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God damn I’ve been Owned…
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For those curious:
Our lowest 3 smash are
2.4 for the Elon Musk poll
2.7 for the charles III
4.6 dor Ellen Degeneres
Our highest 3 smash are
95.5 for the second Sigourney Weaver poll
93 for the Appalachian Moutains
92 for the type 30 rotary phone
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More art inspired by my recent trip to Europe. This one is based on the drowned church tower I saw in Italy. The village of Curon was flooded to create a hydroelectric plant in the 1950's and this tower is all that remains.
Closeup of the cats~
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Here's a sneak peek of how I painted this. The full hours long video process will be DMed on my Patreon on Sept 5
The photo I took, it was raining so I did it really quick, you can even see my finger in the corner trying to cover the camera lol
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When the builder/farmer/villager wakes up an npc to give them their commissions
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When your boba is crunchy instead of chewy 🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌟
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Finally finished this piece about the toxic beauty standards imposed by my parents while growing up. Painting all those eyes felt both meditating and drove me insane.
TW: child abuse
I included some of the comments my family has made about my appearance over the years, some of which are contradicting, just to show how impossible it was to please their toxic beauty standards. To them, I was always too skinny and too fat at 115lb. And being 5'6 was too short.
My mom told me to get plastic surgery for my monolid eyes, because only double lidded eyes are considered beautiful by Chinese standards. She pointed to her friend's daughter, who did get plastic surgery for her entire face, and said how much better the girl looked, how I should be like that.
My dad commented on my flat chest, asking how come my mom has boobs while I don't. My stepmom pointed out the frown lines around my lips, saying I don't smile enough. My stepmom always bullied me to the point of crying (by calling my mom a whore and such), so she knows exactly why I don't smile enough. My stepdad said my personality is too horrible to get a normal job, so I would have to prostitute myself, but that I'm too ugly to get clients so I would starve. When I told my mom what he said, she told me to stop lying.
After a lot of therapy for my CPTSD, I can look back and realize that they were the ugly ones, in all sense of the word. But for so long I had such little self-esteem, I would avoid photos. At my first artist alley over a decade ago, fans of my art wanted photos with me but I was too ashamed of myself to accept. I've improved a lot and no longer fear being photographed. I still struggle with other aspects of my childhood abuse (a story for a different day), but with each passing year I feel like I'm regaining bits of myself.
A peek of the painting process, the full hours long videos will be DMed on my Patreon on Sep 5th
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To anyone considering not voting because of the Palestinian genocide, I have this to ask:
How many Palestinian people do you think you're helping by laying back and inviting the GOP to crush you under foot? Self flagellation didn't cure The Plague, and it won't fix this situation either.
If you don't like the idea of voting for Harris, I doubt I'll be able to change your mind, but consider this: 468 congressional seats out of a total 535 are up for re-election THIS NOVEMBER. You want to make the government start actually representing the will of the people? Start there.
We're living in frightening times, and apathy is a very comfortable state of being, but you need to act. If you don't, who will?
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compassionate self-reflection ❤️
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artist: quentin monge
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i got these knockoff boots online and instead of the brand name on the tag they have the name of an apparently nonexistent martin scorsese movie??? what the fuck
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