nickmasri-blog · 5 years
Breast Reconstruction: Which Technique Is Right for You?
Breast reconstruction can restore your sense of femininity after getting a mastectomy. It can give you a huge confidence boost, especially after suffering from breast cancer.
You can get breast reconstruction right after your mastectomy or after a few months, once you’ve fully healed. Either way, you’d have to choose between one of these two methods:
Implant Reconstruction
One of the ways to do breast reconstruction surgery is using silicone or saline breast implants.
To accomplish this, your plastic surgeon inserts the breast implants underneath your skin or muscle, replacing the breast tissue that was there previously. This can be done either at the time of mastectomy or as a two-part surgery.
During the first surgery, your surgeon places a tissue expander under your chest skin or muscles. It serves as a temporary saline implant to gradually stretch the remaining tissues.
Every week, your surgeon injects sterile saline water into the tissue expander. It makes the implant grow, stretching the skin and muscles until the breasts reach your desired size.
Once the chest tissues heal, the surgeon performs the second surgery. He removes the tissue expanders and replaces them with either saline or silicone implants.
The second surgery usually doesn’t produce new scars as the surgeon reopens the original scar to insert the permanent implants.
Skin Flap Surgery
Also known as autologous or flap reconstruction, skin flap surgery transplants tissue from another part of your body to rebuild your breasts. Your plastic surgeon may take the tissue from your thighs, buttocks, or back, but the most common source is your abdomen.
Skin flap surgery is more complicated than implant reconstruction because of the tissue transfer, although the two techniques can be combined. Your plastic surgeon has two options in performing this surgery: free flap or pedicle flap surgery.
In free flap surgery, your surgeon takes the tissue and its original blood vessels then stitch them to other blood vessels in the chest. 
If the tissue remains attached to the original blood vessels for circulation, it’s referred to as pedicle flap surgery. Your surgeon doesn’t altogether remove the transplanted tissue from its original blood vessels. Instead, he rotates the tissues into the chest to form the breasts. The tissues remain attached to the source.
Since the blood vessels are very small, your surgeon needs to be highly skilled in microsurgery to perform free flap surgery. That’s why most surgeons prefer doing pedicle flap surgery, as it’s easier to do.
You can choose from different types of flaps depending on the source of tissue. 
For flap reconstruction using abdominal tissue, you have the DIEP flap, SIEA flap, and TRAM flap.
If your back tissue is used, you can get a latissimus dorsi flap, which requires implants.
If the tissue is harvested from your hips or buttocks, you can choose between the IGAP flap and SGAP flap.
The PAP flap and TUG flap are your options if your tissues come from your thighs.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
6 Blepharoplasty Benefits That Will Convince You to Get Eyelid Surgery
Sometimes, even having a foolproof and consistent skincare routine can do nothing for saggy eyelids. Thus, getting a blepharoplasty is your best bet for better-looking eyes.
Eyelid surgery—medically known as blepharoplasty—is a pretty underrated cosmetic procedure that changes your looks by merely rejuvenating the skin around your eyes.
Need more convincing? Check out the following benefits of eyelid surgery.
Revitalized appearance
The signs of aging are easily visible on your face, especially on your eyes. As you age, your skin loses elasticity, making it appear saggy. That includes the skin around your eyes.
Having droopy eyelids can make you look a lot older than you are. That’s why getting a blepharoplasty can give you a more rejuvenated look. It firms and tightens your lax skin and muscles, thereby lifting the droopy skin around your eyes. It’ll make you look younger, too!
No more tired eyes
Do you always look like you haven’t slept for days despite your 8-hour sleep schedule? All you need is a blepharoplasty!
The excess skin around your eyes contributes to your eye puffiness and under-eye bags, so surgically removing them can brighten your eyes instantly.
Aside from eyelid surgery, you may also consider getting a brow lift to open your eyes further. It can also give you a youthful look as it reduces the wrinkles and fine lines on your forehead.
No more dark circles
Got dark eye circles? It’s probably due to loss of tissue volume around the eyes, excess eyelid fat, or the reduction of pigmented eyelid skin.
A blepharoplasty can replace lost tissue volume, remove excess skin, and redistribute the fat around your eyes—leading to the disappearance of these dark circles.
Better vision
Blepharoplasty isn’t only done for cosmetic purposes.
Droopy eyelids can sag down into your field of vision, affecting how you see things. Sometimes, the droopiness is so severe that it’s classified as a medical condition called ptosis.
Eyelid surgery can lift and remove the excess skin in your eyes, expanding your line of sight and making it easier to see things. A lot of patients also reported feeling a lot more comfortable after the procedure because they no longer have to raise their eyelids using their forehead and brows to see things clearly.
No more dry eyes
Another medical condition that eyelid surgery can solve is keratoconjunctivitis sicca, otherwise known as dry eye syndrome in layman’s terms.
When you have dry eyes, your eyes are unable to produce enough tears. Sometimes, your tears evaporate too fast, leaving your eyes dry and itchy.
Although there are several ways to treat dry eye syndrome, you can get blepharoplasty if all these treatments have failed.
Boost your confidence
Your eyes are one of the most noticeable parts of your face, so improving the appearance of your eyes through a blepharoplasty can increase your self-esteem. 
