nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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Quick response drawing I done as a reaction to some of the superstitions I have been researching. Particularly drawings from my broken mirror and ladders. I have used salt and ink in the drawings. I was also experimenting with the idea of showing my work as a series of 12 and a half. With the negative white space behind the work making a ladder affect. The numbers that have Me throughout my research has been (unlucky) 13, 12 because it is deemed to be the complete perfect number and trying to improve this by adding 1 making 13, is unlucky. And 12.5 because countries like Italy don't use the number 13. The omit it from the lottery. Door numbers go from 11, 12, 12.5, 14.... After further research I couldn't find much other significance with the number 12.5 and moving forward with some of these images digitised so I didn't move further with this idea. However if I had more time to develop my photoshop skills and money I think I would try to create a series of 12 or 13 photographs.
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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List of superstitions from my fellow students
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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12 disciples and judas
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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12 nails nailed into the wall. This represents the religious symbolism of the last supper. 12 disciples invited, and the 13th guest...judas being broken or missing because he wasn't invited. There are many religious references to the number 13 and why it is deemed to be unlucky. This is one of them. I have used nails to symbolise the way Jesus was crucified.
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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My final piece. I wanted to continue using the old clock but by removing the clock it becomes a different object in its own right. The battery flap on the back which spins around is essential in showing the different moon phases and its continuous changes taking place. I experimented using a darker back ground but decided to use white which draws the viewer in to the dark space that is being partially hidden by the flap and the shape it takes on. I like the simplicity of this and wanted to strip it back after experimenting with Photoshop and layering. I wanted to show the different phases in a row as the take place. Almost an educational diagram. They grey shades in the photos add to the mystical feeling of the piece.
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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Using photoshop I developed the idea of using the object (an old clock) to show the phases of the moon. The photos look quite mystic to me. I used the same image in the first and last but edited differently digitally. By taking a series of photographs of the circle flap in different positions based on the 8 phases of the moon and using layering and different tools I got different outcomes with the same photo. It gives the sense of direction and movement. A continuous orbit.
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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I have been researching superstition and have been experimenting with salt as a material. I made salt crystals using table salt and boiling water to make an oversaturated salt solution before dipping in a shoe lace. It took almost a week for them to develop but there are crystals. They are very cloudy and don't have a crystal like effect. If I had more time And facilities i would conduct several of these experiments using different types of salt and video the changes taking place for a time lapse.
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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ESW. Inspired by the mental recordings of the surroundings of the sculpture workshop. I went through a process of making a sculpture, drawing from it, making from the drawing, drawing it and again making. It’s amazing how throughout this process the feel of the work changes so much.
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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Clay modelled sculpture inspired by the surrounding of ESW. Experimental mark making. I am trying to push the material and create negative space however the weight of the material dictates this
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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Chicken wire, scrim and plaster sculpture. Free standing (kind of)
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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Sewing wood with string and sticks.
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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Smearing paint
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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The word smear, comes from the action of smearing a specimen onto a microscope slide and creating an air tight space when another slide is slid on top. I have used sellotape folded over itself containing paint, ink and nail polish. If I had more time I would have ordered microscope slides to experiment with. These could be hung on string/fishing wire to give it more of a medical feel.
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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Nail polish, ink and paint studies of smearing on see through feminine products. I want to concentrate more the word and action of smearing.
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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Salvador Dali - girl skipping. This painting wasn't really to my taste but I was taken aback by the scale of it. It's massive. You get a real sense of perspective by these faint lines leading to the church. The clouds look animal like and stormy which makes me feel uneasy. The 2 men on the right are thought to be Dali and his brother who died at a young age. This entire painting is very muted and morbid but because the scale you can't just walk past it. The innocent looking girl looks oblivious.
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nicolewoodscap-blog · 8 years
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Rene Margritte - Les Complices de Magicien 1926, oil on canvas. I was immediately drawn To the red netting over the naked body with the head in a tube and the head and torso with the body also contained. It wasn't until I read the title of the painting it made more sense. I felt like I was in the room, there is a lot of depth as you look through the window to the mountains in the distance.
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