nlghtlocked · 2 years
send ‘you know i love you,  right?’ for my muses reaction  (  can be platonic or familial,  not just romantic  ). 
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
send me an ask that starts "Write me a starter where..." & a plot idea for our muses.
there's no guarantee this will result in receiver writing a starter, but it helps to get plot gears moving! (reverse meme)
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
reverse meme call ! while I get back into the swing of things with annie please like this & I'll send you a couple of memes from your tag ! ( multis please specify xo )
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
hi guys! sorry i've been so silent my adhd has been appalling & my asoiaf multi has been basically the only place i've been active. still love annie though & hopefully things are lessening mental health wise so i'll be able to be on more often!
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
off y'all i've been so sick and also just generally struggling so sorry for the radio silence! rest in peace me & my chest infection
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
not sure how y'all deal with discord sometimes - i was offline for a day & i log on to more than 30 messages, mostly dms! obviously many people are nice (this is not a vague to anyone on here, lol) and it's different if we're friends! but for people I've barely spoken with...guys. I can't be online every single day. I was having dinner and seeing a show with my mum and had a job interview...!
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
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Love  is  the  bane  of  honor,  the  death  of  duty.  What  is  honor  compared  to  a  woman's  love?  What  is  duty  against  the  feel  of  a  newborn  son  in  your  arms  ...  or  the  memory  of  a  brother's  smile?  Wind  and  words.  Wind  and  words.  We  are  only  human,  and  the  gods  have  fashioned  us  for  love.  That  is  our  great  glory,  and  our  great  tragedy.
#𝖚𝖓𝖈𝖗𝖛𝖜𝖓𝖊𝖉  —  a  book  canon  asoiaf  multimuse  shaped  by  eliza  .
                            ✵  independent                             ✵  mutuals only                             ✵  18+                             ✵  feat. catelyn stark, ellaria sand, willas tyrell && many more                             ✵  also found:  @nlghtlocked, @kronoscrvwned
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
still procrastinating this essay which means I'm thisss close to making an asoiaf multimuse. someone talk some sense into me.
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
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Lighthead, Terrance Hayes
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
tell me why i just realised. as in 5 minutes ago. that I have 3000 words due in tomorrow at 12pm.
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
↪     𝑲𝑰𝑺𝑺  ﹠ ᵀᴱᴸᴸ .    (  a  collection  of  50+ kiss prompts .   feel  free  to  specify  the  initiating  muse .  potentially  nsfw  content  within .   will  be  updated .)
finally kissing the person you’ve been pining for .
a kiss shared during a game  ( truth or dare ,  spin the bottle ,  etc ) .
kissing your lover to show you forgive them .
neck kisses that turn into love bites .
wiping away your lover’s tears as you kiss them .
a kiss to prove you don’t have feelings for them .
a last kiss before one goes away .
biting your lover’s lip amidst a kiss .
an emotional kiss bringing one party to tears .
a kiss while being reunited after a long time .
kissing your lover in a moment of sheer joy .
a kiss while slow dancing .
sharing a spontaneous kiss with a stranger .
an abrupt ,  heated kiss during the middle of a fight .
kissing them to shut them up .
a kiss to wake your lover up in the morning .
sharing a kiss in a heavy downpour of rain .
kissing your partner to seal a marriage .
a possessive kiss that is meant to stake a claim .
a kiss to resolve suppressed romantic/sexual tension .
a kiss attempting to convince the other party to stay .
kissing the top of their head as you hold them .
a risky kiss between forbidden lovers .
stolen kisses while hiding away from a crowd .
a kiss that leaves lipstick stains .
a kiss shared on a rooftop while the sun sets .
a flirtatious kiss on the back of the hand .
sneaking off to a public bathroom to make out .
a kiss on the forehead as the other sleeps .
an  ( accidental / mutually )  drunken kiss .
caging your lover against a wall with your arms to kiss them .
a kiss after joining your lover in the shower .
a kiss after receiving good news .
a tentative ,  exploratory kiss between friends .
a kiss shared between enemies during combat .
kissing your lover after believing you’d lost them .
a kiss after a devastating event ,  meant to comfort .
a possessive kiss in front of a jealous third party .
kissing your lover under the night sky while stargazing .
a kiss between two people in a fake relationship .
a kiss that seals a promise .
kissing your lover lazily first thing in the morning .
holding your lover by the jaw to kiss them .
kissing the tears from their cheeks .
a kiss to your lover’s stomach as you travel down their body .
an abrupt kiss that you melt into after a moment of hesitation .
sleepy ,  domestic morning kisses in the kitchen while making breakfast .
a rushed kiss before one party leaves for work .
a kiss shared while holding your dying lover .