Combine it with other procedures, and you’ll undoubtedly feel a lot happier about your appearance.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
5 Top Reasons Why Should You Follow Face+Body Cosmetic Surgery on Facebook
Have you checked out our Face+Body Cosmetic Surgery Facebook page? 
If you still need a little convincing on why you should click those “Like” and “Follow” buttons, read the following reasons:
For the content, content, content 
Did we already mention content?
If you want to learn more about different plastic surgery procedures, you only have to visit the Face+Body Cosmetic Surgery Facebook page to do that. 
Scroll through the various informative content posts—ranging from blogs and trivia posts to videos and photos of previous patients. There’s even the occasional motivational quote to help you start your day with a smile.
And of course, the page gets updated daily, so you can be sure that you’ll never run out of free content to explore!
For the hundreds of testimonials and reviews
Before you choose a plastic surgeon, you first must make sure that he’s excellent at the procedure you want to get. And one of the ways to do that is to look at before and after photos of his previous patients.
The Face+Body Cosmetic Surgery Facebook page features hundreds of these before and after photos, as well as feedback from actual patients. Looking at these photos will help you visualize how your own surgery is going to pan out. 
But keep in mind that the results depend on your specific scenario. Your tummy tuck might still look different from other patients.
For the communication
Need to ask us a question? How about scheduling your free consultation?
You can do that through the Face+Body Cosmetic Surgery Facebook page.
Simply send us a message on Messenger, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
It’s the easiest and most convenient way to reach us!
For the discounts and promos
Let’s face it: plastic surgery costs a lot of money. That’s why following the Face+Body Cosmetic Surgery Facebook page can help you save tons of money on your chosen procedure!
Every time launch a new promotion or offer, we post it right away on our Facebook page so that our thousands of followers get first dibs on our exclusive discounts. 
In fact, right now, we’re giving away a $500 discount for your first miraDry session—and the mechanics are posted on our Facebook page!
Since these offers are only up for a limited time, following our Facebook page will ensure that you’re informed right on time. Just imagine the money you’ll be able to save if you avail our offers!
For our double board-certified plastic surgeons
The Face+Body Cosmetic Surgery Facebook page is overseen by Dr. Nick Masri and Dr. Mark Broudo—both top Miami board-certified plastic surgeons with over 40 years of combined experience in plastic surgery.
They are also assistant professors at the Florida International University, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (FIU-HWCOM).
Given these, you can be sure that you’re getting the right information about your chosen procedure.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
5 Reasons to Get a Thigh Lift for Better-Looking Thighs
Are you thinking of getting a thigh lift, but you’re not sure if you really need one?
Check out the following reasons on why you shouldn’t hesitate to get a thighplasty. Just make sure that you find a reputable, experienced, and board-certified plastic surgeon to perform it.
If you want to slim down your thighs
Some people inherit a large thigh size that doesn’t seem to be proportional to the rest of their body. Sometimes, their legs don’t even respond to traditional diet and exercise, making it difficult to have an hourglass figure most women dream of.
It’s all because of their genes, and as such, a thigh lift can help them achieve the slim thighs that they’ve always wanted.
You may also get a thigh lift as you get older since your skin can lose elasticity as time goes by. Plus, your leg muscles become harder to tone. The loose skin in your thighs might not go away with simple lifestyle changes, so you need a thigh lift to change that.
If you lost a lot of weight
Massive weight loss can leave you with a lot of excess skin, making your thighs look saggy and lumpy. Your skin may not be elastic enough to tighten on its own, which is why getting a thigh lift after you’ve lost weight is a great idea.
The thigh lift is often a part of body contouring, a procedure that people undergo to get rid of excess skin after weight loss. It can help you achieve the toned legs and shapely figure that you’ve worked hard for but is hidden beneath all that sagging skin.
If you experience chafing between the legs
Your legs rubbing against each other isn’t only uncomfortable, but also painful. 
It occurs when your thighs are too big, or when you have a lot of sagging skin on your legs. The problem can even get worse if you’re sweating due to intense activity or hot weather.
Why live with the pain of chafing legs when you can get a thigh lift to solve it?
If you have saddlebags
Sometimes, it’s not the inner thighs that need contouring, but the outer thighs. Excess skin and fat on the outer thighs are called saddlebags. 
With a lateral or outer thigh lift, your plastic surgeon gets rid of fat bulges and skin folds on your outer thighs. It’s especially helpful for those who lost a lot of weight since this technique can remove more substantial amounts of tissue compared to other methods. It also provides a subtle lift to your buttocks.
If you want to improve your self-esteem
Like other plastic surgeries, a thigh lift can give you a confidence boost. It can make you feel more attractive and desirable, especially if you’re insecure about the size and shape of your thighs.
The confidence you’ll be getting can improve different areas of your lives, from personal to professional relationships.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
Otoplasty for Children: 4 Common Questions, Answered
Among all plastic surgeries, otoplasty is the one that’s most popular among children, even though it can be performed at any age.
Got some doubts about ear surgery? We’ve answered some frequently asked questions about the procedure to help you with your decision.
Why should your child get an otoplasty?
Ears that are too prominent are a common cause of embarrassment and psychological distress for children.
