wxshxngstxr · 3 months
she wants the d
I can't even make a joke about this in character. She's a fairy. She absolutely wants the d. But she'll take your thimble collection because it's very shiny as a substitution. AHHHHH there's the joke, I knew I had it in me.
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wxshxngstxr · 3 months
my face is falling off and i'm in agony but the blue fairy will always be ready to tear her gown off at a moment's notice
haha dying just dying
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wxshxngstxr · 3 months
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Which button does the other things? Those things.
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Asking for a friend.
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I'm a flirting machine with no off button.
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
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She hums for a moment. "A pebble does not realize its importance in constructing a mighty wall. If that doesn't do it for you, I've got plenty. I've been around for so very long..." Blue's hands fold in front of her and she nods slowly. "I'm sorry I couldn't make a big enough difference for you. Or change things. You never asked for too much- well I couldn't bring back dinosaurs, but I tried to get you dinosaur stickers... It wasn't really a good alternative, I must admit." She presses her lips together for the sad confession. "That's a very big part about wishes. There's much you can do to make them come true on your own. You are strong- not because of what you went through. In spite of it. You have the power to lend that strength to help wishes come true... Perhaps you can make some new wishes of your own when they come to mind." She loosens her hands and exhales very slightly, looking slightly unsure. "...But should you find yourself in need of a little push, don't be afraid to look to my star and ask. I'll be there for you, Shy."
The hand squeeze is as comforting as it is unexpected, as are the words Miss Blue imparts to her; she helped her? Even in a small way, giving someone a piece of themselves is a task not to be taken lightly. "I know about the stag from the constellations around India...I didn't learn that one until later, though. I'm glad I could offer something to you, however small."
Her smile falters a little. As a child, her wishes reflected her situation; to fly, to be a mermaid, to ride a dinosaur...to make her dad come back...for mom and Jason to stop fighting...eventually to disappear and be forgotten. Currently, they weren't so dire, but she put less faith in wishes and more in action.
"Maybe not like I did back then, but...I still try. I made one recently and I think it came true."
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
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Keep up appearances. Stay perfect. And more than that... Jiminy loves him. It's not like the old dwarf. It's different and even then, she's promised to be cordial. No, Jiminy chose him. He chose this one. He's special. He's more than special. It's obvious to see. There's something dark there, but it's not so dark as an unending night. It's like a piece of sharp obsidian; ready to cut and mesmerizing. Hypnotizing. Intoxicating. "There are others?" The laugh switches to a scoff. "Truly? Are they bound by a council as well?" There's a frustrated sigh as she adjusts her headband. "My kind are meant to be feral and free. We've traded that for this... this..." There were many words and none would come to her lips. The anger had flashed quickly, then fizzled out. She forced an exhale and looked back at PV. The anger dissipated nearly as quickly as it came. "Oh? Is something wrong? Another way to say it is that the shoemaker has the most holes in his shoes. Even if I know your advice is truthful and it would help me, I am far too busy with taking care of others before I can help myself... And I know it." Of course, it would take a miracle, nay, more than a miracle for her to enact change with the other fairies of her station. Others had tried and failed. It never ended well... "...Thank you. For caring enough to remind me. Not many are brave enough to remind a fairy of what's under her nose. That's admirable."
Screw 'warm dispositions.' Screw friendly. The laughter merely makes him glare. ...It's difficult to keep the stare up on hearing such sad words though. 'Not allowed to have both.' Yeah... that is what it feels like. You have selfishness or selflessness. And he's made his choice - selfish. It's always how he loses someone, never how the person felt being lost, or how the killer felt being put on the spot, thinking of it to be the only way out. It's usually what he wants. Exceptions, perhaps, but the record does show selfishness, he'd imagine. He encourages it in others too. Selfless now feels so cruel now - such as sparing a person from the truth. Regardless the hardened stare does try to keep up. Even as her smile fades. Longing. He was right on that. ...Fascinating is a little creepy to hear. So that's what it's like to be on the other end of the microscope. ...He does freeze at her final words, though, unable to keep the glare up for much longer. Take his own advice? Worry about himself? Hasn't he done enough of that?
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"...I have," hasn't he?, "thank you very much. I'm not saying it because I've yet to make that choice for myself. I'm saying that because it's ridiculous, to have people in the savior role and be so unhappy over it." Maybe not mention he's almost just as unhappy as a villain as a hero though, purely because he simply feels like there's no other choice than to continue to partake in business and capitalism. It's the closest thing he has to achieving power. But it's not real power, like her's.
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
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Let's just check- Yeah, ain't one of hers. It's fine. Let the kid live a little.
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<- She, who has 5 bugs in her mouth rn-
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
as the blue fairy leaves a trail of destruction on your dash tonight hi.
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
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"I am really real! Oh goodness..." Immediately, Blue is reaching for Shy's hands. "Every time someone comes up with a story about me, it becomes part of me. You were not the only one to recognize me as a deer." She gives Shy's hands a little squeeze. It's comforting and a little overbearing; like a grandmother about to gift you a heavy sweater. "But you are one of them. You helped make that legend, do you know that?" She slowly releases Shy's hands. "Thank you. I don't have a name, not a real one. Each time someone gives me an identity...I get more of a sense of myself. Your project helped me become more of myself. I'm not a faceless fairy in the star because you dreamed of me... I hope you're still wishing. I can't always check the names, the wishes are so many... But... do you wish like you did when you were little?" Her face falls. "I remember... your life wasn't easy."
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"You're really real! This is silly, but when I was a kid, I had a special constellation I made up for a school project...I've been wishing on that deer for years and it's just nice to know she's real. Or, you're real. It's nice to meet you."
