#breast lift
justiceb68 · 9 months
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normanrowemd · 1 year
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7 Things You Cannot and Can Do About Saggy Breasts 
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healtripglobal · 11 months
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🌟 Say goodbye to stubborn fat with Liposuction! 🌟
Are you tired of those persistent fat deposits that just won't budge no matter how hard you work out or stick to a healthy diet? We have the solution for you! Introducing Liposuction, a trusted and effective procedure offered by Healtrip Global.
🌐 Contact Healtrip Global today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards achieving your body goals! Our compassionate team of experts is dedicated to providing you with safe, effective, and transformative results. Let us help you reveal your best self! 🌐
Remember, each person's journey is unique, so we recommend scheduling a consultation with our experienced team to discuss your specific needs and goals.
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zarenclinic · 2 years
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Bunu @WeHeartIt'te paylaşmalıyım
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drmele · 1 year
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Breast Augmentation Revision is used to maintain the aesthetic results of breast enhancing surgery. As we discussed last week, Breast Implants are not lifetime devices, and we reviewed the common situations in which the breast implants themselves are the reason for revision surgery. Revisions due to problems with breast implants account for about one-third of all breast augmentation revisions.
Another third of Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery is caused by changes of the soft tissue of the breasts. To be fair, these types of changes also cause women without Breast Implants to seek cosmetic breast surgery.
There are three reasons for Breast Tissue Maintenance:
Changes related to a change in Breast Size
Changes related to Breast Sagging
Changes related to other Breast Surgery
Breast Size related revisions include Breast Implant Exchange to add back volume lost with weight loss or after pregnancy, and Breast Implant Removal, or exchange for a smaller breast implant, to compensate for natural breast enlargement. Breast volume loss or gain can occur with age, pregnancy or changes in weight gain.
Breast Sagging is treated with a Breast Lift. Acquired loss of breast volume from a breast biopsy or mastectomy is another breast tissue related reason for Breast Augmentation Revision, and may be treated with fat grafting or complete breast reconstruction.
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dubaiblogs · 2 years
About Sagging Breasts (Breast Ptosis) & How To Fix Them!
Sagging breasts (breast ptosis) are a natural and common phenomenon women have to undergo. Female breasts are made of ligaments and fats, so fat or collagen loss eventually leads to volume loss.
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earthlikeangel · 2 years
Natural breast lift
Dermarolling once a month
Massage breast with retinol cream or oil and breast firming lotion 2x a day
Ice breasts every other day
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estherianclinic · 2 years
11 Breast Lift recovery tips
If drooping breasts are a concern for you, a breast lift can change this. Surgery can help reshape your breasts and restore a more youthful contour. Whether you decide to have breast lift surgery, allowing your body time to heal and recover afterwards is a must. Here are our 11 tips to make a recovery from a breast lift as comfortable and successful as possible.
1-compression bra:
In most cases, the supportive bra provides the breasts with symmetry to heal naturally, especially if you can use a wire bra 3 weeks after the surgery
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2-Keep your surgical incision(s) clean :
Keep the incision clean and check it daily for infection. You can shower the day after surgery, but if you have sterile strips on your incisions, it's best to keep it dry. Avoid the pool or bathtub for at least two weeks.
3-Physical Activity:
 After the breast lift operation, avoid any kind of extra pressure on your chest and do not sleep on your stomach.
4-proper medication:
Take your medicines on time and do not take any medicines before consulting the surgeon, whether oral or topical
5-Communicate with your surgeon:
If something concerns you, such as a lack of feeling in the breasts or asymmetry, it occurs often and is likely to resolve as your body heals. If you notice signs of infection or hematoma, contact your doctor immediately.
Walking stimulates blood circulation, you can walk around the house as soon as you feel able after surgery.
7-Eat healthy 
Follow a healthy diet to ensure your body has the energy to heal properly.
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Reduce salt intake and don't forget to drink plenty of water. We generally recommend 8 to 10 cups a day.