A lot of kids have been bullied and teased because their ears are “sticking out,” thus affecting their confidence and emotional well-being. 
Many of them also exhibit behaviors that further lower their self-esteem, such as being afraid to tuck their hair behind their ears or not wanting to remove their bonnet or headgear.
Their poor self-image can also lead to poor interpersonal relationships, social withdrawal, and depression as they grow older.
Remember, otoplasty is not just a cosmetic procedure. It can also be viewed as reconstructive surgery since it involves returning the ears to a normal appearance.
What otoplasty techniques are used for children?
A growing number of parents have their children treated while they’re still infants since the cartilage in their ears is still soft and easy to manipulate. For infants under six months, ear splinting is a viable option.
Ear splinting involves using a splint to reshape the ear’s soft cartilage and keep it in a new position.
But after six months, the ear cartilage becomes too hard for remodeling. As such, ear surgery is the only option.
Some of the most common otoplasty techniques include ear augmentation (for small and underdeveloped ears), otopexy (for flattening protruding ears), and ear reduction (for reducing large ears).
Doctors recommend getting an otoplasty before the ears reach their full size. This happens at around age five.
What should you expect during surgery?
Children are usually given general anesthesia for their ear surgery.
The plastic surgeon makes an incision behind the ear to do the procedure, so the resulting scar is hidden from plain view.
Your child’s ears will be bandaged for several days after the surgery. He won’t be able to wash his hair for the meantime.
Once the bandages are removed, a headband should be worn over the ears while sleeping to remove ear tension.
Your child can return to school within a week post-op, though he should avoid any physical contact sports for at least three months.
Side effects like soreness, numbness, and stiffness on the ears may last for several months.
Is otoplasty safe for children?
Though otoplasty has some risks like infection and bleeding, studies show that kids who got ear surgery reported an increase in happiness and self-confidence. 
They also experienced an improvement in social experience, saying that all the bullying they received was either reduced or stopped altogether.
To know if your child is ready for an otoplasty, make sure that he fully understands and wants the procedure. He should also be able to follow basic instructions, especially during recovery.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
5 Tips to Ensure a Safe Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery
The Brazilian butt lift or BBL has gained massive popularity these past few years, for both good and not-so-good reasons.
But if done right, it can be one of the most rewarding things you can do to your body—or in this case, booty.
To ensure your safety, here are five BBL safety precautions you and your chosen plastic surgeon should always exercise.
Know the risks and possible complications.
Your plastic surgeon must explain to you the risks of BBL surgery. Knowing them allows you to evaluate the circumstance and help you make an informed decision.
Some of the risks include infection, poor wound healing, fluid accumulation, changes in skin sensation, skin discoloration, and unfavorable scarring.
Another complication that might happen is when your plastic surgeon uses the intramuscular fat injection technique. With this technique, there’s a possibility that the cannula might be injected too deep into the muscles, hitting a blood vessel and causing a fat embolism.
To avoid this, your plastic surgeon should inject the fat into the subcutaneous tissues instead.
Use fat, not fillers.
While the Food and Drug Administration approved silicone and fillers for use in breast augmentation and facelift surgeries, they aren’t meant for a BBL. But you’ll find a lot of non-board-certified plastic surgeons offering low-cost BBL using these alternatives.
Keep in mind that a BBL involves harvesting fat from other parts of your body and injecting it into your buttocks to increase their volume. Using fillers in place of fat can create unsatisfactory results that might lead to revision surgery. Worse, it can result in fatal complications.
Have your BBL performed in a hospital.
A lot of plastic surgeons perform BBL and other surgeries inside their clinics. But the truth is, it’s safer to do the procedure in an accredited hospital.
In a hospital, your surgeon has access to all emergency equipment that you might need in case something goes wrong. He can also request for additional staff as needed.
Plus, you can stay in a hospital while you’re recovering from your surgery.
Follow your recovery and prep instructions.
The actual BBL surgery is half the battle. If you want to achieve your desired results, you must follow your doctor’s pre-op and post-op instructions.
Before your surgery, you have to stop smoking and taking certain medications to help you heal faster. 
It’s also important to note that BBL recovery is about four weeks, so you shouldn’t do any strenuous activities during that period.
Choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive BBL experience.
As with any plastic surgery, finding a trained, experienced, and board-certified plastic surgeon is an absolute must.
Since a BBL isn’t a one-size-fits-all procedure, what works for one patient may not work for you. Your plastic surgeon should tailor the steps based on your body’s varying levels of fats and muscles.
He should also provide you with safety precautions and manage your expectations regarding the surgery and the subsequent recovery.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
Do You Need a Breast Lift? Here Are 2 Ways to Tell
You’ve heard of the breast lift and how it can rejuvenate your droopy breasts. But how saggy should your breasts be to qualify for a mastopexy? 
Check out these two tests you can do at home.
Pencil Test
Did you know that you can measure the amount of breast sagging you have using only a pencil?
The pencil test is an easy way to know for yourself if you need a breast lift or not.
All you have to do is lift one of your breasts and place the pencil under it horizontally. Make sure that the pencil sits right on your breast’s natural crease before letting go.
If the pencil falls, then you have no breast sagging and you don’t need a breast lift. But if the pencil stays in place, it means that you have some degree of sagging.
