attentively in good faith to what you have to say.” She winced, another obvious idea coming to her. “Unless you really are writing a book. In which case I fully support your writing endeavours, but I can’t ethically disclose certain information for your research. But I’ll read your drafts or whatever else you might want my help with!” She looked into his eyes, searching. She had no idea what was wrong with this kid, why he was so worked up about this that he’d come back to campus to find her, but she had a feeling it wasn’t anything nice or happy. “Are you taking good care of yourself, this stuff aside?”
Realistically, Milo knew he should appreciate Morgan’s discretion. In withholding the information, she was stopping people from getting to it who might genuinely be trying to harm vampires, to seek them out and hurt them. She was essentially protecting him, although hopefully she didn’t know that. Still, all he could feel was annoyance, and anger. He was so close to somebody who might be able to help him, who probably could help him, but he couldn’t tell her what he was. It didn’t feel right to be so outwardly open. The few people who knew had found out through means of their own. They were supernatural themselves, or they were Hunters, and Slayers. He had yet to volunteer the information, and doing so with somebody he barely knew felt like a ridiculous risk to take. It went against everything Harsh had told him about how to stay out of trouble. Glaring at her when she rested a hand on his shoulder, he begrudgingly took a breath so that she wouldn’t be able to feel the unnatural stillness of his chest. 
“I know you’re going to believe me, that’s the fucking problem.” He muttered, shrugging off her contact. “Fuck the ethics.” He continued, growing more frustrated with each passing second. “I already told you this isn’t malicious, what more do you want from me? It isn’t like I’m asking for a step by step guide on how to kill vampires, that isn’t why I’m here.” A bitter laugh escaping him when she asked him if he was taking care of himself, he wasn’t sure why it mattered. She wasn’t willing to help him, why should she give a shit about his wellbeing? “No.” He admitted, a petulant edge to his voice. “Self care isn’t really my thing.” 
“The fucking ethics are how we survive!” Morgan hissed. Then, realizing what she’d done, she added quickly, “All of us. Normie, not-normie, living, undead, everyone. And other people’s lives aren’t fodder for morbid fascination, just because they’re undead. There’s lots of ways to hurt people, Milo. I’d rather have the truth. I’ll take some proof that you aren’t being reckless, with yourself or this vampire person you’re looking for.” And Milo’s admission of not doing self care wasn’t helping her worry. Stars above, was this kid looking to get turned? On purpose?
“That’s not really encouraging, Milo,” she said softly. “This world you’re asking about isn’t Teen Wolf and Vampire Diaries bullshit. It’s not a game. Where are you staying right now, do you need a ride home?” 
Milo stared at Morgan, stunned into silence by her words before she hurriedly corrected herself, adding to her statement in an attempt to alter the meaning. Surely, he was being paranoid. Surely, he was imagining things. It didn’t make any sense. “Uh huh…” He said, his voice slow, and deliberate. Making it clear he didn’t believe she was saying what she really meant. She had done the very same thing to him. If they were going to incessantly dance around the subject, he was going to make her work equally as hard. “Sure.” He continued to glare, his annoyance incredibly evident in his expression. I’d rather have the truth. He wanted to bite back, to tell her she hadn’t earned it, he wasn’t going to give it away quite so easily. But he forced himself to hold his tongue. “Reckless how?” He demanded. “Honestly, look at me.” He gestured to his slim frame, knowing his body appeared far weaker than it actually was. “What do you think I’m going to do? Go on some mad vampire killing spree? I don’t get it, I’m not exactly asking for sensitive information.” He didn’t care about how to kill, or how to trap. He only wanted to find someone. That felt innocent enough. 
He let a bitter laugh escape him, feigning derision at the mention of the two CW shows. “I don’t know whether to be more offended by the fact that you think I watch those shows, or the fact that you think I take them as fucking truth.” He snapped. Half being serious as he realised she clearly did think he believed those shows were accurate representations of supernatural life. Jeez, he must have given a really bad impression during the time he spent in her classes. “Don’t pretend you care.” He let out a huff of breath, pushing his hair back away from his face. He was already desperate for another cigarette, for a way to dispel the anger settling in his chest. “If you gave a shit you’d help me, I don’t need a ride home.” 
“There are lots of ways to be reckless, Milo!” Morgan said. “If you really think vampire-murder is the only stupid thing you could try to do, you are way too human for what you are looking into. The fact that you think there’s some generic catch-all method for finding one, that you don’t see how telling you how to stalk them without any context--” She shook her head, baffled, then took a breath. Milo was in over his head. He didn’t know what he was doing, and he had to be horribly, painfully desperate to be going after something like this so hard.
