ninesyllablestabs · 2 months
I think Umineko is amazing for many reasons, but one important among them is that, obviously, it attracts a lot of so called evil women enjoyers, but, the problem is, while it is true that many evil women exist in Umineko, it’s stuff like “tortures a soul 1000 eternities” or “brutally kills helpless people with magic”, the usual, right?
This would be unremarkable if it wasn’t for the existence of Ushiromiya Rosa, who beats her own daughter up and yells at her when she loses her temper.
Now, obviously, it’d be in bad faith to put those side by side, because one’s a fiction evil and one’s a pretty real every day evil, but it’s really amusing to see people go “wowie yessss mass murder witch yesss I love when she disemboweled those people brutally while laughing and mocking them!!!” and 5 minutes later the same people will say “well see Rosa is irredeemable because she hits her kid”.
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ninesyllablestabs · 5 years
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ninesyllablestabs · 5 years
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Iconic Bayonetta moments (as chosen by my followers): honorable mentions - 1/5 
First confrontation of Bayonetta and Jeanne
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ninesyllablestabs · 5 years
this post has asbestos reblog to kill ur followers
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ninesyllablestabs · 5 years
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Cinderace & Bellossom // Pokemon Camp
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ninesyllablestabs · 5 years
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And here’s the pokedaily queue! First, days 786-790. The meganium was donated as well! Thank you for the ko-fi!
Want to control which pokedaily is next? Refer to this list, and then comment which pokemon you want by buying me a coffee! You can also view more through my pokedaily tag, or at my twitter.  (Where I post these daily!)
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ninesyllablestabs · 5 years
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Couple of my all time favs
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ninesyllablestabs · 5 years
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ninesyllablestabs · 6 years
PSA: To be a Good Roleplay Partner you must Learn how to “Roleplay Intentionally”
I would go so far to say, it is impossible to be a good roleplayer without understanding what intentional roleplaying is. 
First, a definition of terms:
Intentional Roleplaying means that you have a strong awareness of your muse’s actions and, most importantly, an in depth understanding of the consequences of their actions on others. 
This is critical for respecting the boundaries of others since a lot of admins are uncomfortable with rping certain topics. Without it, theres no way you can respect your partner’s boundaries because you won’t know what boundaries they have and how to respect them. 
Intentional roleplaying requires that you:
Hold your muse accountable for their actions: This is not just “I don’t endorse what happens IC”. It’s more than that. You constantly need to hold your muse accountable. If the story doesn’t allow for it immediately, then hold them accountable OOC. And besides, there always comes a day when everyone gets the consequences of their actions. You must let your muse have that.
Keep your muse separate from you: Again, more than just denouncing your muse’s behavior. Don’t take it personal when your partner critiques your muse. It’s understandable that you rp to get away from your own problems. Whats not okay is when you start encroaching in other people’s space and making other people uncomfortable. This is a space for everyone.
Actively seek understanding the consequences of your muse’s actions: This means asking your partners about whats going on in the rp. Talk about the consequences. Ask about boundaries your partner has and if it’s okay to even go on certain routes. This is important.
TLDR: You really need to hold your muse accountable for their actions. You ought to be constantly asking your partners about the consequences of your muse’s actions, too. It’s the only way you can be a good roleplay partner. 
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ninesyllablestabs · 6 years
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me giving you a heartfelt gift: Patch Of Moss
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ninesyllablestabs · 6 years
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ninesyllablestabs · 6 years
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We had so much fun today at the park! We didn’t stay long because the wind kept blowing poor Velvet away!
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ninesyllablestabs · 6 years
why are star wars planets more boring than earth and our solar system like sure we’ve seen desert, snow, diff types of forest, beach, lava, rain, but like… 
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rainbow mountains (peru)
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red soil (canada/PEI)
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rings (saturn’s if they were on earth) 
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bioluminescent waves
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northern lights (canada)
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salt flats (bolivia, where they filmed crait but did NOTHING COOL WITH IT except red dust?? like??? come ON)
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and cool fauna like the touch me not or like, you know, the venus flytrap.. and don’t get me started on BUGS like… we have bugs cooler than sw aliens
BASICALLY like???? come on star wars you had one (1) job where are the cool alien species
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ninesyllablestabs · 6 years
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Eeveelution Aesthetic Series
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ninesyllablestabs · 6 years
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Skitty used assist
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ninesyllablestabs · 6 years
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ninesyllablestabs · 6 years
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