nihanovacaine · 2 years
Truth, Honor, Kinship
After a harrowing experience with a group of heretics, young Aurelien de Jardineaux had always known that his destiny lay in knighthood. As a young boy growing up in Ishgard, he had been captivated by the stories of brave knights who fought against the enemies of their city-state and protected the people of Ishgard from harm. Though a youth, Aurelien had joined the Order of Our Knights Most Heavenly, determined to do his part in representing House de Jardineaux’s martial roots, and in the pursuit of filling his father’s shoes. It was after the closing of the Final Verse of the thousand-year-Dragonsong-War, he climbed to the rank of captain of a unit that had only just lost its leader at the hands of a draconic adversary. was beloved by his unit, who looked up to him as a mentor and friend.
The Company’s Knight-Lieutenant was an esteemed warrior, his method involved swinging an axe than the graceful beauty of the halberd or sword. Ser Lucien de Archambeaux. Though Ser Lucien was a staunch traditionalist who often disagreed with Ser Aurelien, he couldn’t help but respect his captain’s unwavering commitment to the well-being of his knights. One particularly gelid morn, the 14th Company was called upon to defend the nearby Central Highlands from an attack by a rogue dragon. Ser Aurelien, who oft chose to suffer the same hardship as his men, led his knights into battle wielding his sword with the same grace and skill as ever.
Easily distinguished in a sea of twinkling maille was Ser Julien, a Knight Dragoon who had lent his aid to the fervent unit for many years. Ser Julien was an irreplaceable dragoon of the See, known for his fierceness in battle and his unwavering loyalty to Ishgard. Despite his gruff exterior, Ser Julien had a deep respect for Ser Aurelien, who had always treated him with an unexpected sense of empathy.
The dragon swerved wildly in the air, war machina flinging magickal ammunition toward it in an attempt to slow the beast down. Archers, halberdiers, and chocobo cavalry made up the 14th unit, Surprising to none but to himself, Ser Julien tore through the heavens and struck true his holy weapon into the dragon. His mastery of the lance was unparalleled, and his courage in the face of danger inspired his fellow knights to fight harder than ever before. With Ser Aurelien at the helm and Ser Julien on the front lines, the 14th Company emerged victorious, successfully arresting the advance of the dragon menace.
It was this momentous event that earned the then squire, Emeraude de Cadieux, her knighthood. She is the sole knight to hail from her noble house who earned substantial prestige after the imminent end of her squireship under Ser Aurelien. Though her wounds her great, she had persevered and proven to not only the stubborn Knight-Lieutenant but her immediate family that she belonged within the Order under the Fury and that her place was with her brothers and sisters ever-vigilant—bannered under peace or not. A people’s conditioning would never be so easily forgotten.
In the aftermath of the battle, Ser Aurelien gathered his knights—greenhorn squires in tow— and spoke to them with his characteristic altruisme. He praised their bravery and skill, but also reminded them that they were more than just soldiers - they were comrades-in-arms, bound together by a common purpose and a shared sense of duty.
“Brave is the man who displays valor, wise is the man who acknowledges the strength of his compeers. Our verity reinforces the solidarity within our small number. May hope, strength, and faith in Her divine judgment ever guide us. It is my belief that She smiles upon us from the snow-laden skies above. Naught shall divide us—come what may!” 
As the 14th Company Temple Knights returned to their respective hearths within the barracks that eve, they returned with renewed fervor and a sense of pride swelling within their armor. They were part of a brotherhood of knights who stood together against any foe, led by a captain who was as kind as he was fierce, and whose heart was as stalwart as his stance. Even the hard-headed Knight-Lieutenant, Ser Lucien let the smallest curl form on his mien, as if in acknowledgment of Ser Aurelien’s influence on the unit. He was not smiling, however, no—it was a mere trick of the light.
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nihanovacaine · 2 years
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nihanovacaine · 2 years
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🌬 alucard 🕯
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nihanovacaine · 2 years
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Radagon and Marika
I got many elden ring stuff these days%)
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nihanovacaine · 5 years
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
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I had a period of unemployment for about nine months after my first big break, and it’s the greatest lesson I ever could have learned, never to believe you’re home and dry.
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
Poetry & Story Night
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Calling all poets, storytellers and coffee lovers!