But that doesn’t automatically mean that you need a breast lift right away. Note the position of the nipple.
If the nipple is above the pencil’s level, then you have a deflated breast or pseudoptosis. It’s common among women who lost breast volume due to breastfeeding. To solve it, you’d need a breast augmentation with implants instead of a breast lift.
If your nipple is at the same level as the pencil, you have grade I ptosis. Again, your breasts will look better if you get a breast augmentation to add more volume.
If your nipple is below the pencil or is the lowest point on your breast, you have grade II and grade III ptosis, respectively. You may need to get a breast lift to make your breasts appear higher on your chest and restore their perkiness.
Breast Measurements
Another method to determine if you need a breast lift is to take your breasts’ measurements. All you need is a tape measure, and you’re ready to do it.
First, locate your sternal notch—the groove at the base of your neck between your two collar bones. Then, place your tape measure’s “0” at the sternal notch, then angle the tape diagonally to your nipple. Take note of the number and repeat on your other breast.
If the distance between your sternum and nipples is less than 21 centimeters and your breasts are not bottom-heavy, you don’t need a breast lift. But if your breasts are bottom-heavy, you’ll need a breast lift.
If the distance between your sternum and nipples is around 22-23 centimeters and your nipples are in the middle of your breasts, you don’t need a breast lift. But if your nipples are pointed towards the ground, you’ll need a breast lift.
If the distance between your sternum and nipples is 24 centimeters or more, you’ll need a breast lift.
Keep in mind that the results of the tests above are merely guidelines, not absolute indicators of your need for a breast lift. To be sure, consult a reputable, experienced, and board-certified plastic surgeon.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
5 Long-Term Botox Effects that You Should Be Aware of
Botox injections are one of the most popular anti-aging cosmetic treatments out there. Studies also show that it’s more effective if used repeatedly over a long period of time. 
But what kind of results should you expect if you’re a long-time Botox user?
Check out five of Botox’s long-term effects:
Fewer wrinkles over time
A lot of people fear that stopping their Botox treatments will worsen their wrinkles overnight. 
But the truth is, your wrinkles won’t try to make up for lost time. If you’re a regular Botox user and you suddenly decide to stop, your treated muscles can slow down the formation of wrinkles and delay the aging process. Since your muscles are trained not to move, it will take a while before they get stronger, so you’ll still look years younger than your age.
In fact, you’ll need less and less Botox over time for maintenance. 
Weaker muscles and thinner skin
Like all other muscles in the body, those that aren’t used much become smaller and weaker. The same goes for your facial muscles that receive frequent Botox injections.
Regularly treated muscles will atrophy. But don’t worry that you’ll permanently become poker-faced. Untreated muscles will remain in full volume, and they’ll work full time to create typical facial expressions.
Your skin might also look thinner, especially if you start Botox treatments in your early 20s. You’ll notice the veins on your face might become more visible. But you can prevent this from happening with proper skincare and sunscreen use.
Wavy texture
Though this side effect is uncommon, long-term Botox users report seeing a visible waviness of the skin over their treated facial muscles. Some patients likened it to having “hills and valleys” on the forehead. Some even reported having a little discoloration.
Fortunately, a skilled and experienced Botox administrator can prevent this from happening. He simply has to change the pattern of his injections every treatment for a more uniform distribution. Taking a break from Botox treatments will also do the trick.
Better facial expressions
Botox injections temporarily paralyze your facial muscles so that they engage in fewer movements. If you’re a frequent Botox user, your muscles will become trained not to make those wrinkle-forming expressions over time.
How does this happen? As the effects of Botox wear off, you become more conscious and aware of your facial movements. This awareness can help you avoid expressions like frowning, eyebrow-raising, and squinting. 
It can happen even after you’ve stopped using Botox. It’s like activating your muscle memory.
Fights anxiety and depression
Botox can have positive effects on your mental health, too.
Studies show that a single shot of Botox may help treat symptoms of anxiety and depression. Since the facial muscles express emotions, inhibiting these muscles through Botox helps calm the emotions, making it harder to feel them.
Indeed, patients report having a better mood after Botox treatments. However, more studies are needed to reinforce these findings.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
5 Arm Lift Benefits That Can Change Your Life
Medically known as brachioplasty, an arm lift is a procedure that gets rid of “bat wings,” resulting in smoother and firmer arms.
But how exactly can better-looking arms make an impact in your life? Check out the following life-changing benefits that an arm lift can give you.
Toned and Contoured Arms
How would you like to say goodbye to your jiggly arms?
An arm lift removes excess skin and fats hanging from your lower arms, making your arms appear smoother and more toned. 
And even though your arms are just a small part of your body, making them look slender can have a massive impact on your overall appearance. Some women can’t get rid of flabby arms no matter how much they work out, so the arm lift is a viable option. It makes them look physically fit and even makes working out more comfortable.
Better Proportions
Once you undergo brachioplasty, your arms become more proportional to the rest of your body. Your surgeon reshapes your underlying arm tissues, making the tendons in your arms appear more supportive.
Plus, an arm lift complements other cosmetic procedures like the tummy tuck and breast lift. Just imagine how good you’ll look if you have a flat tummy and contoured arms. Your body will certainly appear more balanced.