After a slow exhale, she said more softly, “I do give a shit. Many, actually. But I am not going to help you destroy yourself. Whatever is really making you this miserable and desperate, yes, I will help you with, however I can. But there is nothing good down this road. I can promise you that much. I know this isn’t what you were hoping for, and I’m sorry for that. I’m sorry it hurts. I know it has to hurt so badly right now, but going after this isn’t the way.” She reached into her bag and wrote her number and social media info on a post-it. “Will you take this, please? I really do want to help, Milo. Just not in a way that will make things worse for you later.”
Milo allowed a bitter laugh to escape him, unable to believe he was being called too human. He played off his amusement, directing it towards the former half of Morgan’s statement. “I’ve been plenty stupid in the past, and I’m still here.” He countered. “I don’t think there’s some generic method, that’s literally why I’m asking you for help. But whatever- it’s pretty clear I’m not about to get any.” Continuing to glare at his old professor, raising his eyebrows to show her he didn’t believe a word she was telling him, he crossed his arms over his chest. It felt good to put a barrier between them both, as though he could protect himself from the hurt and frustration of getting absolutely nowhere. But it also allowed him to hide his clenched fists, hide just how angry he actually was. “Why does everybody think I’m out to destroy myself?” He demanded, although he already knew the answer. It was painfully obvious, after all. He had given people so many reasons to be concerned for his well being, obviously they were going to take notice. 
Setting his jaw as Morgan attempted to assure him, the speech was dangerously close to the one his mom used to give him when she found him curled up on the bathroom floor, or shivering in his bed after a difficult comedown. The sentiment hadn’t worked back then, and it wasn’t about to work now. “You don’t know shit.” He snapped, annoyed she was presuming to understand what he was going through. “But thanks,” he snatched the number, resisting the urge to tear it to shreds. It might be useful in the future, he had no way of knowing, and he didn’t want to take that kind of risk. “I guess I’ll call you if I ever need someone to make me feel like an idiot.” He muttered, crumpling the paper, forcing it into the pocket of his hoodie. “Have a good night- or don’t. I’m not going to pretend to care.” Turning on his heel before Morgan could comment, he found a spiteful sense of satisfaction in leaving her alone when she was so obviously feeling nervous. Maybe later that satisfaction would turn to guilt, but for now he allowed himself to revel in it. He was going to find this vampire, with or without her help. And if he got himself into trouble doing so, well, she would just have to deal with being partially responsible.
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natusvincere · 3 years
[pm] Hey. Are you okay?
[pm] I don't know if I've ever been oka
How dare you fucking imply the things you did and then ask if I'm okay
I don't want to do this anymore
Nothing makes sense, Morga
I don't know
I'm fine. Have you seen my knife?
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asher-mccarthy · 3 years
Asher: I remembered the other day that time when I was like ten and you were six and we found that mud puddle outside my house. I remember we spent the afternoon using it like a spa until my mother came out and found us. She was so mad about how dirty my clothes were!
Asher: Anyway. We should meet up and reminisce about how easy it was being a kid.
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submissivejberry · 4 years
PM: Hey, so Finn said you could come to the formal with us if you still want to.
PM: He did? That’s awesome, Morgan! It’d be my pleasure to come with you guys, but most especially with you.
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g0t-ri5h · 4 years
@mor-beck-more-problems replied
[pm] Me too. And I'm sorry for what it's worth, about...all that. I didn't think something like that was going to happen on the school campus. 
[pm] You can’t control the weather, no need to apologise. That was my first tornado. I can’t believe how much destruction it caused, and in such a targeted area.
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a-bugz-life · 4 years
@mor-beck-more-problems​ replied to your post:
[PM] ...Do I wanna know what this is really about?
[pm] Let’s just say maybe don’t put on a halloween costume this year... 
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tasmyn-pearce · 4 years
[user is screaming idle]
[pm] You know, I’m really good when it comes to getting into the rings right now, but I will seriously consider doing something else to celebrate the rings. If they’re uh, sooooo so awesome, there’s gotta be other ways to uuuh experience the joy, right?
[pm] Hmmm... do you want to go steal some stuff with me???? Doesn’t really honor the rings but it’s still so much fun! 
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nelllraiser · 5 years
which witch — morgan & nell
Penelope wasn’t the biggest of online shoppers, mostly because for the majority of the last five years she hadn’t really had a permanent address to send to. Travelling the world in search of monsters and just generic adventure didn’t exactly make buying things from Amazon or otherwise convenient. Generally, she was gone too fast to receive anything she ordered. But now with being in White Crest, she’d begun to foray into the world of things such as Ebay and Etsy and what not. 
