noblegreeneyes · 9 years
This website is nothing but scum. You preach your whole social justice parade of bullshit but where is the hypocrisy when you try and bully a talented artist like zamii070 to the point of a suicide attempt your despicable human beings. I have seen this artist around making the best homestuck art and her work is so good but oh no skinny amethyst and fuck all that. NO fuck you for trying to take someone as beautiful as her away from this world over something as trivial as how an artist chooses to draw a character. WHAT GIVES YOU THE FUCKING RIGHT YOU PIECES OF SHIT......... no fuck you, fuck this my hope goes out to zamii070 ..... your a talented artist and i have always followed your work on deviantart. Seriously stay strong you amazing human being.
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
I think I'm done with this website. I never really did anything on this besides complain as a source to vent stress/ looking at my favorite artist fanfic or otherwise but I realized this websites not for me. The things people say in the tags I follow make me feel sad. Opinions on things I always saw as harmless like genderbend (or whatever you want to call it) and just straight up saying people who even read things like that are terrible makes me feel bad. Plus being male and straight also seems like a bad thing for certain peeps on this site. So I guess this is it. On the bright side I can move on in life feeling better knowing that I don't have to feel bad for opinions I may have or for being a guy and straight. So been a long 3 years thanks to the peeps who followed me and to anyone who was able to read this trash I'm out.
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
(Stomache)- grumbles Me- dude stop I don't have food (Stomache)- grumbles vehemently Me - What did I just say
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
Tumblr media
When your homestuck trash and your shirt reflects it
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
Welp there goes my self esteem about being average in appearance. Wow do I feel sad about how I look.
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
You know you have some type of problem when you use this websites tags as a source of anger to fuel your daily activity. Also good for extreme emotion control and to switch up emotions at certain intervals.
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
Delicious mom spaghetti
Just had some mom spaghetti and I started fucking checking my palms their sweaty. I wasn't wearing a sweater but I'm sure vomit was there already. I wasn't nervous I was calm and ready. Wasn't able to drop bombs I kept on forgetting. I do this every time my mom makes spaghetti and now I know why I'm a loser.
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
There’s a John Cena dating sim and I'm fucking crying. From out of nowhere it’s John Cena senpai. Tears everywhere.
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
Always funny how when I try to have polite conversation with friends it somehow spirals into it was my privilege stories.
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
Sometimes in life you realize you just put 14 hours of your life in a game. Life well spent.
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
What if life was nothing more than a sim game and some other sentient being is playing and watching us but they themselves were part of a sim game.
I’ve played too much video games for one night….. Excuse me….
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
I'm really overweight and I feel guilty knowing my doctor told me to lose weight. I keep trying but for some reason my body keeps saying nope. T-T
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
Wakes up to animu songs blaring in the background. I don't even know why I ironically decided to make my alarm the oreimo op but ehh.
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the new teen titans go episode is trying to subtly send a message to old teen Titan fans who dislike the show. Hmmmm
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
I want John to be the pimp man. Get Roxy and Terezi Johnny boy show them your man grit.
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
Skype bot
Hey if some random person adds you on skype going under username natashablanco8 block them. It's a bot ableit a funny bot. Stay safe kiddos and don't click porn links.
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noblegreeneyes · 9 years
Buying this new 3ds xl was worth if only for xenoblade chronicles. My boy shulk and his thick accent. I'm really feeling it.
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