Hidden Scars
Scarring is a major concern in arm lifts. Usually, your surgeon creates a long incision from your armpits to your elbows, depending on the severity of skin sagging.
But remember, scars fade over time. Also, your arm lift scar won’t be in plain view of other people. The incision will be hidden at the back of your arms or inner arms, so it won’t be noticeable. You just have to stick to a skincare regimen and apply sunscreen over your scar every time you go out.
Your scar will be almost unnoticeable in about a year of healing and recovery.
More Wardrobe Choices
If you have flabby arms, chances are you always wear long-sleeved tops to hide them from prying eyes.
But with an arm lift, you can wear short-sleeved or sleeveless tops without feeling self-conscious. In fact, you can sport whatever type of clothing you want without worries. You might even notice that your shirt size has gone down and that some of your clothes might fit better than before.
Your arms will also feel a lot lighter, making it easier to move them while wearing an outfit you love.
Higher Confidence and Self-Esteem
All these arm lift benefits lead to one thing—improved self-confidence.
Taut arms can boost your self-esteem, making you more willing to engage in new activities with other people. It even makes you feel confident about meeting other people.
If you recently lost a lot of weight, an arm lift can remedy your skin sagging and make your arms look more reflective of your size. All your weight loss efforts are now more visible, thanks to the arm lift.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
5 Things You Need to Know Before Getting Breast Reduction Surgery
Thinking of getting breast reduction surgery?
Aside from doing your usual research, the following facts might help you know what to expect after surgery.
It might be challenging to get insurance.
There are very few plastic surgeries that can be covered by insurance, and breast reduction is one of them. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to get your insurance company to cover your surgery.
To prove that you’re getting a breast reduction for medical reasons, you must document the symptoms you’re experiencing. These include back, neck, and shoulder pain. You also must prove that other factors do not cause them.
You also have to be ready to shoulder a portion of the cost of your surgery in case you need to pay out of pocket.
You’ll likely go down a full shirt size.
Reduction mammoplasty isn’t a weight loss procedure, but it can help you shed off a few extra pounds on your chest area.
If shopping for large clothes was a struggle, then that would no longer be the case once you get a breast reduction. You no longer have to buy clothes that would fit over your large chest and make the rest of your body look disproportionate. Instead, you’d likely need smaller tops that won’t make you look top-heavy. 
Better prepare to have some changes in your wardrobe.
Breastfeeding can be a challenge afterward.
If you’re planning to have a baby in the future, you might want to think twice about your breast reduction surgery.
Although modern techniques can now preserve your breasts’ milk ducts, it’s still possible to experience some damage during surgery. You must be prepared in case you’re unable to breastfeed after your operation.
If you can delay the procedure until you’ve had kids, then that would be ideal.
There will be side effects.
Aside from possible breastfeeding problems, you also have to take note of other breast reduction side effects that you might experience along the way.
One of them is scarring. You’ll have scars on the underside of your breasts, but you can easily hide them under your bra or bathing suit. However, more extensive scars may peek out the edges. Nothing to worry though because your scar will become lighter as time goes by.
You might also experience some numbness in your areolas and nipples. You’ll regain sensation within a few weeks to months, but it’s also possible that the numbness is permanent.
Recovery can make or break your surgery.
Your healing is as important is as the surgery itself. 
You’ll need at least two weeks to rest and recover before you can go back to work and resume your normal activities. You also have to avoid driving for the meantime until you’re fully healed.
Neglecting your recovery may lead to unwanted complications like infections, bleeding, blood clots, contour irregularities, and poor wound healing. That’s why it’s crucial to get enough rest, nutrition, and hydration while you’re recuperating.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
What’s in a Mommy Makeover? Here Are the Most Common Procedures
The mommy makeover is trendy among women who just gave birth. 
But the truth is, it’s not a single procedure. It’s a combination of various plastic surgeries that help you restore your pre-pregnancy body.
Here are the most common components of a mommy makeover.
Breast Augmentation
Your breasts undergo significant changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding. 
After weaning your baby, your breasts may appear saggy and flat—so different from your pre-pregnancy breasts.
Breast augmentation during a mermaid lift can restore your breasts’ fullness and firmness. Silicone or saline implants can improve the shape and projection of your breasts, making you feel more confident of your post-pregnancy body.
Just make sure that you research about breast implants so that you can discuss your preferences with your chosen plastic surgeon.
Breast Reduction
For some moms, a breast reduction may be more ideal than an augmentation.
If you feel that your breasts are weighing you down, then a breast reduction is a good option. It removes excess breast tissues and fats that you can’t get rid of through diet and exercise. Though it doesn’t add volume to your breasts, breast reduction can result in more youthful-looking breasts.
Consult with your surgeon to know if breast reduction or breast augmentation best suits you.
Breast Lift
Whether you choose breast augmentation or breast reduction, you’ll most likely have it paired with a breast lift.
Your breasts lose shape and firmness after pregnancy and breastfeeding. A breast lift removes excess skin in your breasts and tightens surrounding tissues, giving you a perkier breast contour. 
It’s often combined with either a breast augmentation or reduction for best results. The pairing depends on whether you’d like smaller or bigger breasts.
