so called free thinkers when h-o-t t-o g-o you can take me hot to go
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it is genuinely bewildering to me that adult human beings do not know this but if you are mean to people they will not like you. like tbh they are probably also not going to like you if you are mean to other people but they are definitely not going to like you if you are mean to them. it doesn’t matter if you are funny or if you can use r/aita rules to prove that you are in the right. people simply so not enjoy being treated like shit.
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a lot of the people you guys are calling narcissists could easily be replaced with the word “asshole”
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Nah I was right earlier when I said fuck telling people things actually
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I know I’ve posted about this but I still think about the time I was a dog groomer in the middle of nowhere and that old lady called in and said she had a wolf and we were like whatever and booked her because sooo many people who say they even have wolf crosses actually just have GSD/malamute crosses or whatever so she came in and it was actually a wolf and I was like ma’am idk if I can bathe your wolf actually and she was like I told you it was a wolf and I was like I mean. That’s true you are correct this is on us. However,
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I've noticed at a lot of the social stuff I go to now, I'm one of the few there who doesn't drink, and I was reminded of the smoking poll. So now I'm curious.
(See below poll for some notes)
*"regularly" meaning you drink even when there's no occasion to motivate it. Basically, not just social drinking.
**If you've had alcohol before but don't drink anymore for any reason, choose no.
This is a ZERO JUDGMENT poll! Every answer is equally valid, and you DO NOT have to explain your answer if you don't want to!
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Stalker type behavior but okay
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had a fascinating dream last night where there was a new, virally popular trading card game - it was called MOUNTAIN (stylised in all caps) and the whole gimmick was that you couldn’t buy boosters or anything - you had to find them?
nowhere sold MOUNTAIN - I mean, I expect players did, once cards were in their hands.
but acquiring cards meant noticing a box lying around, and just….nabbing it? they’d be in weird places - in a skip, wedged high up in a fence, nestled in the branches of a tree? nobody ever saw who left them there, and there was a lot of debate about how MOUNTAIN boxes were sometimes hard to acquire without risking one’s physical safety - but then, that was also bragging rights. especially as harder-to-reach boxes seemed to contain more elusive and sought after cards…
no, I don’t remember anything about the actual gameplay, we never played any MOUNTAIN. alas. I know there were “frame cards” that were literally transparent but for a fancy metallic or holographic border, which I guess upgraded the card they were applied to? frames were super rare, my coworker literally ran up to me in the pub purely to show off the frame he’d just found
dream brain gimme the deets on MOUNTAIN’s actual mechanics, I’m invested in this controversial unpurchasable scavenger hunt game
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Might fuck around get absolutely no sleep and then crash HARD at work tomorrow
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people are always like "Oh a vampire wouldn't get horny while drinking someone's blood, that's like getting horny while eating a sandwich" and like man have you never had a really good fucking sandwich?
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Is this what they would call sublime?
As I stand among the pouring rain,
Droplets clinging to my hair,
To my ears, to my eyebrows,
Rolling down my face, like tears
That have long since forgotten
How they used to freely flow
Is this what they would call sublime?
The quiet downpour without,
The silent agony within,
Dancing together in perfect rhythm,
A broken heart keeping time
With the sorrowful weeping
Of the very heavens above
Is this what they would call sublime?
The way my soul cries out
In rapturous despair as raindrops
Gently hammer the Earth all around,
Pouring down God's lamentation,
Not a loud and raging thing,
But a quiet and regretful whisper -
Is this what they call sublime?
That at the end, the very skies
Should all but whisper Goodbye?
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*melting ice in my glass clatters as it settles*
Me: Will you shut the fuck up for one second
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"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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Cashiers should not only have chairs, they should have raised platforms to sit on so they can look down at anyone who purchases anything
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i’m not aromantic but i believe in their beliefs
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PSA: if you describe your sexy demons as "smelling sulphurous/like brimstone," that's not just vague mystical words.
Those are real smells.
They smell like farts.
Please know this. I'm begging you.
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