If you HAD to pick one of your characters to put in a fansession starting today, which would you pick?
oh god like a regular old sburb fansession?
[looks thru my list of over 200 characters]
i feel like i have to say magpie? hes not the most fitting or anything but he really feels like The Guy of my blog
if i meditated on this for a while longer i might have a more thoughtful answer, but its been a LOOOONG time since ive paid any mind to how my ocs would be in a sburb session :P
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we oc based artists stick together
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big kitty and small puppy working hard as corporate cogs [big kitty ima is damis [[damistrolls]]
Some doodles under cut
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“weird and unhealthy relationship that cant be categorized neatly as sexual or romantic or platonic but has a defining air of devotion and obsession to it” wins sound of the summer for the 13th year in a row
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The gang!!!
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Gonna talk about these guys since I've been drawing them this evening
They're three young adults living in an undescribed town in northern France. Jack's currently living with his dad, doing nothing and trying to find where he's going to go in life, while maintaining a UFOlogy blog. Elie is his sister and is living with their aunt. She's very immunocompromised and suffers from chronic pains so her aunt rarely lets her leave the house. Elie ends up spending all her time online and writes fanfics! She's dating Alex, a famous rugby player who's also a big nerd and spend most of his free time coding and playing Minecraft. Maud is a strange girl who lives with her uncle and does not go out. At all. She's very sweet and use her time to build entire worlds in VR. She's Jack's best friend!
To make a long story very very short: Elie, one day, reads a random comment online talking about a game called "Code.ex"— curious, she digs around the internet to find what exactly that game is. It takes her days of restless searching to find barely any information, as if that game actually didn't exist. Right when she was about to give up, she found her way to a download page. There's barely any concrete info there too— all she finds is a link and a nonessential description. Excited to try it out, she sends the link to her brother, her boyfriend, and her friend to try it out!
Little did she know, that game would completely alter their reality. Literally. They gain powers they can turn on and off, and are suddenly being chased by weird cyber monsters only them can see. And soon enough, there's other players trying to fight them, too.
Code.ex as a game doesn't have any states goals— aside from surviving the monsters. You can gain exp from monsters but also especially from players by taking their "core" and effectively killing them in-game, which may or may not severely injure them in real life. Each person playing code.Ex has a "power" which is themed around something and lvling up grant them more "abilities". Players starting the game as a group get perks and drawbacks— being stronger when fighting together, but having to split the exp gained. They also share a common theme on top of their personal one :]
Their team has a "RPG" theme amplified:
Jack's power is "time", and his ability is, at first, stopping time. He also has a rogue theme so he gain a little speed bonus on top!
Elie's power is "Salamander", and as a starter she gets to adopt a 30% cyber salamander-dragon form that boost her strength exponentially. Her additional theme is Hard hitter basically. Makes her stronger.
Alex's power is "Shield", which lets him put up a shield that reduces damage. He's also a "tank" so he has a boost in defense.
Maud's power is "Space", and she starts with the ability to wrap anything in a spiral within a restricted field of vision. She's very much the "mage" of the Group.
In universe, there's no real explanations as to who gets what, but as an outside of the story point of view, I picked them to bring out the worse in each of them :P.
I love these guys. Can you tell.
umm. tell me abt ur non-homestuck ocs/lore
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it sucks that you can only die once and its permanent.. imagine the kinda sex we could be innovating if that wasnt the case
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Night in with pals!
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Thinking abt the code.ex kids partying. Btw.
Out of the Group, Alex is the one who can hold his liquor the best, however because he rarely drinks he tends to go overboard and end up drunk. Jack's slightly less tolerant than him but he knows how much he needs for a good time and how much he needs for a very bad time.
Elie's a lightweight but knows her limit well, so she's just getting a little buzzed most of the time. Meanwhile, Maud has never had alcohol in her entire life up until this point and will get absolutely wasted after 2 drinks.
Jack when he's drunk is incredibly stupid and looses all filters. In the wrong circumstances he can also get violent (but that never happens with his sister and co). Alex is just goofy and loves getting a laugh out of his friends! He can also get incredibly emotional in the right atmosphere. Elie is becoming even bolder and snarkier, while laughing at everything Alex and co does, and Maud gets the zoomies before she crashes down and get the sleepies.
Jack's the biggest drinker of the four, the others only really take part in it from time-to-time during their little gatherings after fighting for their lives.
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Night in with pals!
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My posts may barely get any notes but I am. Free
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Incorrect quote generator has given me quality shitpost ideas
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Meeting the creator
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Okay I know I said I wouldn't touch fantrolls much anymore but what if I made a troll based on spore
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nihoniums-oc-emporium · 2 months
Had enough toxic Yuri I need to make evil women
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nihoniums-oc-emporium · 2 months
(in the voice of a guy that will defy fate to save you) i don't care
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