Tummy Tuck
Your tummy doesn’t always bounce back to its pre-pregnancy state after you give birth. That’s why a tummy tuck is one of the vital components of a mommy makeover.
The tummy tuck removes excess fat and saggy skin on your abdomen. It also repairs and tightens the stretched-out abdominal muscles underneath, giving you a toned and firm midsection.
There are several types of tummy tuck that you can get depending on your situation. Most moms get a traditional tummy tuck, but more severe cases may need a lower body lift, which includes not just your tummy but also your thighs and buttocks.
After childbirth, you’ll have lots of fat pockets in different parts of your body that remain resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction can get rid of those stubborn fats, which is why it’s included in a mommy makeover.
However, take note that liposuction isn’t a weight loss treatment. It’s recommended that you reach your ideal weight first and maintain it for at least six months before undergoing a mommy makeover or liposuction.
With these procedures, the mommy makeover can help you restore your body’s pre-pregnancy shape and give you a much-needed confidence boost.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
Liposuction Recovery Timeline: What to Expect
Liposuction may be one of the most popular plastic surgeries of all time, but not everyone knows what to expect during recovery.
To give you an idea, here’s a timeline showing you how you heal and recover after your liposuction.
Immediately After Liposuction
Once you’re transferred to the recovery room, your operative area will be placed in a compression garment.
The recovery room nurse will monitor your vital signs and oxygen levels. You’ll also be observed for signs of dizziness and nausea.
Typically, you’ll be discharged from the recovery room around an hour after your liposuction.
First 24 Hours After Liposuction
If the procedure doesn’t develop any complications, most patients are already good to go home.
Once you get home, make sure that you have everything you need with you. These include your pillows for support, dark towels to absorb leaking fluids, bottled water, soda crackers for nausea, and pain medications. 
You should also wear comfortable and loose clothing to make sure that you’re not putting pressure on your operative area.
Expect to feel sore and bruised for at least a few days. But this should be manageable using your prescribed pain medications. You’ll also have some fluid discharges from your liposuction incisions. 
5-7 Days After Liposuction
During this time, pain and discomfort will continue to persist. But it becomes lesser as time goes by.
When in bed, make sure that you move every two hours to prevent the formation of blood clots. It’s also recommended to start walking around to enhance your blood circulation further.
You still need to keep wearing your compression garment to minimize swelling. Avoid showering or bathing for the meantime to keep your liposuction incisions dry. Instead, get plenty of rest and drink lots of water to rehydrate.
You’ll usually have your follow-up visit with your plastic surgeon around this time.
1 Month After Liposuction
If all goes well, most patients can return to work and resume normal activities after two weeks of recovery. 
During your third and fourth week post-op, your plastic surgeon may cut down the time you spend wearing the compression garment from 24 hours to 12 hours. 
Your incisions should be fully healed by this time. You also don’t experience pain as much as before. However, you’ll still experience some degree of swelling and bruising.
You may start engaging in light, non-weight bearing exercises. Avoid high-impact exercises until you’ve received clearance from your plastic surgeon.
6 Weeks After Liposuction
There shouldn’t be a lot of swelling and bruising by this time. But take note that it may take several months for swelling to completely resolve and reveal the final results of your liposuction.
You no longer need to wear compression garments. Plus, you can now engage in all forms of physical activities without limitations. Just make sure that you ask your plastic surgeon about it first.
Don’t forget to attend your follow-up appointments to ensure that you’re on the right path to full liposuction recovery.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
Thigh Lift Surgery: A Step-by-Step Rundown
Got sagging skin on your thighs? A thigh lift is a great way to achieve firmer and more attractive legs, especially after weight loss.
But how does it work? Check out the following steps in a thigh lift surgery. 
Step 1: Mark Problem Areas
Before your actual surgery, your plastic surgeon makes marks on your thighs to serve as his surgical guide during the procedure. These marks will also help you understand what to expect for incisions and the subsequent results.
Step 2: Administer Anesthesia
You have two options for anesthesia: general anesthesia and intravenous sedation. Your plastic surgeon will recommend the best option for you, depending on your situation.
You’ll likely not remember anything once your anesthesiologist administers the anesthesia. But don’t worry because the surgical team will monitor your vital signs throughout the surgery to make sure you’re safe.
Step 3: Create the Incision
Your plastic surgeon will create an incision based on the type of thigh lift you’ve agreed upon.
Here are the most common thigh lift techniques to choose from.
Inner Thigh Lift
As its name suggests, the inner thigh lift targets fats and excess skin in your inner thighs. 
The incision follows the contour of a G-string. It starts from the groin to the lower abdomen, then down either side of the pubic mound next to the vulva. It ends towards the buttocks crease.
Medial Thigh Lift
This incision targets the upper portion of your inner thighs.
It has a similar incision as the inner thigh lift, but it may also extend to the hip region. It also leaves a visible scar on the inside of your legs.
Lateral Thigh Lift
The lateral thigh lift tightens the skin on the front or outside of the leg and the buttocks. It’s designed for patients with huge skin folds and fat bulges in the outer thighs.
The incision starts at the top of the leg and follows the lower edge of a bikini bottom, creating a V-shaped incision. Sometimes, it may also wrap around your hips or buttocks.
Mini Thigh Lift
The mini thigh lift involves a short, horizontal incision in the groin area. It’s best for patients who only need work in the upper third of the inner thighs.