Such had been how she’d come to order a few things from a self-proclaimed ‘Witchy’ shop on Etsy. Of course, Nell had her doubts about how actually witchy they may be. After all, there were plenty of people who simply loved the aesthetic of witches, and covens, and spells, aka Nell’s actual life. But whatever. If people wanted to sell things that glorified who she was...she wouln’dt really complain. It was a bit flattering in the end, wasn’t it? 
Either way, she’d been excitedly and anxiously awaiting her package, watching the shipping from day one until it was meant to get here. Though..when she’d seen it was coming from White Crest she found it a little bit of an interesting coincidence. Nevertheless, she was ready for the package, and went outside as soon as it showed up as ‘delivered’ on her app. Only to find...someone else holding it? Immediately, she was defensive. “Hey! That’s mine! Give it back!”
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Girl’s Night In II Closed
There was a song on Jazz’s heart that yearned to get out on paper. Her heart felt almost as if it could burst with things that she wanted to write, and there were pages in her notebook filled with little possibilities from a singular night. Things like, “reborn heart”, “sour apple eyes”, “my heart awoke gasping from your electric kiss”, and “hips like Jagger with two left feet” yearned to get out from paper into the air.
However, Jazz knew she didn’t have time to get the song she was working on finished.
After multiple weeks of the girls being busy with their lives, Jazz finally managed to get Morgan and Lilith to agree on a night to not only celebrate her birthday but to have a girl’s night.
And Jazmine Phoenix Taylor did not play when it came to Girl’s Nights. Glass mason jars were packed with special bath concoctions for each of her friends. She carefully prepared special foods with spells inside of them that they could all share through the night. She washed Morgan and Lilith’s pajamas that Jazz kept over in her house. She prepared the guest rooms for her best friends if they wanted to sleep by themselves.
Her father had to present a paper over in Alabama, so she had the house completely to herself.
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She waited patiently for her friends in the living room with her guitar in her lap singing to herself, “Beautiful stranger, here you are in my arms and I know/ That beautiful strangers only come along to do me wrong/ And I hope, beautiful stranger, here you are in my arms...” But she paused as she heard a car door close.
Excitedly she ran to the door and swung it open, “It’s girl’s night!”
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joeyxjamesxdonahue · 4 years
Joey was in need of a major girl session. It was obvious that the blonde was still feeling the affects of what happened over graduation weekend. So she found herself looking for Morgan the girls had only briefly talked but the brunette had managed to make an impact on the blonde. Finding Morgan in the library, she walked up to her. “I know we don’t know each other that well but I need advice.” She briefly looked at the other and then starting fiddling with the bracelet around her wrist nervously. 
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cryxmercy · 4 years
[pm] Hey, are you okay after--everything?
{pm} Hey. I’m alright, yeah. Thanks. How’re you? That hand heal up okay? 
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natusvincere · 4 years
[pm] I'm okay. And so are the plants. Not all of them will survive the frost, but something new can come in their place after the thaw. Was there anything you wanted to talk about? Your note made it seem like there might be. ​
[pm] Somehow even dying flowers have a certain type of beauty. 
I am not very comfortable with sharing how I feel about things, especially in regards to my past. I ask that you remain patient while I attempt to over come that.
There was someone, once- when I was young and foolish.  It was quick and fleeting and ended in tragedy.  It is not something I share often. Thinking about it makes me angry, and so I reacted irrationally. I did not intend to imply that what you feel for your girlfriend   partner   friend girlfriend  isn’t real, and that wasn’t fair of me.  I’m sor I apol I hope that we can continue our chats as if it never happened.
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morgan-a-w · 4 years
In all honesty, Morgan should’ve seen this coming.
There was no one that knew her parents better than she did. She saw them turn their backs on their child before, so it wasn’t a surprise they did it again. However, it was too naive to expect a phone call would suffice to end their relationship with their daughter. They were very diplomatic and always finalized a deal in person.
Except this time it wasn’t really a deal. It couldn’t be when Morgan had no say in it. One day she was an Alexander-White, and the next day her mother talked and talked; pointing every little thing Morgan did wrong,e very little way she failed as their kid.
She said nothing while she stood in front of her parents at the side of Erickson, barely hidden by the tall trees around the murky waters of the lake. There was nothing for her to offer, and they never listened before. Her mother wouldn’t even pause her speech long enough for her to try and intercede.
There was green under her feet as she shuffled her shoes on the grass, trying to make herself as small as possible without abandoning the good posture she had learned by force. At least that was something her mother couldn’t criticize with her sharp tongue as she tore Morgan down to the core with her words.
