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Baby Driver:
Baby + Debora + kisses/moments
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Baby Driver’s opening credits: The trip to the coffee store. 
(Harlem Shuffle- Bob and Earl) 
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Baby Driver (2017) extended scene
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Leonardo DiCaprio  //  Johnny Depp
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blackbear tweets 🖤
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“hay un millón de pequeñas razones por las que te quiero cerca…, y si tratara de escribirlas, me quedaría sin tinta”
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IT (2017) the losers’ club & georgie → hugs
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So when I saw this in the cinema for the first time I was a bit confused, but it was funny so I didn’t really care about it.
I was confused because, Richie never saw pennywise do that dance. It wasn’t him. It was Eddie. So I was just thinking how did he know about it?
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Clearly, EDDIE TOLD HIM ABOUT IT and Richie 27 years later, wanted to make Eddie laugh.
But what does IT do? Makes sure that comes back to bite him, in Richie’s scene with pennywise, where they are confronting his sexuality.
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you’re thirteen and dragging your best friend into the photo booth. there’s laughter in your bellies and your heads are fuzzy from guzzling too much soda. there’s a nick on your left knee from where you got pricked by a plant earlier. his glasses are smudged. when you look up at him you hope he sees what you’re trying to tell him, the words you can’t quite fit your mouth around – it’s safe here, i think. we’re safe here. you’re safe. 
(the more terrifying ‘i love you’ is still locked away. you don’t even want to think it right now, though the more you try not to the harder it becomes.)
he laughs, ducks down next to you like he’s going to kiss you, but before your heart can race away from you the rest of them are crowding inside, too, and you’re left with him smushed against your back, hands on your shoulders, muffling his laughter and dirty jokes into your hair, and all you can think is that this place is full of so much love you could drown in it.
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ily: i love you
ilysm: i love you so much
yhamfbwkapcbhwfwsbwakhpoohofwmawtthobmybtyt: you had a moment, fine. but who killed a psychotic clown before he was fourteen? who stabbed bowers with a knife he pulled out of his own face? who married a woman ten times his own body mass? you’re braver than you think.
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”I just wanna make you feel okay, but all you do is look the other way.”
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