Its results are less visible compared to other thigh lift techniques, but it’s a good choice if you don’t want unsightly scars.
Step 4: Remove Fat and Tighten Muscles
Using the incision he created, your plastic surgeon then proceeds to remove soft tissue and stubborn fat deposits from your thighs. A thigh lift may even be paired with liposuction to remove unwanted thigh fat.
Afterward, he pulls your skin taut and trims out excess skin for a smooth appearance.
Step 5: Close the Incision
Your plastic surgeon will suture the deep underlying tissues to support your new thigh contours. He’ll close the incisions using sutures, skin tapes, or clips. A drain may be placed to prevent too much swelling.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
The 5 Essential Questions in Getting a Tummy Tuck
Thinking of getting a tummy tuck soon? 
Check out the following questions to help you decide if this popular cosmetic procedure is right for you.
What is a tummy tuck?
Medically known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a procedure that helps contour your belly area.
To achieve this, your plastic surgeon removes loose skin in your abdomen and tightens the muscles underneath. Most of the time, a tummy tuck is coupled with liposuction so that your stubborn fatty deposits can also be removed.
Though a tummy tuck can give you a desirable silhouette, take note that it’s not a weight loss procedure. Instead, it’s performed once you’ve reached your ideal weight and you want to remove the excess skin in your tummy.
Why should you get a tummy tuck?
If you’ve lost a lot of weight recently, you might have that excess pouch of skin hanging on your tummy. A tummy tuck can get rid of loose skin, sparing you of further skin irritation.
A tummy tuck can also help strengthen your abdominal muscles. You might have developed weaker muscles due to weight loss, pregnancy, and even genetics. With abdominoplasty, your plastic surgeon pulls your muscles together to tighten them and improve your contours.
You can also get a tummy tuck to repair abdominal wall hernias and remove stubborn fat pockets.
When should you get a tummy tuck?
The best time to get a tummy tuck is when there’s a presence of loose skin on your abdomen. That’s why a tummy tuck is often done after weight loss or pregnancy. 
It’s vital that you keep close to your desired weight for at least six to twelve months before getting a tummy tuck. Weight fluctuations can stretch your abdominal muscles after a tummy tuck, requiring revision surgery. 
Where should you get a tummy tuck?
People often overlook the location of their surgery, but it’s a huge factor in the overall cost and success of their operation.
While most plastic surgeons perform tummy tucks in their in-house surgical clinics, it’s recommended that you get one inside a hospital. The hospital setting adds an extra layer of safety for your procedure since you’ll be surrounded by trained emergency personnel and state-of-the-art facilities in case something goes wrong.
Some cities also offer cheaper tummy tucks compared to others. For instance, a tummy tuck in Miami costs an average of $7,000, while cities like NYC and Chicago can go as high as $12,000.
Who should give you a tummy tuck?
Needless to say, you should choose an experienced, highly skilled, and board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your tummy tuck.
To help you choose, ask for recommendations from friends and family. You may also research reviews online and look at before and after photos of his previous tummy tuck patients.
If you’re interested in getting a tummy tuck, schedule your free consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon here in Face+Body Cosmetic Surgery.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
5 Things to Consider Before Getting Body Contouring Surgery
Are you thinking of getting body contouring surgery? 
Before you line up for a consultation with your plastic surgeon, here are some things that you need to keep in mind first:
Stabilize your weight.
Reaching your ideal weight goal isn’t enough. You also must make sure that you can keep your current weight stable for at least three months. 
If you’re not yet done losing weight, better put off the contouring surgery first until you’re satisfied with your current weight.
You should also correct any nutritional deficiencies you may have. Such things are prevalent after weight loss surgery. Work closely with your doctor to ensure that you’re getting the right amount of nutrients for your body’s recovery.
Prioritize the areas you want to contour.
You might find yourself having loose skin in several areas of your body. You might have sagging skin on your tummy, arms, thighs, breasts, and back.
You don’t have to get surgery for all those areas at once. Instead, prioritize the area that bothers you most and concentrate there.
Some patients end up satisfied with their body contouring surgery that they no longer feel the need to get additional operations. 
Prepare for physical and mental recovery.
Like weight loss surgery, body contouring is a pretty extensive surgery.
Depending on the exact procedure you’re getting, you’re going to need four to six weeks for recovery. Take some time off work to let your body heal as efficiently as possible.
Before surgery, you should also quit smoking for at least six weeks to reduce the chances of complications. Speed up healing by increasing your protein intake by up to 50 to 70 grams per day.
And take note that you’ll have scars after your body contouring surgery. Though they become lighter over time, these scars are permanent. Make sure that you have realistic expectations before getting the surgery.
Establish a support system.
You can’t go through your recovery alone. Make sure that you have friends and family to help you out during recovery.
The general anesthesia used during surgery can make you feel dizzy and disoriented. That’s why you need someone to drive you home after you get discharged from the hospital. 
You also need someone to help you out at home since you’ll likely have some physical restrictions.
It’s also helpful to have someone to talk to because surgery is stressful. You need a reliable support system to motivate you while you’re recovering.
Choose a reliable, experienced, and board-certified plastic surgeon.