The Howling Owl is a premier faction neutral coffee shop located in Pandaria and owned by Alaris Sunspell and Romarique Valeriant. Each month we host an event that allows our patrons to recite poems, tell stories, or even share music for the others in attendance to enjoy. These can be original works or can simply be their favorites. Real world adaptations are fine too!
Location: The Howling Owl (Mistfall Village, Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Pandaria)
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We will be in the main tavern, the biggest building!
When: Friday, February 15th, Doors will open at 6PM WrA server time
Drinks and snacks will be served until 6:30PM when readings will start. Afterward, drinks and food will be served again. Feel free to mingle and stay as long as you like!
All races, factions and other servers are welcome!
This month will be Love is in the Air themed!  We will be encouraging poems, stories or songs based around that!  
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!!Couple’s Costume Contest!!
Bring your sweetheart and come dressed in a cute couple’s costume to have a chance at winning some prizes! Prizes will include in-game pets and toys! Horde and Alliance side!
If you’re interested in attending or have a question send a message to @sunspell-wra or @romariquev or join our Discord server here!
@the-royal-courier @wowrpevents @wraconnect @wracentral @warcraftisastage
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
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winding down from work and all, been wanting to do this for some time now. signature ears?? lol
 IDK i figured some of you might enjoy this 
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
 Nimuehdra found herself failing to understand why the Horde mindlessly followed the Warchief without actual protest. It was too late for the faction to turn back now. The Alliance led by Lady Proudmoore was already at our doorstep. The Port of Dazar’alor was under attack. The Blood Mage did not make an appearance there at the Zandalari capital. 
 In the past few months, she had tried to convince herself to stay behind and defend Thalassian borders and fight of her Nation if not truly bending to the whims of the crazed Banshee the Horde leader was. It all adversely affected her work and caused her to be withdrawn from everyone as more and more of her agents willingly fell onto Alliance swords.
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At the Dalaran Headquarters, the five wings that had once been busy with the sounds of chatter, were now silent. The faces of agents past highwaymen and decorated soldier alike disappeared, leaving but an echo of their once prominent presence in the main wing. 
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 Incandescent light flickered onto the Magistrix’s features, highlighting her cheekbones as wisps of snowy locks fell on her brow. Nimuehdra’s desk was uncharacteristically tidy, the paperwork untouched, the documents before her unreviewed all despite her sitting in the same chair for hours. 
A familiar scratching of parchment broke the eerie silence as her enchanted phoenix quill fervently scribbled a note for those who’d come looking for her. 
“If it is of utmost importance, then you will know how to reach me. But for now, I must be selfish and leave on a personal journey. Draumr has all the records archived for viewing via memory crystals.” 
The Magistrix then took one look around her well-used workspace. A pained look formed on her features as emerald eyes gazed down to the floor. Black high-heeled boots made an audible click as her footsteps echoed through the empty corridors toward the exit of the building. 
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
Converging Alignments - Part 2 (with Sunreavers)
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Once again, on the trail of the lost pieces of Roland’s Cartographic Map.  The Scions & Sunreavers retrieved another runically embedded message of the map maker Roland, as well as retrieving several similar crystals.  Those were corrupted and now the two groups are intensely trying to decipher the messages before anyone else figured out how and where the additional map pieces exist, potentially bringing with it a power of immense concern.
@thebuildingcacophony @roewyn @lledwynlomeriel @seilune @boendark @logainenoviar @auroranar @anightsodark @nimuehdraemberfury
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
@seilune it's still my favorite moment between Sei and Nim. That and the time Nimuehdra brought Gurxos wither to heal Seilune of the fel corruption she suffered. ❤
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far?
To commemorate her friendship with Seilune, Nimuehdra gifted her with a hawkstrider from her own brood. With feathers stark white, feminine, elegant, and incredibly well trained, Shari’fal was given as a way for Seilune to stay in touch with her. Her armor is enchanted so that should Seilune ever be in danger, she need only touch it and it will ping the magistrix. The mun and I are best friends, as well as the muses, so this scene had me crying like a baby. I was so touched by it and I still smile big when I think back to that day. 
@nimuehdraemberfury ♥
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
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“You see.. at the beginning Azeroth was all gray and dragons ruled.. but in time the first fire occurred..” (Via)
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
#la maison d'Emberfury #muse aesthetic #nimuehdra emberfury
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
#nimuehdra emberfury
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