Looking down was better than looking into her mother’s eyes; as blue as Morgan’s but oh so much crueler. Worse was perhaps the look on her father’s gaze; and apathetic look, bored and empty, whenever he looked at her.
Maybe he was too much of a coward to stand up to his wife. Maybe he was the hollowed shell of a man that had loved her when she was a kid; a man that would tuck her in bed every night. But long gone was the loving father that once filled her dreams with a thousand fairy tales.
One day he didn’t come at bedtime. He didn’t kiss her goodnight. He never uttered another word in her direction and that was that.
What had Morgan done for him to stop loving her? She wasn’t sure, as back then she was still just a child.
“You’ve always wanted your independence, and now you have it.“
Morgan couldn’t say all she ever wanted was to be loved, for them to support her as she chased her own dreams. She couldn’t say that she wanted to be their daughter and not just another accessory of their last name. But considering Charlie’s story as proof, the odds dictated all parents were like that.
“You’ll be on your own from today on. Let’s see if that stupid sport you insist on playing is helpful once the rest of your savings run out.“
She was no longer a part of their family, Morgan didn’t try to convince herself otherwise. But for all the hurt they were leaving behind, she wasn’t in the street; not completely and perhaps not by their design either. They had paid her scholarship at the start of the year, and all along they could only threaten soccer and her future.
There wasn’t much they could truly hold over her head except for home, and the resulting mix of anguish and relief was confusing.
“Your keys,“ her mother demanded with an extended hand.
Those extinguished the relief and made blue eyes sting with tears. But she wouldn’t shed them in front of their parents, she wouldn’t let them see just how much she cared when they did not.
She had the freedom to pursue soccer, to fight in the field for what she wanted the most, even if there was no place to call home outside of Erickson. Money was truly the last of her worries until the year ended; saving most of her allowances for the past few years added to a hefty sum and the various small local sponsors she had collected in her still young career didn’t hurt either. And yet the price to pay for her dream felt unbearably high.
Her fingers shook as she fished the keys from her pocket; separating the ones of her car from the ring that bound them to the house ones. The cold metal bit into her skin as she gripped them until her knuckles turned white before handing them over to her mother; the last part of their transaction mostly over.
“Be sure to fill in for a new emergency contact.“
Those were the last words Katherine Alexander-White said to her daughter before turning on her heels without looking back. For her this was just another business day, and once she got what she wanted, there was no reason to stay.
For his part, Richard White stood in front of Morgan for another minute. And perhaps if Morgan had looked up to meet his gaze she would have seen the way he hesitated, apparently torn about speaking his mind or not. In the end he shoved a backpack into Morgan’s hands; carelessly enough to bring a wave of pain to the still oversensitive shoulder.
He could’ve stayed an eternity after that, and Morgan wouldn’t have been able to get past the shock of what that backpack meant or more accurately, what it contained. Or rather whom.
A nearby bench served as the right place to open the bag just to find the tiny sleeping creature inside. The God of War was there, and once again an overwhelming mix of sorrow and relief turned into one.
“Hey there, little guy.“
If she was going to take care of Ares, Morgan would need help.
The hurt would have to wait.
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bennettbanner · 4 years
Bennett was more than happy to admit that his talents didn’t lie in engineering. Despite being more capable than most he only truly excelled in the sciences, That being said, when he wanted to occupy himself, give himself something to focus on, he almost never turned to Biology and Physics. He did what his Uncle Tony taught him to do, and he built something. Much like his uncle, he was more likely to refer to his bots as companions than pieces of machinery, but each one was a product of his desire to unwind. The bot in his hands was no different, Cassi had been one of the first to be designed upon his arrival. Unfamiliar environments could be stressful even without the added pressure of trying to understand how he of all people was supposed to become a hero, so a robot to help him sleep made perfect sense. As it turned out, the little guy wasn’t incredibly effective, though he had already grown far too attached to disassemble him. Feeling incredibly guilty for knocking him from his bedside table in the morning, he had broken his morning Yoga routine for the first time in years, cutting it short by thirty minutes because he was so desperate to fix his new friend. Which was how he found himself in the Engineering department before breakfast. Even though the rest of the school was eerily quiet, he wasn't surprised to see Morgan as he entered the classroom he needed. The moment she had first walked in on him working and confidently pointed out his mistakes, he had come to realise just how much the Stark children took after their father. And just how much their father took after the Tony in his own universe. Hitching Cassi a little higher under his arm, he crossed the room with a quiet smile. “Do I want to know whether you slept last night?” He asked, automatically assuming she had somehow avoided curfew and spent the night in the workshop. @lineageoflies
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