The first few days after surgery are the most difficult, you may feel some pain and discomfort.
it is important to try to relax and not move suddenly for the first week at least try to spend your time in bed or lie comfortably in a chair
9-Wait to exercise
Like any surgery, your body needs time to recover. You can return to work after about a week. Do not do any strenuous sports activities until after at least 3 weeks.
10- Ask for help
You should have a friend or family member with you in the first days and weeks after surgery, this is important for patients with young children.
11-Stop smoking
Stop smoking before and after the surgery. Smoking decreases oxygen levels and reduces circulation, which is particularly risky during surgery and can slow down your breast lift recovery.
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subliminal bundles ✨
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Advancements in Cosmetic Procedures: Laser Tattoo Removal and Breast Lift Surgery
In the realm of cosmetic surgery, advancements in technology and technique continue to offer patients safer, more effective options for achieving their desired aesthetic outcomes. Among these advancements, laser tattoo removal and breast lift surgery stand out as popular procedures sought by individuals looking to enhance their appearance and regain confidence. Let's delve into these procedures to understand how they work and the benefits they offer.
Laser Tattoo Removal: Erasing the Past with Precision
Tattoos, once considered permanent expressions of art or personal significance, can now be removed with remarkable precision thanks to advancements in laser technology. Laser tattoo removal works by delivering targeted beams of light energy to the pigment of the tattoo, breaking it down into smaller particles that are then naturally eliminated by the body's immune system.
One of the key advantages of laser treatment for tattoo removal in Kasaragod is its ability to selectively target the ink particles while minimizing damage to surrounding skin tissue. This results in reduced risk of scarring and complications compared to traditional methods like excision or dermabrasion. Additionally, laser technology has evolved to offer various wavelengths and pulse durations, allowing for customization based on factors such as tattoo color, size, and depth.
Patients undergoing laser tattoo removal typically require multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results, as the body gradually eliminates the fragmented pigment with each treatment. While the process may require patience, the vast majority of patients experience significant fading or complete removal of their tattoos, restoring their skin to its pre-inked state.
Breast Lift Surgery: Restoring Youthful Contours and Confidence
Over time, factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and the natural aging process can lead to changes in the appearance of the breasts, including sagging or loss of volume. Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, addresses these concerns by reshaping and lifting the breasts to restore a more youthful and proportionate contour.
During a breast lift procedure, excess skin is removed, and the breast tissue is reshaped and repositioned to create a firmer, more lifted appearance. Depending on the patient's needs and goals, breast lift surgery can be combined with breast augmentation (to increase volume) or breast reduction (to reduce volume) for comprehensive enhancement.
Advancements in breast lift surgeons in Kasaragod techniques have led to more personalized approaches, allowing surgeons to tailor the procedure to each patient's unique anatomy and aesthetic preferences. Additionally, innovations such as minimal incision techniques and internal suturing methods help minimize scarring and promote faster recovery, enabling patients to enjoy their results with minimal downtime.
Choosing Qualified Professionals
While both laser tattoo removal and breast lift surgery offer transformative benefits, it's crucial for individuals considering these procedures to choose qualified and experienced professionals to ensure safety and optimal outcomes. Board-certified plastic surgeons with specialized training in cosmetic procedures possess the expertise and skill required to perform these surgeries with precision and care.
Before undergoing any cosmetic procedure, patients should schedule consultations with prospective surgeons to discuss their goals, ask questions, and review before-and-after photos of previous patients. This allows for informed decision-making and establishes a trusting relationship between the patient and the surgeon, essential for a successful outcome.
In conclusion, laser tattoo removal and breast lift surgery represent two innovative solutions for individuals seeking to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. With advancements in technology and technique, these procedures offer safe, effective options for addressing aesthetic concerns and achieving desired results. By partnering with qualified professionals and understanding the intricacies of each procedure, patients can embark on their journey toward renewed self-confidence and satisfaction with their appearance.
