nifls-tactician · 2 months
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Insert wol here ^
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nifls-tactician · 3 months
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Perhaps? :D
Reblog with a picture of your f/o and I'll assign them a song
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nifls-tactician · 5 months
After my friends supported my harebrained idea to do so, I now have a Ko-Fi where I currently offer character letters! I'm hoping to offer more shortform writing options later on, but I figured this would be a good start. Prices range from $7.50 to $20.00 per letter delivered via email within 72 hours! LinkLeKo-Fi
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nifls-tactician · 6 months
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‼️Reblog Game:
reblog this with an image of your f/o and ill assign them a plushie!! example here ⬇️
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nifls-tactician · 6 months
this or that self ship asks
send numbers and a f/o and i’ll respond with the thing from each corresponding set that we like the most/that fits our relationship the best
nose kisses or forehead kisses?
neck kisses or thigh kisses?
heavy, hot, and passionate kisses or soft, sweet, and tender kisses?
spooning or one person laying their head on the other’s chest?
hugs from behind or hugs from the front?
“pancake” or “waffle” hand-holding?
romantic dinners at fancy restaurants or take out dinners on the couch?
constantly bragging about dating each other or keeping the relationship relatively secretive?
playing with each others’ hair or giving each other back massages?
constantly saying “i love you” or only say “i love you” during really serious/romantic moments?
calling each other by their names, plain and simple, or calling each other really flowery pet names?
constantly hanging off of each other or keeping a tame distance in public?
stay at home dates or out on the town dates?
honeymoon at disney world or honeymoon on an island?
formal/fancy wedding or casual wedding?
kids or no kids?
love at first sight or slow burn?
cuddle in bed or need their space to sleep?
gifting love letters/poems or gifting flowers?
value anniversaries/important relationship dates or nah?
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nifls-tactician · 6 months
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Howdy!! Just in time for the winter holidays, I'm doing a 12 Days of Self-Ship! Feel free to use the prompts below for your own creative pursuits! I just ask that you tag me so I can see what all magic y'all make happen!
Every day from 12/13 to 12/24, I'll be posting a short fic for one of my f/o's correlating with that day's prompt! I'm excited for y'all to see what I've got cooking in the kitchen!!
Warm Drinks
Bundled Up
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nifls-tactician · 9 months
also gonna be updating the f/o page later bc I want it to match my specific f/o carrd
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nifls-tactician · 9 months
Self Ship Ask Meme: No Man’s Sky Plants
Gutrot Flower: What was your immediate first impression when you saw your F/O in their series?
Mordite Root: Have you and your F/O ever had to fight for or alongside each other?
Frostwort: What's your and your F/O's idea of a perfect date?
Fungal Cluster: What does your F/O do to care for you when you're sick, and what do you do to care for them?
Gamma Weed: Which one of you is the more impulsive one?
Echinocactus: Which one of you is the more patient one?
Solar Vine: What's your morning routine with your F/O?
Star Bramble: What do you consider your F/O's best quality, and what do they consider your best quality?
Albumen Pearl Orb: What is something you know about your F/O that nobody else does?
NipNip: What do you and your F/O like to do to relax and unwind?
Gravitino Host: Does your F/O act different around you than they do around other people? Do you act differently around them?
Venom Urchin: Who would you say is the more protective one, you or your F/O?
Impulse Beans: What are yours and your F/O's love languages?
Hexaberry: Do you have any inside jokes with your F/O?
Heptaploid Wheat: Do you like to cook with your F/O? What's your favorite thing to make with them?
Sweetroot: What is the nicest thing your F/O has ever done for you?
Grahberry: If your F/O has any (onscreen or headcanon) family, what do they think of you? If not, what do their friends think of you?
Candle Kelp: What is your favorite scene of your F/O in their source?
Fireberry: What does an average summer day look like for you and your F/O?
Frozen Tuber: What does an average winter day look like for you and your F/O?
Jade Peas: What is the approximate height difference between you and your F/O?
Cave Marrow: If you and your F/O could design and decorate your own home together, what would it look like?
Aloe Flesh: If you and your F/O had themed drinks at a pop-up cafe, what would theirs be and what would yours be?
Pulpy Roots: What narrative tropes apply to your self ship?
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nifls-tactician · 9 months
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Hello everyone, it's that time again! 2023 emergency commissions are officially open! 🌸
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I wish it were under better circumstances, but I'm currently in a really tough spot right now; stuck in a toxic home that has done nothing but drain my mental and physical health ever since I moved back here over a year ago. I'm seriously at my breaking point living here and am desperate to get out as quickly as possible — hopefully by the end of this month if I'm able. So here I am, opening up some emergency commissions in hopes of saving enough money to get out of this place for good.
♡ I will only be taking 5 slots at a time, and they will be first come first serve, so act quickly if you want to get one before the spots fill up! ♡ Please have at least one colored reference for your character(s) ready and let me know of any specific details you would like! ♡ All payments will be accepted through PayPal, Venmo, or Kofi. I will send the payment link when we have finalized all the details and I will only start on your commission once I have received payment. ♡ Please keep in mind that there may be a longer wait due to my current situation. I am also working and apartment hunting, so it may take me a bit of time to get to your commission. If you ever have any concerns or would like an update, you are always welcome to ask me and I'll respond ASAP.
Even if you can’t buy a commission right now, I would greatly appreciate if you could reblog + share this post so that it can be spread around!
You can also donate to my Kofi here if you would like to leave something small! ♡
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nifls-tactician · 10 months
so I’m testing out D.an H,eng atm and uhhhh I’m going to combust
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nifls-tactician · 11 months
ah shit,,, i think i might have to add the kanas to my familial f/os,,,
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nifls-tactician · 11 months
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nifls-tactician · 11 months
August 1st is National Girlfriend Day! Be sure to celebrate with your lovely lady f/os! They deserve the world, and they especially deserve you!!
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nifls-tactician · 11 months
Now what have I done to deserve a nibble? :3
good question!
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nifls-tactician · 11 months
💕Self Ship Fic Giftaway 💕
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Here's the official post! I'll keep it short and sweet. I enjoy writing self ship x canon fics (S/I or OC x Canon) and I'd love to be able to give some out to people in the community! I adore everyone's ships and I wish to support you with some writing. So I'll pick 3 people from the reblogs to write fics for. I'd love to do this more in the future so if this turns out to be successful perhaps I'll do it again. You can find examples of my writing below the cut!
⭐PRO.SHIPPERS DNI. This isn't for you. You will be blocked on sight. ⭐Must be following me. (New followers are welcome) ⭐If you want an NSFW work you must have your age in your bio and/or pinned post. I will not write NSFW for minors/ageless. ⭐Reblog to enter! ⭐Bonus entry if you tell me a fun fact about your F/O in the tags 💕
Here are some examples of things I've written if you'd like to see my writing style!
Gift fic for @/weirdgirlgf
My S/I meeting Kn.ives for the first time
Fic/Art trade with @/amaltheasdreams (NSFW)
Here's the masterlist of writing's ive done for Tri.gun on my writing blog!
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nifls-tactician · 11 months
deadass don’t know what to post atm but i wanna make my f/o and s/i carrd look pretty before i start to brainrot for a bit
that and making a tags post bc I’ve got a specific ramble tag for myself
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nifls-tactician · 11 months
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Marina || 23 || They/Them my carrd I interact from @sortatiredartist
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The Important Things here BYF / DNI F / O's (carrd version)
dni: p.roship/c.omship ter.f, ace/aro exclus, aging up a character/aging down a self insert to self ship with a minor as an adult (romantically) This pinned post is very much subject to change in the future.
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