nicoberrry · 2 years
Hi! It’s April already... the year has gone by so fast! Soon I will be graduating and recently I started working full-time! It’s my first day and I had a lot of fun and made some really good friends, I genuinely have a good feeling about this <3
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nicoberrry · 2 years
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20220326 ; Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie date
Today I watched the Jujutsu Kaisen movie with my besties > < it fr was soooo good ahhhh, I’m not even going to lie I was so tired today and I don’t remember too much about it… was kind of running on auto pilot mode but the movie was chefs kiss, it actually got all my attention for at least the last part of today! :> I realised a few things today, and made a promise to myself to not make the same mistakes as others and try to change me /my ways to accomodate for other people, I’m Nicole and that’s all. I feel like good things are coming and I’m at a part in my life where I need to grow more and more… so, I will work hard!
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nicoberrry · 2 years
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20220323 // pottery date w/ Rowan
Today was so much fun :< Rowan trekked to mine to share the pottery set she got! 🤍 We both got to get a bag of clay and mould to our hearts content while really terribly singing Cher Lloyd and One Direction (´∀`*) I decided to make a trinket dish as well as 4 little cups! Genuinely thinking of getting them fired and glazed because they’re so cuteeee. Rowan and I found today so enjoyable, we 100% would do it again :0 !! So therapeutic hehe! I received good news today and I’m praying that I will get a position I’ve been really wanting > < … Anyways! I hope you have a good day/night <3
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nicoberrry · 2 years
people who are hurt, hurt people.
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nicoberrry · 2 years
This day, I went on a brunch date with Rowan, we decided to go Surry Hills since we had many many places to choose from! Initially, we were worried about rain however it only sprinkled a tiny bit during the start of the day, we were very lucky and blessed hehe. I forgot the name of the place we ate at lol but it was very very lovely!!! It was a good walk too back to central before I decided that I wanted to get my Tiffany pendant cleaned, so cleaned, it was! We walked around quite a bit, ended up visiting MUJI to get matching hair claws :0 which btw are super strong! However, not perfect for my super super super thick hair... but it still works and stays better than a regular clamp, I must say! We then went to get coffee at The Grounds, we had really deep conversations about life and relationships, friendships and the like. TT I really wanted to try the cold brew but they sold out ahhhhh :< ... one day... I will obtain it! During our deep conversation I had brought up that I was craving nuggets... and pho... and so we went to eat pho afterwards LOL. Before I left the city I decided to buy the Yui keychain I had been thinking about for a few days! I am so happy omg... Today was such an amazing day, it really made me realise a few things and I am always so grateful for Rowan in my life! I hope everyone has a good day / day to come <3
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nicoberrry · 2 years
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20220313 - Brunch (+ many more meals & snacks afterwards) date w/ la mia amica del cuore (о´∀`о)
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nicoberrry · 2 years
I went to IKEA to get a storage wardrobe thingy, more like a children’s toy box! Initially, I wanted to put it in my mirror wardrobe (one with the sliding doors) however my dad had to break the news and say it wouldn’t fit lol. No worries though, my room has space for it still! (It looks really nice too TT <3 yay) I was quite unhelpful as my nails were super long and I didn’t want to break them but I helped a tiny bit and it was fun watching my dad and brother make it for me LOL... 
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nicoberrry · 2 years
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nicoberrry · 2 years
Hi! Today although I woke up super late and woke up feeling quite sad, my best friend Mei asked me to hang out and I was so so happy! I am going through a whole new process of healing, growth and realisations and haven’t been able to go out with my besties for a while, so it really felt good to be able to go out! Especially at night, which I don’t do often for safety reasons. 
Mei and I decided to eat Japanese food, which was very lovely! I had a tempura udon and shared sashimi with Mei hehe, some of the sashimi was a bit too fishy for my liking thoughhhh TT but the udon was greattttt <3 We then took pics in the bathroom, which had a cute vintage mirror and vanity setup hehe... and then we took a nice walk around the city! I wanted to check out the hello kitty cake from Auvers and after looking at it, decided I wanted a Maccas soft serve lol. I then bought some pink face masks and then we just walked around for the rest of the night before heading homeeee! It was a nice chill day, the weather was nice, the wind was perfect, it was so beautiful and I am so so happy! I hope everyone had a nice dayyyy Xx
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nicoberrry · 2 years
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Spring cleaning... even though it’s Autumn for me :>
Very fitting that I’m cleaning since the full moon will be in Virgo soon!
For me, a gemini, it says that “Virgo loves bringing order, particularly around the house. Luckily for you, this Full Moon will be energising your Home sector.” 
I’ll work hard!
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nicoberrry · 2 years
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nicoberrry · 2 years
Misunderstandings happen all the time, we care too much sometimes, but as long as you can put your ego aside and accept your wrongs it’s fine.
I’m thinking of doing a deep clean of my room soon! And perhaps rearranging things! I want a new beginning, somehow... I will work hard to start it!
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nicoberrry · 2 years
Rainy Art Date w/ Gnorts! <3
To preface, I am really excited to start blogging, it’s something that I wanted to try out for myself and whether it stays or don’t, I shall see how I feel! I was very excited to write about today since today I went to the Art Gallery of NSW with Gnortssss! Initially I was warned that with the current weather conditions in Sydney that there was a chance it would piss rain again and I wouldn’t be able to get home but (spoiler//everything was fine) :D I wore my new coat which was godsend... it’s full body and waterproof and has a hood and all, we were GOOD.
We met up one by one and walked together to the museum <3 Surprisingly, even with these weather conditions the museum was packed O_O it was very nice though finally going out! The main event of today was going to the Matisse Exhibit and it was very lovely! There were just wayyyy too many people everywhere omg, the world is very claustrophobic when you’re 5′1...
I also really enjoyed the ‘The Way We Eat’ exhibit. I am a sucker for ceramics and vases e.t.c o///o By the end of it all we were very very hungry and decided to go to The Grounds :0 Since Gnorts haven’t had a get together since December we caught up with each other! I had the 3 cheese pasta despite being lactose, but no fear, my really suspicious bag of lacteeze pills took care of it B-)
When it did start pissing rain we were chilling in The Galeries :0 checked out MUJI and Kino, the usual Galeries shenanigans... I found a Winnie the Pooh calendar for sale so I had to buy it [context: When I was born I was given a Winnie the Pooh doll and it’s just that childhood toy you just always keep with you and whatnot, yes thanks o///o] and and and and Vali bought me the Sumikko Gurashi Lamp TT I’m so touchedddddddd. Lately I’ve been too drained to show too much emotions however I genuinely got tingles from being touched :< <3 ... that sounds weird, but you get what I mean.
I missed being out, I missed going to art museums and eating with friends and buying stuff... I loved today :) To whoever reads this I send many blessings and hope you had a lovely day too!
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nicoberrry · 2 years
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20220306 - Art Gallery NSW rainy date
Matisse: Life & Spirit Exhibit.
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nicoberrry · 2 years
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20220306 - The Grounds + Latest Pickups
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nicoberrry · 2 years
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20220306 - Art Gallery NSW rainy date
The Way We Eat Exhibit.
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nicoberrry · 2 years
I’m seriously going through a seiyuu phase rn omfgggggg (o///o)
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