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
going to be slowly working through my drafts today & tomorrow ! I'd say I have an excuse but honestly I've just been sooo hungover. cursed
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
they say you shouldn't learn sex from fanfiction but what about sailing
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
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                                             ind. mutuals only. selective.                                             book-canon luke castellan                                                                verses
                              adored &&. shaped by eliza ( 26, she/her, gmt )                                     triggers and dark themes will be present                                           open to shipping with chemistry.                                 this is a sideblog. follows from nlghtlocked.
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
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starter  |  @heavenstrck  (  finnick  )
location  |  district four, before the quell
Is this how it ends?
It had been several weeks since Annie's heart had beaten properly. First, the panic: that had been familiar enough, the wildness, the tears, the way she had wanted to launch herself at everyone, everyone, nails outstretched, go for their eyes. Her parents had not known what to do with her; they rarely did, when she was in these moods, they much preferred the quiet madness, it was more tolerable, easier to ignore. They had been shocked into stillness anyway; her mother had gone white, and her older brother Percy had gone silent, his jaw stiff with rage, and her father had stood and stalked from the room - predictable responses from all of them, the Crestas were nothing if not predictable. Even she was predictable, her storm of tears. Hector had taken her by the elbows, and his hands were firm even if his eyes were blaring with rage. "Come on, Annie," he'd said, "come on, little one," and he had coaxed her from the room, where Snow's magnanimous expression beamed down upon the crowd, as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol...
"You won't have to go in," he had said to her, in the calm whiteness of the kitchen, rocking her, her face pressed to his shoulder, waiting for the storm to pass. "Don't be silly, Annie. There's others who can take your place."
And that was true; there were others. But who would take Finnick's place? She had known that answer even before she saw him. Predictable. So the storm had passed, and in the quiet aftermath, the settling of knowledge had laid itself about her like snow on her shoulders. It would be him, so it would be her. She would not live long past him. Easy. Simple. What an answer.
Now: now, they had less than a day. The sun was setting over the water. Annie had taken her little skiff, the one she had bought herself in those first few months after her Victory when everyone had thought she would get better, and skimmed her way down the bay, keeping under the cliffs, familiar waters, until she reached the small cove. It was no secret, but it was only really known to those who lived along Victor's Bay, and inside the cool stone welcomed her with a rush of nostalgia. It was there that she sat and waited, feet bare and damp from the spray, her little boat half-heartedly moored and safe from the swell. Even if he doesn't come, she thought to herself, arms about her knees, at least I can see the sun go down from here. For the last time.
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
Dandelions? Annie mouthed the word, as if she had never heard it before. It was a common enough flower in Four, but it was not as if many people had any reason to eat plant life. Those that could not buy their food in the market fished it up themselves; most did both, and the very poorest families lived on the sea full-time, all year round, scraping up clams and muscles when there was nothing else, and fish when it was plentiful. In the worst of the winter storms people had salt-fish to fall back on, the kind that could last months if properly stored. Just the thought made Annie's mouth water: they had always complained about the strong flavour, but something about the salt put heat into you, painfully nostalgic. What were her family doing now, she wondered. Were they in the final eight? She had not counted the canon blasts since Rush's death had been announced - as if anyone could mistake it, given the...the blood. She picked relentlessly at her nails.
"Where did you learn all this?" she asked, finding that it helped to talk, made her feel more present, more grounded. She reached out and brushed a bloody finger over one of the loose leaves in the girl's hands. "Do they teach you in District Twelve?" Her mouth twisted: not quite a smile, and nothing like the confident grin she had showed Caesar at her interview, but closer than she had managed in long hours. "I thought you were coalminers, not forragers." Just like I'm a sailor, not a killer. But that wasn't true, either. She had been taught to kill since she was old enough to hold a skinning knife. Did the Capitol think all those hours gutting salmon would be put to good use?
