nickolaipetrov · 4 years
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No need? Raja believes he has every need and reason to behave like this. A mentor interjecting themselves chafes him on a good day. Today, he’s most certainly not in the mood. “Save your help for someone who needs it. I’m fine,” he says, looking haughty with his glowing gaze and matching sneer when he turns. “What? You think a game of Go Fish is just what anyone needs right now? I know that your best effort to be a hero right now needs a little work. You’re falling short, which makes you no better than last month’s washouts.”
‘‘ Right...sure.’‘ Nik said sarcastically if the other wasn’t aware of that. Nikolai stood there unphased by the glowing eyes of the other, and certainly not intimidated by him either.  ‘‘ Well you need ice or something to cool down, I was just asking and checking that’s all but I take it back now.’‘ Nik rolled his eyes, he was slowly understanding this guy now, he likes to insult people make himself feel bigger and more important by putting people down, he wasn’t phased by this kind of childish behavior. ‘‘ If you’re end goal is for me to punch you’re  pretty little face, I won’t do it.’‘ 
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Isolated Games
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nickolaipetrov · 4 years
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“I’m not going outside shit-for-brains,” he scoffs without turning around. Raja only wanted to do a perimeter check, that’s all. Staying busy keeps his mind off the fact that this emergency is screwing with his release schedule, in more ways than one. But hey, an idiot mentor trying to throw his weight around may prove to be the perfect outlet for his frustration. “And I couldn’t imagine anything more pointless than playing a board game right now. Tell me, amidst this crisis, is sitting on your ass the best you can offer the Advocates?” His tone is harsh but he’s smirking over his shoulder while his eyes glow yellow as he channels a chaotic personality attribute.
Nik blinked...a  little baffled by the sudden hostile response from the other. ‘’ Um alright..’’ Nik bit his lip preventing himself from saying something he might regret later. ‘’ Look I’m just trying to help, no need to be an asshole.’’ Nik said as he shook his head and looked away for a moment to roll his eyes a bit before glancing back at the other. ‘’ Excuse me?’’ Nik arched his brows ‘’ You know jack shit what I’ve been offering to Advocates.’’ 
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Isolated Games
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nickolaipetrov · 4 years
“Excuse me,” Alex made his way through the compound just to make it up to the wing that housed the makeshift quarters for mentors who needed a suite and those who’d already chosen the HQ as their bunk. His voice was careful not to disturb the older man but he leans against the door, considering he might’ve been studying or revamping his class or something- Alex didn’t want to be too much of a distraction. He gripped the plastic wrapping behind his back and he soon presents the gift. It wasn’t much, because Alex wasn’t able to go out and get the man something nice, but it was a bunch of bite-size Snickers and Twix bars arranged in a bouquet and tapped to green straws. 
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,” He hangs his head. “I know it ain’t much, but I wanted to say thanks.” Alex smiles softly, using the moment to hide. It didn’t take much for him to build a softness for the man but it was apparently stronger than before- possibly aspects of his personality traits were amplified. He was aware. Hell, he knew it before everyone else did. But it was certainly a push in a positive direction. Nickolai deserved nice things. “May I come in?” It was obvious that the protege was a fan. Hopefully, he was fond of him as well. 
This quarantine shit has been really getting to Nik, he was use to being on the go majority of the day and it was a little frustrating being forced to stay in one place and be still
the rebel in Nik just wanted walk out those double doors and risk it
but He had to think about prodigies and mentors that would be affected by his actions..
Nik took a deep breath as he sat on his bed and writing in his journal while he had a book open to the side, that he was reading just a few minutes ago.  Nik looked up, eyes widen surprised that the male was at his door. ‘’ Is there something the matter.’’ Nik asked as he put his journal to the side and slowly went to sit on the edge of the bed.  Nik eyes glanced at the box...he was holding.   ‘’ Thanks for what?’’ Nik asked titling his head. ‘’ Yeah come in.’’
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nickolaipetrov · 4 years
“you wanna see what tickles?” clay patted the taller man’s side with his hand, curling to dig fingers into the muscle there, huffing as he continued looking over nik’s shoulder.
he narrowed his eyes, then leaned down and took a whiff of the what was in the pan. but then he remembered he was just getting them ready for steaming. “right.” clay was useless in the kitchen, if it wasn’t already apparent. “guess I’ll just have to settle for distracting you.” pulling back, he settled his chin on nik’s neck. both of his hands on both of nik’s sides, now.
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‘‘ Clay...your gonna make me make a mess.’‘ Nik chuckled trying to concentrate  and focus but he felt Clay’s fingers kneading into the muscle there, as he looked in the corner of his eye as Clay chin was just resting on his shoulder.
Nik knew Clay was pretty useless when it comes to being in the kitchen but he didn’t mind cooking...it was pretty fun to be focus on something that wasn’t about powers, worried someone blowing shit up and lectures. ‘’ Yeah alright...or you could pick out something that we can watch..’’ 
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nickolaipetrov · 4 years
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18K notes · View notes
nickolaipetrov · 5 years
for @nickolaipetrov​
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hefty arms crossed, clay looked over the spread of ingredients nickolai managed to provide. some of it, sure, made sense. but at a lot of it, his brow was raised. “I know I spent the last ten years on MREs, but
amused, he lifted an only slightly wary look to his former commander. “you sure you know what you’re doing, sir?”
