Should I have left the storm when the lightening stuck?
My dear that is all part of the fun, to gaze upon the sky and wonder
Is it luck or have I survived by greater love?
I supposed either way it's luck, isn't it?
Do be loved so greatly by something we can never and have never understood
I think that's such a fortunate love to have
Don't you?
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I love the scars of nature,
The marks left from the Earth.
She's claimed you as her own,
Placed a mark uncopied by man.
Each rock that cut, every branch snapped back
Earth has left a calling card upon your skin,
A message to others and a promise within.
They do not strike out of anger or rage,
Only of protection and claim.
I love the marks given by the Earth,
A reminder we belong to so much more than humanity's works
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Can you hold me?
My love I'm tired of being strong
Can I rest here?
In your arms, where it feels I belong
Can you whisper to me?
Bless me with your melody
Can I return the favor?
Hold you in my arms awhile later
Can we believe in the future?
A bright patch we'll build together but for now...
Can you hold me close?
Let your heartbeat sooth my aching soul
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Perhaps love is not the feeling we share
Maybe it's the wind blowing through the trees
Playing music for us
Maybe it's the ground under us
Solid and firm, but it's grass soft
Maybe it is the clouds that shape themself for us
The patterns we pick out of water and dust
Maybe love is not just between us
Instead it is around us, in every breathe we take
In every step we make
We are passing by the biggest ocean of love,
Isn't it nice of it to share with us?
I see the sun sparkle in your eyes, hear the birds sing in your laugh
Nature has gifted you its love
How could I ever thank you for sharing it with me?
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Breathe out the air of broken promises
Leave behind the chains of love ones lost
We are here together, let's not worry about what that cost
Lay your head on me, let me soften the wind
This storm called life will not do us in
With your hands locked with mine we'll sway in the chaos
It will not stop us from hearing the young song of new beginnings
It is quiet, it is faint, but with your head on mine I swear I can hear it clear as day
Sway with me my darling, let's forget the raging world
All that matters is our dance and the song we sing
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Spin me the stories of your past.
Show me the brunt pages of your regrets
Proudly display the gold trimmed books of your success
Allow me past the cover, into the words of your life
Deny me not your mistakes, show me your progress
Do not hide what you've been or what you hope to be
Allow me to sooth the wrinkles from too rough hands
I will give you mine too, let's read together before writing our future
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Your heartbeat brings me peace, your gentle hold makes me safe.
What more could I ask for than to trust in you, to have you? Outside, they wage fight after fight.
But in your arms I am safe, and in mine you are protected.
Just for now, we bring calm to each other.
And that's more than enough.
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Someone can be so god damn adorable then get surprised when you call them adorable as fuck.
What did you expect me to do, not compliment you for being your cute ass self? Take my affection you beautiful dork.
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You use neopronouns?
*blows platonic kiss* I love you.
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do you ever feel EXTRA touch starved like you鈥檙e just laying around and suddenly it鈥檚 just If I Do Not Experience Affection Right Now I Will Die And That Is A Promise
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A lovesick fool.
I think about that often, why are they a fool? Because they fell in love?
Or is it because they see the waves getting rockyer and rockyer. The icy splash against their face as their boat starts to be thrown around. They see it all, they know they're going to drown.
So they dive right in.
Does that make them a fool?
Love is a blissful lie, says the broken and destroyed.
Love is a journey, says the old and aged.
Love is life, says the fool.
Label me a fool. I'll galdy drown if I drown with you.
A lovesick fool indeed
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My forhead aganist yours as we sway back and forth, holding your hands with both of mine, your palms pressed to mine.
We dance, too little space in our kitchen but when has it ever mattered to me and you? When our bodies were pressed together, drunk on our own laughter.
When had it ever mattered? Where we choose to dance, the kitchen, the living room, the front door.
When our hands joined, and we filled the little space between us with love, nothing mattered but us. The way your eyes shined when my lips would press to the side of your mouth, or the giggles when I press quick kisses to your chin and neck.
You always did giggle, complaining that I was tickling you, but you would wrap your arms around my neck to pull me closer.
Your laughter is still the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.
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Their fingers dance along your skin, a conversation you can't hear but you understand all the same.
The ghost like touch to your wrist, lifted just slighlty for their lips to brush over your knuckles. You didn't have to fight here, they were here.
Each press of their fingers to your neck, the way they tilt your neck up to rest their chin on your collar bone. You can trust me, they whisper in their touches
Each touch is a whisper, a promise, so genuine and solid it sometimes made you dizzy. The unrelenting love they had for you, the trust you had in them. Their lips press softly to your jaw. Don't stress, they tell you with each kiss, everything is okay.
And you believe them.
The tap of their head to your chest, right over your heart as their arms hold you tightly, singles the end of their affectionate mapping. You are home, and I am home with you.
There will be more, you don't speak the language well but you're learning. You slide your hand in their hair. I'm not leaving, you tell them, this is home. Almost a whisper even if no words are spoken.
This is home, wrapped in eachother.
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The world is a far off worry in here, curled together as soft kisses are pressed up your arm. Following a path you can't see but know well enough by now, the slight curve of their lips as they smile in your neck, their hand brushing through your hair almost thoughtlessly.
Every worry and fear fades away at the gentle affection, the feather light press of lips a whispered promise aganist your skin.
When they finally press their lips to your mouth, it's so so soft. Like they're afraid of pressing down too far, like it's all a dream and too much pressure will break the world carefully crafted in these walls.
But for now, between the soft kisses and your arms around them, you're reality is safe. You're both safe.
And everything else fades away as you press your lips back to them, returning their whispered kiss with your own.
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I want to hold someone, run my fingers through their hair and have them relax against me. I want to hold them when they're sleeping, knowing I've earned that trust. I want to see them sleeping peaceful, feel their warmth seeping into my skin when we may there.
Just to cuddle with the purest intention of being close, thats what I want.
8 notes View notes
seeing someone flirt with you off anon was... kind of hot
i kind of agree. wish a lot of my anons would come off anon 馃槫
anons are limited, if they came off we could like,, dm and shit and it wouldn鈥檛 be limited to however many anons are allowed per day
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Hey some people sent anons after meeting him
seeing someone flirt with you off anon was... kind of hot
i kind of agree. wish a lot of my anons would come off anon 馃槫
anons are limited, if they came off we could like,, dm and shit and it wouldn鈥檛 be limited to however many anons are allowed per day
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