nmwords1198-blog · 7 years
talking in your head in your target language
▶ 🔘──────── 52:43:10
actually talking to ppl in your target language
▶ 🔘──────── 00:03
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nmwords1198-blog · 7 years
Isn't it frustrating to have all the will in you to do it, but it just never works out...
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nmwords1198-blog · 7 years
They now know too much and care too less
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nmwords1198-blog · 7 years
For her, he looks like a poetry. for him, she looks like a wondrous wonderland.
ZC (via randvanverlangen)
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nmwords1198-blog · 7 years
Like a shadow, I am and I am not.
Rumi (via waterhousewrites)
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nmwords1198-blog · 7 years
I wont be a prisoner of your love, but, a rescuer of such love.
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nmwords1198-blog · 7 years
What surprises me is that People are constantly surprised. Surprised at what lengths humans Can go, whether in terms of Discovery or destruction. Surprised by the brashness of Brutality, the ends of the specturm. Surprised how extreme the Ends of said spectrum truly are. But also I wonder, if my constant Unimpressed state is a product of Desensitization. But to this I would Argue we have evidence of such a Reoccurring specturm each day, if One takes the time to acknowledge, One will lose the feeling of astonishment.
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nmwords1198-blog · 7 years
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nmwords1198-blog · 7 years
When I started to write again I wasn’t the same person I’d been Slowly I had to warm up to the pen
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nmwords1198-blog · 7 years
When heart and mind confront
I feel like aloping, yet I don’t want to I feel like bailing out, yet my future is here I feel mad, yet it was nobody’s fault I feel guilty, yet I did nothing I feel lost, yet I have the map on my hands I feel prisoned, yet everything is given to me I feel nothing, yet everything is felt I feel breathless, yet I’m still breathing My feelings don’t match my reality My heart doesn’t think right Even when my head is whispering “you’re okay” My heart is screaming in my hollow chest “What is wrong with you!” “Nothing” I think “Everything” I feel.
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nmwords1198-blog · 8 years
Be the voice of your voice
Though your head my wander and be filled with questions yet to be answered, it is no use if it is not expressed, a dream will still be a dream if words don’t reflect what you aspire to, words will have no value if my actions do not sustain the merit of your words. It all starts with a dream, a thought, it is up to me if that dream fades away as memory does, or leave legacy that will last as man and generations to come. -nm
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nmwords1198-blog · 8 years
Sweet sound of nothing
Mixed feelings inside, Blurry thoughts on my head, I want a friend, Yet I love loneliness, Carving for some company, Yet I found silence so majestic, Does that makes me a bad person?
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nmwords1198-blog · 8 years
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art by Erika Somogyi 
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nmwords1198-blog · 8 years
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More quotes here
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nmwords1198-blog · 8 years
Date someone who is a home and an adventure all at once.
(via deeplifequotes)
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