‘‘ I feel your breath on my neck...It tickles.’‘ Nik chuckled as he looked over his shoulder, looking at Clay who was eyeing the ingredients that was in the pot that was placed on the stove..as Nikolai was in the process of about cook and steam them to make some stir fry.  ‘‘ But...?’‘ Nik smirked
‘‘ I am positive sir...’‘ He’d teased. ‘‘ I know what I’m doing in the cook so chill out, it’ll taste great just wait and see.’‘ 
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nickolaipetrov · 5 years
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nickolaipetrov · 5 years
“I‘d appreciate that. This power is kinda crazy. It’s like someone gave me an aircraft carrier, but no like
 operating manual.“ That metaphor didn’t really track that well, but could you blame him? He had so many new things in his head it was difficult to keep track of everything.
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Walking up to Nik, Eden took a bold approach and kissed him, balling up the big man’s shirt in his fist. “You’re not gonna get in trouble for fucking me, are you? Because I really need a good fuck right now.”
‘‘ No problem, I  am happy to help. Yeah...took me a little bit to get a hold of my powers as well. So I can show you a few things that help me...hopefully they will help you as well.’‘ Nik smiled...trying to be supportive and helpful as much as possible. ‘‘ Yeah...it’s like airplane mode kind of.’‘ He understood what the young man was going through. 
Nik blinked watching and seeing Eden would do. Him making that bold approach like that, caught him off guard; Nikolai started to kiss back as he slowly brought his hand onto the male’s hip..softly squeezing it. 
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nickolaipetrov · 5 years
Eden smirked a bit as he moved the clothes and bag onto a nearby chair. You know, to leave the bed open. “Yeah? Well, we are in my room. Alone.” His roomie still hadn’t made himself known, so Eden made a motion at the door
 and nothing happened. He frowned, doing it again, hoping to make the magic work this time. Sadly, it didn’t. Well, now he just looked like an idiot.
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“Fuck. Still can’t figure out the magic.“
He walked over to the door and closed it, before leaning against the surface. “All the hot guys here, I think I’m gonna like it in this place.”
Nik watched as the other started to throw things on a nearby chair...tiding things up.  ‘’ Indeed we are.’’ This was probobly the wrong thing do with a protege but they were alone and they were literally on lock down at this very moment.  Nik watched as the other attempted to use his abilities and Nik couldn’t help but chuckle watching him struggle then finally giving up and doing it the old fashion way. ‘’ Well I can certainly help you, use your powers better. Even though I don’t know anything about magic abilities.’’ 
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nickolaipetrov · 5 years
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11K notes · View notes
nickolaipetrov · 5 years
“Mind if I fuck those big, hairy, pecs? And after you can take a few rounds fucking my ass.”
‘‘ Stop by my room and we’ll have that arranged.’‘ 
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9 notes · View notes
nickolaipetrov · 5 years
Can I motorboat those big hairy pecs
‘’By all means.’’
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nickolaipetrov · 5 years
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“Yeah. Stress. I totally don’t spend most nights with my own personal battery operated boyfriend.“
Clearing his throat, Eden held out his hand. “Mind if I get that back? Or
 you want a demo?” He grinned, just a little. His parents had raised him to be a good Christian boy, but he certainly wasn’t good. They thought sending him here would teach him some better morals. Instead they’d gotten him stuck inside a building with dozens of sexy men.
‘‘ Yeah...you totally sound like you’re lonely and stressed.’‘ Nik smiled and chuckled..clearly teasing with the young male.
Nik looked down at the sex toy that was in his hand and looked up at him. Nikolai blinked surprised by the sudden flirtatious teasing. ‘’ A demo...wouldn’t be so bad.’’ He’d joked back. 
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nickolaipetrov · 5 years
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PEDRO AUGUSTO Instagram Stories: March 13th, 2020
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nickolaipetrov · 5 years
Jonathan has never really been good at being told what to do. His mind just immediately screams in defiance to orders. Which was why he has been feeling a bit antsy ever since the lockdown has taken effect. Being a traveler, he’s used to simply willing himself into places but with the current sanction from his higher ups, Jonathan couldn’t risk slipping from this realm into the next. Sure he could sneak in, but that will include elaborate scheming that he just don’t have the energy to do. So there he was, a traveler who can’t shift, playing with a ball levitating on the palm of his hands.
At least everyone else is in the building so it’s not like he has to succumb to insanity all on his own. Roaming the halls of Advocates, Jonathan whistled into the hair, throwing the ball into the air and suspending it mid-ascent only to leap and slap it like a volleyball. He was nearing the end of the hall when he noticed the other man and Jonathan yelled, “Hey dude, catch!” He ordered as he threw the ball midair, suspended it, and gave it a resounding smack towards the other man.
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You would be surprised
Nik wasn’t keen on being told what to do and he’s been in the military so..his entire young 20 year old life was in the hands of a one man who a chiseled face and who barked into your ear 24 hours a day
it’s what it feel like for whatever reason he wanted.  So to be a in place like this
and now to be told to stay inside with people who knew how to use their powers and some did now, was a little nerve wrecking but it’s not like he couldn’t handle it.  Nik has been in worse quarantine and virus shut’s down than this one
but I guess this wasn’t too bad.
The nose of a closed door was heard as Nik walked out of his room and started to walk down the hallway
just wondering around
he wanted to stretch his legs and see how other people were holding up. As he turned the corner, he saw Jonathan with a ball.  ‘’ Huh..’’  He said as everything went so quickly, watching Jonathan throw then smack the ball in midair.  Nik jumped up and caught the ball. Almost missing it by a few seconds.
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nickolaipetrov · 5 years
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17K notes · View notes
nickolaipetrov · 5 years
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295 notes · View notes