As always, a significant factor in every plastic surgery is the skill and expertise of your chosen plastic surgeon. 
Choose someone who has plenty of success stories when it comes to body contouring surgery. Check out before and after photos of his previous patients for reference.
And don’t forget to engage with board-certified plastic surgeons only, like what we have here in Face+Body Cosmetic Surgery.
Schedule your free consultation with us now.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
Thinking of Getting Breast Augmentation Surgery? Here Are 5 Facts You Should Know First
Millions of women all over the world have already gotten breast implants. But is it the right choice for you? 
Before you sign up for breast augmentation surgery, here are five little-known facts you need to know to help you make an informed decision.
Breast implants don’t have an expiration date.
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to change your breast implants every ten years.
The truth is, around 90% of women who get breast implants don’t develop problems and complications after a decade. So, there’s no reason to change those implants if there’s no absolute indication for it.
However, it’s recommended that you get an MRI after three years to make sure that your implants are still intact, and every two years after that. They may not have an expiration date, but they’re not meant to last forever, either.
You might need to get additional breast augmentation surgeries.
Once you get breast implants, you should open yourself to the possibility that you might need to get additional breast augmentation surgeries in the future.
As you age, your anatomy changes. Your breast size and shape may change once you have children, making your implants move. In such cases, you need to reposition your implants through another breast augmentation surgery.
Ruptured or leaking implants should be removed and replaced. You might also develop thicker scar tissue around your implants, making revision surgery a necessity.
Larger implants also require revision surgery more often.
You can breastfeed even if you have breast implants.
Just because you have breast implants doesn’t mean that you can no longer breastfeed.
Research shows that breastfeeding with implants is safe for both the mother and the baby. As long as your milk ducts are still intact, you can safely breastfeed your baby.
But keep in mind that breast augmentation involves dissection of breast tissue, so there’s a risk that nipple sensation and breastfeeding will be affected. Make sure that you find a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon so that you can preserve your ability to breastfeed.
You might have limited size options.
Want your breasts to be four cup sizes bigger? Well, it still depends on your anatomy.
Your plastic surgeon will evaluate the size of your ribcage, plus the elasticity and thickness of your skin. The more elastic your skin is, the higher its capacity to accommodate bigger implants without stretch marks.
Instead of telling your surgeon to increase your cup size, better give him a photo that shows your desired breast size. After all, there are no standard cup sizes across all bra manufacturers.
Breast implants don’t increase your cancer risk.
Studies show that the odds of cancer survival are the same among women with and without breast implants. 
Also, there isn’t a higher chance of breast cancer among those who get implants. The important thing is to follow breast cancer screening guidelines for prevention and early detection.
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nickmasri-blog · 5 years
Should You Get a Tummy Tuck? Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should
Thinking of getting tummy tuck surgery? 
Before you contact a board-certified plastic surgeon, you first need to make sure that you’re getting a tummy tuck for the right reason. After all, this operation can solve both cosmetic and medical issues.
So, check out the following reasons why a tummy tuck might be perfect for you.
To trim out excess skin
Loose, sagging belly skin is one of the top reasons why people get a tummy tuck.
With abdominoplasty, you no longer have to hide that flab of skin and fat underneath an elastic waistband. You can now wear tight-fitting clothes that show off your tummy, minus the bulges.
Plus, you no longer have to deal with skin irritation resulting from those flabs. You can even get rid of the stretch marks on your lower abdomen with a tummy tuck.
And since the tummy tuck is often coupled with liposuction, you can also say goodbye to those stubborn fat pockets that don’t respond to diet or exercise.
To tighten your abdominal muscles
There are many reasons why your abdominal muscles spread apart and weaken. Weight gain, pregnancy, and even genetics can stretch and loosen everything around your waistline, including your ab muscles.
Fortunately, a tummy tuck can help strengthen these muscles by pulling them together during surgery. It leaves you with a toned, smooth, and firm midsection.
To improve your posture
If you’re having back pain due to weak stomach muscles, then a tummy tuck may help relieve it.
With abdominoplasty, your midsection becomes stronger, so your back doesn’t have to carry all your weight. Your spine gets more support from your abdominal muscles, thus alleviating back pain and leading to better posture and less slouching.
To cure hernias and urinary incontinence
A hernia happens when a part of your intestine or abdominal tissue breaks through your abdominal muscle layer. It can be uncomfortable, but a tummy tuck can repair that.
An abdominoplasty can strengthen your weak abdominal muscles so that hernias can no longer pass through the abdominal wall.
Another medical condition that tummy tuck can relieve is stress urinary incontinence. It happens when there’s too much pressure on your bladder, leading to uncontrollable leakage when you sneeze, cough, or laugh.
Studies show that a tummy tuck can relieve symptoms of stress urinary incontinence, especially among women.
To boost your confidence
A tummy tuck may be a simple procedure, but the sight of your flat tummy will make you feel more confident and attractive.
You can now wear clothes that you like and are comfortable with. You no longer have to feel insecure about that flappy skin on your belly once tummy tuck gets rid of it.
Plus, a tummy tuck can remove old scar tissues caused by a previous C-section, appendectomy, hernia surgery, or hysterectomy. Your tummy tuck scar will also fade over time, leaving you with a smooth midsection.
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