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drjaycalvertmd · 18 days
Dr. Jay Calvert & Dr. Millicent Rovelo discuss Photo Shop in Plastic Surgery! If you're thinking about Plastic Surgery, here's what you NEED to know before you start searching for the right surgeon. The docs discuss PHOTO SHOPPING in the Plastic Surgery space, common marketing tricks, ethical social media practices for Plastic Surgeons, and what you should be looking for when assessing a Plastic Surgeon's before & after photos. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/photo-shop-in-plastic-surgery/id1481017059?i=1000651746077
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iamjeanninetaylor · 1 month
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Rediscover Confidence and Natural Beauty with Breast Lift Surgery
In a world where self-confidence and embracing one's natural beauty are celebrated, it's no wonder that more women are seeking procedures that help them feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. One such procedure that has gained popularity is breast lift surgery. At Constructive Surgery in Miami, Florida, women have the opportunity to undergo a transformative breast lift procedure that can reduce sagginess, tighten the skin, and provide firmer, perkier breasts. Led by the skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Christopher Salgado, Constructive Surgery is committed to prioritizing safety, satisfaction, and delivering natural-looking results.
Understanding Breast Lift Surgery
Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to raise and tighten sagging breasts. It can also be used to reduce the size of the areola, the darker skin surrounding the nipple. The procedure involves carefully planned incisions based on the chosen technique, which may include the peri-areolar/donut lift, vertical/lollipop lift, or anchor/inverted T lift. Dr. Salgado specializes in a range of breast lift techniques and will evaluate your unique needs to recommend the most appropriate approach for you.
Meet Dr. Christopher Salgado
At Constructive Surgery, Dr. Christopher Salgado stands as an expert board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in breast surgery. His dedication to delivering natural-looking results and his commitment to patient satisfaction and safety have made him a trusted and respected figure in the field. Dr. Salgado's artistic eye allows him to achieve beautiful and harmonious breast contours tailored to each patient, ensuring that the results look both aesthetically pleasing and authentic.
The Procedure and Recovery
Breast lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. The length of the procedure may vary depending on the complexity of your case but typically takes around 2 to 3 hours. Following the surgery, it is essential to follow the post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Salgado for a smooth recovery process and optimal results. Most patients can expect to return to work and resume light activities within 1 to 2 weeks, while full recovery may take around 6 to 8 weeks. Temporary side effects such as swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort are common but will subside gradually.
Long-lasting Results
The results of breast lift surgery can be long-lasting, allowing you to enjoy a rejuvenated and more youthful breast appearance. However, it's important to note that factors such as aging, weight fluctuations, and pregnancy can affect the shape and firmness of the breasts over time. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following post-operative care instructions, you can help prolong the results and ensure that your new breast contour remains beautiful and satisfying.
If you're considering a breast lift procedure to enhance your confidence and restore the youthful shape and firmness of your breasts, Constructive Surgery in Miami, Florida, offers a comprehensive and transformative experience. Dr. Christopher Salgado and his team are dedicated to providing exceptional results while prioritizing safety, patient satisfaction, and natural-looking outcomes. Through advanced techniques and personalized care, Constructive Surgery aims to help women rediscover their confidence and embrace their natural beauty.
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aurelia-winslaw · 2 months
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kmplasticsurgery · 3 months
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KM Plastic Surgery | Beautiful Precision
Feeling good about your looks may significantly influence many aspects of your life. That's why, at KM Plastic Surgery in Spokane, we're committed to helping you achieve your cosmetic objectives and increase your self-esteem.
Our office, led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kaiulani Morimoto, MD, F.A.C.S., provides a comprehensive spectrum of superior cosmetic surgery and wellness treatments. We're here to help you with anything from struggling with age symptoms to shaping your physique.
Whether you're dealing with age, childbearing effects, or weight swings, our transformational operations can improve your look and mental well-being. We provide a wide range of facial and body operations for both men and women, including brow lifts and liposuction.
Not prepared for surgery? Our non-invasive procedures, such as chemical peels and microneedling, provide stunning results without requiring surgery.
Begin your road to confidence today with K.M. Plastic Surgery in Spokane. Your transformation starts here.
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