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This was not how it was supposed to go. Annie had had a plan, and it was a well worn-one; it had worked for District Four tributes since the beginning of time (or the beginning of the Games, and Annie could not imagine a world in which the Games did not exist, dictating every choice they ever made). The Career Pack was hers; it had always been meant for her. Finnick had made it very clear. Stick with them for as long as you can, he’d said, but as soon as the splinters become cracks, that’s when you run. And he had touched her arm. You’ll know when.
But she hadn’t; she had miscalculated, and that miscalculation had cost her District partner his life. She swallowed back bile at the memory, and her hands trembled, so she clenched them into fists to hide her weakness. This small girl was no threat, but Annie knew the sponsers were watching. Finnick was watching. She distracted herself by following Prim’s delicate gesture to the herbs she had been gathering. “Will they be useful?” she asked, her mouth feeling oddly numb. She had washed the blood off in the first stream she had come across, but it still caked the edges of her fingernails, was pressed into the soles of her feet. “To…I don’t know, to eat?” She shook her head. “I don’t know the first thing about wilderness survival. I was never supposed to end up here.” Sat by your side, a girl who I could take down with less effort than it would take to talk to her.
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Plants reminded her of home. It reminded her of family. Her mother, who had taught her which plants healed ailments, which ones helped with fever, bleeding, infections… Her sister, who had taught her that plants could feed them, that plants could save them. She had shown her which ones were food, and which ones were poison. And her father… Her father who had named her Primrose, and her sister Katniss. Herbs and flowers were comforting, like a secret language that only she spoke.
Primroses were not supposed to be resistant. They were delicate, they healed. But she had to be strong.
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“Some we can eat, yes,” she explained softly, but with a strangely mature tone to her voice, “but others are used for medicine. Some plants can also be poison, so we have to be careful.” She had picked up some poisonous herbs and berries a few days ago, hidden them at the bottom of the little backpack she had managed to find. Her secret language. 
“These are Calendula, the leaves and petals are good as an antiseptic. It’s to avoid infections. But I found some Dandelions earlier, and Dandelions are good to eat.” 
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nlghtlocked · 2 years
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starter call  |  @bouquetofasphcdels for ashton
location  |  career academy, district 4
After hours the academy took on a sort of glow, odd, unsettling, but always nostalgic, the liminal taste of a place usually filled with laughter and chattering and the clang of metal on metal. Now that she was of age, or close enough to it, most tutors turned a blind eye to Annie and those others of her year who preferred to train after hours, when there were fewer eyes on them: they were inescapable during the day, the younger students eyeing them constantly, for tips, for strategies, or simply with mute jealousy. At least, Annie told herself it was jealousy, and not pity.
There were many things she still needed practice in; no one could be a true all-rounder, not without sacrificing that weapon with which they were naturally skilled at, and for Annie that was the short-sword. In close combat, with a good sharp knife, few could beat her. She was quick on her feet and wicked sharp, and presented a good small target for the blundering hunks of muscle that generally passed for Careers amongst the boys. At a longer range she often struggled; longswords overbalanced her and her targeting was only so-so - still better, she reminded herself, warming up with her habitual round of stretches, than many other tributes; better even than some who had won. Not everyone could be Finnick Odair, good at everything. She rolled her eyes at the thought and selected a brace of heavy handled throwing knives from the armour stand, then lined herself up against the targets at the other end of the gym. THWACK !  a headshot. THWACK  !  Chest. not where she'd been aiming, but then again, it wouldn't matter in the bloodbath. One more week, she thought to herself, stretching out her shoulder and taking up position again, shaking out her hand to stop its trembling. Only one more week, and then I can volunteer...
The footsteps startled her; she whipped around, her ponytail obscuring her vision for one brief moment - before she recognised the form and relaxed, just a little. "I know I'm not allowed," she said pre-emptively, raising her hands. "I just thought...well. Maybe I need the practice."
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