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
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"I am! And the bear. Some people also call me the plow? A very odd choice... But, I go by many names... Blue is my chosen color, but I am fine with any name you choose for me."
She claps her hands. Ooh, she's been recognized. She taps her feet.
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Wait hole up, is Miss Blue the deer in the sky that protects wishes?
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
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If only she could. That would have been put on Pinocchio the second he was brought to life! But she can watch over Simba, much like a fairy godmother does. What's another name on the list to worry after? Clearly, he deserves it. Wish granted. No conditions or fine print.
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Hey Blue? If you're still listening, please please please don't let Simba get hurt. That's it. That's his wish.
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
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Her heart dropped. If only it could be different. If only she could reach back through time and change things. There would be many more children who hadn't lost their fathers and mothers. Simba, in particular, would still be able to still explore without heaviness on his heart. "I cannot change things... Even though I may wish it alongside you, it is the one thing I do not have the power to do. It would upset the balance." Her meager smile returns. Of course a king has to impart as much wisdom as he can on an impressionable mind. They never know when they're about to leave this world... There's a tiny sigh as she reaches down to pluck a blade of grass and holds it towards Simba. "Just as your father said. When we die, our bodies become the grass. That grass gets eaten by antelope or wildebeest. And little princes like you have to eat to become big and strong. It's a circle. But there's also a spark that lives on, joining the stars. The lights above... Sort of like how we become the grass. A little bit of dust will join that stardust, all part of a grand circle. It's a circle we cannot upset... What is done is..." Her voice cracked. Even if he was a lion, he was still a child. He was still hurting. Her eyes began to mist over. "When those like the Great Kings speak, it's often because the message is important. There is danger, most often. I've never seen it happen in my time, I'm afraid. But I do know it can happen." Something. Anything. Just a little something would have brought peace but as far as Simba knew, it seemed there was nothing. One hand rested against the fairy's chest for a moment. "It means you're not in danger. You're very safe here. Your father can watch over you carefully... They aren't really the answers you were hoping for. I'm sorry, young prince... These aren't very happy answers. But I can promise you..." She exhales and keeps her eyes on Simba. "He will be there. Even when the sun rises and you can't see the stars? He's still there. I am, too. But he is, especially so!"
Simba's eyes followed the trail of where her finger was pointing. "Your star is big! And...those..." Once his eyes locked on the nine stars, that's when he stepped forward forcing a gulp down his throat. "He's really been watching me from up there? The whole time?" Tears were brimming in his eyes as he spoke. This was the most hopeful he'd felt since arriving in the jungle itself aside from the duo finding him. "Dad! I can see you now up there. The blue moth lady helped and...I miss you. I really miss you a lot. I'm sorry for what I did to you... Really sorry."
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A few stray tears fell down his face as he sat down once more before addressing the fairy's second part of her explanation. "H-he is?" Sending signs? The cub had never thought about it before at all. "Dad didn't really tell me about fate stuff. He just said that when we die our bodies become grass and that animals eat the grass." the cub answered with a sniffle. "What if I want fate to be different? What if-" Simba paused. "You watch over everything, right? Can you...can you make him come back? I dunno if he can hear me all the way up there. He never said if the Great Kings can talk to you or not. Just that they live up in the stars."
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
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It's fine. She'll just give Rapunzel some very cute dreams tonight. If she's not getting kissed by a cricket, someone needs to get kissed this month.
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^ Clueless
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
Okay, mun has finished off a small bag of jerky. Time to swing for the knees.
Not my knees cause they are RUINED hahahahaha :)
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
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It's honest work!
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Very rewarding to see those happily ever afters. And happily ever afters in progress... Hint hint? Hmmmm?
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If I had a nickel for every celestial entity that quietly had my back, I'd have at least two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's quite confusing that it's happened twice.
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
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There's an entire department she has to go check for that one. Give her a week, but she's pretty optimistic for this one! And no pixie dust will have to be consumed, so even better!
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❝ I wish I wish with all my heart— to fly with dragons in a land apart . ❞
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
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She's always watching. Even if she can't pour out every little bit of pixie dust to protect every single being, dry each tear, and right each wrong, she can at least watch over all of them. If she can watch them all, at least it means she can catch them before it's too late. ...But maybe that's not enough...
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wxshxngstxr · 4 months
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"Bureaucracy is magic. A horrible, horrible magic but at least we have glitter ink and holographic stamps." She eyes Timon up and down and considers the idea. A dog? There's a tiny giggle she has to cover her mouth for. "Ooh, not with those teeth. You'd turn a scorpion into a shrimp cocktail in a minute! A dog... that's just silly. You've got as much in common with a dog as a hyena has in common with a dog." She smirks. She knows. Oh she knows. The Blue Fairy glances at her nails and picks at them, humming to herself. "That's so? Really? Oh... disappointing. Well..." She perks her head up, mouthing out another message. 'I know.' Back to the nails! They are particularly interesting. "If anything does arise, I'd love to figure it out." The nails are no longer interesting and she raises her eyebrows to stare down Timon. "You're not really outcasts when you create your own family, Timon. If I can give you any reward for your selflessness, know that what you have created is beautiful..." She turns on her heels. "I've overstayed my welcome. Wishes to grant. Fireflies to wrangle!"
"Yeah, it definitely wasn't me! Maybe it was somebody with a similar angelic voice! Ugh, that reminds me, some mook thought I was a dog a while ago! How does that even happen? I look nothin' like--wait, fairies have paperwork? I thought that was all done by magic! What gives?"
That makes no sense. He figures magic could solve pretty much every problem, even something as tedious as that.
Not nearly as weird as the way the fairy is smiling now, though. He starts to back away slowly, shaking his head with each question, feeling an internal alarm going off.
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